Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 657: The Blood Church

Lin Lang and others left Guojia Village.

Wang Lao and Qi San tried to invite Lin Lang to go to Tian Mo Ling. Lin Lang wondered that he is now a lonely one anyway. It goes the same way. It is not bad to see Tian Mo Ling, one of the seven forbidden places in the legend.

Tian Mo Ling.

One of the seven forbidden areas in the Kunxu boundary, compared to the other six forbidden areas, Tianmo Ling is arguably the least dangerous one. Tian Mo Ling itself is not dangerous, and rarely forms a natural Jedi like other forbidden grounds. Its danger only manifests in the human heart.

Because of the vast area of ​​Tian Mo Ling, many monks who have offended Tian Zong or the major forces have nowhere to hide will choose to go to Tian Mo Ling. Everyone here is an extremely sinister murderer. He doesn't know how much blood debt he carries.

These murderers gathered together, and over time, formed a unique force on the side of Tian Mo Ling. It is worth mentioning that, in addition to the monk's side in Tian Mo Ling, there is another race.

That is the descendants of the demons.

It's just that these descendants of the Demon Clan have always been briefed out in depth, usually only around Tian Mo Ling, and rarely show up in the territory of the Kunxu border.

A few hours later, Lin Lang and others landed together

A blood-stained demon soil, in front of a wide long ridge across the front.

It is not a long mountain, but it is better to call it a vast mountain, and look at it as if it is a continuous ridge. It's only a little shorter in height and it's called Tian Mo Ling.

There is a dark red earth at the eye, and the surrounding air is full of blood and tyranny. As long as you stand here, the whole person will be unknowingly affected by the mind and become slain.

"Tian Mo Ling covers a vast area, covering thousands of miles before and after. It is said to be the territory of the ancient Tian Mo. The group of demons feed on monks of various races to capture dragons and kill saints. Over time, the blood of these fallen powers has formed Tian Mo Ling Ominous Land. "

"Of course, this may only be a legend of nothingness, but the descendants of the Demon Clan in Tian Mo Ling are real, and each of them is unprecedentedly powerful, far more powerful than the monks of human race."

Wang Laoqi smiled and introduced. The three of them introduced Lin Lang into Tian Mo Ling. Lin Lang spread his consciousness and glanced around briefly, and found that Tian Mo Ling is indeed worthy of the name.

Just walking over a distance of more than 20 miles, I have seen large and small, no less than ten battles, and even two people immortal did not know whether there was any revenge, and the **** battle broke out directly. Headed up and left.

Killing and fighting are the eternal tone here.

Soon, several people came in front of a cottage. The cottage is equipped with an arrow tower fence, and there is a brick building in the distance. It looks very simple, and only a few people are guarding around the cottage.

The setting of the arrow tower and the fence cannot stop the monk, but it is only a symbolic meaning, which represents the delineated territory, which has been occupied by the Blood Church.

"The aura here is really strong." Lin Lang looked a little bit deeper. The aura near here was much richer than the outside world, just like some cultivation dense places.

"Four old and seven, you're finally back." A rough voice came. Then came a big man from the cottage, more than two meters tall, standing there like a tower.

This person's cultivation is not weak, and has reached the level of the peak of immortality.

"I heard that you were being watched by the running dog of Chang Wangfu. The second sister was so anxious when she received the news that she quickly dropped her affairs and sought you. I never thought you would come back by yourself."

The iron tower of the strong man has a big nerve, and it seems that Lin Lang was only found here, so he frowned, and said, "Why did you bring back an outsider?"

Hexuetang has plundered the major powers in recent years and does not know how many veins. It has always been the nail of the eyes of the major sects. I ca n’t wait to break into Tianmo Ling to destroy them. It is also common to send them undercover.

In doing this, they always tied their heads to their belts. The most concealed focus was on action, and they couldn't afford to miss a bit. Even the appearance of a traitor inside was enough to make the whole operation fail, or even the entire army to be destroyed.

Therefore, it is not unreasonable for the iron tower strong man to alert Lin Lang.

"San brother, you misunderstood, this is our three life-saving benefactors. Without him, our third brother would have been killed by Fan Xing's dog thief." Nigga smiled.

"Three brothers, you have to worry about it. Everyone else may be an undercover agent sent by Tianzong, but he alone is impossible." Wang Laoqi also said.

"How impossible, did you forget the last time the traitor sent by Yunlang Palace with a bitter flesh plan, let us fall into the siege of Tianzong, if the church owner broke through in time, I'm afraid we will be more fierce."

"Since then, the host has made rules, and from now on, he will not recruit new people, especially the leadership of Renxian." The iron tower strong man is not salty or indifferent.

"If the third brother knows his identity, I'm afraid he won't say so." Wang Laoqi smiled: "Do you think Lin Youye, who offends the four Heavenly Sects at the same time, might be undercover sent by Tiansong?"

"Is he Lin Youye?" The third child stared at him with an incredible light in his eyes. Lin Youye, that was a fierce character who turned the Northern Territory upside down. He killed the Seven Sons in Kunxu, and burned an earth fairy.

This is a peerless murderer!

The third child kept looking at Lin Lang, and it seemed difficult to associate the infamous Lin Youye with the scholar-like scholar in front of him.

"It turned out to be Brother Lin, disrespectful and disrespectful. I didn't speak well before, and I still hope Haihan." The oldest laughed and greeted Lin Lang into the cottage with everyone.

Although there is no need to worry about Lin Youye's identity at the moment, it is not a blessing or a curse to bring such a tricky character to Xunxuetang.

"Big time, the elder brother should have almost captured the second-class sect's door. The matter of Lin Youye, I can only wait for the elder brother to come back before making a decision." The third thought secretly.

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