Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 683: Monster island

On the way to chase the weird, the two had unknowingly chased into the inner circle of the psychedelic imagination and still did not know it until the strangeness came.

The weirdness in the magical state of the mind is that the demon that is born has great strength. No matter what kind of hole card you have, the magical body that the magical demon has transformed will be copied originally, and it is even stronger than the deity.

The monks who often enter the fantasy world will often die in the hands of their own monsters and be killed by their own monsters. This is the strangest place in the fantasy world.

And the deeper you go into the fantasy, the more powerful the birth of the monster is, and the duration will increase with the distance from the fantasy.

Just cross the dividing line between the inner and outer edges.

The birth of a demon lasts from an hour to a few days. The half-minute demon may not pose a great threat to the monk, but if it can last an hour, it will be enough to end a battle.

Even kill the monk deity!

It is very unfortunate that when the two of Lin Lang had just stepped into the inner perimeter, the second weirdness happened to happen, and it was too late to think about it, and the demon had begun to breed.

Qin Ya's heart demon was first formed.

Her demon is an old man with a bleak face, with a white eyebrow and a sword on his back, but instead of looking like a fairy-tale, he has a ferocious feeling.

He had the appearance of a bad person, and he was very vicious, except that the bad person was getting old.

"This is the old man of Chang Wangfu." Lin Lang frowned. He had seen the portrait of the old man at Chang Wangfu, so this special look made him remember it fresh.

I just do n’t know what holiday between Qin Ya and the old king, so that she became the eternal demon of Qin Ya.

But after a while, Qin Ya and Lao Changwang fought together. Wang Chang's phantom phantom is powerful and comparable to a Taoist immortal, but Qin Ya only has the peak of the immortal realm.

Therefore, fighting is difficult.

What's more frightening is that Qin Yahui ’s old-fashioned king Wang Hui is even higher than her in the realm. Even if Qin Ya tries her best, after hundreds of strokes, there are still big and small seven or eight on the body. Road wound.

Her fuchsia dress was also affected by the battle, and a few gaps were torn to reveal the faint spring.

But at the moment, Qin Ya didn't care about these things. When she saw the appearance of Lao Changwang, her eyes became red, blinded by infinite hatred, she rushed to Lao Changwang desperately.

Even if she knew that she was not the real old king.

Strange to say, no matter how Qin Ya attacks Lao Changwang, and how to reveal layers of cards, Lao Changwang can duplicate her moves, even stronger.

Lin Lang saw all this with his own eyes, but he didn't step in, because his demon was about to take shape.

The incarnation of the demon bred by others is only one realm stronger than the deity, but his eccentricity seems to be more than just a small realm.

What he needs to face is a demon comparable to Dixian, even stronger. At present, it has condensed into a vaguely human-shaped outline, and the coercion emanating from it has become stronger.

Of course, Lin Lang could not wait silly for the demons to form. He also tried to dispel the demons, but no matter how he tried, any magical power could only penetrate through the demons and not dispel them.

"Maybe I can try to attack with the breath of heaven." Lin Lang's heart moved. The breath of heaven restrains all evil spirits, and may have a certain restraint effect on the demon.

When this kind of thought rose from his heart, Lin Lang immediately put it into action, mobilizing a hint of heavenly air to wind his fingertips, and blasted forward.

The humanoid phantom was immediately blasted out of a large hole.

"Sure enough."

Lin Lang's eyes flickered, and the old technique was re-implemented. A large amount of heavenly breath was attached to the palm of his hand, turning his palm into a knife, and then smashing the slayer that was about to form.

No other avatars have taken shape since then.

The demon avatar restrained the monk, but Lin Lang, who possessed the heavenly body, in turn restrained the demon avatar, which could not be described as falling from one thing to another.

Then Lin Lang turned his eyes to the old demon king Chang Qin who was opposite Qin Ya.

At this moment Qin Ya has been defeated under the repression of the old Demon King, and the strong Old King has severely wounded her.

Qin Yahun's body was torn up and down, with the white skin looming along with movements, some areas were bruised, and his shoulders were penetrated by the sword of the old king.

Blood spilled.

Her situation is not optimistic.

However, she was completely disregarding her injuries and was still frantically attacking the old king. She wore a haircut and had a cut on her face, which did not resemble the image of the top ten beauties in Midland.

God knows what deep hatred there is between them.

In the end, Qin Ya was almost unable to support it. On several occasions, she was almost killed by the old king. Lin Lang came to Qin Ya's side and shot the old king to disperse.

Qin Ya was stunned for a moment, then a tired smile appeared on her face: "Thank you, but I must kill him next time."

Having said that.

Qin Ya's body was weak, and she collapsed in Lin Lang's arms. Wenxiang nephrite is in her arms, exuding the sweet fragrance of the heart and spleen.

Lin Lang couldn't help showing a bitter smile, took out a few healing elixir from Space Spirit Ring, and stuffed it into Qin Ya's mouth. Then sit cross-legged, take out a hill-like spirit stone pile, and start to improve.

After about three or five days.

Qin Yayou woke up and recovered most of her injuries. She noticed her ragged clothes, a flush appeared on her face, and quickly took out a large robe to wrap her body.


The two began to discuss the march to Mo Ling Island.


When it comes to the inner circle of the magical heart, there is an endless starry sky, but there is no star in front of it, and some are just a vast and endless island exuding a watery blue shimmer.

Deep and mysterious.

This is the inner circle of the magical realm of magic, the magic island. There are a lot of demons on the island, which can also be called indigenous humans, but most monks in the Kunxu community are used to calling them demons.

The appearance of these demon spirits is no different from that of ordinary people, but the biggest difference is that they are not human beings, but are transformed into elixir. If they are killed, they will expose the body and become a potion that can be slaughtered by others.

And there are so many peculiarities on the Demon Island. The survivors are not limited to the indigenous demon. Various secrets have not been dug up until now.

Killing a demon represents a potion. There are many demon on the island of demon. Each one is a walking potion and has always coveted monks.

It's just that the demonic group is too powerful. There are more than one earth fairy-level demons sitting in the town. With the power of the monks who entered the magical realm of the heart, they can't fight at all.

Therefore, monks in the Kunxu kingdom would carefully hide their identities after entering the Demon Island, secretly hunting the demon, and beware of identity leakage.

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