The Kuang Lan County declared war on the four big counties at the same time. It can also be called the new county king of the Kuang Lan Country declared war on the four surrounding neighbors and announced the date of surrender.

For a while, the wind was rumbling.

It is impossible to be subservient to the status of the four major county kings. Even facing a strong man such as the Demon Emperor, he just listens to the tune and does not listen to the publicity.

It was naturally impossible for the four of them to sit back and wait for the emperor to send the news to them. At the same time, they blocked the city and restricted access, and dispatched a large number of troops to defend the city.

Opened a large array of guarding the king city.

In this way, their security will naturally improve a lot, even if they face joint attacks from other counties, they will be enough for a few days, until the arrival of the Emperor's reinforcements.

Three days passed by.

The four great county kings did not reply to Lin Lang.

This was the case for a month and a half. Kuanglan County did not go to war, nor did the four major counties. Both sides seem to be in a state of stalemate, and the thirty-six counties in the southwest are calm as the same stagnant water.

"The God of Kuanglan County has been passed down to the gods. It turned out to be nothing more than a fool. I thought he was so powerful."

"If he has the patience to kill the four counties long ago, why bother to speak hard and dare not act."

The voice of the state-owned thirty-six counties in the southwest began to question the strength of the king of Kuanglan County, that is, at this time, there was a spread of news.

It is reported that the four great county kings actually had antipathy. On the surface, they were incompatible with the king of the county, but they had already surrendered to the king of the county and waited for the opportunity to overthrow the rule of the Emperor.

There was still no news coming out of the King City, and there was no response. Even the soldiers guarded on the female wall had been withdrawn. The entire King City was blocked and deadly, and there was no flutter.

Calm is even strange.

Until the second day of countless speculations, the messenger of the Kingdom of the Demon arrived with reinforcements, but the four counties did not take the initiative to open the King City to meet.

The messenger of the kingdom of the demon kingdom ate a closed door, and some in his heart could not help but wonder whether the rumors would be true, and he could only use his own hands to blast the city formation by force.

But the scene before him was startled.

The corpses in the King City of Tianwo County are all over the ground. No matter the officers and soldiers or the nobles have died in the city, none of the tens of thousands have survived!

The King of Tianwu County died on the throne, and the body was still alive, but his body had been taken away, and the body would disappear completely within a few days.

Because the devil is a product between fantasy and reality, it is not as complex as human organs, so the corpse will soon disappear after death.

The King of Tianwu County has become a dead city!

The messengers of the Kingdom of the Demon Kingdom couldn't believe this fact, and led a group of masters to break into the capitals of the other three counties overnight. However, the same result was obtained.

The same is true of the three counties of Fengzhao, Ziming County, and Demon Phoenix. The King City has become a ruin, and countless powerful men have fallen overnight. If it was not blocked by the formation method, I am afraid that it will be discovered a long time later.

The four great kings fell!

This is no different from the destruction of the four major counties!

"It must have been done by the King of Kuanglan County." Except for this result, he could not find any reasonable explanation.

Obviously, after the three-day period, the King of the Lan Countys found the four Kings of the County and killed them one by one.

"It's terrible. You must go back to Lord Demon Emperor, immediately, immediately!" The angel of the kingdom of Demon swallowed and calmed himself.

Originally, he came with the reinforcements of the Kingdom of Demons to prepare to keep the four county kings, confident to join hands with the four county kings to destroy enough mad county.

But the scene before him made him have to change his strategy and gave birth to escape.

It is not terrible to have the power to destroy a county. The terrible thing is that he can destroy the four kingdoms silently and silently. Before that, there were no fighting fluctuations.

This is the most terrifying!

God unknowingly perishes a county. Such a mysterious strongman is by no means an ordinary county king who can fight against him. Even if he brings some strong support around him, he is never an opponent!

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