Lin Lang waved his knife several times to cut the road, during which the corners of his mouth kept overflowing with blood. Although those avenues were imposed on him by Yan Sheng without any risk, the severe road injuries caused by the cut road were not repairable in a day or two.

Road injury, hurting at all.

It is too difficult to completely recover.

Even so, for his own life, Lin Lang had to be decisive and forced to cut off the road to reject this huge "opportunity".

Once this time, he will rise to the immortal realm, and there will be only one word for him.

After not knowing how many avenues he had cut off, Lin Lang wobbled and looked wilted, as if he had been badly hit.

Finally, the excess road in the body was completely cut off.

"Yan Sheng, what Lin has remembered today, if I become an immortal today, Yan Sheng Palace will be destroyed."


The sky and earth trembled again.


Let the words follow the way, and take yourself as the lead to make a big aspiration to the heavens and the earth, and the heavens and the earth must also be moved. Similarly, the monks who take the oath will suffer the worst condemnation if they fail to achieve it.

Otherwise, it is unknown in old age and cannot reach higher levels throughout life. On the other hand, he encountered a condemnation of heaven, which instantly turned into fly ash under the sky.

Lin Lang spit out blood again, covering his sleeves with a stun, and the violent wind rose suddenly, wrapped around Ba Xia and disappeared without trace.

Endless void.

Yan Sheng Jiongjiong stared at the space of the Nether, and also snorted humbly: "The humble insects are already half-dead, and they are also worthy of endless death."

A long while.

He finally regained his eyes and did not continue to hunt. For him, Lin Lang, who is only a human monk in the realm of Tianxian, has repeatedly revealed the methods that made him all moved.

For example, the supernatural power that cuts the avenue, not to mention whether anyone else has the courage to do such a thing, even if it does, it also needs a very high-level avenue to cut off the avenue.

You must know that he injected Lin Lang's body, but there are several types of Supreme Avenue. If you want to cut off these types of highways, you only need those kinds of transcendent ancient roads. But he did not think that a barren nether monk would have the opportunity to control those avenues.

In addition, Lin Lang's means of escape were also unique, and even concealed his perception in the first place. However, for the existence of Yan Sheng, if you kill someone with a heart, it is not difficult to trace the trace of the other party.

It was just that he felt it was no longer necessary to do so. He had cut tens of thousands of avenues, and even the Emperor could not bear the kind of road injury. Besides, a human monk who had not even reached the real immortal realm?

Road injuries can be compared to ordinary injuries, ordinary injuries, even if the serious injury is fatal, you can slowly recover from taking one or two panacea, and the body function can also be adjusted by itself. However, road injuries are not good for nourishment, they are serious wounds entangled in their own avenue.

There is only one way between heaven and earth to heal.

That is the fortune-making jade dew, which only exists in the deep pool of the Ming River in the immortal realm. Even for the peerless immortal king, the Ming River is a dangerous place with nine lives and a lifetime.

He didn't think Lin Lang could repair the road injury, so he didn't pose any threat to Yansheng Palace, so he didn't need to go further.

For his level of existence, he can be less contaminated with the cause and effect of the two realms, or else it will do more harm than good to the Supreme Court in the future.

After this battle, no one has heard of Lin Youye anymore. His whole person seems to be evaporating in space from space, with no message.


The far-reaching impact of this war was to shock the entire universe.

One person, one sword, set foot on the royal ancestor, even if the last Yan king of immortals was born, he used the great magical power across the two realms to be returned to the fairy realm.

In the end, the ancient existence of Yansheng Palace was shocked, but he still could not do anything about it, and even led people to escape under the eyes of that ancient existence.

The news came, and the universe shook. Most of the strong are shocked by the strength of the monk, and the other side is also secretly comparing. If they are stared at by this deity, can they and their mother star be spared?

the answer is negative.

Facing the existence of such a legend, even in the history of the universe, it is definitely the pinnacle of personal combat power. There may be so few true immortals in the universe that can fight against him.

Of course, it is just a fight, and it is not necessarily a victory. Idle real immortal is by no means Lin Youye's opponent in the heyday.

Even in the exchange of the monks in the universe, Lin Lang was even hailed as the ‘first man in combat for ten thousand years’. As for monks before ten thousand years, due to various reasons, he could not be counted in it.

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