This means that they are the orthodoxy of Huaxia today and can occupy more resources.

"and many more."

at this time.

A clear voice suddenly came from the crowd, interrupting the solemn statement of King Qianga. He glanced over, the master of the voice was Ye Xuanzong, the sick young man in white.

"Do you have something to say about this Taoist?" Wang Qianga looked at Lin Lang with a smile.

"That's natural." Lin Lang said faintly, "I don't think this method of competing for land closures is suitable as a basis for Dilinxing's territorial division."

Many people's eyes also looked at him, and they wanted to see with interest the guy who interrupted the statement of King Qianga, what kind of medicine was bought in the gourd.

"So you have opinions on the verdict of the Emperor Xingfeng Yunyun Society, or are you dissatisfied with Ye Xuanzong's ranking ..." King Qianga still smiled, but there was a cold light in his eyes.

"I don't think you understand me." Lin Lang interrupted him and shook his head. "I want to say that this way of fighting to determine land closures does not need to exist at all."

"The land of Di Linxing has always belonged to the native people on Di Linxing. It cannot be divided by an inch, and it is even more difficult for the island to decide."


One stone stirs up thousands of waves!

Lin Lang's few words were full of surprises, who could have imagined that he was a hard-steel king of Qianjia in an almost questioning tone.

"Interesting, I still don't expect anyone to dare to question the decision of Hanging Island ... Hehe, it seems that Lao Shouxing is hanging impatiently."

There was a strange laugh under the monk.

You must know that the Emperor Xingfeng Yunhui Society can continue because it has stamped the pain points of all foreign monks. This method of dividing the territory almost perfectly solves the long-term conquest of all parties.

Lin Lang openly questioned the Emperor Xingfengyunhui, which undoubtedly transferred all the spearheads to all the adventists, and did not know how many powerful cakes had been moved.

Offending people all over the world at the same time, this is no different from seeking death.

"It sounds pretty good. I think that is not satisfied with Ye Xuanzong's results and wants to make trouble. Ye Xuanzong wants to swallow the world alone?"

"Did I wait to give you Ye Xuanzong the world of this Emperor Linxing? Even if it is for you, can you eat with the three or two ants of Ye Xuanzong?"

"If you want to cause trouble here, do you know what happened to the last force at the Emperor Fengyun meeting?" There was a lot of discussion in the audience.

The screams of dissatisfaction kept rising.

of course.

There are also a few voices of approval. Most of these people are monks who have grown up from the earth's recovery. They are the highest, but they are only the lowest-ranked gods.

"It should have been this way, and finally someone still remembers that he was a member of Dilinxing." Many monks of Dilinxing secretly clenched their fists and secretly cheered up.

How long?

How long has Dilinx been dominated by these outsiders?

Today, nearly half of these local forces on Dilin are descendants of aliens, and the other is the awakening of famous mountains.

In a sense, these two parties are one that does not belong to this era, and the other is a downright foreign race.

The resources of the adventurous aliens seeking the emperor's advent will be nothing, after all, the stars of the battle are already engraved in their bones, and it is not wrong for the strong side to rule the weak one.

However, even these awakened people in Di Linxing's native land have acquiesced in this rule. They are indifferent to the issue of the sovereignty of Di Linxing and have joined the ranks of division.

Perhaps in their perception, as long as they have enough interests to protect themselves. However, all the right to speak is in the hands of these two parties.

The pitiful monks are weak and cannot interject at all.

What humiliation?

"Ye Xuanzong is really arrogant and doesn't take the suspended island in his eyes at all. Please take a shot of the king and kill this fellow!" There was a erratic voice in the crowd.

Lin Lang's eyes were swept away, and his palm was patted lightly, but among the crowd under the stage, a Tianxian monk vomited blood and was shot again.

"When I speak, I can't get a Tianxian to intervene." Lin Lang snorted coldly.

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