Imagine that a terrific and terrifying human being, Tianjiao, would be willing to be trapped in a closed space and become a monster that is neither human nor ghost.

"What about the price?"

Innocence is also clear.

At no cost, no one will easily give help, even if it is just a hand. What's more, in his case, trying to get out of trouble is not an easy task at all.

"I think it is also a good thing to have a good relationship with a top immortal. You have this qualification." Lin Lang smiled slightly.

"Well, I accept your favor." Wudao also solemnly spoke. In any case, he was in debt.

"I'll teach you no knowledge." After speaking, Wudao made a rumbling voice, and began to tell in a simplified way how he figured out the way.

It's not easy.

Even if Lin Lang already has a certain understanding of incompetence, this is a completely new concept. It takes a long time to get through.

At first, it took tens of thousands of years to transform myself into a form of infidelity. Lin Lang wants a comprehensive understanding, and it is impossible without time to build the foundation.

Wu Daozi talked about it while Lin Lang listened to the scriptures on the side. This process lasted for tens of thousands of years. Even Lin Lang himself could perceive that his life was drying up.

This process is difficult!

"There is no way, no dream, if there are three thousand dreams!" Lin Lang turned his hands, and all the avenues around his body were emptied in an instant, and he shot forward a wayless energy.

See you.

Everything in front of him is annihilated, no matter whether it is the real material or the empty road, it disappears without a trace under this attack.

If this blow is outside, it is more powerful than any magical power. Even if the Emperor is not cold, he will be evaporated into nothingness by this strange attack.

"Having mastered this power does not mean that the world is invincible." Lin Lang showed contemplation.

"It's too early for you to be happy." Wudao smiled coldly and relentlessly. "This kind of power shouldn't exist in the world at all, so once it is performed outside, it will immediately lead to natural punishment."

The voice has not fallen.

Clouds are brewing in the sky.


Out of nowhere, a silver lightning fell without warning and slashed towards Lin Lang. This is the purest heavenly **** thunder. Even a single blow is enough to kill an immortal emperor.

"Disgusting heaven."

The face of Wudaozi Sky opened his mouth and sucked, swallowing the Heavenly God Thunder, and the thunderous sound erupted in the void, but the Heavenly God Thunder could hardly break through the Wudaozi blockade.

Even though he is now in this strange state, he still maintains a lot of fighting power, especially in the face of day punishment.

He has become very resistant.

Lei Yun dissipated at this point, and there was no follow-up penalty. Lin Lang also breathed a sigh of relief.

"You see it, too. It can blind the sky. The power of the God of Thunder has been greatly reduced, but it can still sense your presence."

"So outside, you'd better watch carefully, don't use infidelity easily, or you will just kill yourself."

Lin Lang also focused his head.

The wordless material can only be used as his final hole card. If it is a last resort, it cannot be easily used when it threatens his life.

"I also have a good foundation in math skills, so I will teach it to you together." Wudao faintly said.

As one of Daomen's most outstanding powers, his accomplishments in Daomen's arithmetic are also quite amazing. He has passed a series of knowledge about arithmetic operations to Lin Lang without reservation.

This process continued for about 3,000 years, until Wudao saw that Lin Lang had mastered arithmetic.

This was a wave.

"That's all I can pass on to you. It's not suitable for cultivating avenues. You should leave as soon as possible."

"I have no use to keep these four emperors, so I will give them to you as your last amulet."

"Hope to hear your good news."

Four emperor corpses appeared in front of Lin Lang, and he collected them. There was no word there, raising his hand, and a hurricane immediately set off.

Lin Lang blown away very far.

By the time he returned to God, the whole man had appeared outside the ruins of Daomen. He looked into another space, and was quite emotional.

If, before he came, a person told him that there were monks who could live forever in the world besides the detached, he would certainly sniff.

after all.

Even if the immortal Emperor Shouyuan is endless, it is very rare to be able to survive the tenth dimensional disaster. How can it live from ancient times to the present?

But now, the appearance of innocence has completely changed his mind. Yes, there are many ways to truly live forever. For example, there is no way to open up a new road.

Live forever without the Word.

It's just that he went the wrong way.

Although Tiandi Avenue has been unable to imprison his Shouyuan, he is also bound by himself and cannot walk out of this ruined little world.


Being between disappearance, he couldn't use his own power, without any human characteristics, it was an alternative eternal substance.

And now.

After seeing Wudao, and after realizing part of Wudao's knowledge, Lin Lang also seems to have seen a lot of ways. Eternal, it is more than a way out.

Moreover, Nature Avenue has been transformed into his own doctrine, stepping into the condensed state, this time the gain is really great.

far away.

An old man looked at him with a smile, it was the Li Taoist.

"Little baby, you should have a lot of gains." Li Huodao smiled at Lin Lang with a smile.

Lin Lang also looked up, looking at the Lidaodao, nothing changed around him, he is still in the period of time shortly after entering the ruins.

There is no road rule in the ruin space, and naturally there is no concept of time. The shortening of his life is a decline in physical condition, not a function of time.

The tens of thousands of years in the Ruinless Ruins actually experienced less than half a day outside.

"not bad."

Lin Lang nodded and said, "I will fulfill the agreement with the seniors normally, and when I go back, I will sort out what I got and give it back to the seniors."

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