Actually, killing Zefa is not worth it for Ymir. It is a waste to let such an important person die like this.

So from the beginning, Ymir did not plan to kill him.

Of course, it doesn't matter if other people are dead or alive. It is worth it to get an extra kiss from Gion and see Zefa's pain and despair. To be honest, Ymir sometimes thinks that he is a person with a bad taste. He especially likes to see other people in pain.

Especially the empty expressions after dignity and faith are destroyed are simply never boring.

Maybe this is the happy man.

Ymir's smiling self-evaluation

"Are we just going to let them go?"

Barrett said unhappily,"Isn't that too easy for them? At least we should cut off one of their arms or legs, right?"

Ymir looked at Gion, and the navy lady's eyes were immediately filled with pleading. Ymir really wanted to tell her that he regretted it, and then see Miss Gion's painful look.

It would definitely be very interesting.

But after thinking about it, he decided not to. He really wanted to recruit Gion, so there was no need to go too far.

And he was also hoping to make some money through Zephyr.

"Of course it's not that simple,"

Imir said with a smile,"Although I won't kill them, as a pirate, I won't let them go. Ha, how about we make a deal with the World Government? The World Government controls half of the world's countries, so it should be very rich, right?"

Hearing what Imir said, Gion finally put aside his worries.

Since they were going to make a deal, then Zefa and his colleagues' lives should be saved.

"Oh oh oh! Make a deal with the government?"

Vegapunk's eyes were shining,"Great! What a good idea, Ymir! The government is of course very rich. A former admiral and current chief instructor of the navy, Mr. Zephyr is very important to the navy!"

He seemed eager to try,"How about 100 billion berries? The government is willing to spend it."

Ymir looked at Vegapunk speechlessly. This guy is definitely crazy about scientific research funds.

"Hey, hey, hey, since we are going to make a deal with the government, isn't it a bit of a waste to just use Bailey?"

Doflamingo grinned. As a former Celestial Dragon, he had seen and experienced a lot, and had a deep understanding of the government and the Celestial Dragons.

"You can definitely ask for something more valuable, Imir. How about you build your own country?"

Imir sneered,"I thought you would have some profound ideas, but I didn't expect it to be just such vulgar words. If you want to build a country, there are a lot of non-governmental member states in the New World. No matter what you want to do to them, no one will care about you."

""Well, Captain,"

Teach also became a little excited,"how about we exchange some devil fruits from the government?"

Compared to the Whitebeard Pirates or the Beasts Pirates, the World Government is of course more powerful and more capable of achieving his goals.

Maybe the Dark-Dark Fruit is now in the government's treasure house?


Ymir nodded,"Yes, devil fruits are good things. Vergo and Teach are both powerless. Let's decide. Ask the government for a few devil fruits, and then give one to you, Teach."

Teach's face changed, and then he laughed dryly,"I don't need to worry, thief haha"

"If you want to make a deal with the government, I think I can help a little."

It was extremely abrupt.

A calm man's voice suddenly sounded.

Ymir frowned and turned his head and asked,"Who is it?"

There was wind.

The wind began to blow in a corner of the floating island.

Then the wind began to gather, and a guy wearing a white robe and a strange mask appeared.


Ymir narrowed his eyes slightly.

This ability is wind?

Natural wind-wind fruit?

Then what is the identity of this guy?

"That's right, I'm CP0, an agent directly under the Celestial Dragons.

The man was not afraid at all, even though a former admiral of the Navy Headquarters was lying at Ymir's feet. He said calmly,"I can help you trade with the government, Mr. Ymir.""

"Here comes another interesting one!"

Barrett's eyes lit up and he clenched his fists,"Ymir, don't snatch this from me!"

"Don't worry, Barrett."

Imir waved his hand and asked the visitor with a smile,"What's your name?"

"Dragon, my code name is Dragon, you can call me that."

The man answered.

Imir nodded in understanding, it's interesting, there is such an interesting thing.

If nothing unexpected happens, this guy who hides his head and shows his tail is Dragon, right? Monkey-D-Dragon.

Dragon, the only revolutionary commander who can threaten the World Government in the future and the number one enemy of the World Government, is actually from CP0?

Ha, the more I work for the government, the more I find that the special communists have their limits, so I don't want to be a spy. Five Elders?

Sure enough, Ymir's guess was correct, and Zephyr said,

"You kid, Dorag? How come you are so fast?"

Dorag said,"The enemy is a strong man like Mr. Ymir, and I thought that Mr. Zefa might need my power, so I acted alone and came here in advance, but I was still a step late."

"No, no, no, how could that be, I think you misunderstood, Mr. Long,"

Imir smiled and waved his hands, and said seriously,"Even if you arrived in time, the result would not change."

Dorag was unshakable,"Maybe, then Mr. Imir, what do you think of my suggestion just now?"

Imir smiled,"Of course I have no reason to refuse. It would be quite troublesome for me to contact the Five Elders. Do what you want."

Dorag nodded. Imir could not see the change in his expression through the mask. He only saw him take out a Den Den Mushi and dial it.

Soon, the call was connected, and a low voice came from the other end,

"Is that Long? What's the matter?"

Long said calmly,"Master Five Elders, there was a problem with the operation to subjugate the pirate Ymir. When I arrived, Mr. Zefa had already been captured by Ymir."

"What did you say?!"

The Five Elders on the other end of the phone exclaimed, their voices so loud that even Ymir, who was quite a distance away, could hear it clearly,"What is that bastard Zefa doing!"

"I don't know the details," said Dorag."Anyway, Ymir wants to use Zefa and all the captured navy officers to make a deal with the government."

"What a joke! We don't care about the life or death of that loser! Since he lost to the pirates, let him die!" said the person on the other end of the phone.

Dragon remained silent.


Ymir smacked his lips, and his body floated out like the wind. He took the Den Den Mushi from the unresisting Dragon's hand, cleared his throat,

"Hello, can you hear me? This is Ymir, and that is the Five Elders?"

"Ymir!! You are such a bold boy! How dare you contact us! If you don't want to die, just hand over the navy you captured, Vegapunk, and that idiot Doflamingo!"


Ymir smiled.

"So, I will kill Zefa, and let Dover spread the secrets he knows."


There was silence on the other side for a while

"What do you want?"

The Five Elders were of course bluffing.

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