Invincible God King

Chapter 152: Declare victory

Biquge, the latest chapter of the invincible God King is updated soon!

This time the mission of Wu Wangfu can be said to have been experienced by many young people present.

Life and death are only in one thought.

Those who survive may not be as tall as they are, it may just be luck.

In many people's hearts, there is still a bit of fear and terror.

However, these negative emotions disappeared as soon as these teenagers entered the Wuwang Mansion.

Because of this, Xingluocheng is the site of "Wangwangfu", a place where military forces can reach the sky.

Want to come, no one would dare to attack Wu Wangfu here.

After a while, the San Taibao in the 13th Taibao killed the duo, and walked in very badly.

"There was a huge accident in this mission, which led to many disciples falling and sacrificing."

"However, more people came back alive."

"Here I have to say, you guys, that's great!"

There are only a few words of paragraph killing.

However, the words were so shocking.

That's right, they can walk back alive in the sea of ​​swords and mountains, they are really good.

Thinking of this, those young boys who were already dead in their eyes suddenly became alive again.

Inside the hall, the original silence became a touch of vitality.

Seeing what he said, it had an effect, Duan Xia nodded slightly, and continued:

"The deceased is dead, but the people we live in must be rehabilitated, because your dead brothers and friends are waiting for you to take revenge on him!"

"Yes, revenge!"


In the eyes of all teenagers, there was a sense of murder.

It is because in that cruel battle that they can survive, it is not necessarily because of how powerful they are. Many people have just lost their lives because of the sacrifice of others.

Looking at the teenagers before regaining their spirits, Duan Sha also hit the railroad while he was hot:

"Although the mission was forced to be interrupted, the rewards of the mission still have to be distributed. I will give you rewards for merit based on your performance in this mission."

"You guys, you can use battle merit in the Bounty Hall for anything you need!"

When Duan Xia saw these teenagers' eyes and resumed fighting spirits again, his complexion eased slightly.

"Okay, then, I will announce that everyone has made great achievements in this mission. Pay attention!"

The words fell, and everyone's ears were raised, looking at Duan Su seriously.

"Ding Quanyang, battle, 100 points!"

"Li Tongfeng, victory, 103 points!"

"Integrity, battle, 115 points!"


Every time Duansha reported a name, the young man below was either excited or lost, some people were envious, some people shook their heads.

The next moment, in the list of killings, I read one of the ten heroes.

"Duan Chen, military achievement, 1765!"

After Duan Shao read Duan Chen's military exploits, the scene suddenly became loud.

Because, before, everyone's military achievements did not exceed three figures.

Now, how can Duan Chen win such a great victory all at once?

"It is worthy of being a figure in Shi Yingjie. It is stronger than our ordinary disciples!"

"Yes, this is how many robbers were killed to get so much combat power !?"

"I'm afraid that only those who are also the same as Shi Yingjie can compare with them ..."

Listening to the people around him, Duan Chen's face also showed a proud smile.

I saw him look at Chen Yu with a provocative look:

"Boy, do you see the gap? Remember, from now on, stay away from Xiner!"

"It seems that I haven't read the results of my military achievements. You decided that you would win so early. If you find out that I won, I don't know how you should end?" Chen Yu said lightly.

"Hahaha ... you will win ?! I'm afraid you don't know yet. The reason why I have won so many battles is because I alone killed and killed a martial arts leader who has been rebuilt in the Eighth Movement! "

Speaking of this, Duan Chen said with a proud face: "Do you know how much a martial arts leader with a martial arts ranks in the thief ?! You can't match countless martial arts seventh or martial arts thieves with a thief!"

After Duan Chen's words fell, everyone around him looked at him.

"No wonder his martial arts will be so much, he turned out to have killed the powerful martial arts!"

"Unexpectedly, Duan Chen was a sand robber who was able to slay the martial arts by himself. How strong is his strength !?"

"Beheading and defeating are completely different things. If you want to beheaded, you must have the ability to crush. According to this judgment, Duan Chen is at least the invincible level of martial arts!"

"It's ridiculous, but some people think that they can compare with Duan Chen.


On the side, Chen Xiner saw everyone touting Duan Chen so much, depreciating Chen Yu, and couldn't stand it anymore, he said in a loud voice:

"What's so amazing about killing martial arts robbers alone, Brother Chen Yu did it!"

There was a moment of silence at the scene, and everyone around him looked at Chen Xiner with strange eyes.

When Chen Xiner was still wondering why everyone looked at her with this vision, Duan Chen sighed softly:

"How powerful the martial arts robbers are, that even I was almost seriously injured, and then I fortunately killed one. I dare say that this task, no one's achievements in slaying the burglars surpassed I!"

After speaking, Duan Chen looked through all the looks, shook his head and said, "Girl Xiner, you are so naive, you must have been deceived by this big talker. He is the seventh master of martial arts in Chenyu District. Why? How can Germany decimate the martial arts robbers? When you wait for a while to read the martial arts, you will know that Chen Yu's ugly face! "

"what did you say......"

Chen Xin'er had a stance to prepare for the theory, but Chen Yu was gently held.

"Xin Er, why bother with such an ignorant person."

With that said, Chen Yu's eyes looked indifferently to Duan Chen: "There is a word you are right. When Sai Taibao read the exploits for a while, everyone will see that some people are ugly and hope that time will come. Don't regret it! "

After this episode, Duan Xia on stage continued to read the military achievements of everyone:

"Shen Hongchang, battle, 500 points!"

"Li Hongfeng, military achievements, 603!"

"Xu Hui, battle, 415 points!"

"Yellow crane, battle, 1590 points!"


Offstage, shocked again.

One person who appeared for more than a thousand battles appeared.

Not surprisingly, it is a character in Ten Heroes.

Sure enough, the characters in Ten Heroes are different.

The fact that he was able to obtain similar military performance as Duan Chen shows that Huang He also killed a martial arts robber alone.

Everyone, with admiration, looked at Huang He.

Huang He is also proud and enjoying the worship of everyone.

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