Invincible God of War

Chapter 1017: Viper One!

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Qin Feiyang looked at Wang Zicheng's expression, and his heart was tense.

Because of their group, Wang Zicheng is most familiar with Neihai.

If even he felt bad, he must have encountered something terrible.

The speed of the behemoth was also very fast, and within five breaths, he clearly entered the sight of the four.

That is really a giant ship!

It is about the size of the Holy King, and its body is black and ink, like a monster running wildly on the sea.

On the mast, there was a flag hanging, hunting in the strong wind, on which was painted a blood-red viper pattern, which looked quite devious!

On the other side of the flag, there is a word ‘one’.

"No, it's them!"

"Quickly change direction, head south!"

As soon as Wang Zicheng saw the viper pattern, he suddenly changed color and shouted anxiously.

Qin Feiyang looked at him in surprise.

Wang Zicheng shouted: "It's too late to explain, hurry up!"


Qin Feiyang immediately looked at Wang You'er.

Having been with Wang Zicheng for so long, it was the first time I saw him so scared. Obviously, the origin of the giant ship was not simple.

Seeing that Wang Zicheng wasn't kidding, Wang You'er didn't dare to neglect. He immediately controlled the Holy King, made a sharp turn, and drove away toward the south.


A group of people also gathered on the giant ship.

There are men and women, old and young, and without exception, all of them are fierce and strangely dressed, exuding a bandit spirit.

The strangest thing is that there is a viper pattern on their eyebrows, exactly the same as the pattern on the flag.

And now.

A middle-aged man with a roe deer head stands on the deck of the bow, looking at the sea ahead.



He found the Holy King, a trace of suspense rose on his face, and shouted loudly: "Boss, do you think that is the Holy King?"

"Holy King?"

"Pan Lao Wu, are you dreaming?"

"Wang Zicheng's holy king has been robbed long ago, how could it still appear in the Inland Sea?"

"However, after all, the ten heroes in Qinghai, even the Holy King, are really shameful."

The others on the ship laughed immediately.

at the same time.

Next to the rudder, a middle-aged man stood up.

He had a black blindfold on his left eye, his upper body was exposed, showing his developed chest muscles, and his lower body was wearing a pair of black trousers, ragged.

A pair of ragged straw sandals dragged on his feet.

A thick black curly hair fluttering in the wind, but also looks a little messy, but the breath is very strong!

Hearing the voice of Pan Laowu, he also had a chuckle on his face.

"Are you really dreaming?"

The man named Pan Lao Wu rubbed his eyes and looked at the Holy King again, his eyes trembling violently, and said angrily: "I'm not kidding, that's really the Holy King."


The middle-aged Dahan and others were surprised and followed Pan Laowu's eyes.


"How could the Holy King appear suddenly?"

People immediately talked about it, and it was full of noise.

"Shut up for Lao Tzu!"

The middle-aged man standing in front of the rudder shouted.

A group of people changed their faces and shut their mouths one after another, and the place instantly fell into silence.

The middle-aged big man looked at the Saint King from afar, with a grin flashing in his eyes, and shouted, "Lao Tzu asks you, since the Saint King appeared, what should we do?"


Pan Laowu and others immediately shouted.


"Wang Zicheng is unable to keep the Holy King, and we will **** it. Then we will grab it. When I know that Wang Zicheng knows that the Holy King is in our hands, he will cry and beg to ask us to give him back . "

The middle-aged man laughed.

"Boss is brilliant!"

"Wait until then, we can humiliate him!"

"Yes, yes, that guy is fighting forbidden technique, and he is so crazy that he wants to clean him up!"

"Lao Tzu has long seen him as disagreeable, so let him drill under Lao Tzu crotch!"

A group of people shouted with fists, full of anger.

"Let's go!"

The middle-aged big man shouted, the giant ship suddenly turned into a streamer, breaking through the huge waves, chasing the pilgrimage king.


Holy King.

Qin Feiyang glanced at the sea behind him and asked Wang Zicheng: "Brother Wang, what is the origin of that ship that makes you so scared?"

"Who said I was scared?"

Wang Zicheng looked at him with a long eyebrow.

Qin Feiyang froze for a moment, frowning: "Not afraid, what do you let us run?"

"This one……"

Wang Zicheng coughed and said lightly: "I just don't want to cause trouble."

Qin Feiyang stared at him strangely, with a disbelief in his face.

Wang Zicheng was annoyed and disdainful: "If now I can open the forbidden technique unscrupulously, I can slap it with a slap in the face of their little words.

Wang You'er contemptuously said: "After all, you are now afraid of them."

"I said are you bothered?"

Wang Zicheng stared at her angrily.

"All right."

Qin Feiyang hurriedly stood between the two to make a round, and if not stopped, he would have to make trouble again.

Hao Gongzi asked, "Who the **** are they?"

Wang Zicheng sighed and said, "That ship is called Viper One, and it is also a holy vessel like the Holy King, and the people on the ship are all under the viper."


The three suspected.

"The viper is also one of the ten masters of Qinghai, but unlike us, he has little interest in practicing him. The only interest is to develop poisons, especially the deadly poisons."

"It is for this reason that we called him a viper, and he was happy with the nickname, simply named after the viper."

Wang Zicheng shook his head.

"So, is he an old poison?"

Hao Gongzi was surprised.

Wang Zicheng nodded and said: "Anyway, he has poison all over his body. If you accidentally touch his body, you may be poisoned and die, and the poisons he has developed cannot be removed by the general Jiedu Dan.

"So scary?"

"Who dares to be with him like this?"

Qin Feiyang looked at each other, and they couldn't help but feel horrified.

Wang You'er asked: "So how does he cultivate? Is there any forbidden technique?"

Wang Zicheng said: "His cultivation base is not very strong. As for the eight-star war saint, as for the forbidden art, each of us in Qinghai Shijie holds a kind of forbidden art.

Qin Feiyang secretly stunned.

I originally thought that such horrible things as the forbidden technique were only available to Wang Zicheng and the young and strong men, but I didn't expect the Qinghai Shijie to have them.

It seems that these guys are really not annoying.

At this time.

Wang You'er seemed to have found something. He turned to look at the sea behind him, his face changed abruptly, and shouted, "No, they came!"

"It's really troublesome!"

"They must have recognized the Holy King and wanted to grab it."

Wang Zicheng became quite irritable.

Hao Gongzi looked at Viper One, his pupil shrunk slightly, and was surprised: "It's also a holy weapon, why is Viper One faster than Holy King?"

"Holy King and Viper One are the same as other holy vessels, and their power depends on the user's cultivation."

"The higher the repair, the faster the speed."

"And the captain of Viper One is called One-eyed Dragon, he is a one-star warlord."

Wang Zicheng said.

"So strong?"

"Then how could he become a viper's man?"

Hao Gongzi was surprised.


"The viper's men are basically captured by poison."

"And the poison he has developed is the only antidote."

"In short, they are involuntarily, because they will die if they do not submit to the viper."

"But it is undeniable that each of them is a master who does not blink."

"In short, the Viper and his men are not so difficult."

Wang Zicheng rubbed his sore forehead, how could it be so unlucky, who wouldn't meet this group of gangsters?

"The people in front listened to Lao Tzu, and immediately stopped the Holy King!"

A stern cry came from Viper One.

Wang Zicheng sighed weakly and looked at Wang You'er: "Forget it, don't run away, you can't escape anyway."

Wang You'er frowned, his thoughts moved, and the Holy King slowly stopped.


There is no War Emperor on their side, and they can't escape the pursuit of Viper One. It is better to stop and see what those people want?



Viper No. 1 came through the waves and docked next to the Holy King.

And at the same time.

Wang Zicheng turned around and turned his back to Viper One, his eyes flickering and he didn't know what he was thinking?

"Yoyo, there is a beauty!"

"This figure, this appearance, can be called the best!"

"Not bad……"

"Little Beauty, do you want to live? If you want, just let the uncle accompany us."

The man on Viper One, like a woman who hadn't seen a woman in a long time, surrounded the ship's side and stared at Wang You'er with his eyes bright.

On the mouth, it is also filthy language.

This is simply a group of bandits.

Qin Feiyang raised his eyebrows and stepped forward, protecting Wang You'er behind him, glancing at those people, and said in a deep voice, "Please be respectful!"


Looking at the figure in front of him, Wang Youer froze.

This **** is actually protecting her?

"Self weight?"

"Hey, little fart boy, is this your first visit to Inland Sea?"

"Tell you, women are rare in this place, especially such beautiful women."

"Be acquainted, immediately hand over the Holy King and the woman, otherwise Lao Tzu will let you all be buried in the sea."

The one-eyed dragon came over and stared at Qin Feiyang grinningly.

"Ha ha."

"The one-eyed dragon, only a few months later, you have become so majestic and powerful."

At this time.

Wang Zicheng, back to Viper One, laughed suddenly.

In fact, he was hesitating, would he want to go alone? After all, it is no longer possible to open the forbidden technique now.

But after thinking about it, if I just ran like this, wouldn't I lose the chance to regain the Holy King?

Moreover, he understands the people of the one-eyed dragon. Once the Holy King falls into their hands and wants to come back, it is basically impossible.

So considering it again and again, he spoke.

"who are you?"

"How familiar?"

The one-eyed dragon looked at Wang Zicheng, not only his back but also his eyes familiar.

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