Invincible God of War

Chapter 1055: A person who is good at disguising

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After a moment, Qin Feiyang came out.

After repeated confirmation, there is really nothing else in the lake except the figure of the mermaid.

"What are you doing here?"

Hao Gongzi looked at him suspiciously.

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: "Nothing, just want to see if you can find any baby."

"Find baby?"

Hao Gongzi froze, rolling his eyes.

Wang Youer also looked like a fool.

God Island is the only way for the outer sea and the inner sea. I didn't know how many people passed by here. Even if there were babies, they were already searched.

Qin Feiyang smiled faintly, and said: "We can send it off the sea, let's send it back directly!"

"it is good."

Hao Gongzi nodded.

Without further delay, the three quickly left Shendao, and then Master Hao opened a portal and walked in one after another.

at the same time!

The holy place of the total tower, inside a courtyard.

A middle-aged man stood in a gazebo and was writing a word with a stroke.

The middle-aged man, wearing a white long coat with long hair behind him, exuded an unfathomable breath.

It is the father of Master Hao, the main tower master!

In the courtyard, he is the only one.

He is holding a golden brush, and is struggling to write, and the word he is writing now is a "kill"!

Every stroke, every stroke, contains amazing murderousness!

More than this killing character, there is murderous, his eyes, but also a burst of killing intentions, like a blade!


He shook his arm, Yu Guang glanced at the gate of the yard, and then waved his hand. The brush in his hand and the paper with the word "kill" instantly turned into powder.

And the killing intention in his eyes also dissipated.


Almost at the same time.

In front of the courtyard gate, three figures appeared out of thin air.

It is Qin Feiyang, Son Hao, Wang Youer!

The main tower master turned to look at the three people and smiled, "You are back."

"We are not dead, are you particularly disappointed?"

Hao Gongzi snorted, kicked open the gate of the yard, and swaggered in.

Qin Feiyang and Wang You'er looked at each other, and shook their heads bitterly.

The only person who dares to forget the mainland and dares to kick the main gate of the main tower is this son of Hao.

"See the Master."

"Have seen Uncle."

The two also walked in one after another, standing in front of the pavilion and bowing to salute.

The main tower owner nodded happily and asked, "Is this trip to Qinghai going well?"

"It's pretty smooth."

Wang You'er responded respectfully.

But at the same time, looking at the smile on the head of the main tower, Qin Feiyang never had that kind of affinity again.

This is a person who is very good at disguising, and can't even find the slightest flaw.

If it is not already known the true face of this person, he will certainly continue to be confused by these illusions.

The main tower master smiled and asked, "Did that fire be brought back?"


Wang Youer was speechless for a moment, and Yu Guang aimed at Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang bowed and said: "Master, this matter has nothing to do with them. It is because the disciples are incompetent and did not **** the fire."

"what happened?"

There was a suspicious look in the main tower.

"It's my eldest brother. He also went to Neihai. He was snatched away by him when he was born."

After Qin Feiyang finished speaking, he hurriedly said: "But Master, the disciple swears that there has never been any news to him that Qinghai has a blaze."

"It turned out to be the case."

The main tower master suddenly realized, asked: "Is he your pro-brother?"


Qin Feiyang nodded.

The main tower said: "Then you brother is a little powerful, dare to grab what our main tower looks at."

Qin Feiyang's face changed, and he said in a hurry: "The master respects his anger, and the disciples will summon him later, and persuade him to hand over the blaze."

"This is not necessary."

The main tower waved his hand.


Qin Feiyang looked at him suspiciously.

The main pagoda said: "I believe Gongsun Bei has already told you that I will let you go to Qinghai for the real purpose."

Qin Feiyang nodded.

"So I do n’t value that blaze, what I want is that Haoer can grow up in this experience."

"As for the Danhuo news leak, I never doubted you."

"Because I understand in my heart that in my main tower, there are many eyeliners installed by forces."

The main tower laughed.

"It turns out that this person knows it, just pretending not to know, and it really deserves to be an old traitor."

Qin Feiyang muttered secretly, pretending to be relieved.

The main tower owner smiled again: "But I am very interested in you, a big brother, and have time to let him come to the main tower as a guest."

Qin Feiyang said: "This is the honor of my elder brother, I will definitely tell him."

The main tower master smiled and looked at Master Hao, saying: "How is it, has there been any gain in this trip?"

Hao Gongzi said: "One point."

The main tower owner said with great interest: "Then let me summarize it!"

Hao Gongzi lowered his head and pondered a little, sighing, "In a word, I used to be a frog at the bottom of a well."

"Ha ha……"

Although there is only one sentence, the main tower master is very pleased.

The main tower owner looked at Qin Feiyang and Wang You'er and said sincerely: "Thank you for taking care of him along the way, but also thank you for bringing him back alive.

Wang You'er laughed and said: "Uncle said that he was out of the house. I originally regarded him as a younger brother, and I should take care of him."

"Haha ..."

The main tower owner laughed.

But suddenly.

He frowned and looked at Qin Feiyang, saying: "Do you know? Although you are not in the Shencheng, but during this time, the Shencheng was heated because of you."


Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

The main tower said: "Someone heard that you were killed in the inner sea."


"Who is rumoring?"

Qin Feiyang hadn't said anything yet, and Hao Gongzi started the fire first.

The main tower master shook his head and said, "I don't know who is making rumors, but now the people of Shencheng are discussing this matter.

Wang You'er was also puzzled.

Only Qin Feiyang knew clearly that the people of the nine super tribes must have spread it. He began to look forward to it. When he appeared in front of these people, what would happen?


He was amazed and looked at the main tower, saying: "Master, did you believe it before?"

"Of course I don't believe it."

"Because if you are really killed, you and Haoer will definitely report to me in the first time."

The main tower laughed.


Qin Feiyang spoke up and smiled.

The main tower master frowned: "But this thing can't be groundless. What happened to you in Qinghai?"

"Speaking of which I am angry."

Hao Gongzi was the first to speak again, with indignation.


The main tower master turned to look at him.

"Old man, do you know? As soon as we left the city, someone came to assassinate Brother Mu."

Hao Gongzi said angrily.

"Who is so brave to dare to move my personal disciples?"

The main tower's eyes were slightly gloomy.

"Fu Anshan, as well as the Qilin tribe, fortunately the younger brother is alert, otherwise he will die early."

"Even the person named Fu Han sent by Fu Anshan intends to kill me and my elder sister!"

Hao Gongzi said.


The main tower master is not calm.

Hao Gongzi said: "Of course, we caught that Fu Han on Shendao, and he admitted it personally. Fu Anshan let him stay alone, which means killing all three of us."

"This is real."

Wang You'er also nodded.

"Fu Anshan!"

In the eyes of the main tower master, there was a killing opportunity.

Qin Feiyang flashed his eyes and bowed: "Master, this matter will not bother you, and you will take care of it."

After talking, he made a wink at Hao Gongzi.

Hao Gongzi nodded and said, "Yes, we will deal with it."


The main tower looked at him in question.

Hao Gongzi vowed: "You believe me once, and I promise you will be impressed with me this time, and I will also find out the cause of death of Li He and Shen Feiyun."

The head of the tower looked at him in surprise and smiled: "It seems that this experience has indeed made you grow a lot, then well, I will give you this opportunity to let go and do it!"

The implication is obvious, no matter what he does, he will unconditionally support him.

"Thank you dad."

Hao Gongzi was overjoyed.

Qin Feiyang froze for so long, this was the first time he heard Master Hao cordially shouting the father of the main tower.

"Come on, work so hard for so long, you go back and have a good rest."

The main tower laughed.

"Disciple quits."

Qin Feiyang bowed and saluted, then opened the portal and returned to Jingxin Lake with Master Hao.

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