Invincible God of War

Chapter 1073: Gongsun Bei on the other side!

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Wang Youer came through the sky and landed in the courtyard, looking at Qin Feiyang suspiciously.

Qin Feiyang looked at her in consternation.

I thought Wang You'er's character should not come, but I didn't expect the result to come.

This is embarrassing.

"What's the matter, hurry up."

Wang Youer urged impatiently.

Qin Fei raised his spirit and asked, "Don't you say in Qinghai last time, when you came back, let your grandfather and your parents dissolve the marriage contract, why didn't you act?"

Wang Youer looked stiff and asked her to come here just for this?


Do you hate her so much?

Can't wait to dissolve the marriage contract.

"I told them, but they didn't want to, and I couldn't help you, so I can bear with you."

"Nothing else, I'll go back first."

Wang Youer threw a word coldly and turned to fly to the attic.

His face is colder than his tone!

"Why are you still angry?"

"Don't you all want to dissolve the engagement?"

Qin Feiyang glanced at her inexplicably, the woman's mind was deeper than the bottom of the sea!

Shaking his head, he turned and entered the room.

the next day.

The news that Qin Feiyang is still alive has spread to all cities and tribes of all sizes.


The incident of Nie Shaoyong's abuse was also spreading.

King Kong tribe!

In a large hall, a burly-looking man dressed in black, photographed on the desk, angrily said: "Fuck things, even the master disciples of the main tower dare to provoke, is he tired of living?"

"Fujun, you can't blame Shao Yong for this matter."

"Shaoyong was in love with Li Yan. Although the method was wrong, he did not provoke him to Mu Zuzong. Why should he treat Shaoyong in public?"

A middle-aged woman next to her was dissatisfied. The woman was dressed in luxurious clothes and her hair was long, her charm was still there.

"Chief, my wife is right, don't look at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face. This Mu Zuzong bullied Shao Yong in public, it means that he didn't take our King Kong tribe in his eyes at all."

A young man said below.

The man was thin, dressed in a fitted white long dress, and looked like a teenager in his thirties, holding a jade flute in his hand, which looked quite elegant.

He is the high priest of the King Kong tribe!

The leader of the Vajra tribe said: "What do you say? He is a disciple of Master Tower Master."

Ziyi woman said: "Even if he is a disciple of the main tower master, it must be reasonable."

"Yes, in that case, Shao Yong can just be apologized. Why do you have to do that? Even abandoning Shao Yong's air, it's just bullying!"

The high priest said.

The two sang a harmony and completely stirred up the anger of the Vajra chieftains and nodded: "Okay, I will now go to the main tower theory."

After the leader of the Vajrayana tribe left, the high priest shook his head and smiled: "The temper of our leader is really not hot!"

"If he doesn't like this, can we have a chance?"

The woman in Ziyi smiled, but she was snuggled in the arms of the high priest.

"Same thing, let's go and have a good time before he goes to the main tower."

The high priest picked up the woman in purple clothes, and walked towards the bed inside, her face full of wicked smiles.

"Shaoyong has an accident, and you still have the mood to think about it."

The woman in purple looked at him with dissatisfaction.

"Isn't anyone worried? What are we in a hurry?"

The high priest threw the purple-clothed woman on the bed and threw it impatiently.

For a time.

In the hall, the clothes flew around and chanted.


The total tower!


A young man in purple clothes holding a folding fan appeared above Jingxin Lake.

He looked at the attic where Qin Feiyang was located and shouted: "Mu Zuzong, come out."

Qin Feiyang was retreating, heard the voice, opened his eyes, got up and walked out of the attic, looked up at Ziyi Youth, smiled and said, "Brother Gongsun, is there something wrong?"

Gongsun North Road: "Master Master let you go in the past."

"What does Master let me do in the past?"

Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

"The leader of the King Kong tribe has been found."

"Hear this, without me saying, you should be able to think of it!"

Gongsun North laughed.

"Vajra tribal leader?"

Qin Feiyang frowned and asked, "Brother Gongsun, can I not go?"

"What do you think?"

Gongsun North Road.

Qin Feiyang smiled helplessly, and flew into the air, and fell beside Gongsun Bei, saying, "Go!"

Gongsun North Road: "We fly over."

"Fly over?"

Qin Feiyang was shocked.

Is there a portal? How much time is flying!

Gongsun Bei looked at Qin Feiyang and smiled, "I want to take the opportunity to chat with you."

"What are you talking about?"

Qin Feiyang asked with a smile.

"Talk while walking."

Gongsun Bei smiled and flew towards the main courtyard of the main tower.

Qin Feiyang followed him suspiciously.

But after flying for a long distance, Gongsun Bei didn't speak, but flew towards the front silently.

Qin Feiyang frowned and said, "Brother Gongsun, if you have anything to say, don't be taboo."

Gongsun Bei shook his head and smiled, "I am not only a disciple of the master of the main tower, but also the master of the temple, what can I taboo."

"then you……"

Qin Feiyang looked at him puzzled.

Gongsun North Road: "This time you entered Qinghai, did anything happen?"

"How do you let me answer?"

Qin Feiyang laughed bitterly and said, "In short, a lot of things have happened."

Gongsun North Road: "Is there anything about the main tower master?"


Qin Feiyang's pupils contracted and looked at Gongsun Bei in surprise.

How strange is this?

Gongsun Bei turned his head to look at Qin Feiyang's expression, a flash of inexplicable light flashed in his eyes, then turned back to look forward and smiled: "Actually I am the same kind of person as you."

"What do you mean?"

Qin Feiyang became more and more suspicious.

However, Gongsun Bei didn't explain, and said with a smile: "No matter what happens in the future, or whoever you meet, be careful."

Qin Feiyang grimaced.

What is this person suggesting?

Gongsun Bei still did not give any explanation and said, "I have something to ask you, do you know where your parents are? I went to them on the day you returned from Qinghai and found that they had left."

"do not know."

"My parents are a pair of free cloud wild cranes, they never tell me where they go, and they will not stay in the same place for too long."

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

"Can you reach them?"

Gongsun Bei asked.

Qin Feiyang smiled bitterly: "I'm not afraid of Brother Gongsun's joke, I didn't build a contract bridge with them."


"You are loved ones!"

Gongsun Bei was surprised.

"Yes, loved ones, but they always say that they don't want to have my son, who is not a weapon, and they say, I'm not allowed to mention them outside, and I'm not allowed to ask them for help when something happens.

"I wonder if I was born by them."

Qin Feiyang said helplessly.

"you think too much."

"They do this, they should want you to grow independently."

"After all, most children grow up under the care of their parents."

"Be spoiled, it's hard to be a big weapon."

Gongsun North Road.

"Is that right?"

Qin Feiyang looked suspicious.

"Is this the case? You can ask them later and you will know."

Gongsun Bei smiled and said, "In fact, to be honest, I envy your parents."

"Envy them?"

Qin Feiyang asked.

"No one can restrain them and go wherever they want, easily."

Gongsun North smiled, with a longing in his eyes.

Qin Feiyang said: "Brother Gongsun can do it too!"


Gongsun Bei shook his head and said, "Some people, some things, once the first step is taken, it is difficult to get out. In fact, this life is still a little bland."

"some people……"


Qin Feiyang pondered silently.

What is Gongsun Bei implying?

What kind of secret is hidden in his heart?

Gongsun Bei has always given him the impression that he is a strong, smart and capable person.

But now he suddenly discovered that in addition to these appearances, Gongsun Bei had another aspect.



Qin Feiyang said: "Brother Gongsun, there is a question. I always wanted to ask you, but I didn't know whether to ask or not."

"It's all you own, what else are you worried about, just ask!"

Gongsun North Road.

"You are also a disciple of Master, but why have I never heard you call him Master, but you call him Master?"

Qin Feiyang doubted.

"I'm not already a teacher. If I call him Master again, others will gossip behind my back."

Gongsun North laughed.

"Is that right?"

Qin Feiyang expressed doubt.

Although he was out of school, he was also a disciple of the main tower master, not to mention Gongsun Bei's strength and status in the main tower. Who dares to gossip behind his back?

However, Gongsun Bei did not continue to discuss this topic, and said with a smile: "Tell me about what happened in Qinghai, I am very interested."

"it is good."

Qin Feiyang nodded and talked about them one by one.

But he was talking about things that Hao Gongzi and Wang Youer also knew. As for other things, he chose to hide.


The courtyard of the main tower master enters the sight of the two.

Gongsun Bei looked at the courtyard from afar and smiled: "Listening to what you said, this trip to Qinghai is quite exciting, but you should still hide a lot of things!"

Qin Feiyang's eyes flickered.

"Don't worry, it's your private business, I won't care."

"But you have to remember that there are certain things, remember not to talk nonsense, it must be rotten in the stomach."

Gongsun Bei stopped and turned to look at Qin Feiyang, the smile on his face disappeared, very serious.

Qin Feiyang's eyes narrowed and nodded, "Understood."

"Then go!"

Gongsun Bei smiled, turned and waved his hand, took Qin Feiyang, and fell in front of the courtyard. He respectfully said, "Master, Mu Zuzong brought him."

"Have seen Master."

Qin Feiyang also bowed to salute.

The main tower owner sits in the pavilion, and a pot of tea and two teacups are placed on the stone table.

Opposite the main pagoda, there was also a burly man, the leader of the King Kong tribe.

"come in!"

The main tower owner looked at Qin Feiyang and smiled.


The two answered, pushed open the gate of the courtyard, and entered the pavilion one after the other.

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