Invincible God of War

Chapter 1078: Boss, I want the Tianxuan tribe to disappear!

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The residences of many tribal leaders are in the middle of the tribal city, and the Tianxuan tribe is no exception.

Because this is a symbol of identity, representing the superior status of the superior.

The residence of the leader of the Tianxuan tribe is a huge mansion, which occupies almost one tenth of the city and is magnificent and magnificent.

The security around the mansion is very strict, it can almost be said to be three steps one post, seven steps one post.

The people who guard the mansion are basically Hans, and the cultivation base is between five-star and nine-star battle sect.

But Qin Feiyang, with the two sons of Hao, walked in with a big swing.

In a garden.

Mr. Hao glanced around his eyes and frowned, "The mansion is so big, where are we going to find the leader of the Tianxuan tribe?"

"The nine-star war saints of the Tianxuan tribe should not be many, I feel it."

Wang You'er said, then closed his eyes.

"no need."

Qin Feiyang waved his hand and looked up at the mansion.

Wang You'er opened his eyes and looked up suspiciously, and then he saw an old figure, which appeared in the sky out of thin air.

It was the housekeeper who went after them!

Watching the housekeeper appear, Hao Gongzi brightened his eyes and smiled: "He will definitely return to the Tianxuan tribal leader immediately when he comes back. We just need to follow him."


Qin Feiyang nodded his head, waved his arm, and took the two sons of Hao, and took off.



The butler glanced at the mansion and ran towards a courtyard below.

Qin Feiyang followed the three of them.


The four entered the courtyard one after the other.

The size of the courtyard is about five or six hundred meters. In addition to an exquisite loft, there is also a small garden with hundreds of flowers blooming and attracting butterflies and butterflies.

After the housekeeper fell in the courtyard, he went straight to the attic.

The attic carved beam painting building, antique and antique, quite a bit of charm, the door is half-covered, no sound can be heard.

The butler walked to the gate and bowed, "The leader, the old slave is back."

"Come in!"

There was a thick voice inside.

The housekeeper strode in.

Qin Feiyang and the three followed silently. When they saw him in the hall, they sat with a man and a woman.

Both are middle-aged.

The man is burly and muscular, with short dark hair and a height of nearly two meters, like a little giant.

The woman was wearing a purple long dress and gold hairpin, and she looked graceful and luxurious.

And behind them, there was a young man in purple clothes.

It is Chu Aotian!

Watching the housekeeper walk in, Chu Aotian immediately ran up and hurriedly said, "Where is he now? Take Master Ben quickly, Master Ben must let him taste life better than death!"


The housekeeper looked a little ugly.


Chu Aotian frowned.

The butler sighed deeply and bowed: "Young Master, the old slave is incompetent, he has not been found!"


Chu Aotian suddenly became furious and shouted angrily: "Taking so many people in the past, I haven't found him yet. Are you all rice bins?"

The middle-aged man frowned and shouted, "Aotian, let me step aside!"


Chu Aotian turned to look at the middle-aged man, his face full of anger, was about to say something, but when the middle-aged man glared, he went on honestly and retreated aside obediently.

The middle-aged man glanced at him and looked at the butler and asked, "What's going on?"

The butler said: "It may be because of fear of our revenge. When the old slave rushed to Baiyun City, he had already left."

"Did you chase?"

The middle-aged man asked.


"But after chasing hundreds of miles, I didn't see anyone else."

The housekeeper said.

"What about others?"

Middle-aged man said.

The housekeeper said: "It's still going on."

The middle-aged man nodded and said awkwardly: "To see someone alive, to see a dead body!"


The steward responded respectfully and turned away.

The woman in purple looked at the middle-aged man and asked, "Husband, do you want to notify Xuan'er?"

"Tell her what to do?"

The middle-aged man looked at her puzzled.

"This person knows Aotian's identity and dares to kill the people around him in public, which is enough to show that he is not afraid of my Tianxuan tribe."

"And this face, which I have never seen before, should not be a person in this area."

The purple woman is humane.

The middle-aged man frowned: "Madam means, this person is probably from another big tribe?"


Mrs. Ziyi nodded and said, "Xuan'er is very knowledgeable in the main tower. If this person really comes from a certain big tribe, it should be recognizable."

The middle-aged man's eyes flickered and nodded. "My wife makes sense, and you really need to ask Xuan'er so as not to provoke some people who shouldn't."

Say it.

He took out the image spar.

Hao Gongzi smiled secretly: "I still know about your identity first. It seems that the leader of the Tianxuan tribe, although he is arrogant and domineering, is still conscious."

Qin Feiyang said: "If there is no consciousness, the Tianxuan tribe can go to today? I'm afraid it has already been annihilated."

Hao Gongzi smiled.


After a moment.

Chu Xuan's phantom came out.

The middle-aged man got up and smiled: "Xuan'er, it's been good these days!"

The tone and attitude are actually flattering.


Faced with this attitude of middle-aged men, Chu Xuan not only did not resist, but also gave a very enjoyable gesture, saying: "It's okay, is there anything to tell me?"

Even the tone seemed very indifferent, like a tall empress.

"A little thing."

"Not long ago, your brother took someone to Baiyun City, but was stopped by someone who didn't know what to do, and killed many of our people."

"I want to ask for my father, do you know him?"

The middle-aged man waved his hand, and the fighting was surging, condensing Qin Feiyang's appearance.

Chu Xuan looked at the virtual shadow and shook his head: "I haven't seen it before, so it shouldn't be a famous person."

"That's good."

The middle-aged man exhaled and said, "Is that fat man still harassing you?"

Qin Feiyang's eyes flashed, and the video spar was taken out.


Chu Xuan frowned slightly and said, "Speaking of this, I'm quite puzzled."


The middle-aged man asked.

Chu Xuan said: "Before, every morning, he would come to me on time to please me, but he hadn't come to me once in the past two days."

The fat man is staring at Li Yan these two days, of course it is impossible to find her.

"Why is this?"

"Did he give up?"

Middle-aged man suspicious.

"It should not be possible."

"Because if you give up, he has already given up, there is no need to pester me for so long."

"But it doesn't matter, anyway, my goal is Mu Zuzong."

"If it wasn't for his good relationship with Mu Zuzong, I wouldn't bother to care for him."

Chu Xuan sneered.

"Isn't it!"

"He didn't look in the mirror to see what his virtue was, and it was ridiculous that Toad wanted to eat swan."

Middle-aged men laughed.

"Sure enough, I was guessed."

Wang Youer mumbled.

"This woman is not simple. Before being with Guo Feng, it should be the background of Guo Feng's family!"

Hao Gongzi said with emotion.

This woman's scheming is scary.


Qin Fei also froze in his eyes.

Who is Chu Xuan has nothing to do with him, but if he dares to use the fat man, then he can never be forgiven!

Chu Xuan looked at the middle-aged man and said, "Is there anything else?"

"No more."

Middle-aged man shakes his head.

Before the words fell, Chu Xuan's phantom dissipated, and there wasn't even a word of farewell.

Wang You'er hated: "This woman is really offensive."

Although this family is nothing good, should we respect our parents as children?

But on Chu Xuan's face, she couldn't find any sign of respect.

This is true even for his own biological parents, not to mention outsiders.

The quality is very poor!

Mr. Hao turned to look at Qin Feiyang and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Let them despair and regret!"

Qin Feiyang's eyes flickered, put away the image spar, and took the two sons Hao and left.


The total tower!

Meditation Lake!

Qin Feiyang and three people sat by the coffee table, drinking tea silently.

next to.

The fat man looked up at the picture from the spar, his hands clasped together, his face full of pain.

Since Qin Feiyang sent him a message, he has been praying, praying that this is a misunderstanding.


The facts crushed him relentlessly.

"So I was just using me ..."

"I like you so much, why do you treat me so ..."

"You are too cruel!"

He murmured to himself, tears could not help coming out.

Qin Feiyang couldn't bear it, put down the teacup, got up and patted his shoulder heavily, and said: "A man bleeds without tears."

The fat man wiped away his tears, turned to look at Qin Feiyang, and said, "Boss, I want the Tianxuan tribe to disappear!"

One word at a time, the clang is powerful and contains indelible murderousness!

Qin Feiyang nodded and said: "The Tianxuan tribe will dissipate and it will not be too late!"

"I will do this!"

Hao Gongzi got up and smiled.

Wang You'er frowned, and said angrily: "What are you doing together?"

"My son also looks at them very unhappy!"

Hao Gongzi shrugged.

Qin Feiyang turned to look at Master Hao and smiled with his hands: "Thank you so much."

"My family, what's your politeness?"

Hao Gongzi glanced at him and looked at the fat man: "You can rest assured, this son will make the woman feel uncomfortable, and then kneel and beg to let you marry her!"

"Such a woman, I am no longer interested."

"However, it would be pleasing to see her suffering and despair."

Fat man sneered.

"Haha ..."

"It was such a blow that you can still recover so quickly. Your psychological quality is pretty good!"

"Originally we are still worried, when you learn about these things, you will seek death!"

Hao Gongzi laughed.

"Just kidding, hasn't the psychological quality been strong after following the boss for so many years? This blow, at most, just made me feel sad, looking for death? Nothing exists."

The fat man shook his head and said.

Hao Gongzi extended his thumb and said, "I appreciate you."

The fat man said: "I also admire you, so quickly from a young boy to a young and promising young man."


Hao Gongzi was stunned and speechless: "When have I been dumb? Not to mention that I am dumb, much better than that Chuaotian."

The fat man nodded seriously: "Well, it's not good enough, it's more than good."

Hao Gongzi turned black, exasperated and said, "Why are you so punished?"

"No way, born to be like a beating."

The fat man touched his chin and laughed.

Seeing the fat man not ashamed, but proud of him, Hao Gongzi was speechless for a while, and he shook his head helplessly.

But the atmosphere is quite active.

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