Invincible God of War

Chapter 1104: Off

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the next day.

Qin Feiyang awoke from the practice early in the morning.

"I don't know what Pei Yi is now."

He mumbled to himself.

For Pei Yi, he not only has sympathy, but also an inexplicable emotion.

This sentiment was unclear to him.

Anyway, I just want to help Pei Yi.


He got up to open the portal and appeared Pei Yi's alchemy room, but no one was here.

"Where will it be?"

Qin Feiyang pondered.


In his eyes, he opened another portal and landed on a valley.

In the valley.

The green grass swayed in the wind.

The wildflowers are full bloom and fragrant.

There is also a small lake in the middle of the valley, the lake water is crystal clear.

And now.

A young man in white, sitting alone by the lake, staring at the rippling lake.

It is Pei Yi!

"I knew you were here."

Qin Feiyang landed beside Pei Yi with a smile.

This valley was the place where the group of kids grilled meat last time.

Pei Yi turned his head and glanced at him, and continued to look at the lake and said: "Now come to me, are you afraid that I will get angry with you?"

Qin Feiyang said: "If you are such a person, then I will not come."

Pei Yi shook his head and asked, "How do you know I am here?"

"It's simple."

"You often bring the group of children here to barbecue, indicating that this is a pure land in your heart."

Qin Feiyang laughed.

Pei Yi sighed: "I didn't expect that the person who knows me best in this world will be the one you don't know me well."


"I'm also puzzled. Our intersection is not deep, but why do I want to help you so much?"

Qin Feiyang whispered.

"help me?"

Pei Yi was shocked.

Qin Feiyang took out three potential pill, two potential pill, and a small chemical pill, laughing: "Take it!"

"What kind of panacea?"

Pei Yi looked at these immortals suspiciously.

"A panacea that will make you reborn."

Qin Feiyang said, and then released Shengwei, which helped Pei Yi to open the door of six layers of potential in succession.

This surprise came too suddenly, until the sixth level of potential doors opened, Pei Yi felt alive in a dream.

I don't know how long it has passed before he relieved himself. He looked at Qin Feiyang and asked, "Why should I help me like this?"

"I do not know either."

"Probably because your experience touched the softness in my heart."

"But no matter what it is, I hope that you can cherish all this now."

Qin Feiyang smiled, and took out two more immortals.

One is Nine-Turn Dragon Blood Pill, and the other is Xiaozaohua Pill.

"This little chemical pill is left for you to open the seventh level of potential when the nine-star war holy."

"As for this panacea, it has a certain chance to allow you to break through a small realm, you can take it now, or you can wait to break through to the Holy War before taking it."

Qin Feiyang handed two immortals to Pei Yi.

"Thank you."

Pei Yi took two immortals.

As for the origin of these immortals, there is no meaning to ask at all.

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: "Xie will not be needed, I just hope that in the future, when you and I are hostile, you will be merciful.


Pei Yi froze for a moment, then looked at the lake, will there really be such a day?

"Mu Zuzong, you dare to come to my God Python Tribe!"


An angry voice sounded.

I saw a red-haired old man came out of the air and landed opposite Qin Feiyang. The old face was full of anger.

It is the old clan of the God Python Tribe!

Pei Yi looked up at the old man with red hair and said, "The old man should not be rude."

The red-haired old man said angrily: "Yi'er, what are you doing? He's the one who hurts the reputation of our God Python Tribe!"

"This is the fact."

"Even if he doesn't say it, he will be known sooner or later."

Pei Yi Road.

"What about Pei Yu and Pei Lang?"

"Should they die?"

The old redhead shouted.

Pei Yidao: "Did you ever think that Pei Ze, Pei Luo, Pei Yu, Pei Lang, are the sons of the second uncle, but why did he not find Pei Ze and Pei Luo, to find Pei Yu and Pei Lang?"

The red-haired old man frowned.

Pei Yidao said: "Because they are scumbags, even if they don't die in Mu Zuzong's hands, one day they will die in the hands of others."

"Yi'er, they are all your loved ones, how can you say them this way?"

The red-haired old man looked at Pei Yi in disbelief.

"I know."

"But have they treated me like a loved one?"

"I believe that without me, you should be clear in your heart!"

Pei Yi said lightly.


The red-haired old man sighed deeply.

In fact, more than he knew, the people of the whole Shen Python tribe knew that the brothers Pei Yu and Pei Lang had never been used to Pei Yi.

There have even been evil intentions.

Think about it, do not blame Pei Yi for being so cold.

Glancing at Qin Feiyang, the old red-haired old man sneered coldly: "Anyway, I don't welcome this person in the Shenyang Tribe."

"I didn't plan to go to your God Python Tribe."

Qin Feiyang said lightly, turned his head to look at Pei Yi, and said with a smile: "I have finished all I have to do, I will say goodbye first."

"it is good."

Pei Yi nodded.

Qin Feiyang opened the portal and left.

The old man with red hair walked to Pei Yi, and the bitter mother said: "Yi'er, listen to my advice, and avoid dealing with him in the future."

Pei Yi said: "Your old man also listened to my advice, don't provoke him in the future, this person is not something we can afford."

The old man with red hair looked at the dissipating portal and frowned without trace.


Let's talk about Qin Feiyang!

He did not return to Jingxin Lake, but descended on the Black Cloud Valley.

Some things, he must make a break.

He took out the image spar.


Soon, Hao Gongzi's phantom appeared.

"Why, this early?"

Hao Gongzi should have drunk too much last night, and he is still a little drunk and hazy.

Qin Feiyang laughed: "Call Wang Youer immediately and come to Heiyun Valley."

Hao Gongzi froze and said impatiently: "If you have anything, just say it. Why are you going to Heiyun Valley?"

"Let you come, what nonsense?"

Qin Feiyang gave a cold drink, then directly turned off the image spar, entered the castle, and fired the alchemy.

Time is passing.

About half an hour passed.

Hao Gongzi and Wang You'er finally came to Heiyun Valley.

Qin Feiyang has long been out of the castle.

Looking at Qin Feiyang, Master Hao said unpleasantly: "Call me up early in the morning, and I tell you, if there is nothing important for you today, I will never end with you."

Wang You'er didn't speak, just looked at him suspiciously.

Qin Feiyang pulled out two jade boxes from his arms and handed them in front of them, laughing, "You are one each."


Hao Gongzi is suspicious.

"See for yourself."

Qin Feiyang said.

The two took the jade box, opened their jade boxes and looked down, the look was even dumbfounded.

I saw seven immortals lying quietly in the jade box.

Hao Gongzi glanced suspiciously at the seven elixirs, then he looked up at Qin Feiyang and asked, "What are these elixirs?"

"These three are Potential Pills, which can open the potential doors from the first floor to the third floor."

"These two are Potential Pills, which can open the potential doors of the fourth and fifth floors."

"These two are Xiaozaohuadan, which can open the potential doors of the sixth and seventh floors."

Qin Feiyang explained one by one.


"Is there any panacea that can open the door to potential?"

The two were dumbfounded.

Qin Feiyang ignored the two of them and continued: "The Potential Pill, the Potential Pill, and the Xiaozaohua Pill can only be taken at the Ninth Star of every state."

"For example, Wang You'er, you are now a nine-star war sage, you can just take it."

"But coercion is needed, you can go to your parents and your grandpa."

"As for Brother Hao, you are a one-star war sage now. You can only take it when you step into the nine-star war sage."

These precautions must be clearly stated, otherwise it may cause death.

"and many more."

"Let me digest it first."

Hao Gongzi reached out and felt too unreal.

The same is true for Wang You'er.

In the past, Qin Feiyang took out Jiuqu Huanglong Pill, which surprised them. Now he has come up with an even more amazing panacea than Jiuqu Huanglong Pill.

Potential Dan?

Potential Dan?


These immortals have never heard of them before!

What is this guy doing?

Hao Gongzi suddenly raised his eyebrows and looked up at Qin Feiyang, saying: "No, Brother Mu, you're not too honest!"

Qin Feiyang turned black and said angrily: "I have pulled out the old man for you, how come I'm not honest?"

"Since you can't take it until Jiuxing, why don't you give it to me when Jiuxing Zongzong?"

"Now that I have broken through to the One Star War Saints, you gave me these immortals, then I can only stare?"

Hao Gongzi frowned.

Qin Feiyang rolled his eyes and said, "Is our relationship so good at that time?"

Hao Gongzi cried when he heard it.

Now he is one-star war sage, and he has to practice to nine-star war sage.

Isn't this torture?

Looking at the expression of tears in the face of Master Hao, Wang You'er raised an eyebrow and said, "Don't be content."

"Of course you can say that."

"You are a nine-star war sage now, and you can use it right away."

"When you open the door to potential, you immediately reborn, and you will just throw me a few streets."

Hao Gongzi was dissatisfied.

Wang You'er suddenly came to the fire and said angrily: "Don't you know that you should work harder? Go to Longfeng Tower a few times, and now it's more than that."

Upon hearing this, Master Hao was embarrassed.

Wang You'er stared at him angrily, looking at Qin Feiyang, "This is the reason why you practice so fast?"


"I have opened the door to the sixth level of potential."

Qin Feiyang nodded.

Wang Youer took a cold breath and actually opened the sixth floor.


She raised her eyebrows and said, "Why? You weren't happy to let you tell me these things before. Now you can give us so many medicines, can't there be no reason?"

She always feels that today's Qin Feiyang is different from before.

"Yeah, why?"

Hao Gongzi also reacted and looked at Qin Feiyang puzzled.

Qin Feiyang smiled and said: "You are all big guys, and I definitely want to stammer you!"

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