Invincible God of War

Chapter 1242: Accept me!

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"Where are you going?"

Wang Yangfeng raised his eyebrows and shouted.

"It doesn't matter where you go, you are free anyway."

He Xian did not return.

Qin Feiyang said lightly: "Is it really free?"

He Xianren froze, stopped in the void, turned to stare at Qin Feiyang, and said gloomyly: "What do you mean?"

Qin Feiyang laughed and said: "I mean, I'm afraid you are still far away from freedom, because Lord Otani is still alive, and the blood soul technique has not been lifted."


Not only the crane fairy changed color, but even Wang Yangfeng's face also changed suddenly.

If the Blood Soul technique is not lifted, they will never escape the control of the Great Valley Master.

"did you see it?"

"He left a hand in order to threaten us!"

He Xian shouted.

"Hugh nonsense!"

Wang Yang storm was furious.

He was really afraid that Crane Immortals angered Qin Feiyang. When Qin Feiyang was angry, he would let Ogu kill all of them.

He Xianren's face sank, and there was an amazing gleam in the depths of his eyes!

Qin Feiyang glanced at him and looked at Wang Yang Feng Road: "Wang Lao, I don't think this person can stay."

Wang Yangfeng was surprised and asked, "What do you mean?"

Qin Feiyang said: "Although He Xianren is from this village, he has changed and became bloodthirsty, and his six relatives do not recognize it."

"A lot of nonsense!"

He Xianren shouted angrily, and looked at Wang Yang Feng Road: "Old Ancestor, don't believe his gibberish, he is provoking divorce."

"Provoking divorce?"

"Don't I need such trouble for a small character like you? Don't take yourself too seriously."

Qin Feiyang smiled contemptuously.

"Master Qin, what do you mean by that?"

Wang Yangfeng asked.

"He came to the village that day to recruit disciples. I saw with my own eyes that he used Diwei to kill a 11-year-old boy alive."

Qin Feiyang said.


Wang Yangfeng looked dumbfounded, turned his head to look at Crane Immortal, and said angrily: "Is this true?"

Others were glaring.

He Xianren panicked and quickly waved his hand: "No, he is lying!"


"At that time, all the people in the village saw it with their own eyes."

"Originally I thought that you were not from this village, so you didn't care about their life and death."

"But Wang Shan told me that everyone except the Otani and Ergu, the people in the underground world are people in this village."

"Do you know how shocked I was?"

"You use their ignorance to kill innocents ..."

"I tell you, if it wasn't for finding the underground world, I would have slaughtered you!"

Qin Feiyang saw a murderous surge in his eyes.

"is this real?"

Wang Yangfeng looked at the villagers on the side and asked.

Everyone nodded one after another.


Suddenly angry, Wang Yangfeng turned his head to stare at the Crane Immortal and shouted: "Everyone in the village is our loved one, how can you do it!"

"I do not have……"

He Xianren is still quibbling.

"It's you, kill our son!"

The parents of the dead teenager ran out of the crowd and shouted at the Crane Fairy.

"Haha ..."

He Xianren smiled.

Laughing wildly.


"I changed!"

"When I was young, the village was everything for me."

"For the village, I can even give my life."

"But when I entered that so-called fairy gate ..."

"When I learned all the truth ..."

"When I stepped into cultivation, I realized that the world was so ruthless and cruel."

"I'm not convinced. Why should my fate be controlled by others ..."

"Slowly, I began to hate the world, and all the people around me ..."

"Finally, this hatred turned into hatred ..."

"Finally one day, Lord Otani asked me to recruit disciples. When I returned to the village again, I found that everything had changed ..."

"Everyone can't recognize me, nor can I recognize them."

"Former relatives, friends, brothers, have long since died in the long river of time ..."

"I searched the whole village, but I didn't find a familiar face ..."

"I hate it!"

"I need to vent!"

"I still remember that on the day I first returned to the village, I killed dozens of children in front of all the villagers ..."

"Ji ..."

"Crucially, they haven't resisted, but they have no complaints ..."

"Do you know how happy I was at that time?"

"I can finally play with others."

"Haha ..."

"I'm not afraid to tell you that in the past two or three hundred years, the villagers who died in my hands have not one thousand but also eight hundred.

He Xianren laughed wildly, with contempt in his eyes.


Wang Yangfeng screamed in the sky, his hands clenched together, his nails submerged in flesh and blood, and his face was full of pain.

"What are you shouting at?"

"Don't you know that the most **** person is you?"

"You are the ancestor of this village, but what have you done?"

The Crane Immortal roared steadily.


Hearing this, Wang Yangfeng suddenly spurted blood, and his heart hurt like a knife.

"Although the ancestors have not stood up to protect everyone in these years, there is one thing that no one can deny."

"He hasn't hurt any villagers."

A red-haired old man came out and stood in front of Wang Yangfeng, watching He Xian humane.

He is one of those dozens of nine-star war emperors.


"The ancestors have been blaming themselves for thousands of years. They have no ability to protect everyone."

"Old ancestors also hate."

"But what he hated was not the villagers, not the people around him, but hated himself, the big valley master and the second valley master!"

"You have lost humanity and are not worthy to live in this world!"

"Give you a chance to regret, self-discipline!"

In addition, dozens of nine-star war emperors also stood up and looked at the Crane Immortal indifferently.

"Never possible!"

He Xianren sneered, turned around and flew into the sea like lightning.


The red-haired old man snorted with a sneer, and took a step forward, and then ran across the crane fairy.

He Xian's popular roaring roar: "For those wastes, is it worth killing me?"

"They are not waste, they are loved ones, our loved ones."

The red-haired old man said blankly, and slapped him on the chest of the crane fairy.


However at this time.

There were terrifying waves in the sea below, four figures flew out of the waves, and a red-haired old man fluttered with his palms, and he took the crane fairy back without leaving his head.

The red-haired old man was furious, and after stabilizing his body, he chased away immediately.

Wang Yangfeng and others are also preparing to pursue.

"Stop chasing."

Qin Feiyang said at this moment.


Everyone looked at him suspiciously.

Qin Feiyang stared at the backs of the four men and said, "They are also nine-star war emperors and cannot catch up, but He Xianren wants to escape, impossible!"

His heart moved, and Otani appeared out of thin air.

Qin Feiyang said: "Immediately abolish the power of the blood of He Xianren."

Lord Otani shook his head and said: "I am a sea of ​​spirits that has been abolished by you and I cannot run Blood Soul."

Qin Feiyang raised his eyebrows.

"you are lying."

But this time.

Lu Zheng spoke, staring coldly at Ogu.


Lord Otani stiffened and turned to look at Lu Zheng.

Lu Zhengdao: "Blood Soul is not a tactic of war, nor is it a tactic of magic. It is a mysterious technique. It does not need war to urge it."

"How do you know?"

Lord Otani was surprised.

"This world is not the only one who understands Blood Soul."

Lu Zheng sneered.

next moment!

He waved his hand, and a spirit of fighting emerged. Without waiting for everyone to react, he directly cut off the head of Otani, and the blood was sprayed for several meters.

This scene suddenly made Wang Xiaojie and those villagers look pale.

"Why did you kill him?"

"Since he is lying, then he must be hiding something from us."

Lu Hong dissatisfied.

Lu Zhengdao: "Do not kill him, what if he abolishes everyone's blood?"

"Dare he?"

Lu Hong frowned.

Lu Zheng said helplessly: "Hong'er, you have been in the rivers and lakes for so many years, so how naive? Haven't you heard the dog hurriedly jump the wall? Or else, I will accompany you to the world, so that I can Cover you from the wind and rain, distinguish good from evil ... "

"Are you familiar with you?"

Lu Hong glared at him.

"Unfamiliar now, does not mean that you will not be familiar in the future, maybe we will blossom in the future!"

Lu Zheng laughed.


Lu Hong's face was dark and his blue muscles were violently jumping.

Lu Zheng smiled and smiled, then looked at Qin Feiyang, said: "Little cousin, this big valley owner is still alive, why don't you tell me the first time? Do you know how dangerous this is? Fortunately, the castle can be cut The connection of Blood Soul, otherwise these people are estimated to be dead. "

"You didn't tell me in advance, Blood Soul can be urged without fighting spirit."

Qin Fei raised his eyes.

"Then you didn't ask, I will definitely tell you if you ask."

Lu Zhengdao.

Qin Feiyang rubbed his forehead, looked at Wang Yangfeng and others, and said: "The Lord of the Valley is dead, and the blood soul technique will not break through, you are free."

Hearing this, everyone immediately couldn't help cheering.

Some even couldn't help crouching on the ground, crying with a headache.

"Right, Master Qin, who are the four people who rescued the He Xianren?"

"Why haven't you seen it before?"

Wang Yangfeng doubted.

"They are descendants of the national teacher."

Qin Fei's eyes flashed coldly.

That's right!

Those who rescued the Crane Immortal were the four who rescued the Master of the Kingdom.

But why are they here?

Qin Feiyang turned his head to look at Wang Yangfeng and asked, "Did I ever leave the Hexian before I came?"

"go away?"

Wang Yangfeng was stunned and shook his head: "I didn't pay attention."

Others shook their heads.

"He left, I saw it with my own eyes."

Wang Xiaojie then ran to Qin Fei and said.

Qin Feiyang looked at Wang Yangfeng and others and said, "It seems that he secretly sent a message to the state teacher while you were not paying attention."

"This **** ..."

Wang Yangfeng was furious.

"He has fallen completely. It is best to get rid of him if he has a chance, otherwise he will suffer endlessly."

Qin Feiyang said.


Wang Yangfeng nodded.

Qin Feiyang glanced at everyone and said, "You are also free. I can't force you. Now let's make a statement. Do you want to follow me?"

Everyone lowered their heads and said nothing.

"I am I ..."

Wang Xiaojie couldn't wait to raise his hand and blushed with a small face, shouting: "Brother Jiang Fei, take me away, I can do anything, such as serving tea and pouring water, cooking and laundry ..."

"Jie'er, don't mess around."

But before Wang Xiaojie finished, he was dragged back by Wang Jin.

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