Invincible God of War

Chapter 1250: Always hate!

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"Not convinced?"

Qin Feiyang sneered: "Then I'm just like you dealing with the big valley masters and beating you."


He stepped on it again, and with a loud bang, Lei Leopard half of the body did not sink into the soil.

"The emperor just refused to accept."

"The Emperor still has a lot of means that he hasn't come up with. If he has the ability, he will wait for the Emperor to repair his spirit and continue to fight!"

Lei Bao roared.


Qin Feiyang snorted from his nose, grabbed Lei Leopard's tail, and dragged it out of the mound, then tossed it hard and kicked on Lei Leopard's butt.


Lei Leopard immediately wailed like a meteorite, flying high into the sky.


Qin Feiyang rose to the sky and stood high in the sky.

When Lei Leopard flew up and kicked again, Lei Lei shot again with a wail.

that's it.

It was like a ball, kicked up and kicked by Qin Feiyang.

Less than a moment.

It was swollen with countless large buns, and its bones were about to fall apart.

"Don't kick, don't kick, the emperor is convinced ..."

Lei Bao compromised.

If you go on like this, I am afraid it will really be kicked alive.

"Do you want to be my mount?"

Qin Feiyang said indifferently.

"Need it."

Lei Bao nodded again and again.

Why is it so unlucky, encountering such a star?

Why is it so stupid to suppress cultivation?

At this moment.

There was nothing in it, only regret.

"I thought you had a hard bone?"

Qin Feiyang snorted and twisted Lei Bao on the ground, then pinched his hands with his hands, and a **** seal quickly condensed out and sank into Lei Leopard's heavenly cover.


"What did you do to the emperor?"

Lei Bao shouted in pain.

Qin Feiyang ignored it, looked up at a mountain, and said with a deep voice: "When do you want to see it there?"

"There are people?"

Lei Bao was suspicious.

"Am I peeking? Obviously, it's a fair and honest watch."

Lu Zheng jumped down, grinning at Qin Feiyang, looking at Lei Bao shaking his head and said: "It's a bad luck guy."

Lei Bao immediately glared at his teeth.

Qin Feiyang took out a Linghaidan and threw it to Lei Bao, watching Lu Zheng said angrily: "You tell me, how old are you this year? Still so unreasonable?


Lu Zheng was stunned and frowned, "Did you take the wrong medicine today?"

Qin Feiyang clenched his hands and stared at Lu Zheng with anger.

But in the end, he let go of his hand and said blankly: "Just do it, anyway, I never expected you to help me."

"What's wrong with you today?"

"How come everyone tastes like gunpowder?"

Lu Zheng frowned.


Qin Feiyang took a deep breath, turned his head to look at Lei Bao, said lightly: "There will be another fierce battle soon, and quickly repair the sea of ​​qi."

"Take care of the emperor's ass."

Lei Bao sneered.

Qin Feiyang's thoughts moved, and Lei Bao immediately fell to the ground, while rolling, and howling in pain.

"It's better not to force me to do it again."

Qin Feiyang glanced at it coldly, then flickered and disappeared without a trace.

"Fuck, are you awesome?"

Lei Bao immediately scolded.

"He's quite bullish."

Lu Zheng glanced at it and said.

Lei Leopard froze, turned his head to look at Lu Zheng, and asked: "You should be familiar with it? Then do you know what the mark that just plunged into my heavenly spirit?

"That is called the enslavement mark, which can control the soul of the soul."

"That is to say, now he can erase your soul and peep into your inner thoughts with just one move of his heart."

Lu Zheng said nothing, he opened a portal and strode in.

He always felt.

Qin Feiyang was a bit wrong.

"Controlling the soul ..."

Lei Bao was dumbfounded.

I regret it in my heart.

I knew it was like this, and killing it would not be a big deal, suppressing cultivation to the state!


Inside the jungle!

Wang Xiaojie was still kneeling, and his legs were numb.


Lu Zheng appeared in front of him out of thin air, wondering: "Do not hesitate, do you really intend to keep kneeling?"

"Master doesn't accept me as a disciple one day, I won't get up one day."

Wang Xiaojie nodded.

"Then whatever you want!"

Lu Zheng shrugged and asked: "During the time I left, did anything happen?"

Wang Xiaojie lowered his head, pondered a little, and looked up at Lu Zhengdao: "It seems that there is something."

"what's up?"

Lu Zheng was refreshed.

Wang Xiaojie said: "Not long ago, the Master appeared suddenly and called a lot of people, saying that he was going outside to find his mother."


Lu Zheng is suspicious.

Wang Xiaojie said: "It is the mother of Master."


Lu Zheng shivered.

Why did the little cousin call everyone to find an aunt?

Could it be that……

His face changed abruptly, looking at Wang Xiaojie: "Where is your master now?"

Wang Xiaojie pointed in one direction and said: "I saw him and two people going to the mountain over there ..."

Without waiting for Wang Xiaojie to finish his speech, Lu Zheng flew into the sky and scanned the mountains ahead.


He saw Ren Wushuang and the old man.

And Qin Feiyang was standing on the edge of the cliff at the moment.


Lu Zhenghua turned into a streamer and fell in front of Qin Feiyang. He grabbed Qin Feiyang's clothes and shouted, "Is there something wrong with my aunt?"

Qin Feiyang looked at him indifferently. After a long time, he nodded and said, "Yes!"


Lu Zheng hit Qin Feiyang with a punch and said angrily: "Why didn't you send me a message as soon as such a big thing happened?"

"Is it useful for you to communicate?"

Qin Feiyang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said.

"Nonsense, I can also help find a way!"

"Yes, she is your mother."

"But don't forget, she is also my dear aunt, what power do you have to hide from me?"

Lu Zheng shouted.

"What are they arguing about?"

The quarrel between the two disturbed the old man and Ren Wushuang, Ren Wushuang suspiciously said.

The old man looked at Qin Feiyang and looked at the tomb in front of him, saying, "Come and see!"

Ren Duxing has been buried and the tombstones have been fixed.

In front of the tombstone, there are two burning incense candles, two delicate fruit bowls, a jug and a wine glass.

This was specially prepared by Ren Wushuang.

"What about you?"

Ren Wushuang asked.

The old man said: "I stay here and stay with your father for a while."

Ren Wushuang sighed deeply, turned around and walked to Qin Feiyang, looking at the two with big eyes and small eyes, and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"You don't care about our business."

Lu Zheng loosened Qin Feiyang's clothes, looked at Ren Wushuang coldly, and turned to look at the mountains and rivers below, his eyes froze.

Ren Wushuang glanced at Lu Zheng and suspiciously said, "Who is he? It seems that he hasn't seen it before."

"My cousin."

"It just popped up recently."

Qin Feiyang said.


Ren Wushuang was surprised.


Lu Zheng turned to look at Qin Feiyang and said, "Send me out."

"What are you doing out there?"

Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

"none of your business."

Lu Zhengdao.

Qin Feiyang raised his eyebrows and didn't want to find it boring. He directly sent Lu Zheng to the ancient pagoda.

"Looking at the two of you looks very ugly, is there something big happening?"

"Also, how did my father die?"

Ren Wushuangdao.

Qin Feiyang said: "Your father died in the hands of Mu Tianyang, and now there is indeed a major event. My mother was taken away by the national teacher.


Ren Wushuang looked pale.

No wonder Qin Feiyang will suddenly send her a message to let everyone come to the sea of ​​reincarnation, originally to prevent the national teacher from doing harm to them.

"and many more!"

"Isn't Mutianyang the emperor of heaven?"

"How could my father have a relationship with him?"

Ren Wushuang said in surprise.

"Things are like this ..."

Qin Feiyang spoke to Ren Wushuang simply and clearly, including Lu Xingchen's story.

After listening to it, Ren Wushuang couldn't regain his consciousness.

Unexpectedly, so many major events have happened in recent years.

"You mean, my father has already been taken away by Mutianyang. The father we saw in the ruined place was actually Mutianyang."

Ren Wushuangdao.


Qin Feiyang nodded.

"Lu Xingchen is also Mutianyang?"

Ren Wushuangdao.


"That's why I asked you to persuade Shen Mei to stay away from him."

Qin Feiyang said.

"This **** bastard, I will never let him go!"

Ren Wushuangyu clenched his hands tightly, rattling, and his face was full of grief and anger.

Qin Feiyang turned to look at Ren Wushuang, a very serious voice said: "You are not his opponent, don't go to him, let me handle it."

"In addition, it is better not to tell the old man that the white-haired man gave the black-haired man. He is already pitiful enough to stop him worrying about these things."

Qin Feiyang added.

"I know."

Ren Wushuangqiang Yan smiled, scanning the village in front of him, and asked, "Are the villagers mortal?"

"Not all."

"But they are very kind."

Qin Feiyang said.

"Then let Grandpa live with them."

"I believe that when I feel the simplicity and kindness of those villagers, Grandpa will soon forget this pain."

Ren Wushuangdao.

"it is good."

Qin Feiyang nodded.

Ren Wushuang said: "Then you are busy, I will stay here and stay with grandpa for a while."


Qin Feiyang nodded, then entered the castle, looked at Dong Zhengyang, who was leaning against the wall and said nothing, saying, "Everyone told me about my mother!"

Dong Zhengyang took a deep breath, looked up at Qin Feiyang, and nodded: "Lu Hong said, including Lu Xingchen's current identity."

"What about Dong Qing?"

Qin Feiyang said.

"Also said."

Dong Zhengyang nodded.

"Then do you hate me?"

Qin Feiyang said.

"Always hate."

Dong Zhengyang said.

Qin Feiyang smiled and said: "Then you should stay in the old castle to practice, and strive to avenge your clan as soon as possible."

Dong Zhengyang frowned: "You keep me by your side, don't you worry about it at all, I'm yelling behind you?"

"Do you know?"

Qin Feiyang asked back.

"It might be."

Dong Zhengyang said.

Qin Feiyang smiled lightly: "It seems that I have to beware of you at any time!"

Dong Zhengyang shook his head, his eyes suddenly cold, said: "The battle between us will definitely appear, but before that, I will first kill Lu Xingchen and Mu Tianyang, send me out, it is time to leave Now. "


Qin Feiyang was stunned.

Lu Hong and others also looked at Dong Zhengyang in amazement.

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