Invincible God of War

Chapter 1606: Bloody **** tree, sad reminder!

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"it is good!"

"I will let you see, my strongest means!"

"You will certainly be shocked!"

Zhuge Mingyang sneered.


As he waved his hand, a war sword came out.

The war sword can be more than a dozen feet long, and the whole body is surrounded by a blazing flame, the flame is gray, releasing a worldlike edge!

"What magic formula is this?"

"Have you never seen it before?"

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

And judging from the momentum, the power of this magic formula does not seem to be lower than his fire Phoenix formula.

"Six-word killing tactics, chopping word tactics, kill!"

When Zhuge Mingyang screamed loudly, the war sword pierced the sky and cut towards the enchantment.

"Six-character killing recipe?"

"Cut word trick?"

Qin Feiyang was stunned.

Six-word magic formula, he knows.

But what are these six-character killing tricks?

With a loud bang, Zhan Jianfeng was so violent that he tore a crack in the enchantment.

A terrifying sword spirit, went straight to a cedar ahead!


Jian Qi slashed towards the cedar, and there was a loud metallic sound.

And sparks burst out.


Cedar was not cut off by Jian Qi, and when he entered the wood three inches, the Jian Qi suddenly dissipated.

"It's really comparable to God Iron!"

You Huang startled.


"Such terrible killing tricks, it is estimated that even the false gods dare not follow."

Qin Feiyang nodded.

"Wait, you look at the mouth in the tree!"

Liu Mu suddenly exclaimed, as if he saw something incredible, his eyes were full of horror.

Qin Feiyang and Youhuang looked, and their expressions immediately became extremely exaggerated.

His eyes are wide open and his mouth is full of anger, enough to cram an egg.

That mouth that Jian Qi had left on the trunk before, actually dripped a drop of blood!

Not wrong!

That is blood!

Is a tree bleeding?

What a shocking thing!

Rao is that they are well-informed and have never heard such a mysterious thing!


The lord of Fengtian Palace murmured and was shocked.

"do not you know?"

Willow asked.

"Before, no matter whether it was my Fengtian Temple or the Vanguard League, it would basically not be messed up here, so until now we don't know that these cedars will actually bleed."

The Master of Fengtian Palace shook his head.

"That's not the case!"

Zhuge Mingyang was scornful and scornful.

He waved the war sword again, ready to smash the enchantment in one fell swoop.




But suddenly.

The cedars around, shaking like crazy.

And the cedars in the distance rose up from the ground, and came in groups and pieces.


Zhuge Mingyang was petrified on the spot.

What the **** are these **** cedars?

At last.

With the bursts of bang, all the cedars were rooted around Zhuge Mingyang, forming a huge airtight cage.

"Go up and see."

The Master of Fengtian Palace shouted.

A group of people struck lightning above the cage.

Qin Feiyang, Liumu, and Youhuang couldn't help but take a breath.

There are more than a few thousand cedars gathered here, it is estimated that there are tens of thousands!

They looked down again and looked at Zhuge Mingyang inside.

I saw that Zhuge Mingyang was trapped in the middle, and the enchantment that had been torn apart by the war sword had already been closed.

Zhuge Mingyang was clutching the war sword at the moment, frantically hacking the enchantment.

But now, nothing works.

It was like an indestructible barrier.

"It turns out that this is the real power of cedar. I am afraid that apart from Cangxue and the ancient castle, there is no magic formula or artifact that can break this barrier."

Willow murmured.

This scene is really amazing!

Feng Tiangong Palace said: "This shows that Zhuge Mingyang has thoroughly annoyed the cedars here. In this life, he may only stay here."

Between words, there is a tone of gloating.

"Good thing."

Qin Feiyang grinned.


The main lord of Fengtian Palace was stunned, and he doubted: "Isn't he Daqin's man? Why is it still a good thing?"

"Although he is a person of Daqin, he is a big trouble for me and the biggest threat to Daqin."

Qin Feiyang said.

Before, Da Qin's biggest threat was Mutianyang.

But now in his view, Mutianyang is nothing, and Zhuge Mingyang is more threatened.

"It turns out this way."

The master of Fengtian Palace nodded suddenly.

Inside the cage.

Seeing that he could not break the barrier, Zhuge Mingyang couldn't help but start to look anxiously. He looked up at Qin Feiyang above and shouted, "You intend to stand there and watch the drama?"

"No no no."

Qin Feiyang waved his hand.

Zhuge Mingyang said angrily: "Hurry up and help, but also chase down the people of the Tianyang Empire. You can't waste time here."

"I will certainly go after the Tianyang Empire."

"However, only us, not you."

Qin Feiyang laughed.

"What do you mean?"

Zhuge Mingyang's heart sank.

"Isn't that already obvious?"

"You stay here and play with these cedars slowly."

Youhuang joked.


"I'm kind enough to help you, you are dead, but you are not human!"

Zhuge Mingyang went crazy and roared.

"I thank you for your kindness, but you don't have to worry about it. We can do it in every Tianyang empire."


Qin Feiyang chuckled and turned to plunder deep into the mountains.

"Be yourself."

The lord of Fengtian Palace sneered, and then took a step, immediately fell beside Qin Feiyang.


"good luck."

"No need to send, we will go by ourselves, you can enjoy life here, don't miss us."

Liu Mu and You Huang smiled at Zhuge Mingyang, and turned back towards Qin Feiyang.

"Son of a bitch……"

The angry roar of Zhuge Mingyang, when it came out from the cage, echoed between the sky and the earth, and did not disperse for a long time.


Qin Feiyang and his party turned a deaf ear. After half an hour's journey, they finally crossed the mountains and came to the desert.


In the desert, a tornado storm can be seen everywhere, rolling up the yellow sand.

Because there is no moisture, the climate here is also extremely dry and sultry.

The Master of Fengtian Palace glanced at the desert, turned his head and looked at Qin Feiyang, said: "Your speed is too slow, let this seat take you."

Qin Feiyang nodded and said, "Let the elder Nine come out first."

With a wave of his hand, the master of Fengtian Palace, the old woman immediately emerged, and the sea of ​​qi has been restored.

Qin Feiyang looked at the old woman and said, "Have you ever told you where to go?"


"They said that when they enter the desert, they will go deeper."

"Also said that if my identity was accidentally exposed, I would find a way to escape and join them."

Old woman said.

"The desert is so big, even if we know they went deep, we can't find it!"

Willow Road.


"Looking for someone here is simply a needle in a haystack."

"Besides, they had already set off yesterday. After a day and night of escape, who knows where they are now?"

Youhuang Road.

"Do not."

Qin Feiyang waved his hand and said, "They will not be too far away from us."

"How to say?"

Youhuang suspicious.

"Although the Vanguard League and the Tianyang Empire started to transfer yesterday, not long ago, the false gods of the two forces only washed the Fengtian Palace."

"So inferred from time, they didn't enter the desert for long."

Qin Feiyang said.

"That's hard to chase!"

"After all, they also have auxiliary tactics."

Willow Road.

Qin Feiyang said: "They have many people, there will always be delays on the road."

"not always."

"Vangumeng and the Tianyang Empire also have space artifacts, and they can send all others to space artifacts."

Shen Tiangong, the master of Fengtian Palace, said in a deep voice.

"There are so many people in the Vanguard League and the Tianyang Empire. Do they have such a big space fetish?"

Qin Feiyang frowned.

"In the hands of the emperor of the Tianyang Empire, there is a large space artifact that seems to be able to accommodate millions of people."

The main road of Fengtiangong Palace.

"How many are the two forces combined?"

Qin Feiyang asked.

"The people of Vanguard are almost the same as my Fengtian Temple, five or sixty thousand."

"There are many people in the Tianyang Empire, and there are estimated to be millions."

The Master of Fengtian Palace thought for a while and said.

"Then this is really bad news."

"It's not too late, we will hurry up."

Qin Feiyang said.

More than one million people, the space fetish in the hands of the emperor of the Tianyang Empire, can be accommodated.

Lord Fengtiangong nodded his head, waved his hand, rolled up Qin Feiyang and his party, and launched the auxiliary magic tactics.

Deep in the desert!

Above a certain dune, three figures fluttered.

One of them is Mu Qing!

Another person is the Yan Shenhou of the Tianyang Empire!

The remaining one was an old woman with white hair and rickets, with a cane in her hand, but her eyes were as sharp as an eagle's eye.

It was the old lady who appeared with the deacon after Gao Yuan exploded last time!

And her identity is not simple.

——Second Deacon of Vanguard League!


Mu Qing stared at the front, his eyes gleaming with strange rays of light.

After a moment.

The light in his eyes dissipated and his brows twisted together.

"how about it?"

Seeing this, Yan Shenhou quickly asked.

The second deacon also looked at him nervously.

Mu Qing looked at Yanyan Shenhou, and then looked at Deacon II, and sighed: "They really chased in."

"How far is it?"

Asked the second deacon, his eyelids jumped.

"Not far away."

"If we stand still, we can catch up with us in less than half an hour."

Mu Qingdao.

"Then what should we do now?"

Yan Shenhou looked at Deacon Er and asked in a panic.

"What's wrong?"

The two deacons raised their brows.

Yan Shen Hou suddenly shrunk his neck, his eyes full of fear.

For the people of Vanguard, even if he is the priest of the Tianyang Empire after the emperor, he would not dare to make it.

Not to mention that the person in front of him is still the high-ranking deacon of the Vanguard League.

But Mu Qing was not afraid.

He looked directly at the two deacons and said, "It's definitely not a long-term plan to escape like this. I and the Lord have no time to spend with you here. Because before the demon mark appears, we must leave Xuanwu Realm, so now , We should find ways to fight back. "

"Then you tell this seat, in the face of Qin Feiyang's Cangxue, how can we fight back?"

The deacon said annoyed.

If he has the ability to fight back, he will lay down his dignity and choose to escape?

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