Invincible God of War

Chapter 1608: Mu Qing's plan (Part 2)

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Mu Tianyang lowered his head and pondered a little, looking at Mu Qingdao: "Give me the flesh."

"The flesh is for you?"

Mu Qing is suspicious.

"That Yan Shenhou, I have long seen him as unsightly, and just took the opportunity to teach him."

Mutianyang Road.

Mu Qingdao: "You mean, control my body, go out and fight with Yan Shenhou?"


Mu Tianyang nodded.

"it is good."

Mu Qing did not hesitate.

Mutian Yang froze for a moment and asked, "Aren't you afraid that I will take advantage of you?"

"If the Lord wants to win over me, he has already acted, why should he wait until now?"

"Besides, with my insignificant strength, I cannot stop the Lord."

"Of course, if the Lord really needs my body, I will give you a question in one sentence."

Mu Qing laughed.

"I didn't read the wrong person."

Mu Tianyang smiled with relief.

"bring it on!"

"Actually, I also feel uncomfortable with Yan Shenhou. When you teach him, you also make up my share."

Mu Qingdao.

"it is good."

Mu Tianyang nodded, his body collapsed, and turned into a mist, pouring into Mu Qing's Tianling cover.

next moment!

Mu Qing's eyes changed.


With a domineering, and a king's coercion!


This pair of flesh has been replaced by Mutian Yang.

"It feels good to be flesh."

Mu Tianyang activated his muscles, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and said coldly: "No matter who it is, don't want to shake my emperor's status!"


For an instant.

He disappeared and appeared inside the enchantment outside.

"You keep hiding!"

Upon seeing the appearance of 'Mu Qing', Yan God Hou suddenly rushed to the crown and ran away.

He didn't know.

Mu Qing at this moment has become Mu Tianyang.

Mu Tianyang didn't move.

But deep in the eyes, there was a flash of cold light.

"Today, if you do n’t kneel and apologize to Deacon II, I ’ll abandon you and kneel down immediately for me!"

Yan Shenhou grabbed Mu Tianyang and prepared to slapp him again.

But suddenly!

Mu Tianyang raised his big hand, a ray of consciousness merged into his arm, and grabbed Yan Shenhou's wrist with one hand.


Yan Shenhou was surprised.

Until then, he finally found Mu Qing's eyes different.



Is it ...

"In front of this emperor, how can you let go of anything!"

Mutian Yang smiled coldly, kicking on Yan Shenhou's stomach while he was not prepared.

"Ao ..."

Yan Shen Hou Dang even uttered a horrible howl.

Because Mutianyang's foot also blessed his consciousness.

"Mu Qing is my person, what are you qualified to beat him?"

Mu Tianyang said again, and then slapped, slamming Yan Yanhou's face fiercely.

With a snap, a **** red palm print appeared.

"what are you doing?"

"We are doing a show!"

Yan Shen Hou was stunned and shouted secretly.

"Even if it's a play, you can't just beat Qingqing up!"

"Besides, he is a war emperor, and he can't stand you tossing like this, so now, he can only wrong you."

Mu Tianyang sneered, and punched on Yan Shenhou's chest again.

The fist also blessed the consciousness.


The Yanshen Hou suddenly sprayed old blood, and his heart was torn apart, and he was seriously injured.

"what's the situation?"

The Deacon looked at this scene, his face full of consternation.

"You have no esteem, you are too deceiving!"

Yan Shenhou was completely angry.

Because he also saw it, this Mu Tianyang was in the communique of private enmity.

"Don't talk about venerable."

"In front of this emperor, no matter how high you are, you will always be a courtier!"

Mutian Yang sneered.


Bang Bang Bang!

The two killed directly over the desert.

For a time.

The world is changing color, the wind is violent, and the torrential sand waves are rolled up, drowning all directions!


Let's talk about Qin Feiyang and his party.

Under the leadership of Fengtiangong Palace Master, a group of people traveled like a lightning through the desert.

"Young Master, I always feel that such a blind pursuit is not very realistic, and I still have to find a more convenient way."

Willow glanced at the desert ahead, frowning.

Qin Feiyang bowed his head and said nothing.


He slapped his head and shook his head: "How do I forget about us, and there is a master tracker?"

"Chase the master?"

The master of Fengtian Palace and the nine elders looked at him suspiciously.

Qin Feiyang waved his hand, and the white-eyed wolf appeared immediately.

"Only in this situation will you think of brother."

The white-eyed wolf stared at Qin Feiyang.

"What is it only in this case?"

"No one reminded me when I got the sky-breaking stick, did I also want to give you?"

Qin Feiyang said unpleasantly.

"That just happened to see Brother."

The white-eyed wolf is narrowed.

Qin Feiyang said: "It's done, don't talk nonsense. Hurry and smell, there is no human smell here."

"Are you really a brother? Is this a dog nose?"

The white-eyed wolf was dissatisfied, but did not neglect. He slammed his nose hard and shook his head: "No smell."


Qin Feiyang raised his eyebrows.

"You see, there are so many storms around, even if they pass by here, once the storm sweeps over, the smell will dissipate immediately."

White-eyed wolf said.

"What about then?"

Willow asked.

"What else can I do? Cold salad."

The white-eyed werewolf stood on Qin Feiyang's shoulders, spreading his paws.

"Come on seriously?"

Qin Feiyang was extremely angry and rewarded him with a ruthless heartlessly.

The white-eyed wolf raised his eyebrows.

But when he saw Qin Feiyang, he was also glaring, and he shrank instantly.

"Go ahead!"

"There are always places that have not been swept by the storm."

"As long as there is still a little smell left, brother can chase it."

The white-eyed wolf looks confident.

The main lord of Fengtian Palace glanced at the letter suspiciously, and it turned into a stream of light, which cut the sky like lightning.


They came over a dune.

"and many more."

The white-eyed wolf said suddenly, his eyes flickered.


The main brake of Fengtiangong Palace stopped in the void and turned to look at the white-eyed wolf in surprise.

The white-eyed wolf jumped from Qin Feiyang's shoulder and flew downward.


His gaze locked on one of the dunes and was surprised: "Someone smells here!"


Qin Feiyang quickly asked.

"Very light."


The white-eyed wolf shook his head and recognized the meeting again. He looked up at Qin Feiyang and said, "But it is certain that it is indeed human."

"Although I can't be sure, I think they should be."

"Because here, others dare not come in."

The main road of Fengtiangong Palace.

"Then keep tracking."

Qin Feiyang urged.

The Lord of Fengtian Palace rolled up a group of people again, plundered in the direction pointed by the white-eyed wolf.

en route.

Smell, faults continue to appear.

The so-called fault means that some places have been visited by storms, and the smell completely disappeared.

It is equal to a blank area.

This undoubtedly makes tracking more difficult.


Soon after, the white-eyed wolf asserted that the people of Vanguard and the Tianyang Empire entered the depths of the desert straight without turning.

Because of the smell, although there are many faults, they are always in a straight line.

As long as you follow this straight line, it should not be lost.

And the result.

The white-eyed wolf did not disappoint everyone.

Not only did it track down smoothly, the smell became stronger and stronger.

Half past.

The white-eyed wolf's eyes lit up and said: "Brother finally distinguished who is the owner of one of the smells?"


Qin Feiyang asked.

"Mu Qing!"

White-eyed wolf said.

"That's right."

"Mu Qing is here, then everyone else is definitely here."

Qin Feiyang was overjoyed.

"Who is Mu Qing?"

The master of Fengtian Palace was suspicious.

"He is a descendant of the Mutianyang Empire, which is remarkable and opened up a rare eye in the world."

Qin Feiyang said.


The Master of Fengtian Palace shook his eyes and shocked: "I used to think that the war spirit of Tongtianyan was just a vague legend, but I didn't expect it to be true."

"Young Master, Mu Tianyang seems to be in a state of consciousness now?"

Liu Mu asked suddenly.

Qin Feiyang nodded.

"Then it is strange. Mu Qing has such a good body in front of him. Why doesn't he win Mu Qing?"

Willow Road.

Qin Feiyang said: "I think it is because he is too fond of Mu Qing and he is reluctant to lose this person."

It is a long time ago.


A group of people sensed a wave of fighting ahead.

"what's the situation?"

"Is it an illusion, how could someone fight here?"

Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

"Not an illusion."

"Because of this battle fluctuation, there is the breath of Yan Shenshou!"

The main road of Fengtiangong Palace.

"Who is Yan Shenhou?"

Qin Feiyang asked.

"One of the four princes of the Tianyang Empire is also a pseudo-level existence."

After finishing the speech, the main lord of Fengtian Palace frowned and said, "However, I can't tell the smell of the person who fought with her. It is very strange."


Qin Feiyang was shocked.

As he kept getting closer, Qin Feiyang suddenly frowned, and his face also climbed with an incredible trace.


The Master of Fengtian Palace noticed the change in Qin Feiyang's expression and asked in a low voice.

Qin Feiyang said: "The person who fought against Yan Shenhou is actually Mu Qing!"

"you sure?"

The Master of Fengtian Palace asked for a moment.


Qin Feiyang nodded.

The principal of Fengtian Palace asked: "Is Mu Qing strong?"

"Weaker than me."

Qin Feiyang said.

"That's strange."

"Weaker than you, can actually fight Yan Shenhou?"

"And they are all people of the Tianyang Empire, how could they fight?"

The master of Fengtian Palace was surprised.

Qin Feiyang, Liu Mu, You Huang, the white-eyed wolf, and the nine elders are also puzzled.

"It's weird, we have to be careful, because this may be a deliberately scheduled killing."

Shen Tiangong, the master of Fengtian Palace, said in a deep voice.

Qin Feiyang flashed his eyes, waved his hand, the hidden secret opened, and a group of people disappeared into the void instantly.

Look at Mutianyang and Yan Shenhou again.

At the moment, both of them were scarred and extremely embarrassed.

Although Yan Shenhou was seriously injured in the beginning, he was a true false **** after all.

Mu Tianyang can only rely on the consciousness to fight.

And there is not much consciousness.

Mu Qing's flesh is only the body of the war emperor, and it is naturally impossible to compare with the body of the false god.

Therefore, in the face of Yan Shenhou, it will definitely suffer.

And Yan Shenhou was very angry.


He also knows Mu Tianyang's current state, so he dare not really hit the killer.


At the peak of Mutianyang, he was a true **** of war. Out of the overall situation, he did not dare to kill Mutianyang because Mutianyang had the opportunity to return to the peak period.


The two deacons on the side saw that they were endless, obviously impatient.

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