Invincible God of War

Chapter 1620: Anaconda appears!

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The Master of Fengtian Palace looked at Qin Feiyang deeply.

He became more and more curious, what happened to Qin Feiyang? So young, so indifferent to fame and fortune?



Qin Feiyang's image spar sounded.

"Is it Mu Qing?"

The Master of Fengtian Palace asked for a moment.

Qin Feiyang said: "Eight out of nine, it should be him."

After all, take out the image spar.

A ghost appeared quickly.

Who is Mu Qing?

"Why are you still in the desert?"

Qin Feiyang frowned.

Because the scene behind Mu Qing is desert.

This can be seen.

They have not left the desert.

Mu Tianyang appeared beside Mu Qing, watching Qin Feiyang said: "Is there no room for negotiation?"


Mu Qing has passed through the eyes of the sky, knowing that Qin Feiyang has reached the river of bone erosion.


They wanted to rush into the Devil's Land before Qin Feiyang.

But now, obviously impossible.

Qin Feiyang pondered a little and nodded, "Yes, but I just don't know if you can take it?"

"You said."

Mutianyang Road.

"We join forces to destroy the Tianyang Empire."

"As for the grievances between us, we can wait until we leave Xuanwu Realm, and then slowly come to an end."

Qin Feiyang said.

"Working with you to destroy our Tianyang Empire?"

"Do you think we are idiots? How can we do such a stupid thing?"

Mu Qing said angrily.

"Don't be so arrogant."

"I think the people in the Tianyang Empire are not very kind to you, or even reject you!"

Qin Feiyang said.

Mu Qing's eyes fell.

"It looks as I expected."

"Actually think about it too. Although they are your people, they are already in Xuanwu Realm and have created a new Tianyang Empire."

"If they can leave the Xuanwu Realm, then naturally it is another matter."

"But they can't leave."

"So, they don't care about the life and death of the two of you."

Qin Feiyang finished, looked at Mu Tianyang, and said, "Even if you were a **** of war before."

Mu Tianyang sighed and nodded, "You are right, I've had enough of these people."

"You will say this to show that they really did not bully you."

"You but Mu Tianyang, a **** of war, was actually bullied by a bunch of jumping beam clowns, and I feel worthless to you."

Qin Feiyang sighed.

"Don't be fooled."

"Don't you just want to get rid of the Tianyang Empire first, then get rid of me and Lord?"

Mu Qing was disdainful.

"Why don't you believe me?"

"I have the self-knowledge to kill the two of you, it's not that easy."

"My initial plan was to clean up the Tianyang Empire here."

Qin Feiyang said helplessly.

"The words are not speculative!"

Mu Qing snorted and immediately closed the image spar.

The two are indeed standing above the desert now.

In front is the Undead Mountains.

Mu Qing received the crystal spar and looked at Mu Tianyang in a deep voice: "Lord, what should I do next?"

Mu Tianyang shook his head for a while and was helpless.

"You can no longer move on."


A majestic voice sounded out of thin air.


The two were shocked and quickly glanced around.

But all around, there was no ghost shadow.


The two looked at each other.

However, as they retracted their gaze, they suddenly looked at the void on the left, where a giant python floated abruptly!

"you are……"

Mu Tianyang's eyes widened.

Mu Qing was also shocked.

"Meet Master Guardian."

next moment.

The two bowed in unison.

Anaconda looked at the two and sneered, "You have a good memory, but still remember the deity."

"Don't forget the prestige of seniors."

Mu Qingdao.

The last time Qin Feiyang and Mutianyang fought, the python appeared.

Of course he knew.

Mu Tianyang looked up at the python and suspiciously said: "Master, you said just now, we can't move on anymore, why?"

"Wait first."

The python glanced back towards the desert void, and said indifferently: "The deity doesn't like being peeped by, and get out immediately."


Mutian Yang turned around and looked in amazement.

The voice did not fall.

A middle-aged man appeared and quickly ran to the front of the python, respectfully prostrate in the void, and said, "See your guardian."

"It's him?"

Mu Tianyang raised his eyebrows.

This man was the emperor who ousted him and Mu Qing before.

Actually trailed up?

And now.

This emperor, facing the guardian, had no previous domineering and majesty, like a hapi dog with a tail begging.

Mu Tianyang's eyes were full of contempt. He looked at Mu Qing and said: "Why don't you have to look at his whereabouts with Tongtian eyes?"

"My attention is all on Qin Feiyang, how can I control him."

Mu Qing smiled bitterly.

"Get up!"

Python said.


The middle-aged man got up and stood respectfully.

The python looked at Mu Tianyang and said, "You are not allowed to move forward because there is an ambush in front."


"Who is ambushing?"

"Qin Feiyang?"

"But Qin Feiyang is not a river of bone erosion now?"

Mu Qing wondered.

"Jin Feiyang."

"He and the Master of Fengtian Palace did go to the river of bone erosion, but the rest of Fengtian Palace stayed at the entrance."

"Once you pass, you will definitely die."

Python said.


The three of Mutianyang changed color.

The middle-aged man glared at Mu Qing and said, "Don't you have all eyes? Why don't you look at their whereabouts?"


"I want to see Qin Feiyang and Feng Tiangong, the main characters. What are the others doing?"

"Is the brain sick?"

"You are so crazy, why haven't you seen you go crazy in front of Qin Feiyang? There is a kind of you!"

Mu Qing said angrily.

The middle-aged man shivered violently.

"Good scolding."

Mu Tianyang chuckled.

The python looked at the three of them and said in exasperation: "Shut up for the deity!"

Mu Qing looked at the middle-aged man coldly and looked at the python. "Senior, dare to ask, why do you want to help us?"

The python hummed coldly: "Of course it is to deal with Qin Feiyang."


"Senior and Qin Feiyang also have grudges?"

Mu Qing wondered.


The python nodded.

"No, it is not easy to kill Qin Feiyang with the strength of his predecessors. Why should we help?"

Mu Qinghu suspected.

Upon hearing this, the python immediately remembered the scene that had taken place in front of the entrance, his eyes full of anger.

"Mu Qing, its strength is very strong."

"At that time, Qin Batian wanted to break into the first floor because of a woman, and was almost killed by it."

"So don't ask, don't ask, just follow the instructions."

Mutianyang secretly said.


"You saw him that year?"

Mu Qing's face changed.


Mu Tianyang nodded.

Mu Qing sighed in his heart and quickly said: "What do seniors want us to do, please do so."

The python looked at Mu Qing and said, "You kid is very interesting. Like Qin Feiyang, he is very brave."

"Please seniors forgive sins."

Mu Qing hurriedly thought that the python was angry.

"I just praised you, and now I immediately show a cowardly look. It seems that you and Qin Feiyang still have some gaps."

"But one thing, you are stronger than Qin Feiyang."

Python said.

"Please seniors express."

Mu Qingdao.

"You know the current affairs better than him."

"The deity likes young people like you."

The python laughed.

"The words of the seniors really shocked the juniors."

Mu Qingdao.

"Do you want to live?"

The python looked at the three people.

The three nodded in unison.


"The deity will take you to a place, and Qin Feiyang will not be able to find you even if he has the ability to do everything."

Python self-channel.

"Thank you, sir!"

"Thank you senior!"

The three quickly thanked.

The giant python glanced at the Undead Mountain Range, a force of regularity, steeply descending from the sky and blasting into the distant mountains.

The targets are the cedars that besieged Zhuge Mingyang.

Upon sensing the power of the rules, those cedars should be dismissed.

"what's the situation?"

Zhuge Mingyang was stunned.

"Hurry up here."

The python cried.

"this is……"

Zhuge Mingyang's eyes flickered and flew towards the giant python quickly.

"What happened just now?"

"Why is the power of the rules coming?"

at the same time.

The woman hidden in the space fetish looked at the Undead Mountain in surprise.

The elders and others behind him were also horrified.


The old man in black shuddered and looked at the woman carefully: "Madam, won't the guardian come?"


The woman's body shook and nodded, "It must be it, because only it can control the power of the rules, and quickly inform Qin Feiyang!"

The old man in black immediately took out the image spar and sent a message to the master of Fengtian Palace.


"Guardian appears?"

When he heard the news, the master of Fengtian Palace was also horrified.

But Qin Feiyang aside, but a trace of anger emerged in his eyes.

This **** beast is really lingering.

He looked at the old man in black and asked, "Mu Tianyang, are they with it?"

"do not know."

"Now we dare not go out at all."

The old man in black shook his head.

Qin Feiyang's face sank, and even when he opened the portal, he landed at the entrance, and then flew towards the desert with lightning.

You Huang also caught up.

"Brother Qin, don't go!"

The master of Fengtiangong Palace followed, and quickly shouted when he saw it.

The woman also appeared from the space fetish, looking at the direction of the desert, her face full of terror.

The guardian appeared.

That is why ah?


Qin Feiyang glanced over the cedar forest, seeing that Zhuge Mingyang had disappeared, and rushed to the crown.

Seeing that Qin Feiyang was still preparing to continue to rush over, Youhuang quickly extended his tail, dragged Qin Feiyang, and shouted: "Qin boy, bear with me for a while, and now you don't have a pearl of qi and blood, you can't mess with it!"

"Seeing that the plan is about to succeed, it is completely disrupted by it. How can you tell me to bear it?"

Qin Feiyang said angrily.

"Brother Qin, it is the guardian, the master of this miracle, it is the sky here, you can't fight it, forget it!"

The master of Fengtian Palace also flew over and persuaded.


"You are ants, the deity is heaven!"

"You ants, how can you fight me this day?"

The voice of the main lord of Fengtiangong Palace did not fall, and the sound of the python sounded in the sky.

Follow closely.

Anaconda took Zhuge Mingyang, Mu Tianyang, Mu Qing, and a middle-aged man to the sky above.

It looked down at Qin Feiyang high, and his pupils were full of contempt!

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