Invincible God of War

Chapter 1667: Completely destroyed!

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"Move me?"

"You dare to humiliate even the young savior, what else do you dare not do?"

"to be frank."

"I will live for a lifetime, and I have never seen a villain like you."

Willow sneered.

Ning Minghe's eyes fell, and he said one word at a time: "If you have a species, say it again!"

"What did I say?"

"Unforgettable, are you right?"

Liumu shouted.

"court death!"

"This seat is now a **** of war, and killing you is as simple as pinching an ant!"

Ning Ming Heyin smiled.

"Even if you break through to the God of War, you can't conceal your villain's heart."

Willow chuckled.

"It seems that you really want to die!"

Ning Minghe's eyes suddenly appeared a strong murderous opportunity.

"Brother Ning, please be calm."

Li Yun reached out to stop Ning Minghe, looked up at Qin Feiyang, and then looked at Liu Mudao: "Actually save us, and Qin brothers should do it."


"Is it right to save you?"

Willow was stunned.

The corners of the mouth of the fat man and others also twitched fiercely.

They really can't figure it out, how could anyone take such things for granted?

"We were followed by Brother Qin before we were killed by small beasts. Shouldn't Brother Qin save us?"

Li Yun asked back.


"Really shameless."

"If you were not following the boss, you would have died in the hands of Fire Dragon and Python!"

The fat man couldn't help but shouted immediately.

"We are against Fire Dragon and Python, isn't it because of Qin Brothers?"

"In other words."

"If Brother Qin did not encourage us, would we do this?"

"For this reason, I lost three sons, and Ning Brother's two sons were also traumatized."

"I think the price we paid is already big enough!"

"Although these words will make you very angry, it is also true, right!"

Li Yun smiled.

"Li Yun, it's too much for you to say that."

Zhao Tailai frowned.


"Although we are in constant dispute in the Xuanwu world, we have never offended the guardians."

"But because of the arrival of Qin Feiyang, all this has become a mess."

"The person you want to blame now should be him, not me!"

"Besides, your daughter also died because of him."

Li Yundao.

Zhao Tailai frowned.

For Li Yun and others in front of him, he felt disgusted.

"Old Zhao, don't talk nonsense with them."

The fat man waved his hand, looked at Li Yun and others, and said lightly: "Actually speaking so much, it's just that you are now free, and you don't need to ask your boss for help, why is it so hypocritical?"

"Fat, it's really rare, and finally said a word."

"You're right, if now, if you haven't lifted the mark of the demon, and haven't left Xuanwu Realm, how dare they be so pretentious?

"I'm afraid we're too late to stump."

The white-eyed wolf joked.

Lu Hong and others and the two-winged snow eagle and other beasts looked at Li Yun and others with a sneered expression.

Li Yun and others were rather gloomy.

The atmosphere here is dignified.



Qin Feiyang, who has been watching with cold eyes, opens his mouth and breaks the atmosphere here.

"You use me to gain freedom, and I use you to get Xuanwu Realm, which can be regarded as each need."

"So there is no need to blame it all on me."

"Because of this, it will only make you look particularly funny, especially ridiculous, such as the jumping beam clown."

Qin Feiyang said lightly.

Expression, no sadness and no joy.

A look that didn't care at all.

Hearing these words, Li Yun's group of people turned pale and ugly.

Qin Feiyang looked at Li Yun and said with a smile: "Frankly speaking, I still admire you before, simply and neatly, without dragging the mud and water, but now I see your mouth and face, I only knew that I had looked away before. You are more hypocritical than the people of Vanguard. "

Li Yun's face sank.

"Okay, let's just stop here!"

"I hope that next time we meet, we won't be enemies, just do it ourselves."

Qin Feiyang said he was ready to take everyone into the Xuanwu world.

"It's a waste of time."

But suddenly.

An angry voice came to mind at high altitude.


Qin Feiyang's pupils shrank, and when he looked up, he saw that the python and fire dragon appeared out of thin air.

Liu Mu and others immediately became alert.

When Li Yun, Ning Minghe and others saw the appearance of the python and fire dragon, they also suddenly changed their colors, exasperated and said: "Don't you go to the third floor with that little beast?"

It was because they thought that the python and fire dragon also went to the third floor with the little beast, and they dared to run out.

"Go to the third floor?"

The python and fire dragon froze for a moment, then looked at Ning Minghe and others like an idiot.

The Python contemptuously said: "You will never realize how terrifying the third floor is. In today's world, only the creator master and the beast **** dare dare to enter. As for us, we can only turn around at the door."

"So dangerous ..."

Qin Feiyang murmured.

The python looked at everyone, and shook his head again: "The deity thought you would fight, but after waiting for a long time, I didn't see you start, it was really boring."

Qin Feiyang froze for a moment, frowning: "You control the power of the rules, so they were not sent to the second floor?"

"of course."

"In addition to the deity here, who else can control the power of the rules of miracles?"

"As soon as they came out of the Xuanwu Realm, the deity had sensed it and came here as soon as possible."

"When I heard their argument and learned that I had fallen out with you, the deity thought of a plan."

"The plan is to allow them to stay here to break through to the God of War, and wait for you to come out and see them. When there is a disagreement, they will definitely fight."

"What I did not expect was that you were so tolerant, they all humiliated you so much, you didn't even do it?"

The python said, looking very angry.

"I can't bear it, it's disdain."

"Because of working with people like them, my hands will be dirty."

Qin Feiyang said lightly.

"This respect, the deity really agrees."

"It took so much to help them recover their freedom, but what about them?"

"It's enough if you don't know how to be grateful, but you still sneer at you all the time?"

"To be honest, even the deity has some sympathy for you."

The python laughed.

"and then?"

Qin Feiyang asked.

"Then, the deity will teach them for you, these unjust people, it is a waste of air to live."

The murderous surge in the eyes of the python.


next moment.

Pieces of regular force descended from the sky, the breath firmly locked Ning Minghe and others.

A group of people changed color and quickly shot back.

But there is no suspense.

Except for Ning Minghe, a group of people who have broken through to the God of War, other false gods were instantly wiped out by the power of the rules, and there was no hair left!

"very scary!"

Zhao Tailai murmured.

Without such artifacts as ancient castles and Cangxue, even if they break through to the God of War, it is impossible to carry the bombardment of this rule.

Ning Minghe and others also tried their best and resisted hard, but did nothing at all.

The power of the rules keeps falling.

Any means, such as the soul of war, divine power, and divine tactics, have been disintegrated!

An indescribable despair enveloped my heart.

Li Yun was bleeding all over and shouted anxiously: "Brother Qin, help us!"


Fatty and others are stunned.

Asked for help?

What about the face?

The python looked at Qin Feiyang and smiled, "The deity believes that you won't intervene now!"

"Please, please."

Qin Feiyang smiled lightly.

"Brother Qin, we are wrong ..."

"We are **** ..."

"Please, for our part in fighting together, help us ..."

Not only Li Yun, but the deacons and elders, and even Ning Minghe, kept pleading.

"The young master only looked at the fact that he had fought side by side before he helped you lift the mark of the devil, but how did you return him?"

"Now I want to ask the young master to help you, is that possible?"

Liu Mu sneered, his face gloating.


A group of people suddenly regretted it.

"Do not save us?"

"Then don't blame us for being ruthless!"

Ning Minghe roared.


Liu Mu and others were stunned again.

Did n’t you turn your face long ago?

Sure enough, it is a group of shameless old goods!

Ning Minghe looked up at the guardian and shouted: "Master Guardian, please let us go. We are willing to work for you and eradicate Qin Feiyang."


"We have all broken through to the God of War."

"It's so easy to kill him with us!"

Li Yun and others hurriedly shouted.

"Haha ..."

Python and Fire Dragon glanced at each other and couldn't help laughing.

"Master, what are you laughing at?"

A group of people are suspicious.

Willow said: "Laughing you silly."


"Don't care, will you care about you God of War?"

"I'm afraid in their eyes, you are not even as good as ants, and only you yourself will take yourself seriously."

Fatty and others also followed the sarcasm.

Even Zhao Tailai couldn't help but sneer: "How awesome it is to think of a breakthrough to the God of War, actually a few self-righteous clowns."


Wen Yan.

Ning Minghe and others suddenly fell into the abyss.


"You and Qin Feiyang are not at the same level."

"No, you are not as good as the people around him."

"Because even the people around him can guess what we are thinking, you still can't guess?"

"It's so stupid and cute."

"If you change to Qin Feiyang, the deity will certainly not hesitate to promise to spare you."

"Unfortunately, you are not Qin Feiyang."

"The deity also doesn't want to keep a bunch of idiots around, because idiots are usually short of success and more than failure."

"Besides, you are still a group of white-eyed wolves, what if one bites the deity someday?"

"The deity, I am afraid there is no place to cry."

"The most important thing is that you have eaten the deity's flesh. This is absolutely unforgivable!"

The python looked disdainful, and with the murderous flash in his eyes, the power of the rule suddenly fell.

"Do not……"

"Young Master, we are wrong, really wrong, save us ..."

"We treat you as a cow ..."

A group of people roared desperately, and even their intestines repented.

However, Qin Feiyang was always indifferent, without even a trace of sympathy.


"Boom ..."

With a scream of screams, a group of people have been bombarded by the power of the rule, and the bones are gone.

Zhao Tailai shook his head and sighed, "I just broke through to the God of War, and I haven't realized it yet. When I was a taste of God of War, I was killed by the guardians. I think they should be very reluctant!"

"I will blame myself, and I will die."

Qin Feiyang said blankly.

Zhao Tai came to look at Qin Feiyang, and then looked at Cui Li. He was very happy. Fortunately, he chose Qin Feiyang. Otherwise, they will definitely end up with Ning Minghe and others.

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