Invincible God of War

Chapter 1702: Three more!

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The water pool is very small, only four or five meters in diameter.


The water in the pool is very strange.

It was actually black!

There is no wave in the water, like a dead pool, a little strange.

Qin Feiyang and Tang Hai looked at each other, walked to the water pool, looked down for a moment, and found that the water exudes an unusual smell.

This odor can penetrate into the nostrils and cause a sense of syncope.

"This water is poisonous!"

Qin Feiyang's face changed abruptly.


Tang Hai was startled, took a few steps back, picked up a stone under his feet, and threw it into the waterhole.



One stone stirred thousands of waves.

The calm waterhole suddenly set off waves.


A cold and fierce breath erupted like a volcano at the bottom of the pool.

Tang Hai shouted: "Young Master, rewind!"

Qin Feiyang quickly retreated.

But Tang Hai didn't move, staring at the waterhole.

The movement in the pool is getting bigger and bigger.

The water waves clashed.

Like in a waterhole, a terrifying demon is sealed, and now he is gradually awakening.

Tang Hai became more vigilant.

Palm, the divine power surge, has already gained momentum in the dark.



As a column of water soared into the sky, a dark shadow burst out of the water pool and ran straight to Tang Hai's brow.

A strong crisis swept through my heart.

Tang Hai's eyes were cold, and he raised his arm, and then took a palm to the shadow.


The shadow immediately shrieked screaming, and the figure suddenly broke apart.

"this is……"

Qin Feiyang's pupils contracted.

The shadow is broken, there is no flesh and blood, and obviously a dead soul!

Is it ...

He looked at the waterhole, his eyes shimmering.

Is there also a monument left by the God of War beneath the waterhole?

"Ji ..."

After the undead was defeated by Tang Hai's palm, it turned into a black mist and writhing in the void, giving a grinning smile, echoing in the night sky, like a roar of a ghost.

"Pretend to be a ghost, find death!"

In Tang Hai's eyes, the murderous surge, the divine power rolled out, the valley collapsed instantly.

"Originally a ghost, how to pretend to be a ghost?"

Qin Feiyang was speechless.

But his opening immediately caught the attention of the undead.

Even if the undead avoided the Tanghai, the fierce rush to Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang froze for a moment, then sneered, "When should I be bullied?"

Say it.

He took out the old castle and smashed it directly.


The undead wailed again and ran away in horror.

However, at this moment, standing still beside Qin Fei, the motionless female undead suddenly rose into the air and rushed towards the undead.

The two undead entangled in the void.

But soon.

The undead in the pool were swallowed up by the female undead.


Qin Feiyang was dumbfounded.

Tang Hai was also surprised.

Undead can even devour undead?

And they also clearly noticed that after swallowing the undead in the pool, the breath of the female undead has now improved.

Although there is not much improvement, it does exist.

That is to say.

Undeads can make themselves stronger by devouring other undeads!

"You brought us here, do you want us to seriously injure this undead and give you a chance to devour it?"

Tang Hai raised an eyebrow.

The undead shook his head.


Tang Hai is suspicious.

Qin Feiyang laughed: "The reason is just below the water hole."

"Under the waterhole?"

Tang Hai was shocked.

The undead also nodded, and gave Qin Feiyang his thumbs, as if expressing his admiration for Qin Feiyang.

Tang Hai looked at the water pool again, suddenly seemed to think of something, turned to look at Qin Feiyang, and said: "You mean, there may also be a monument in it?"

Qin Feiyang nodded.

Tang Hai's spirit revived.

Qin Feiyang waved his hand, and the flames of magic appeared and poured into the waterhole.

The water in the pool quickly evaporated.


The bottom of the pool appeared under the sight of the two.

The water pool can be 50 to 60 meters deep.

The bottom was covered with sludge, exuding odors.

A broken skull lies quietly in the mud.

The skeleton already has obvious signs of decay, the whole body is black, and the stench is pungent.

Qin Feiyang entered the water pool and stood above the skeleton.

"its not right!"

"Why is this skeleton black?"

Tang Hai is suspicious.

"It's a toxin."

"This life must have been highly toxic."

"And after his death, the flesh rotted, and the toxins settled in the bones. Over time, the bones turned black."

"I think the water in the pool is also black because of this poison."

Qin Feiyang said.

"Did you smell an unusual smell in the water before, it seems that this highly toxic emitted."

Tang Hai murmured.

"From the perspective of the strength of the undead before, this life must have been a **** of war."

"Even the God of War is poisoned."

"What kind of poison is this so terrible?"

Qin Feiyang mumbled, his heart was incredible.

People of the level of God of War are already detached from the world, and are above all things.

General toxicity is not a threat to them at all.

Qin Feiyang turned to look at the female undead, trying to get an answer from the female undead's mouth.

But the female undead is blind to it.

From the acquaintance to the present, I haven't seen her say a word, which made Qin Feiyang start to wonder if the creature like Undead can't speak?

Seeing that the female undead had no response, Qin Feiyang had no choice but to give up.

Tang Hai transferred around the skeleton, his eyes suddenly lit up.


He reached out his arm, his five fingers resembled eagle claws, and caught him in the air.



Something covered with sludge flew out of the sludge.


Qin Feiyang was curious.

Tang Hai waved his hands again, the sludge was removed, and the boxy boxes were suddenly displayed in front of the two people.

"Iron box?"

Qin Feiyang froze for a moment, and was about to reach out to open the tin box.

"do not move!"

Tang Hai said quickly.


Qin Feiyang quickly retracted his arm and looked at him in surprise.

"There are also a lot of toxins deposited on the surface of this iron black, which can't be touched by hand."

Tang Hai said nothing but a wave of magical power was thrown at Iron Black, and then with a slight finger movement, the iron box opened with a sonorous sound.

At the moment when Iron Black opened, a tremendous amount of energy surged out.


Qin Feiyang and Tang Hai looked at each other, and this energy was exactly the same as the energy emitted by the gray spar.

The two of them looked down quickly, and they looked dumbfounded.

Within Iron Black, there are actually three gray spars!

Both the size and the color are the same as the gray spar obtained in the ancient city.

Qin Feiyang turned back to his head, turned his head to look at the undead, and asked, "You brought us here for these crystals?"

The undead nodded.

Qin Feiyang frowned and said, "Since you can understand what I'm saying, why don't you speak? It wouldn't be a dumb when you were alive?"

The undead shook his head.

"Not dumb, then you say something!"

"So we can communicate!"

Qin Feiyang said.

The undead shook his head again.

Qin Feiyang looked helpless.

He really couldn't figure out what the undead was expressing?

When Qin Feiyang asked about the undead, Tang Hai also took out three gray spars from the iron black.

After confirming that the three spars were not contaminated with toxins, he handed them over to Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang put it away carefully and looked at Tang Hai with a smile: "With the previous one, we have already got four, but it is not enough."


Tang Hai nodded.

Although the energy contained in the gray spar is extremely huge, but four are not enough for Qin Feiyang to break through to the God of War.

Tang Hai pondered for a while, and looked at the undead: "Do you know where there is such a crystal?"

The undead nodded.

Tang Hai and Qin Feiyang glanced at each other, and there was a trace of joy in their eyes.

Tang Hai urged: "Take us immediately."


Qin Feiyang coughed and looked at Tang Haidao: "Old Tang, the undead are also dignified. When asking her for help, you should be more polite."

Tang Hai rolled his eyes and sneered, "If I hadn't seen her yet have a little use value, I would have killed her!"

Qin Feiyang couldn't be more euphemistic when his mouth twitched?

He looked at the undead and smiled with his hands: "Girl, sorry, my friend, this is the character, don't be surprised."


Tang Hai looked at Qin Feiyang for a moment, and his eyes were full of contempt.

The undead waved at Qin Feiyang, and silently swept out of the water pool, and continued to swipe forward.

"Hurry up."

Qin Feiyang saw this and hurried to Tang Haidao.

Tang Hai gave Qin Feiyang a big white eye, then waved his hand, rolled Qin Feiyang, and chased towards the undead.

Qin Feiyang wondered: "Did I annoy you, always give me white eyes?"

"Call her girl, don't you think it's against your heart?"

Tang Haidao.


Qin Feiyang was stunned for a moment, puzzled and said: "Isn't this basic politeness? How can it be called disobedience?"

"it is good."

"Then let's discuss and discuss."

"Not to mention whether she is an undead, let me say her age. I can think of it, it must be an old monster who has lived and does not know how many years."

"And you actually call her girl in order to get more spar, you are not ashamed?"

The contempt in Tang Hai's eyes was stronger.

Qin Feiyang heard that his expression was rather embarrassing.


"Nothing to say!"


Tang Hai snorted.

Qin Feiyang spoke up and smiled.

But suddenly.

He turned his head and looked at Tang Hai strangely.

Tang Hai was nothing at first, but after a long time, he was uncomfortable and frowned, "Why do you look at me like this?"

"I remember when I first met you, you were so polite."

"Even I thought you were a dumb."

"Why do you talk so much now?"

Qin Feiyang said.

Tang Hai froze for a moment, his expression immediately went cold, and sneered, "I just didn't know how to do what you said, so I said a few words."


"Anyway now, you are also my men, pay attention to it!"

Qin Feiyang said angrily.

Tang Hai gave him another glance.

"I don't have any prestige at all?"

Qin Feiyang was quite helpless.

In fact, at the beginning, Tang Hai was still very afraid of Qin Feiyang.

But after getting along with him for a few days, he slowly discovered that this person was quite easygoing.

At least not so serious and harsh to the people around you.

and so.

He slowly let go of his mind.

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