Invincible God of War

Chapter 1741: Even worse!

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There was a loud bang, and the divine power and the flame beast soul immediately broke apart in the void.

"It's pretty good!"

This scene shocked the people present.

But it is not over yet.

The sword domain enveloped towards the ice dragon.

The horrible sword gas crushed the void, and the ice dragon was scarred instantly.

"You really angered the emperor!"

The ice dragon is furious.

The momentum skyrocketed.

With a click, Jianyu was broken on the spot.

"The emperor was merciful because he gave you face, really thought the emperor was afraid of you?"

Ice Dragon shouted.


But suddenly.

The golden beast appeared beside the ice dragon without warning.

Qin Feiyang tightened his mind and body.

Tang Hai and others below were also nervous.

"Is it the little beast that robbed Cangxue?"

Lu Jiajin murmured.

The golden beast glanced at Qin Feiyang and looked at Binglong Road: "Is it enough?"

Binglong said angrily: "No, this emperor today, you have to teach them a lesson!"

The golden beast looked cold, and said, "Do you want to teach Master Frog?"


Binglong's expression was stunned, and he quickly laughed and said: "Boss Frog, where are you talking about, how can I have this courage?"

"Then don't talk nonsense!"

Golden little beast road.

Binglong sighed reluctantly, turned his head to look at Qin Feiyang, and snorted coldly: "Boy, good luck, don't let the emperor meet again next time, otherwise you will look good!"

Its paws flew into the air, and Lu Jiajin below, suddenly rose out of control and flew in front of it.

"What are you doing?"

"Leave him down!"

Qin Feiyang shouted.

"Take care of yourself!"

"Because the battle here is not over yet."

Binglong's playful laugh.

"The battle is not over yet?"

Qin Feiyang froze for a while, and said in a deep voice, "What do you mean?"

But neither the ice dragon nor the little beast answered him.

The little animal leaned out of its paws, and a golden light flashed into Qin Feiyang's eyebrows.

"what are you doing?"

Qin Feiyang said in exasperation.

Binglong grinned: "Frog boss sealed your old castle."


"Seal the castle?"

Qin Feiyang was suspicious.


"The emperor has sealed the old castle in your eyebrows and can no longer take it out."

"In other words, the castle can no longer be summoned to fight for you in the future."

"However, other functions have not disappeared."

"Like the time circle."

"You, your friends, and your subordinates can still enter and leave the castle."

The golden beast laughed.


"Why do you do this?"

Qin Feiyang said angrily.

"An anti-celestial artifact like an ancient castle should not have existed in this world. The emperor was already very kind without destroying it."

"So, you should be grateful to me."

"If you want to unlock the seal, come to the third floor, the emperor is waiting for you."

The golden beast said nothing but brought Binglong and Lu Jiajin and disappeared instantly.


Qin Feiyang growled.

He thought that Binglong's goal was him, but he didn't expect to be his big cousin.

Cangxue, Lu Jiajin, have fallen into the hands of small beasts one after another, and even the old castle has been sealed. How should this be?

"Brother Qin, don't worry too much. The emperor will now go to the third floor to inquire about your big cousin."


The sound of the fire python sounded in Qin Feiyang's mind.

"Brother Huo ..."

Qin Feiyang refreshed his spirit and quickly scanned the surrounding void.

"I'm in the Dragon Soul Mountains now, you can't see me."

"Also, you have to be careful because there are several enemies near you."

"And now, I can't help you."

"The beast emperor on the second floor, dare not help you, because this is the order of the beast god."

The sound of the fire python sounded again.

The Dragon Soul Mountain is where the inheritance altar leading to the third floor is located.

"There are still a few enemies!"

Qin Feiyang's eyes flickered.

Is this what the ice dragon said the battle has not been accepted yet?

This is not good news.

"Be sure to live and wait for my news."

The fire python said again, and then the voice subsided, and it never sounded again.

Dialogue room.

Nine-leaf Fire Lotus and Crimson Sword Soul also took Qin Feiyang to the ground, and then the two battle spirits returned to Qihai.

Qin Feiyang turned to God, quickly looked at Tang Hai and Zhao Tailai in the distance, and shouted: "Quickly serve Ling Hai Dan, ready to fight!"

"Ready to fight?"

Zhao Tailai and Tang Hai were shocked.

"What does this mean?"

Mysterious Mrs. and Mu Changfeng, as well as the national teacher, also looked suspicious.

Qin Feiyang didn't answer, glanced around cautiously, and said earnestly: "Ling Haidan is too slow to repair Qi Hai. Please also help me.

The tens of thousands of cedar rooted in his body immediately spewed out the vitality and rushed towards Qin Feiyang's air.

The broken sea of ​​air, as well as the wounds on the lower abdomen, were repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Who is the enemy hiding nearby?


He was still thinking about another problem.

Has the blood blade of the anti-celestial artifact been sealed by the small animal?

There is Mutianyang's frozen state, when will it be lifted?

Mutianyang is now the body of consciousness, and there is no need to worry about the abandonment of Qihai.

Once the frozen state is lifted and freed, Mu Tianyang can immediately kill all directions.

These issues must be taken into account.

"Master, what are you talking about? Isn't the battle over?"

Zhao Tailai asked.

"Do not talk nonsense!"

Qin Feiyang shouted.

"The battle did not end, because there are us."

A cold laughter suddenly sounded.

Follow closely.

Five figures appeared out of nowhere.

Qin Feiyang and others quickly looked up and immediately changed color.

Headed by a middle-aged man with a tall body and a vicissitudes of his face, his hands are behind his back, giving a gentle and elegant atmosphere.

Behind them are four old men.

The white hair is pale and the face is wrinkled, but the momentum revealed on his body is terrifying!

"It's you, the main tower master!"

Mysterious lady said in a deep voice.

"Yes, it's us."

The middle-aged man looked at the mysterious lady, and there was a ray of murder in the dark eyes.

That's right!

The five are the people in the main tower!

They are; the main tower master, Wang Su, the former deputy cabinet master of the Trading Pavilion, and the two old men who guarded the inheritance with Ye Shu.

The main tower master, Wang Su, the former deputy cabinet master, and the three are all psionic gods.

But those two old men have already stepped into the God of War!

Two gods of war, plus three pseudo-gods, for Qin Feiyang and others who have become exhausted, it is really worse!

"When did you come?"

Qin Feiyang asked.

Although it is now possible to enter the old castle, Tang Hai and Zhao Tailai are too far away from him, and they will not be able to catch up in a while.

So it can only delay the time, waiting for Cedar to repair his qi sea.

"He came very early and has been hiding in the space fetish."

"However, you played really hot, and no one found us."

The main tower laughed.

"Haha ..."

The National Teacher burst into laughter and said, "Qin Feiyang, you still have to escape!"

"I die, you can't live."

Qin Feiyang sneered.

"Say you are too young, you don't admit it yet."

"Even before entering the miracle, the national division had formed an alliance with the main tower."


Qin Feiyang shook his head and said, "I have known the alliance between you and the main tower."



The national teacher raised his eyebrows.

"Did you forget? Li Jian has followed me. Your business, he told me long ago."

Qin Feiyang said.

"This **** traitor!"

In the eyes of the master of the country, the murderous surge surged.

"He is not a traitor, he is abandoning secrets."

"Don't be too relaxed."

"What kind of person is the main tower master? I know better than you."

"You think he will care about the alliance between you?"

Qin Feiyang sneered.

The national teacher's eyes flickered, and he looked up at the main tower master, feeling nervous.

The main tower master glanced at the master of the country and looked at Qin Feiyang: "Even my personality has been seen so clearly, it really deserves to be my good apprentice."


The national teacher's heart sank.

Qin Feiyang said: "How can I not be happy to hear your praise?"

"Of course you are not happy!"

The cold light flashed in the main head of the main tower, and immediately fell in front of Qin Feiyang, kicking Qin Feiyang.


Qin Feiyang immediately spurted blood and lay on the ground.

The main tower master took a step, stepped on Qin Feiyang's abdomen, Li smiled and said: "I asked myself to be good to you, but you actually helped Mu Family, pitted my main tower. I just want to cramp you! "

"Good for me ..."

Qin Feiyang spit blood and taunted: "Don't be so arrogant, even if I don't help the Mu family, my end will be the same as Gongsun North."

"Is it as bad as Gongsun Bei?"

"With great power, do you still have endless glory and wealth?"

Main Tower Main Road.

"So you think of Gongsun Bei like this!"

"He thought he was following you in order to covet the power you gave him and covet the so-called glory and wealth?"

"Do you really know Gongsun North?"

Qin Feiyang's face was full of disappointment.

"In life, what is more important than power and glory?"

The main tower sneered.

"This is just what you think."

"Gongsun Bei, don't care about this at all."

"All he wants is to forget that the mainland can be peaceful."

"He is using his life and freedom to protect all this!"

"what about you?"

"I will only use the power in my hands to satisfy my own selfish desires. I would like to ask you, what are your qualifications to stand here?"

"What qualifications are there to stand at the top of the forgotten continent and master the fate of hundreds of millions of gods?"

Qin Feiyang said angrily.

"Strength is qualification!"

"And I have to tell you, not only forget the mainland, the Great Qin Empire will also be destroyed by me in the near future."

"And I, will be the only master of the two continents, who will prosper and those who oppose me will die!"

"Haha ..."

The main tower master Yang Tian laughed endlessly, his expression full of desire for power.

"It's really a wolf's ambition. Sooner or later you will eat it yourself!"

Qin Feiyang said word by word.


"Never possible!"

The main tower owner suddenly looked up, looked at the four Wang Su standing in the void, and shouted, "Kill me kill them, one will not stay!"


The four Wang Su nodded.

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