Invincible God of War

Chapter 1763: Signs of rebirth!

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The full moon is empty, the night is dim, and the ground is covered with silver.

And in a certain valley, a mysterious force suddenly appeared.

This force is invisible and colorless, like a ghost, quietly burrowing into the bodies of nearby fierce beasts, plundering their qi and blood.

The most weird thing is.

The blood was plundered, and these fierce beasts were not even aware of it.

But soon.

As the fierce beasts continue to fall and become corpses, when even triggering an unprecedented panic.

Countless fierce beasts flee desperately.

The beast emperors in the major areas nearby hurried to find out, but as a result, all the beast emperors also fled in embarrassment.

According to them, it was impossible to get close to the valley.

Because the closer to the valley, the mysterious power is more terrifying, and permeable, even the God of War can not stop.

As time goes by.

The range covered by the mysterious power is getting bigger and bigger.

At first, it was just near the valley.

But now, it has covered tens of thousands of miles, and it is still expanding. I don't know when it will be.

In short.

The fierce beasts of this region are all running away.


The horizon was gradually whitening.

Chuyang, slowly rising.

Qin Feiyang and his party clashed and talked and laughed and entered a vast lake.



In the distance, there was a roar of roaring beasts.


Follow closely.

The earth and the void both vibrated at this moment, as if there was an unprecedented earthquake ahead, approaching.

"what happened?"

A group of people looked at it soundly, his face full of surprise.


The sound was getting louder.


An extremely spectacular picture appeared in the sight of several people.

The sky, the earth, are all fierce beasts.

There are war holy and war emperor-level beasts.

There are false god-level beasts.

It is the God of War beast!

There are big mountains and small rocks.

Intimately, boundlessly, madly coming towards this side, the inextricable fear filled the look!

"How could there be a beast tide?"

Qin Feiyang and others were suspicious.

Flocks of fierce beasts rushed face to face, Qin Feiyang several people and the golden **** leopard evaded one after another.


Qin Feiyang saw a beast emperor in the beast group.

It was a black eagle, huge in size, and had a small cultivation period.

"Don't block the emperor's way, get away!"

While flying, it shouted at the herd in front of it.


Qin Feiyang stepped out and stepped in front of the Black Eagle.

"court death!"

Seeing that a human suddenly ran out of the way, the Black Hawk was suddenly fierce.

But when he saw Qin Feiyang's face clearly, his pupils shrank sharply, quickly converging fierce prestige, and said with a smile: "It turned out that the Qin brothers are offended. I hope to forgive me."

"It's okay."

Qin Feiyang waved his hands and suspiciously said, "Dude, what are you doing?"


"You don't know."

"Just last night, a strange force suddenly appeared in a valley."

"As soon as this force appeared, it madly plundered everyone's blood."

"And even the emperor cannot stop the erosion of that power, so we have no choice but to escape."

Blackhawk sighed.

"There is such a thing?"

Mysterious lady and Ye Shu heard, and their faces were full of surprise.


Qin Feiyang, Zhao Tailai, Tang Hai, and Golden Leopard glanced at each other, a flash of cold light flashed in their eyes.

Weird power ...

Can plunder qi ...

Permeable ...

Isn't this the scene when Zhuge Mingyang was reborn?

Qin Feiyang looked at the Black Eagle and asked, "Where is the valley?"

"Look in the direction of our escape, about half a day away."


"You are only a false **** now, it is estimated that it will take two or three days to arrive."

Blackhawk Road.

Mysterious lady asked: "Flying, do you know what?"


Qin Feiyang nodded and looked at the Black Eagle: "Brother, can you help us and drive us over?"

The black eagle eyes suddenly glared and said angrily: "Aren't you letting the emperor die?"

Qin Feiyang said: "You can rest assured that I will never let you have anything to do."


Black Hawk hesitated.

Qin Feiyang said: "Trust me."

Blackhawk raised an eyebrow, bit his teeth, and shouted, "Come on this emperor's back."

"Thank you buddy."

Qin Feiyang bowed his hand and thanked, then jumped up and landed on the back of the Black Eagle.

The Mysterious Lady, Ye Shu, Tang Hai, Zhao Tailai, and the Golden Leopard also jumped on the back of the Black Hawk one after another.


Follow closely.

The Black Hawk made a high-pitched whine, spread its wings, and flew away like lightning.

Wherever he went, the herds gave way.

"Lao Hei, where are you going?"


Several beast emperors came on the face, looking at the Black Eagle suspiciously and asked.

Black Eagle said: "Qin Feiyang is going to the valley to see, I will send them over."

"Qin Feiyang?"

The beast emperors froze for a moment, looking at the back of Blackhawk, and when they saw Qin Feiyang, they even cried enthusiastically, "Brother Qin!

"Good guys."

Qin Feiyang laughed.

"Brother Qin, that mysterious power is not a child's play. We advise you not to go as well."


"Look, even we are running away, let alone you!"

"Brother Qin, don't get me wrong, we didn't look down on you."

How many beast emperors tweeted.

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: "I know that several older brothers are concerned about Qin."

"That's good."

Several beast emperors were relieved.

The black eagle glanced at the beast emperors, his eyes rolled, and said coldly: "Will you go with us?"

"No way."

"Brother Qin, let's just stop here and take care."

When several beast emperors heard this, they did not continue to persuade Qin Feiyang, and immediately turned around.

"It's a group of counselors."

Black Hawk despised, took Qin Feiyang a few people, and continued to fly forward.

The mysterious lady frowned: "Flying, what the **** is this?"

"Zhuge Mingyang."

Qin Feiyang said word by word.

"Zhuge Mingyang?"

"Really still?"

Mysterious lady and Ye Shu looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

Zhao Tailai said: "Young Master, this is not the case!"

"What's wrong?"

Qin Feiyang asked.

"Zhuge Mingyang said in person before that he can only be born again if he dies in your hands?"

"But this time, he died in the hands of your big cousin."

Zhao Tailai said.

Qin Feiyang said in a deep voice: "This is also where I can't figure it out."

"Will he be lying to us?"

"In fact, no matter who killed him, he can be resurrected?"

Tang Hai said suddenly.

Qin Feiyang said: "At present, only this explanation is more reasonable."

"One more thing."

"From the previous situation, where he died, it should be where he was resurrected."

"This time, Lu Jiajin killed Mu Tianjun and Mozu in the place where he was sealed."

"But now, he is resurrected in another place."

"Although we haven't reached the valley now, we know from the direction that there are thousands of miles between the two places!"

"What's going on?"

Zhao Tailai said.

Qin Feiyang lowered his head and pondered.


His eyes lit up.

Zhao Tailai asked, "Did you think of something?"

Qin Feiyang said: "Magic God's consciousness ..."

"Magic ancestor?"

Zhao Tailai was suspicious.


"Originally I thought that the magic ancestor's consciousness had been wiped out by his cousin."

"But now it seems that this may not be the case."

Qin Feiyang said.

"How is that?"

Zhao Tailai said.

"I think it should be the consciousness of the Mozu, before Zhuge Mingyang was dying, he took away things that could make Zhuge Mingyang reborn."

"And at that time, control the space artifacts, save the Kingdom Master and Hongdi, and the people who took you away, it should be the devil ancestor."

Qin Feiyang looked at Zhao Tailai and said.

Zhao Tailai heard the words, pondered for a moment, and nodded: "It seems that only this explanation can make sense."

"Now the young people are more difficult than one? The young master is like this, so is Zhuge Mingyang, is it Xiaoqiang reincarnated?

Tang Haidao.

"Will you speak people?"

Qin Feiyang looked black.

Just say Zhuge Mingyang, why do you still bring him?

Xiaoqiang reincarnated?

Do n’t know if this is a curse?

"It was the truth."

Tang Hai said lightly.

"I will endure!"

Qin Feiyang stared fiercely at Tang Hai and took a deep breath.


Time flies and blinks.

After the hour.

Qin Feiyang suddenly realized that the blood inside his body was actually passing by.

Perceiving this, Qin Feiyang sank into his heart and said, "Look at your blood, is it passing?"

Several people and the golden panther immediately closed their eyes and checked the situation inside.

"It's passing!"

Zhao Tailai opened his eyes for the first time and looked at Qin Feiyang.

"me too."

"me too."

Mysterious lady, Ye Shu, Golden Leopard, Tang Hai also opened their eyes one after another, looking at Qin Feiyang and said.

Black Hawk said: "Brother Qin, do you have a way to stop the erosion of this force?"


Qin Feiyang shook his head.


Blackhawk's eyes flickered, anxiously said: "Then, if we go on like this, won't we all be finished?"

"In fact, there is a way to enter the castle, or Xuanwu Realm."


"If you enter the ancient castle and the Xuanwu world, the speed will become slower."

"By the time we reach the valley, Zhuge Mingyang may have been reborn."

Qin Feiyang said.

Because after entering the ancient castle and Xuanwu Realm, it was he who took everyone on the road, and with his current cultivation behavior, the speed was far inferior to the Black Eagle.

"Then give us the old castle!"

"Although our cultivation base is not as good as the Black Hawk, it is stronger than you, and the speed of controlling the old castle will also be faster than you."

Zhao Tailai said.


"The castle is now sealed and can only be accessed and cannot be passed on to others."

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

"What about then?"

"Zhuge Mingyang had said that he would step into the God of War once again."

"So we must find a way to completely wipe him out before he is born again."

Zhao Tailai said.

Qin Feiyang's eyes flickered.


He looked at Zhao Tailai, Tang Hai, Mysterious Lady, Ye Shu, respectfully said: "You guys, please help me."

"What do you mean?"

The four men looked suspicious.

Help, just help, not an outsider, so polite?

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