Invincible God of War

Chapter 1795: God tactics, Thanglong tactics!

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"Send me on the road ..."

Qin Feiyang murmured.

At the moment when Blood Qilin came to kill, Qin Feiyang stepped on his tactics and calmly avoided it.

Blood Unicorn is very angry.

Why is it so fast?

This is not the first time that Qin Feiyang has escaped its deadly attack with Xingzi Jue.

The power of Xingzi Ju, Mozu also said to it, does not seem to be so against the sky!

"The last time I played against Zhuge Mingyang, it was just a false god. At that time, I could not exert the power of Xingzijue."

"Because of the grammar, you need to use divine power as a support."

"So, after I broke through to the God of War, the power of Xingzi Jue was no longer the same."

"Although you cultivate better than me, you can't keep up with my speed. This is the power of the anti-celestial tactic."

Qin Feiyang said.

Blood Unicorn frowned: "So, as long as there is a vocabulary, can you be invincible?"

"Not bad!"

Qin Feiyang nodded.

"It turns out so."

"It seems to kill you, not as easily as imagined."

"However, today you must die!"

The blood unicorn roared into the sky, and the body's qi and blood swelled, turning into a **** flame, shouting: "Do not hide if you have the ability!"

The words fell to the ground, and the flames flooded towards Qin Fei.

This is Qilin Shenyan.

Has extremely terrible lethality!

"as you wish."

Qin Feiyang spoke lightly.



His momentum soared.

The next moment.

Under the incredible eyes of everyone, Qin Feiyang's cultivation behavior actually soared to Xiaocheng God of War!

"this is……"

The second grandpa and others were surprised.

"Shanglong tactic!"

Lu Zheng said every word.

"Thanglong tactic?"

The second grandpa froze for a moment, and said, "I have heard of this dragon tactic, it seems to be just a tactic?"

The war tactics and the **** tactics are very different.

Although you can use the war tactics after breaking through to the God of War, the power will be much worse than before.

Take the Dragon Dragon tactic as an example. When Xiuwei is still in the War of Saints or Warlords, after opening, you can increase the cultivation of a small realm.


When you break through to the God of War, the effect of the increase will be greatly reduced.

In other words.

It is absolutely impossible. It is the same as before, enough to increase a small realm.

"It used to be a recipe for war."

"But when breaking through the God of War, the younger cousin evolved the Thanglong tactic into a **** tactic."

Lu Zheng laughed.

"It turns out so."

The second grandpa suddenly realized.

It ’s the Word of God, so there ’s nothing left to say.

"Zheng'er, this should be the killer you said, it's really terrible."

Grandma said with a smile.

There are many ways to increase the strength of the war.

However, the magic tactics that can increase the amount of cultivation can be said to be rare.

Elsewhere, he didn't know.

But in the Great Qin Empire, he has never encountered a magic tactic that can increase his cultivation base.


Lu Zheng shook his head.


Three grandpas froze.

This answer was completely beyond his expectations.

This is not a killer?

high altitude!

Qin Feiyang, who looked at Xiu Wei soaring to Xiaocheng God of War, blood Qilin was also dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, Qin Feiyang still hides such terrible means.

"Originally, Thang Long Jue wanted to open it again when he played with Devil Ancestor and gave him a surprise."

"But I didn't expect you to be so strong."

"So even if you die, you are dead without regrets."

Qin Feiyang said, as a big hand waved, an invisible force rolled out and pounced on the Qilin Divine Flame.


Still in the early stages of being the God of War, he can compete with Blood Unicorn, not to mention now.

Qilin Shenyan, annihilate in an instant!

Follow closely.

Qin Feiyang stepped on the tactics again.

At that terrifying speed, Blood Unicorn simply couldn't react.


Qin Feiyang fell behind the blood unicorn, the power of the divine dragon was thin, and a punch hit the blood unicorn's back.


With a wailing, Blood Qilin was blasted out on the spot.

Despite the armor of the Unicorn, the **** bone on the back was shattered several times.

"Boy, you're done, you're completely done!"

"Your ending will be very miserable!"

Blood Qilin stabilized his body and roared like thunder.


A huge beast shadow rose from behind.


A monstrous force, covering all directions.

The beast shadow is also a blood unicorn with blood red.

But the difference is that the breath of the beast shadow is several times more terrifying than the blood unicorn.


In the beast of the beast shadow, there is a cluster of slap fire patterns!

The figure is blood red, like a blood lotus!

"this is……"

Qin Feiyang was stunned, staring at the Shenhuo pattern, his eyes filled with surprise.

He was no stranger to this godlike pattern.

When fighting with the Fire Dragon, the War Soul opened by the Fire Dragon had an identical pattern of Divine Fire in the eyebrows.

According to You Huang, it was Zulong War Soul.

The so-called ancestral dragon is the first divine dragon born between heaven and earth.

Such as fire dragon, water dragon, golden dragon, ice dragon and so on.

That is to say.

These ancestor dragons are the ancestors of various dragons.

At the moment, the two patterns are exactly the same, the only difference is the color.

Fire Dragon's ancestral dragon soul, the fire pattern is fire red.

As for the blood soul of Qilin, the fire pattern is blood red.

What does this mean?

It is very likely that the war spirit of Blood Unicorn is also the so-called ‘ancestor of Kirin’.

Blood Qilin smiled and said: "Looking at your eyes, it seems that you already know what the soul of war is?"

"Zu Qilin."

Qin Feiyang said.


"You desperate!"

Blood Qilin laughed loudly, and Zu Qilin's soul roared into the sky and threw his teeth at Qin Fei's teeth.

That horrible momentum, even Qin Feiyang couldn't help feeling panic.

"Ancestral Kirin ... War Soul ..."

"Although it is strong, it is useless to the little cousin."

Lu Zheng sneered.


Qin Feiyang waved his hand, and Zijin Dragon Soul roared out.

"It's useless!"

Blood Unicorn laughed wildly.

"If you witnessed the battle between me and Zhuge Mingyang with your own eyes, you will definitely not open the soul of war in front of me now."

"Not to mention the word" useless "."

Qin Feiyang said.

"What do you mean?"

Blood Unicorn raised his eyebrows.

"You will understand right away."

Qin Feiyang sneered and opened his eyes.



Over the top of Qin Feiyang's head, a "Zu Qilin" fighting soul also appeared.

And the momentum exudes is no worse than that of Blood Unicorn.

"What's going on?"

Blood Unicorn was dumbfounded.

Qin Feiyang also opened the "Zu Qilin" battle soul?


The souls of the two great wars are culled together, and their strength is totally unmatched.

At last.

With two wailing sounds, the two souls of war disintegrated at the same time.

"This is impossible……"

"Absolutely impossible ..."

Blood Unicorn shook his head.

"There is nothing impossible in the world."

"Your strength is indeed terrible."

"But compared to me, it's still far away."

"It's you who is desperate!"

Qin Feiyang said, the three thousand incarnations reappeared.

Five hundred gods were born!

Previously, the seal of Kirin Armor could not be broken because he did not cultivate enough.

And now.

He is also Xiaocheng God of War, full of confidence!


With a wave of his hand, five hundred idols swayed into the sky, killing **** unicorn!

"Crush all the emperor!"

Blood Qilin roared, jumped up, and punched at the statue.


Although the blood unicorn is not afraid, the unicorn armor on his body is afraid of Qin Feiyang at the moment.


At the moment when the blood unicorn and the idol met, the armor of the unicorn took the initiative to fall off the blood unicorn, like the demon flag, and flinched!

This change, which Blood Qilin never thought of, suddenly changed greatly.

Without the protection of Unicorn Armor, how to fight?


It also raised a retreating heart, but it was too late!



Blood Qilin's claws and broken sword meet suddenly.

The idol is intact.

The broken sword was also intact.

But Bloody Unicorn's claws shattered on the spot, flesh and blood flew!

That huge body was even split off.

With just a sword, Blood Unicorn was hit hard.

But Qin Feiyang did not take advantage of the chase and turned to look at Qilin's armor.


Kirin's armor is a superb artifact, with self-consciousness.

When he saw Qin Feiyang's eyes, he locked it, and then he escaped.


Qin Feiyang smiled coldly, unfolded his tactics, and stepped in front of Qilin's armor. He said: "I thought it would be like the Demon Banner, letting you just slip away? Now you only have one way to submit to me!"

At the same time as the opening, the five hundred idols also broke through the air and surrounded the Qilin's armor.

That horrible edge made Kirin Armor desperate.

It floats in the void and trembles.

This is scaring!

"I counted three times, and if you don't submit, you are ready to smash it!"




Qin Feiyang shouted.

Qilin's armor flew to Qin Fei in horror, and a sentimental mood waved out.

"Not bad!"

Qin Feiyang nodded with satisfaction.


Seeing this scene, Blood Qilin was almost mad.

The rebellion of Kirin's Armor also made it instantly lose the courage to continue fighting and turned around and fled.

Qin Feiyang ignored it, cut his finger, a drop of purple gold dragon blood, and plundered the Qilin's armor.

However, unexpectedly, this purple gold dragon blood was not absorbed by the Kirin armor.

"what happened?"

Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

I couldn't confess my blood!

Hongdi shouted: "Flying, don't worry about it, go chase the blood unicorn!"

Qin Feiyang glanced at the Blood Unicorn.

But he saw that Blood Unicorn had swept thousands of miles away and was opening a portal to prepare to escape from this place.

"It can't escape!"

Qin Feiyang's eyes flashed, and sent the Kirin armor to Xuanwu Realm, and then launched the teleportation and Xingzi tactics at the same time.

That speed, faster!

Almost in a blink of an eye, he swept to the portal, destroying the roar with his momentum.

Without his shot at all, the portal shattered!


Blood Unicorn was furious.

This speed is too ridiculously fast!


Qiang! !

The five hundred incarnations also came with five hundred gods.

See you.

Blood Qilin's eyes showed inextricable fear.

Qin Feiyang, who started the Thanglong tactic, is too strong!

If the Kirin armor is there, it dares to fight.

But now, Kylin A's betrayal, based on its own strength, really has no confidence!

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