Invincible God of War

Chapter 1817: Are you a fool?

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"I said, you old Yan, why do you just think about your prestige?"

"Don't you find someone stronger than you standing in front of you?"

Jiang Zhengyi said angrily.

"In front of me?"

Yan Wei froze for a moment, glancing around. There was no one other than him and Jiang Zhengyi here?

"Wait, are you talking about yourself?"


Yan Wei frowned and looked at Jiang Zhengyi.


"I am also a false god. I will kill Lin Yiyi. The chance is always greater than you!"

Jiang Zhengyi looked at him helplessly.

"No, no, no, no."

Yan Wei shook his head quickly.

"Why not?"

"Do you still look down on me?"

Jiang Zhengyi was displeased.

"no no."

"You are one of the youngest master's most respected elders, how can I let you go into danger?"

"Furthermore, Mozu thinks of Lin Yiyi in this way and must have left some life-saving means for her."

"Perhaps in Lin Yiyi's body, there is a murderer's murder potential. It is even possible that the thin sword that Lin Yiyi took out before is a superb artifact!

"That is to say, if you go out now, it is probably a dead end."

Yan Wei said in a deep voice.

"So you know it, I thought you didn't know it!"

Jiang Zhengyi glanced at him.


Yan Wei was stunned.

"I don't really want to go out to kill Lin Yiyi, I just want you to stand on the sidelines of a bystander and see the current situation."

Jiang Zhengyi sighed.

"It turns out this way."

Yan Wei suddenly realized that he immediately smiled bitterly.

This is the so-called fandom of the authorities, and bystanders are clear.

He had never thought about these problems when he wanted to explode himself.

But when he heard Jiang Zhengyi saying that he would go out to kill Lin Yiyi, he was sober in the head, and all the possibilities came to mind in an instant.

"Although you were a bit confused just now, it also reflected that you are a person who can do everything for others."

"A person like you is worth paying."

Jiang Zhengyi laughed.

Yan Wei smiled awkwardly and said: "But we still have to think of a solution."

"You have to ask Qin Feiyang first, because he is the protagonist of this matter."

Jiang Zhengyi took out the crystal spar and sent a message to Luo Qingzhu.



The ghost image of Luo Qingzhu appeared.

Jiang Zhengyi said: "Qingzhu, immediately find Qin Feiyang and say that we have something to find him."

Yan Wei added: "It's about Lin Yiyi and Princess Mermaid."

"Lin Yiyi?"

"Mermaid Princess?"

Luo Qingzhu was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "Are you talking about their soul of war?"

"how do you know?"

Jiang Zhengyi and Yan Wei were surprised.

Luo Qingzhu said: "These things, blood Qilin has just told Qin Feiyang."

Jiang Zhengyi asked: "So what did he think?"

"He guessed that you must have spoken to us, so I told me before, let me tell you, do not be impulsive, just monitor the situation of Modu.

"As for Lin Yiyi and Princess Mermaid ..."

Luo Qingzhu said of this, his expression suddenly became extremely melancholy.


Jiang Zhengyi looked at each other and looked at Luo Qingzhu suspiciously.

"Qin Feiyang said that if he really wanted to kill Princess Mermaid and Lin Yiyi, he would also kill him personally."

Luo Qingzhu sighed.

Jiang Zhengyi's eyes flickered.

Killing Lin Yiyi with two hands, for Qin Feiyang, is estimated to be more painful than death.

"Actually we all know that he has ten million unwilling in his heart."

"But for the sake of the overall situation, for the sake of life, I think he will definitely be able to give up this heart."

Luoqing Bamboo Road.

Jiang Zhengyi and the two nodded.

Yan Wei exhaled and said, "Well, what news will we send to you as soon as possible."


Luo Qingzhu nodded and advised: "Must protect yourself, and according to our guess, now that your whereabouts are exposed, the Mozu should transfer the Modu."

Jiang Zhengyi looked at each other, his face suddenly showing a trace of anxiety.

This point, they had not thought of it before.

That is to say.

They have already frightened the snake.

"Don't worry, don't blame yourself, let alone take the risk."

Luoqing Bamboo Road.

"What if the devil ancestor really transferred the devil?"

Yan Wei frowned.

"Now let it be."

Luoqing Bamboo Road.


Jiang Zhengyi and Yan Wei sighed, and the phantom quickly dissipated.

Luo Qingzhu also put away the image spar and sighed lowly: "I really hope that the final outcome is not too cruel."

The status of Lin Yiyi and Princess Mermaid in Qin Feiyang's heart is well known.

If you really kill the two, Qin Feiyang will definitely bleed.

And afterwards, Qin Feiyang will also open 100% of Shenlong Jue's fourth rebirth, resurrecting both of them.

This is a picture that Luo Qingzhu never wants to see.

Because once the door of rebirth is opened, Qin Feiyang will pay the price of repairing to the end.

You might even die on the spot!



After searching around the magic tower, no traces of Yan Wei and Jiang Zhengyi were found. The Yan King hesitated again and again, and finally gathered courage and reported the matter to Sima Kun.

no doubt.

Sima Kun, who was informed of the incident, was furious immediately, and faced the Yan King with an angry scolding.

But scolding the Yan King is useless.

Sima Kun immediately ordered to search the city and not let anyone suspicious.


The National Teacher was also extremely angry.

Sima Kun is also quite disgusted.

They all said that they killed Yan Wei directly, and it was over a hundred, but they just didn't listen. Now, let's let Yan Wei escape.

Although Yan Wei is very weak, the threat now can be said to be greater than Qin Feiyang.


He can control the movement of Modu and report to Qin Feiyang at any time.

As for Yan Wei, whether or not the news can be passed to Qin Feiyang is beyond doubt.

Although Yan Wei's image spar was destroyed, there are still associates.

Since it is Yan Wei's associate, he must get in touch with Qin Feiyang who can be outside.


After calming down, the national teacher, as expected by Qin Feiyang and others, immediately proposed to Sima Kun to transfer the magic capital immediately!


Inside the space fetish!

Jiang Zhengyi and Yan Wei looked sad.

It was not easy for them to pass the position of Modu to Qin Feiyang, but they didn't expect to lose their previous efforts because of their carelessness.

"Brother Jiang, we still don't think about it. If we change to a young master, we will definitely not make such a mistake."

Yan Wei shook his head and sighed.


"Let's stop messing up, just monitor the movements here, so as not to cause any trouble to Qin Feiyang."

Jiang Zhengyi said.

Yan Wei nodded.

It is naturally a good thing to help Qin Feiyang, but if you are getting more and more busy, then it is not called help, but called Tian chaos.


The disaster of the demons is not over yet.

Now, he has survived 98 days of Heaven Tribulation, leaving only the last one.

But at this moment, whether it is Qin Feiyang three people, or blood unicorn, the heart is extremely extreme.

Because the last day of the catastrophe is the real number of catastrophes.

And the most important thing is that there is only a ray of consciousness left in the heart demons, just like Ye Luo in the violent wind, floating in the void.


What will happen if this last catastrophe falls?



Blood clouds rolled on the sky, and thunder and lightning rang together.

Tianwei enveloped all directions, making the atmosphere here extremely depressed.

Seeing that the last day of the catastrophe didn't fall down, Zhao Tailai couldn't help but be angry and said: "How long will it take? Is it necessary to kill the demon?

"This catastrophe was originally used to kill the demon."

"If you look at the state of the heart demons now, even the previous Sky Tribulation may not be able to sustain it, let alone the last Sky Tribulation."

"If you want to successfully cross the robbery, there is almost no hope."

Blood Unicorn sighed.

"Little Lord……"

Zhao Tailai turned to look at Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang was silent, raised his head, and scanned the **** lightning between the clouds, with a firm glow in his eyes.

No matter what the price is, we must let the demons successfully survive this robbery!


After about a dozen breaths.

Accompanied by a loud noise, the last Sky Tribulation finally took shape, carrying a breath of destruction and blasting towards the heart.

Looking at this last catastrophe, Zhao Tailai and Xue Qilin both stared.

This Sky Tribulation is at least a few dozen times larger than the previous 98 Sky Tribulation, just like a **** dragon roaring in the void!

That breath of breath is even more terrifying!

Tang Hai said in a deep voice: "According to my judgment, the power of this Heavenly Tribulation is really the sum of the 98 Heavenly Tribulations in front!"

Zhao Tailai said: "In such a terrible sky-tribulation, unless the **** comes, the heart demons will definitely die!"

"This is life."

Blood Unicorn shook his head and sighed.

"Life is in your own hands, don't rely on others to give charity!"

But suddenly.

Qin Feiyang's voice sounded.

Blood Qilin turned to look at Qin Feiyang. When he saw Qin Feiyang's eyes, he wondered: "What do you want to do?"

"Today, I want to fight this God!"

Qin Feiyang's eyes flashed with ejaculation, and he slammed on the ground with one foot, turning into a magic rainbow, swaying straight for 90,000 miles, and went straight to that day.

"Little Lord!"

Zhao Tailai and Tang Hai suddenly changed color.

Blood Unicorn is also extremely shocked.

And at the same time, Qin Yuan and Xue Python also slammed their eyes wide and looked at Qin Feiyang in the picture with horror.

"My deity, what are you going to do?"

"This is my robbery, I don't need your help, just give me back!"


Seeing Qin Feiyang rushing to Heaven Tribulation, the demons also roared angrily.

In fact, he was worried about Qin Feiyang.

Because, personally experienced the first ninety-seven days of catastrophe, no one knows better than him, how terrible the power of this last one.

Qin Feiyang rushed up in such a hurry, there is no doubt that he will die!

"If you can't keep it, what is the point of having this strength?"

But Qin Feiyang turned a deaf ear to the applause of the demons and said without looking back.

"You can protect other people!"

"I'm just a demon. My existence is inherently unreasonable. Are you stupid for your life?"

The demon growled.

"You just treat me as a fool!"

Qin Feiyang smiled faintly and said again: "Old Zhao, Old Tang, if I fail to survive, the task of rescuing my mother and them will be given to you."

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