Invincible God of War

Chapter 1831: Princess Mermaid is now, the Devil Ancestor is out!

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Zhao Tailai was wondering how to continue tossing Tang Hai, but suddenly he looked stunned, what seemed to come to mind?

And the more he thought about it, the stronger the consternation in his expression.

Tang Hai was suddenly uncomfortable when he discovered that Zhao Tailai was suddenly silent.

He turned his head suspiciously and looked at Zhao Tailai.

When he saw Zhao Tailai's appearance at the moment, his expression was startled, and he wondered: "What are you thinking?"

Zhao Tai went back and forth and looked at Qin Feiyang: "Young Master, I suddenly thought of something."

"what's up?"

Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

Zhao Tailai said in a deep voice: "I don't know if you noticed that when Sima Kun fled, they said a word to Tianwu King."

"Say a word?"

Qin Feiyang was stunned.

Tang Hai pondered carefully, his eyes flickered slightly, and nodded, "Sima Kun did say a word."

Qin Feiyang shook his head: "I didn't pay much attention to what he said at the time?"

"He said."

"Mozu will soon go out of the way, let the King of Heaven and Heaven stop them!"

Tang Haidao.


"In the current situation, the word" soon "has a different meaning than usual."

Zhao Tailai said.


"As usual," soon "represents ten months and a half, or six months and a year."

"But now, the situation is urgent."

"It will be out soon ..."

"I think that what Sima Kun wanted to express is definitely not one day or two."

Tang Haidao.

"Then in your opinion?"

Qin Feiyang asked.

Tang Hai's eyes flashed, saying: "It may be one or two hours, or even half an hour."

"How can it be?"

"Fuse the **** body so quickly, unless there is time to form a circle where he retreats!"

Qin Feiyang said.

"This is also where I can't figure it out."

"If there is a time circle, Blood Qilin, as his former man, cannot be unaware of it."

Tang Haidao.

"There is another possibility."

Zhao Tailai suddenly said.

"What is possible?"

Qin Feiyang and Tang Hai turned to look at him.

Zhao Tailai said: "Blood Unicorn is also concealed by the Mozu!"

Qin Feiyang's eyes flickered.

According to the cautious character of Mozu, there seems to be such a possibility!

Because only those who truly trust Mozu are Sima Kun and Sima Yuan.

People like Blood Qilin and Yan Wang are at most just a sharp blade in his hand.

"If this is the case, then he will be out of time soon."

"Blood Unicorn, there may be danger!"

"Young Master, hurry!"

Tang Hai shouted.

Qin Feiyang's eyes dimmed, and under the circumstance of applying the word formula, he launched a teleportation and disappeared at the end of the sea.


Inside the castle!

Luo Qingzhu is also talking with Jiang Zhengyi and Yan Wei.

"what did you say?"

"Lin Yiyi outside is just an avatar?"

Jiang Zhengyi and Yan Wei are looking at Luo Qingzhu with incredible faces at the moment.


"Can you find her deity now?"

Luo Qingzhu asked.

"We try."

Jiang Zhengyi said with a deep voice, closing the image spar.

at this time.

The two are still inside the space fetish.

Jiang Zhengyi put away the crystal spar and looked out to the practice room through the screen in front.

The training room was empty and silent.

"It's really terrible to be able to condense blood and flesh avatars."

Yan Weidao.


"We always thought that the Lin Yiyi I saw here is the real body, but I didn't expect ..."

Jiang Zhengyi was quite angry.

Qin Feiyang finally managed to kill Lin Yiyi, but it was only a doppelganger.

"What should we do now?"

Yan Wei asked.

"Yan King is dead."

"I think there should be no danger in this magic tower. Let's go out and see."

Jiang Zhengyi said.

"Although the Yan King is dead, he can't carelessly."

Yan Weidao.

"You are right."

Jiang Zhengyi smiled, and immediately took Yan Wei to appear outside the practice room.

After looking for a while in the practice room, I found nothing like a secret door, so I carefully opened the stone door of the practice room.

Seeing no one in the corridor outside, Jiang Zhengyi whispered: "There are so many training rooms, we will find them one by one."

Yan Wei nodded.


At the same moment!

There was no one outside of the Demon Temple at the moment, quietly.

But suddenly.

A faint breath spread out quietly.

Although this breath is not strong, it is full of a terrifying anger.

As time goes on, the breath becomes more obvious and more terrifying.


The whole Modu people felt this breath.

"this is……"

"Aura of Lord Mozu ..."

People looked at the direction of the demon palace one after another, with deep awe on each face.

Woo! ! !


Along with the sound of breaking through the sky, seven figures came from all directions and burst into the air like lightning, and came before the Demon Hall.

These seven people, there are men and women, old and young.

But without exception, the breath is very powerful.

It can even be compared with Tang Hai and Zhao Tailai.

This is enough to show that the seven are all God of War!

Roar! !

Just as the seven men came to the Demon Hall, four deep ears of roaring beasts suddenly sounded in the mountains outside the Demon Capital.


Follow closely.

Four huge beasts rushed out of the mountain, carrying the fierce force, and plundered over the demon palace.

The momentum of these four beasts is terrifying.

And they are all real beasts!

among them.

There are three heads, the unicorn beast.

They are wood unicorn, earth unicorn and golden unicorn.

The other beast is a giant dragon, dark and ink-like, with a body size of hundreds of feet and scales.

Even more amazing is that it actually has nine heads!

One of the seven people, a gray-haired, extremely old man, looked up at the four beasts and smiled, "You are also here."

"How is this going?"

"Not that it takes three days for Lord Mozu to merge successfully?"

The four great beasts looked at the Demon Temple and asked the seven.

"We don't know."

"But what is certain is that Lord Mozu is about to go out!"

The white-haired old man shook his head and looked up at the Demon Hall, his eyes full of excitement.


The breath from the devil hall is getting more and more terrible!

The seven white-haired elders and the four great beasts all began to retreat, their expressions were extremely respected.

But at the same time.

Inwardly, there is an inexhaustible fear.

This is the fear of the demon ancestor!

As subordinates of the Mozu, they knew how terrible the power of the Mozu.

Even if they joined forces with eleven gods of war, they couldn't stop Mozu's blow.

This is the strength of the Mozu!



The gate of the demon hall slowly opened.

Just as the door opened, a more terrifying breath roared out.

Seven white-haired old men kneeled down on the ground.

The four great beasts are also creeping in the void.

The respectful and pious look is like worshipping a supreme deity.

Da da……


The sound of light footsteps sounded inside the demon hall.

The seven white-haired elders and the four great beasts froze for a moment, looking up at the gate of the Demon Hall, with a trace of suspicious eyes.

Why is this footstep so light?

This was not the case when Mozu walked before.


In the devil hall, there is only one demon ancestor.

Definitely the demon ancestor!

They knelt on the ground, prostrate in the void, lowered their heads, and looked more respectful.

Footsteps are getting closer.


The two figures walked out of the demon hall and stood in front of the gate.

That was actually two women!

A man in a white long dress, with a silk like a waterfall, possesses the qualities of being a country.

The other person, wearing a pale gold long dress with long hair also pale gold, was draped behind him like a golden wave.

That figure, that look, can be called peerless!

"This smell is wrong!"

"Not Lord Mazu!"

Sensing the breath of the two, the white-haired old man seven and the four great beasts looked up, his expression suddenly stunned.

"Lin Yiyi?"

"Mermaid Princess?"

"Why are you guys?"

The white-haired old man was suspicious.

"We have been retreating and practicing in the Devil's Palace all the time, do you have any objections?"

It was Princess Mermaid who spoke.

Sound, cold and biting!

The long skirt fluttered and the blonde hair danced like a tall queen, looking down on the white-haired old man.

"Dare not."

The white-haired old man hurriedly shook his head.

Whether it is Lin Yiyi or Mermaid Princess, they are now the most important people of the Mozu.

He dare not offend.

However, he couldn't figure it out, why did Mozu let these two women retreat and practice in the demon palace?

Lin Yiyi and Princess Mermaid glanced at each other, turned around and stood on both sides of the gate of the Demon Hall, bent over, and looked very respectful, as if welcoming the Devil.


The breath in the demon hall has soared to a terrible level.

The voids around the demon hall are crazily twisted.

The sky directly above the demon palace is covered with dark clouds.

Inside the dark clouds, there was also a loud roar, like a roar of a ghost!



A dark light descended from the sky and disappeared into the demon palace.


A shocking magic power, like a volcanic eruption, rushed out of the magic hall.

The seven white-haired elders and the four great beasts all shivered with fear and despair.

"Welcome Master to go out!"

Lin Yiyi and Princess Mermaid respectfully said.

Da da……

Footsteps sounded again.

But this time the footsteps are no longer light, calm and powerful.

And it seems to contain a magic power.

The heart of the seven white-haired elders and the four great beasts all beat with footsteps at this moment.

The fear deep inside is like a tide, drowning them!

The footsteps are getting louder and louder.

Finally, like a thunder, it sounded like heaven and earth!

"Congratulations to Mozu!"

All the demons, including the beasts in the mountains, knelt on the ground.

Even Jiang Zhengyi and Yan Wei inside the magic tower heard footsteps.

"what happened?"

The two were very surprised.


Tianbao Pavilion.

A woman in red stood in front of a window, looking in the direction of the demon palace, her face full of surprise.

"Mozu ..."

"It's not that it takes three days, why did you go out early ..."

"No, I have to inform Jiang Zhengyi quickly and let him tell Feiyang ..."

The woman in red murmured and immediately removed the image spar.

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