Invincible God of War

Chapter 1870: Weeping with joy!

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Butterfly Valley!

After this battle, this place is beyond recognition.

Everyone gathered together, anxiously waiting for Qin Feiyang.

After a day and night of rest, Tang Hai and others also had a very good mental outlook.

The demon turned his head to look at old Qin and said, "Will your old man go back to the imperial capital first, and give him a peace?"

Day by night, the fake door of time and space in Qin Lao's hand can be opened.

"I didn't see Feiyang coming back, and the old man was really worried."

Qin Lao shook his head.

"Isn't there us!"

"And now, with the power of the deity, the entire Daqin and the forgotten continent, no one hurt him, what are you worried about?"

The demons laughed.

Qin Lao froze for a moment, nodded and said: "This is also true, the old man goes back first?"


"Go back in advance and tell them that they can relax as soon as possible."

Demon Road.

Qin Lao took out the fake door of time and space.


However, at this moment, an old and a small figure appeared above the sky.

It is Qin Yuan and Qin Feiyang.


"Little Lord!"

A group of people greeted immediately.

Qin Feiyang looked at everyone and smiled apologetically: "I worry you all."

"What a fool?"

The mysterious lady glanced at him, looked at Qin Yuan, and said with a smile: "You are the uncle that Feiyang often talks about!"


Qin Yuan nodded and bowed: "Have seen Mrs."

"Don't don't."

"You are the guardian of this continent. Such gifts can't afford it."

The Mysterious Lady said quickly.

"Although I am a guardian, I am also the people of Daqin. You are the wife of the first emperor and should be respected."

"Furthermore, before forgetting the mainland, you have taken care of Feiyang, and I should also say thank you to you."

Qin Yuan laughed.

"Do not."

"It's me who should say thanks."

"If you hadn't been silently guarding Da Qin in recent years, let alone flying this child, the rivers and mountains left by Emperor Qin might have fallen into the hands of others."

Mysterious lady said.

Seeing that both of them were polite and polite, Qin Feiyang said silently: "Yuan Bo, Grandma Zu, I said can you not come to compliment?"

The demon followed: "Yeah, we are a family, is this necessary?"


Qin Yuan and Mrs. Mystery were stunned, and then looked at each other, and Mrs. Mystic smiled: "Unexpectedly, we would be fooled by two little **** children, but they are right, we are all a family, but polite Minute."

"Mrs. Yes."

Qin Yuan nodded and smiled, then looked at Qin Feiyang and said: "You talk first, the old man goes to repair the altar."


Qin Feiyang nodded.


Qin Yuan flickered and disappeared without a trace.

Qin Lao sighed and shook his head: "This old guy really hides himself."

"Do you know Yuan Yuan?"

Qin Feiyang looked at Qin Lao suspiciously.

"Is not this nonsensical?"

"When Emperor Chen was in power, I was already a nine-star war emperor in the pinnacle, of course, I knew Qin Yuan."

Qin Lao rolled his eyes at Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang nodded suddenly, curiously: "What kind of person was Yuan Bo at that time?"

"At the time, he was already a false god."

"But in the old man's impression, he didn't have the slightest false god's frame, a very low-key person."

"I usually stay beside Emperor Chen, and it is difficult to see him say a word."

"However, I never thought that he was the guardian of this continent."

Qin Lao shook his head and smiled.

Mysterious lady said: "This is the so-called human appearance."


"After all, it has been really hard for him all these years, and he has been guarding Daqin alone."

Qin Lao sighed.

"More than just hard work."

Qin Feiyang sighed and turned his head to look at Zhao Tailai and Xue Qilin, saying, "You don't care if you smile in front of me, but you must respect Yuan Bo and respect him from the heart, not because His strength. "


The three men and two beasts nodded.

The mysterious lady looked at the three people and two beasts, and suspiciously said: "Flying, why are you so serious?"

"Grandma, you don't know many things."

"Yuan Bo paid too much for our Daqin."

Qin Feiyang sighed.

"How to say?"

Everyone looked at him curiously.

"We talked a lot in Tie Niu before."

Qin Feiyang briefly talked about Qin Yuan's situation.

"It turns out so."

"It is indeed a great old man."

After hearing this, there was an admiration in everyone's heart.

After a moment.

Uncle Yuan appeared again and looked at everyone with a smile: "The teleport altar has been repaired."

Ye Shu asked: "Where have you forgotten the mainland?"

Qin Yuan nodded and smiled: "It has also been repaired, and you can go back at any time."

"Thank you."

Ye Shu said gratefully, turned to look at the mysterious lady, and urged: "Miss, let's go back!"


The mysterious lady nodded and looked at Qin Feiyang and the demon, saying: "Let's go back to the forgotten mainland first and wait for the situation to stabilize, then we will go to the Imperial Capital and visit your father.

"Do I need to let Lao Zhao help them?"

Qin Feiyang asked.

"This is not necessary."

"Mu Tianyang and Mu Tianjun have fallen, and now no one can threaten us."

"As for Xue Python and Dong Zhengyang, I believe they should not start against us."

Mysterious lady said.

Qin Yuandao said: "The old man has warned Xue Mang and Dong Zhengyang that they will not mess up."

Ye Shu looked at Qin Yuan and said: "Brother Qin Yuan, I really appreciate it. In this way, we will have no worries when we forget the mainland."

"You don't need to be polite."

Qin Yuan waved his hand and smiled.

For Qin Yuan, it is a piece of cake.

But for the mysterious lady and Ye Shu and others, this is great news.

The mysterious lady also looked at Qin Yuan gratefully, and then looked at Qin Feiyang, and said with a smile: "Then we will go first, and take a good rest after you go back."


Qin Feiyang nodded.

"You too."

"Don't think about anything for now, take a good rest."

The mysterious lady patted the demon's shoulder again, smiled, and took the leaf surgery and the monkey face old man, and swept down.

The lower chamber has been repaired.

The transmission altar has also been restored as before.

After the four mysterious ladies left, Qin Feiyang and others also bid farewell to Qin Yuan, opened the fake door of time and space, and walked in one after another.


Only Qin Yuan is left here.

After watching the door of time and space dissipate, Qin Yuan took out four drops of blood, remained silent for a long time, looked up at the sky, and sighed: "Should the old man believe Dong Zhengyang?"


Imperial palace!

Day and night passed.

Everyone was still gathered in the Golden Luan Temple.

The entire Luan Temple is shrouded in grief that cannot be broken.


"It's another day and night. They haven't got any news yet. It seems that they really have died together with the devil ancestor."

Hongdi sighed a long time, breaking the silence.

The emperor also looked haggard and waved his hands helplessly, saying: "People can't be resurrected from death, we're useless to be sad here, all gone!"

The civil and military officials looked at each other and turned away silently.

"Hong'er ..."

Lu Zheng closed his eyes in pain, two tears slipped quietly, and then opened a portal.

"Father, grandpa, who said we were dead?"

But at this moment.

A light laughter sounded outside the hall.

"This voice ..."

Everyone's eyes flickered, and quickly looked towards the gate.

A group of mermaids penetrated into everyone's eyes.

It is Qin Feiyang and the Demon that are heading!

"Flying ..."

"Old Qin ..."

"you guys……"

"Am I dreaming?"

The emperor slowly rose, watching Qin Feiyang a group of people, rubbing his eyes vigorously.

"Father, a living person is standing in front of you, how could it be a dream?"

Qin Feiyang laughed.

"Not a dream."

"You are all alive!"

The emperor was ecstatic, and made two steps in three steps. He walked to Qin Fei and looked at the familiar face in front of him, tears in his eyes.

Emperor Hong, Qin Sheng three people, Manchu civil and military officials, all wept with joy.

Qin Feiyang lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry, Father, I worried you."

Then he looked at Hongdi, Lu Zheng, Qin Sheng, and the civil and military officials, saying: "This blame me, I don't have the first time to pass the good news to you."

"Silly boy, what do you say?"

"Just come back alive."

Hongdi smiled and scolded.


"As long as you can come back alive, it is more important than anything."

The emperor grabbed Qin Feiyang's hand, and his whole body was shaking, fearing that in the next moment, Qin Feiyang would disappear in front of him.


Looking at the embarrassed face of the emperor, Qin Feiyang couldn't help feeling sad, and quickly changed the subject, laughing: "Father, now you are more than a son."

While speaking, he pushed the demons in front of the emperor.


The demon looks stiff and somewhat at a loss.


"I now have more than one son."

The emperor also reacted, ignoring the existence of the demon, quickly grabbed the demon's hand, and said with a smile: "Child, you have worked hard."


This is too sudden, and the demons really don't know how to deal with it?

"Did you see it?"

"No matter how powerful people are, there are times when they are at a loss."

Zhao Tailai laughed.

Tang Hai, Qin Lao, Cui Li, and Blood Unicorn are also looking at the demons jokingly.

Qin Feiyang said helplessly: "This is what you are wrong, and now we should encourage him."

"Relax, the demon's adaptability is very strong, we don't need to encourage us."

The golden panther thief laughed.

"Can't you say it behind your back?"

"Believe it or not, I will destroy you now?"

The demon glared at them, his eyebrows straight.

Blood Unicorn coughed and said, "Master Demon, you are also a father now, anyway, you have a smaller temper and be a filial child."


Suddenly, the devil's eyes widened.

Qin Feiyang smiled helplessly and looked at the demons: "Yes, you still don't understand their personality? Is it necessary to be angry with them?"

"Take care of you later!"

The demon stared at the blood unicorn, took a deep breath, looked at the emperor, and bowed: "The baby meets his father."


The emperor nodded again and again, clutching the hands of the demon and Qin Feiyang, and he was full of comfort and pride, and smiled: "You are all proud of your father!"

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