Invincible God of War

Chapter 1872: Two stepping stones!

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"Leaf technique?"

Qin Feiyang was stunned for a while.

Blood Qilin, Golden Leopard, Zhao Tailai and others are also looking at Ye Shu immediately.

"Old man Ye, missed us so soon?"

Blood Unicorn is in a good mood now.

"No mood to mess with you."

Ye Shu glanced at it, and swept straight to Qin Feiyang and the demon, and said in a deep voice: "Two people, forgetting the mainland has a very strange thing."

"what's up?"

Qin Feiyang looked at the demon and looked at him suspiciously.

"Before we returned to the glacier forest, we had planned to go straight back to the central kingdom of God, but suddenly we realized that the glacier forest was enveloped by an invisible force."

"And we also found that this kind of power is permeable and can even penetrate into our bodies and plunder our blood and vitality."

Ye Shudao.


"Pillaging blood and vitality?"

Qin Feiyang and others were suspicious.

How could this be the same when Zhuge Mingyang was reborn?

"and many more!"

Blood Qilin said suddenly.


Everyone turned to look at it.

Blood Qilin pondered a little, looked at the demon and asked, "At that time, the main tower master, Zhuge Kamikaze, and the national master, did they fall out of the magic tower?"


The demon nodded.


Blood Qilin's eyes suddenly sank.

Zhao Tailai said: "Don't be surprised, just say what you know."

Blood Unicorn said: "The inheritance of undead magic is in the magic tower."

Qin Feiyang's pupils contracted and said, "You mean, the main tower master, they accepted the inheritance of undead magic?"

"It must be so."

"Because of repeated battles, the emperor has forgotten this matter."

"The chief prince they hate you all, I think with the character of the Mozu, I will definitely not let this opportunity pass."

Blood Unicorn Road.

Ye Shudao: "That is to say, they are starting to resurrect now?"

Blood Unicorn nodded.

Cui Li puzzled: "Since the Undead Magic is so powerful, why don't you and Sima Yuan practice?"

"Because of practicing undead magic, there is a fatal side effect and you can't practice. You can only rely on being killed to break through."

"And practicing undead magic skills requires a very strong hatred."

"And Sima Yuan and I, although they were in a hostile relationship with you at the time, it was not enough to say how much we hated."

"As for Lin Yiyi."

"Although she lost your memory, she hated you very much, but because she opened the eye of oblivion, the devil ancestor couldn't bear to let her practice undead magic.

Blood Unicorn explained.

The demon heard this and looked at Qin Feiyang, saying, "It turns out to be as we guessed."

"Have you guessed?"

The blood unicorn was surprised.

Qin Feiyang said: "We have thought about it, but it has never been confirmed."

Blood Qilin glanced at everyone and said with a deep voice: "You, this matter must not be a play. The national master has already broken through to the God of War in miracles. If this time is successfully resurrected, it will be Xiaocheng God of War!"

Ye Shu looked at Qin Feiyang and said, "Feiyang, blood unicorn is right, we have to find a way to stop them from resurrecting."

Qin Feiyang's eyes flashed coldly and said, "It's not too late, we will go to the glacier forest immediately."

Everyone nodded.

Woo! !


A group of people skimmed down.


Glacier Forest!


The mysterious lady, the monkey-faced old man, and the eagle-nose old man stood in the void, glancing down, their faces somber.

Woo! !


Ye Shu took Qin Feiyang and others and flew to the three.

Mrs. Mystery apologized: "Feiyang, I wanted to give you a good rest, but now I have to trouble you again, I'm really sorry."

"What are you doing?"

Qin Feiyang smiled and said: "Lao Ye already knows us. We guess that it may be the main tower master, the national master, and Zhuge Kamikaze practicing undead magic."


Mysterious lady scolded.

Qin Feiyang asked: "What is the situation now?"

"This force has entered the second area."

"Fortunately, at that time, the creatures in the first and second areas were slaughtered by the lady, and there are not many creatures now, otherwise they may have been resurrected.

The monkey face old man is humane.

Qin Feiyang said: "That is still under control."

Mysterious lady asked: "Flying, can you get rid of them?"

"Not before."

"But now, after seeing Zhuge Mingyang resurrected many times, I have grasped the trick."

Qin Feiyang said.

"Say it!"

Mysterious lady urged.

"The process of resurrection of Undead Demon Gong is very long and requires a lot of blood."

"I think they have almost condensed some flesh now."

"As long as we find the flesh and smash it again, we should be able to get rid of them."

Qin Feiyang said.

"This method Qin Feiyang said will work, but you can't be the one who waits."

Blood Qilin looked at Qin Feiyang and the demon, and said.


"Are we crushing their flesh now, can they be born again?"

Demon Road.


"If you do it, no matter how many times you kill them, they will be resurrected again."

"This is the dominance of the undead magic."

Blood Unicorn Road.


Qin Feiyang exhaled, released his mind, and walked down the earth.

With his current practice, not to mention the flesh and blood, even if there is only a faint breath, he can easily find the root cause.

Looking for that invisible power, he found the root in less than a dozen breaths.


Qin Feiyang took a step and landed in front of a wide crack.

The root is in this crack.

Qin Feiyang said: "Blood Unicorn, go find it."

"it is good."

Blood Qilin's body quickly shrank, about half a meter long, and flashed into the crack like lightning.


Blood Qilin flew out of the crack.

Around him, there are three pieces of flesh of rice grain size.

The invisible power comes from these three flesh and blood.


From that faint breath, it is still clear who is who?

Ye Shu sighed: "Fortunately, we came back early, otherwise we will wait for their successful resurrection, and we don't know what will happen if we forget the mainland?"

Qin Feiyang said: "Blood Unicorn, smash it directly!"


Blood Unicorn grinned.

The mind demons suddenly thought of something, reached out to stop the blood unicorn, and said, "Wait first."


Everyone looked at him suspiciously.

The demon looked at Qin Feiyang and said with a smile: "Let's keep them!"

"Keep them?"

Qin Feiyang was shocked.


"Don't you want to train a little prince? I think these three are the best stepping stones."

Demon Road.

"Good idea!"

Zhao Tailai's eyes lit up and looked at Qin Feiyang: "Sooner or later, the little prince will inherit the throne. If there is no courage and responsibility, Daqin will not go far."

"I agree."

"After all, all the enemies have been eliminated by us."

"The future situation of Daqin will definitely enter an unprecedented prosperity and peace."

"Under such an environment, no matter how Hongdi cultivates the little prince, it is estimated that it is very difficult to exercise a heart like you."

Cui Li said.

"Although the words are good, aren't we doing the opposite?"

"After all, at the beginning, you also heard the cedar's last words, which made me create a real world of peace."

Qin Feiyang said.

"True peace, how easy is it to talk about?"

"There is a good saying, nothing in the world is eternal."

"Even now, we have eliminated all the enemies and allowed Daqin to enter an unprecedented prosperity, but one day in the future, there will still be changes."

"What you should do most is to make the descendants of Daqin line stronger and stronger, and let every generation of emperors in the future generations have a heart that loves the people."

"Only in this way will Daqin go further."

Tang Hai sighed.

As the master of the Nether Temple, he has a deep understanding of these principles.

Qin Feiyang glanced at everyone and nodded, "Well, leave Zhuge Kamikaze and the main tower master, and the master of the state is killed. It's unacceptable. "

Blood Qilin went down with one paw, and the piece of blood of the State Master was wiped out with smoke.

This also means that the national teacher has completely become history.

Mysterious Lady said: "Your ideas are very good, but now there is a big question, where do you want to seal Zhuge Kamikaze and the main tower master?"


"They are all in a state of resurrection now. The force that plunders blood and miracles is permeable. I am afraid that even a seal may not be able to seal this force."

Ye Shudao.

"It's not easy, find Yuan Bo, or Snow Python."

"With their strength, the seal Zhuge Kamikaze and the main tower master easily moved."

Qin Feiyang laughed.

"No, no, don't look for Snow Python."

"In case she secretly works, then the two continents will be in chaos again."

"Still looking for Yuan Bo, he is doing things, we can rest assured."

Demon Road.

Qin Feiyang nodded.

"Is the deity so unbearable in your eyes?"

The voice of the demon did not fall, and a cold hum suddenly sounded.


Follow closely.

Snow Python appeared beside the void.

Zhao Tailai and others immediately became alert.

Snow Python disdainfully smiled and glanced directly at the demon, saying: "Remember what the deity said? When the killing domain ends, you will know the consequences of angering the deity."

"I'm standing here, do you dare to kill me?"

The demons laughed proudly.

"Still provoking the deity?"

Xue Python's murderous eyes moved.

"You have to think clearly."

"Ying Long is killed, you kill the innocent indiscriminately, you have already been punished by the golden beast, and turned your body into a snow python."

"If you kill the innocent again now, it may directly kill you."

Qin Feiyang, without fear, looked at Snow Python playfully.

Snow Python suddenly lifted a trace of anger in his eyes and shouted: "Qin Yuan, you are an old mixed hair, actually told them all these things."

The voice has not landed.

Qin Yuan appeared out of thin air and smiled: "The old man is just telling the truth. What are you doing so angry?"

"Wang Ba Dan, this is not all yours!"

Snow Python snarled.

"What has happened for so many years, why are you still holding your arms?"

Qin Yuan shook his head, looked at Qin Fei and said: "Give their flesh and blood to the old man. The old man will seal them in the sea of ​​reincarnation and the sea of ​​infinity.

"Xie Yuanbo."

Qin Feiyang laughed.

"Endless sea?"

But the mysterious lady, Ye Shu three people, the expression was stunned.

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