Invincible God of War

Chapter 1886: Blessed by misfortune, wake up!

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high altitude!

Fire Python looked at the nervous Qin Yuan and shook his head and smiled: "Don't be nervous, in fact Ben Huang and Brother Qin are friends."


Qin Yuan was stunned.


"This emperor and brother Qin are also considered to be unfamiliar."

"And this time, I did not want to harm Qin brother, but to save him."

Fire python said.

"Save the fly!"

Qin Yuan shivered and asked, "How to save?"

Huo Python smiled and said: "Master Binglong gave this emperor a magical pill, saying that he can make Qin brother rehabilitate."

Qin Yuan was suddenly surprised, and quickly bowed: "Thank you, sir."

Fire Python said: "This emperor is just a running road, you should thank Master Binglong."

Qin Yuanhu suspiciously said: "Why does this ice dragon lord want to save Feiyang?"

"The emperor did not understand."

"But the emperor guessed that it should be related to the devil."

"Not long ago, after the demon entered the miracle, he immediately went to the third floor, and soon afterwards, Lord Ice Dragon appeared and asked the emperor to send the Shendan."

The fire python frowned, but also looked confused.

"Then, it really is a credit to the demon."

Qin Yuan sighed and said: "Your Excellency, why should you look like a bad comer?"

"It's because of Snow Python."

"The emperor saw at a glance that the guy had a bad heart, so he deliberately performed a play."

The fire python smiled.

"It turns out so."

Qin Yuan nodded and smiled with admiration: "Your Excellency is really as bright as a torch. In fact, it is not a secret. We have heard your rumors."

"How to say?"

The fire python is curious.

Qin Yuandao: "Mutianyang them, you know!"


"It was the emperor who sent them to the ancient world personally."

The fire python nodded.

"Before they entered the miracle, it was said that Feiyang had a good relationship with the current guardian."

"And when flying in miracles, you take good care of him."

"However, the old man hasn't seen you with his own eyes, so when I first saw you, I didn't dare to tell."

"And you know, we guardians, many things can not be decided by ourselves."

"So just now, the old man concealed the facts from you."

Qin Yuandao.

"This is also true."

"In the eyes of outsiders, we guardians have a backstage, strength, and great authority."

"But in fact, we have no freedom of choice at all."

"Like the Emperor, if the Lord Beast God ordered them to kill Brother Qin, the Emperor could only obey."

Fire Python sighed.


Qin Yuan nodded.

"Okay, don't talk about it later."

"Master Beast God, they are everywhere, and if they are heard, we will not be able to eat and walk around."

"Take the Emperor to see Brother Qin!"

Fire python said.

"The old man will not go."

"You go there, probably only one or two miles away. When you see a lake, the flying is there."

Qin Yuan pointed to the direction of the lake and said.

Fire Python took a deep look at Qin Yuan, let go of his thoughts, and quickly found the location of the lake, then did not stay any longer, a flicker, descended over the lake.

While Qin Yuan stood above Tie Niu Town, with a wave of his hand, the scene over the lake surface appeared in front of the void.


In front of the yard.

Everyone did not disperse, and there was an indissoluble sadness on his face.

Fire Python glanced at everyone, a smile appeared in his eyes, muttered: "I didn't expect there will be so many people, care about Qin brother."

Uh! !


Several figures swept high.

It was Zhao Tailai and others who looked at Huo Python and their faces were full of surprise.

The fire python smiled and said: "I haven't seen you for a long time."

Zhao Tailai wondered: "Why are you here?"

"Not for Brother Qin?"

The fire python narrowed his body and said, "Take the emperor to see him!"

"it is good."

Zhao Tailai nodded and quickly flew down with the fire python.

"I've seen Master Guardian!"

Fatties and others familiar with the fire python bowed to salute.

"No more gifts."

Fire Python smiled, and led Zhao Zhao to the wooden building.


In the room, besides Lu Qiuyu and Princess Mermaid, there were several others.

Emperor, Hongdi, Lu Yun, Chendi, Dantai Li, and three grandpas!

They are all Qin Feiyang's loved ones.

When Zhao Tailai led the fire python and entered the room, a group of people was startled.

Zhao Tailai quickly explained: "Don't be nervous, this is the guardian of the miracle, and the young master is a very good friend."

Dantai Li stepped forward and gave a salute to the fire python, suspiciously said: "Sir, what are you doing?"

She had already seen Fire Python in the place of the seal.

Fire Python glanced at her and flew over Qin Feiyang. Shen Nian poured into Qin Feiyang's body. After a closer inspection, he sighed: "The demon really didn't deceive the emperor. According to the current situation, there is nothing to make him. wake."


Everyone was stunned.

Zhao Tailai wondered: "Master, Master Demon has entered the miracle?"

Others are suspicious.

"Don't you know?"

Everyone's reaction made Fire Python a little stunned.

"do not know."

Zhao Tailai shook his head and said, "He was originally saying that he had forgotten the mainland, but unexpectedly, he went directly to the miracle without saying a word."

"It turns out this way."

"It seems that he didn't want to worry you, so he didn't tell you."

"I have to admit that he is really a sentimental demon."

Fire Python sighed.

"Then where is he now?"

"Why didn't you come back together?"

Zhao Tailai asked.

"This one……"

The fire python hesitated and said, "Wait a moment, the emperor will save Qin Feiyang first."

"Save the fly?"

Lu Qiuyu and others heard the words and looked at the fire python in unison.

The fire python took out the magic pill and said, "Who are you, give it to him."

A mermaid of Princess Mermaid quickly grabbed Shendan, gently opened Qin Feiyang's lips, and put Shendan in.

Everyone immediately looked at Qin Feiyang, and there was a little anticipation in his nervous expression.


Soon after Shendan entered Qin Feiyang's mouth, a tremendous amount of energy roared from Qin Feiyang's body.

And around the body, there were ten ‘Dragon Shaped Pride’ dancing.

"Ten dragon-shaped pride ..."

"This is no longer just a panacea!"

Zhao Tailai mumbled.

Tang Hai and others who came in later were all shocked.

Hongdi asked angrily: "Master Guardian, what kind of medicine is this, can it really save Feiyang?"

Fire Python self-channel: "It must be no problem to save him, after all, it is a peerless **** pill awarded by Lord Ice Dragon."


"Is this the ice dragon for you?"

Zhao Tailai exclaimed.


The fire python nodded.

"How can this be?"

"In the beginning, the ice dragon almost killed the young master, how could he kindly save the young master?"

Informed Zhao Tailai were all incredulous.



The ten dragon-shaped princesses flying in the void have successively fallen into Qin Feiyang's eyebrows.

The fire python quickly immersed Shen Nian in Qin Feiyang's consciousness, and he saw the ten dragon-shaped danqis, one by one with Qin Feiyang's last consciousness.

And just after the complete fusion, a ray of consciousness continuously emerged.


Thousands of strands!

Ten thousand strands!

Thirty thousand!

fifty thousand!

Not at all.

Within Qin Feiyang's consciousness, 100,000 strands of consciousness were born.

Follow closely.

One hundred thousand strands of consciousness are constantly intertwined and fused.

At last.

A small villain, suddenly appeared!

This pocket-sized villain is about the size of a thumb, and looks exactly like Qin Feiyang himself.

That's right!

This is the soul of Qin Feiyang!

The soul is sitting in the middle of the sea of ​​knowledge, dragging a nine-leaf fire lotus in one hand, and holding a red war sword in the other.


There is also a purple gold dragon, flying around the soul.

The whole person looks like the same **** mansion!

"The appearance of the spirit of God means that the young master has been saved ..."

"No, no, it's about to wake up ..."

"Not right ..."

Zhao Tailai's body was trembling and he was so excited that there was no comparison.


Just as Zhao Tailai's words landed, a divine power rushed out of Qin Feiyang's body.

But not strong!

However, it is skyrocketing!

at the same time.

Qin Feiyang's original empty sea, the three divine powers emerged like a tide.

The Phoenix Divine Sword suspended in the Qihai absorbs the power of the long-lost Divine Dragon and exudes a wave of excitement.

And Kamui, more terrible!

The whole wooden building was shaking violently.

The people and fierce beasts gathered in the courtyard outside looked up at the wooden floor in surprise.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Blood Qilin quickly gathered a **** enchantment, which enveloped Qin Feiyang.

Look at Qin Feiyang's knowledge of the sea again!

After the appearance of the spirit, the four forms of Shenlong Jue appeared one after another.


at last.

Qin Feiyang exuded the divine power and reached the peak state of the early **** of war.


It hasn't stopped yet!

Still soaring!

"What happened?"

Everyone was surprised.

Fire Python is also full of incredible.

Could the ice **** given to Qin Feiyang by Master Ice Dragon not only save Qin Feiyang, but also improve his cultivation behavior?

Think of this.

The fire python once again immersed the divine thought into Qin Feiyang's consciousness, and immediately saw a piece of consciousness, like waves, continuously born and absorbed by the soul!

"Sure enough, it's really a blessing due to misfortune!"

Fire Python whispered.

Approximately hundreds of years passed.



Qin Feiyang's momentum soared to Xiaocheng God of War!

And the spirit that was originally only a big thumb, has grown to the size of a fist full of babies.

The growth of the soul will change with the improvement of cultivation behavior.

That is to say.

The stronger the cultivation base, the greater the soul.

"Haha ..."

"It's really true to that sentence. There will be a blessing after all!"

Zhao Tailai laughed with his head up and burst into tears.


It was at this time that Qin Feiyang's closed eyes suddenly opened, and two bright divine lights emerged.


"Little Lord!"

A group of people suddenly swarmed up and surrounded the bed with water.







"Mermaid Princess?"

Qin Feiyang glanced at the familiar faces, his eyes gradually confused, suspiciously said: "I'm not dead?"

"Yes, you are not dead."

"Guardian of miracles, saved you!"

Lu Qiuyu nodded again and again, tears could not stop falling.

The rest of the people wept with joy, and the emotions that suppressed in their hearts burst out.

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