Invincible God of War

Chapter 1890: That, uncle early!

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The sea of ​​despair!

As now, the cold is biting.

This sea, because it is the habitat of the mermaids, has not been damaged in any way.

The city under the sea is still as lively and bustling as before.

Qin Feiyang took Princess Mermaid through the desert of death and landed on the coastline of the desperate sea.

Qin Feiyang glanced at the sea ahead and smiled: "Remember the scene when we first met?"

Princess Mermaid froze for a moment, then recalled carefully, her cheeks flushed suddenly.

Of course, she remembered the scene of the first meeting.

At that time she was lying on a stone and basking in the sun. Because of the death desert, no one could come to the sea of ​​despair, so she was confident and naked.

But as a result, he was hit by Qin Feiyang and others, and there was considerable friction.

Qin Feiyang proudly said: "You shouldn't think about it at that time, you will like me!"

"Who likes you, less smelly."

Princess Mermaid glanced at him.

"Haha ..."

Qin Feiyang laughed loudly, looked up at the sea, and said, "I remember that the sea water was very cold. When I touched the water, my fingers were frozen."

"What did you do at that time?"

"It must be different now, after all, you are already a young God of War."

Princess Mermaid said.


Qin Feiyang nodded and smiled, grabbed Princess Mermaid, and jumped into the sea.

The icy water swept in.

But Qin Feiyang didn't feel cold at all.

"I miss you so much!"

Princess Mermaid patted the sea with both hands, laughing like a little elf, joyously.


"I miss you so much."

Qin Feiyang looked at Princess Mermaid and murmured.

"You don't live here, what do you miss?"

Princess Mermaid is puzzled.

But when looking at Qin Feiyang, he found Qin Feiyang staring straight at him.


Princess Mermaid looked suspiciously and looked down at herself, her face suddenly turned red.

Under the immersion of sea water, all the dresses on her body became translucent, looming.

Qin Feiyang turned back to God, glanced at the beautiful face, his heart suddenly swayed.


He glanced around and saw no one around, holding the thin waist of Princess Mermaid.

The two's bodies immediately clung together.

Princess Mermaid's cheeks can drip water.

There was a flame burning in Qin Feiyang's heart, and he couldn't help but bowed his head and kissed Princess Mermaid's lips.

In the heart of Princess Mermaid, the deer bumped into her, slowly closing her eyes.


But at this moment, not far away, the sea surface exploded and two mermaids rushed out.


Qin Feiyang and Princess Mermaid froze for a moment, then turned to look.

The two mermaids scanned the surrounding sea, and they soon saw Qin Feiyang and Princess Mermaid.


"Qin Feiyang?"

Seeing Qin Feiyang and the two of them, the two mermaids were at a loss for a moment, and then in their expressions, they immediately climbed up in ecstasy.

But immediately.

They froze again, looking at the ambiguous postures of Qin Feiyang and Princess Mermaid at the moment.

One of the mermaids murmured: "Hey, hello, don't we seem to be out of time?"

"It doesn't seem to be, it is."

Another mermaid.

The two were immediately excited.

"Princess, son Qin, I'm so embarrassed ..."

"We just heard the movement on the surface of the sea, so we just came up to check it, but we didn't expect it to be you, bother, bother."

"I'm really sorry, let's go immediately, you continue."

The two mermaids finished their conversation, and they slipped into the sea and disappeared.

Qin Feiyang looked stunned.

Princess Mermaid's cheeks were extremely hot, her head down, and murmured: "That ... we ..."

Qin Feiyang withdrew his gaze and looked down at the mermaid princess's red cheeks, the flame in his heart burned again.

At this moment, the woman in her arms, like a ripe apple, made the restlessness in his heart really difficult to suppress.

Qin Feiyang whispered: "They should not come again, we ..."

Princess Mermaid was buried in Qin Feiyang's arms and nodded.

"You are like this, why am I ..."

"So what do you want me to do?"

"Raise your head."

"I do not."

"Hold it up!"


"Then I will start."

"you dare."

"Do you think I dare."

"Rogue, I'm going to call for help."

"You shout, shout your throat, it's useless."

Just as Qin Feiyang regrouped and kissed again, there was a clatter and another mermaid appeared.

"My grumpy, do you have long eyes?"

Qin Feiyang was immediately annoyed.

"Cough, are you talking about me?"

The mermaid coughed.

"This voice ..."

Qin Feiyang stiffened.

Princess Mermaid also slightly stunned, turned her head to look, his face suddenly changed, quickly pushed away Qin Feiyang, and condensed a knot to isolate the sea water, steam and dry the moisture on the dress.

Qin Feiyang did n’t dare to look at it, looked at Princess Mermaid, and asked, “Is n’t it true?”

"it is true."

Princess Mermaid nodded.

Qin Feiyang's mouth twitched, and a bright smile appeared on his face. He turned to look at the mermaid and said, "That ... uncle ... early!"

That's right!

The mermaid that appeared this time is the father of the mermaid princess!


The Mermaid looked up at the sky and said meaningfully: "It's not too late."

"is it?"

Qin Feiyang hit haha.

"it is all your fault."

The mermaid princess looked at Qin Feiyang blankly and looked at the mermaid emperor: "The daughter has seen her father."

"You still know that I am your father!"

"When you secretly left the sea of ​​despair, did you never think of me as an old thing?"

"Sure enough, it was the female student who didn't stay!"

The mermaid embarrassed, looked at the mermaid princess, sneered.


Princess Mermaid has some six gods without a master, and pulls off Qin Feiyang's clothes.

Qin Feiyang smiled and said, "Uncle, that, look at this beautiful and beautiful, should we talk about happy topics?"

Emperor Mermaid looked at Qin Feiyang, and then looked at the pitying Mermaid Princess, and burst into laughter, and said, "Silly girl, I am joking with you for my father, watching you come back, and it is too late to be happy for my father. It! "


Princess Mermaid stunned, looking up at the Mermaid Emperor, tears in her eyes could not help.

The Mermaid sighed, and stepped forward to hold the Mermaid's hand, his face full of love, said: "Girl, hard work."

"Not hard."

Princess Mermaid shook her head.

"Okay, just come back."

"Go, let's go home!"

The Mermaid took the Princess Mermaid and swam towards the bottom of the sea.

Qin Feiyang followed the two awkwardly.

Emperor Mermaid glanced at Qin Feiyang and asked nonchalantly: "Boy, if I don't come out, would you take the opportunity to eat my daughter?"

Qin Feiyang froze for a moment, and said with a smile: "Uncle, where do you say this!"

"Father, what are you talking about?"

Princess Mermaid blushed and snorted.

"Is it wrong for my father?"

"You are still too young."

"Man is basically a virtue. Before he got it, it was all baby, but after he got it, it was another attitude."

Mermaid King Road.

"Father, Feiyang is not the kind of person you said."

Princess Mermaid said.

"In short, before you get married, boy, you better give me the truth."

The Mermaid snorted coldly.

"Yes Yes Yes."

Qin Feiyang nodded again and again.

No way, this is the future Lao Zhang, can't afford to offend!


Underwater city!

This is a huge city formed by large and small palaces.

Glazed tiles of various colors glow in the water.

The colorful corals, seaweeds in different shapes, and white shells like jade, embellish the city like a fairyland.

There are large and small glass, agate, pearls.

There are even many different treasures in the world, avoiding water beads and cold beads.

It can be said that just about anything here, and the outside world, are all worthwhile.

But here, it's just beautiful decorations.

There are also many kinds of mermaids.

There is very ugly.

There are also very beautiful ones.

In short, this is a very beautiful place, full of different poses, and there are no exceptions.

The Mermaid Emperor led the Mermaid Princess and Qin Feiyang, and fell directly in front of a gorgeous palace.

Here is the royal palace of the mermaid family.

Twenty mermaids, standing on both sides of the hall neatly, they have two pairs of wings.

The mermaid on the left is the white wing.

The mermaid on the right is the black wing.

Qin Feiyang is no stranger to these mermaids.

The white-winged mermaid is called the white-winged mermaid.

The black wing mermaid is called the black wing guard.

In the center of the hall, there are two mermaids standing side by side at the moment.

They are also a white wing and a black wing, but there are three pairs of wings behind them.


They all have Zongzong's practice.

When the mermaid emperor led Qin Feiyang into the hall, the two mermaids immediately bowed: "White Wing King, Black Wing King, here to welcome the princess and son Qin."

Princess Mermaid walked up and smiled, "Two uncles, no need to be cautious."

"The princess is just back."

"Yeah, these years, when you left home, your father couldn't eat at night or sleep at night. We were all anxious to watch."

The two sighed.

"How can you be so exaggerated?"

Emperor Mermaid shook his head, walked above the throne, and waved: "Sit down and say!"

The two mermaids sat on the two chairs on the left.

Qin Feiyang and Princess Mermaid are sitting in the two chairs on the right.

Emperor Mermaid smiled: "Qin Feiyang, I don't need to introduce these two!"

Qin Feiyang looked at the two mermaids and smiled, "If I remember correctly, you were the White Wing King and the Black Wing King who wanted to seize the position!"

The two heard that their bodies suddenly shivered.

Qin Feiyang smiled lightly: "Don't be nervous, it's all a thing of the past, I won't worry about it."

"Thank you, Master Qin."

The two quickly got up and thanked.

In fact, they are just worried, Qin Feiyang will come to this time and will find their trouble.

To know.

Qin Feiyang now is not what he used to be. He has to deal with the two of them and move his finger.

So at this moment, I was relieved to hear Qin Feiyang's words.

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