Invincible God of War

Chapter 1941: Pure curiosity

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at last!

Fire Lotus seemed to find something, and looked at some place on the left side of the screen in surprise.

There is a mountain about a thousand feet long, on the top of the mountain is strewn with rocks and overgrown with weeds.

And on one of the stones, it seemed to be standing in a dark shadow.

The distance is too far to be seen.

"Will he be the prince?"

When discovering the anomaly of Fire Lotus, Gao Xiaohui also looked down with a trace of suspiciousness in his eyes.

"Do you know if you go and see?"

Qin Feiyang smiled, driving the Xuanwu Realm, and flew towards the top of the mountain.


Xuanwu Realm entered the mountain top.

The three of them took a closer look. Who was not Gongzi Feng?

A gorgeous purple long dress swayed slowly in the wind, just like a son of God, showing extraordinary temperament.

But at this moment, his whole person exudes a gloomy breath.

"It seems that Gao Xiaolong was not killed, which made him very angry."

Fire Lotus whispered.


"For the soul stone, the innocent is cruelly mutilated, and at a glance I know that it is not a good person."

Gao Xiaohui sneered.

Qin Feiyang glanced at Gao Xiaohui and said indifferently: "In fact, you don't have to be so nasty, if this matter is replaced by your Gao family, it will still kill the Guo family."

"I do not know!"

Gao Xiaohui said angrily.

"You won't, but your family will, and your older brother Gao Xiaolong will."

"In fact, everyone is the same, all for survival, but the means are different."

Qin Feiyang said.

Gao Xiaohui went silent.

On this point, she could not find a reason to refute.

Fire Lotus glanced at Gao Xiaohui and watched Qin Feiyang said: "Don't say this first, now that Gongzi Feng has been found, what should I do next?"


Qin Feiyang said.


late at night!

In the sky above the sky, two dark shadows came from the sky like lightning and landed on the top of the mountain.

They were two strong men in black. They looked middle-aged, and they were all over one meter and nine meters tall. They had bare upper bodies, muscular muscles, and were filled with a strong spirit.

The breath that was revealed was also very strong, and it was awe-inspiring two gods of perfection!


On the clothes on their chests, there was no flame mark in Jiutian Temple.


They are not disciples of Jiutian Temple.


The two fell on top of the mountain and respectfully respected the son.


Gongzi Feng nodded and looked at the two of them and asked, "Did anyone find it?"

The two nodded.

One of the strong men waved his hand, and a young man covered in blood immediately appeared at the feet of Gongzi Feng.

"Brother ..."

Gao Xiaohui exclaimed suddenly, his eyes full of anger.

Not bad!

That young man is Gao Xiaolong!

But at the moment, Gao Xiaolong closed his eyes, not only had his body bruised, but also shattered one arm.

There is also a blood hole on the lower abdomen, and even the skull is cracked and the blood is flowing.

The fluctuation of his life is so slight that he can hardly feel it.

"It seems that there is no need to enter the sea of ​​dragons."

Qin Feiyang murmured.

Outside, as soon as he saw Gao Xiaolong, his son crawled up in his eyes, kicked **** Gao Xiaolong's heart, and sneered: "Miscellaneous, I will let you escape!"

But Gao Xiaolong lying on the ground motionless, has lost consciousness.

Gao Xiaohui looked at Qin Feiyang and begged: "Brother Jiang, please, save my brother, or he will die."

Qin Feiyang said nothing.

Gao Xiaohui was anxious and looked at Fire Lotus.

"Don't worry."

Fire Lotus gently appeased.


Gongzi Feng glanced at Gao Xiaolong, looked at the two strong men, and asked, "Did anyone else see it?"

The Dragon Sea is beside the Jiutian Palace, so there are many disciples of Jiutian Palace who practice in the Dragon Sea.


The two shook their heads.


The son nodded, the cold light flashed in his eyes, and said, "Kill him, destroy the dead."


The two responded respectfully and were ready to start against Gao Xiaolong.

But at this time.

Gao Xiaolong lying in front of them disappeared without warning!

"What about people?"

Suspicious, the three immediately released their thoughts and enveloped all directions.

The two strong men looked at each other, no one actually?

"Damn, who is it?"

The son burned in anger.

I never imagined that there were other people hiding here.



A young man in black appeared beside the three.

The young man Feng and the two strong men immediately looked at the young man in black, with a murderous surge in his eyes.

"Three, don't be angry, I am not malicious."

The youth in black waved and smiled.

Young Master Feng Sheng said: "Did you save Gao Xiaolong?"


The youth in black nodded.

"who are you?"

"Dare such a big dog, dare to intervene in this boy?"

The son sullenly shouted.

"I am Wang Dachuan."

The youth in black smiled faintly.

That's right!

This person is Qin Feiyang.

However, in order not to reveal his true appearance, he came out to see this son as Feng Dachuan.

"Wang Dachuan ..."

Young Master Feng looked at Qin Feiyang. When he saw the flame pattern on Qin Feiyang's clothes, he frowned and said, "You are also a disciple of Jiutian Temple, don't you know the identity of this son?"

"of course I know."

"The grandchildren of the master of the resource hall, the sons of the two elders of law enforcement, and the elder brother and elder sister also exist like evildoers. This identity is not a scary one!"

Qin Feiyang laughed.

Young Master Feng shouted: "Then you dare to fight against this young son?"

"No no no."

"I'm not against you."

"On the contrary, I'm here to help you."

Qin Feiyang laughed.

"help me?"

The son raised his eyebrows.

"Son, this person's intentions are unclear, so be careful."

The two strong men ran across the front of Gongzi Feng with a vigilant voice.

The son flashed his eyes and looked at Qin Feiyang: "I am really curious, what are you going to do for me?"

Qin Feiyang smiled and said: "You have such a strong family background, but you are still doing this kind of fortune-telling business. I think you must have something unspeakable!"

Young Master Feng heard this, his hands slammed sharply, and the anger between his eyebrows was stronger.

Qin Feiyang said: "According to my guess, it should be related to your family, right?"

"Are you investigating me?"

The son said sternly.

"No no no."

"I never investigated you, it was just a guess."

"Actually I don't know the real reason."

"But you can tell me, maybe I can really help you."

Qin Feiyang laughed.

"Just your little little **** of war?"

The son covered his face with disdain.

"There are also times when ants move to elephants!"

Qin Feiyang said.

Young Master Feng frowned and asked, "Then tell me, why are you helping me? I can't believe that there are such kind people in the world."

"Of course I have conditions."

"First, let go of Gao Xiaolong."

"Second, I want to ask someone."

Qin Feiyang said.

"I have collected the soul stone of the Guo family. Would you let me pass Gao Xiaolong, wouldn't it make me lose faith?"

The son said in anger.

"Everyone knows people, don't say these four words of trustlessness!"

"Besides, even if you don't care, how can a Guo family take you?"

Qin Feiyang laughed.

"Haha ..."

The son laughed and said, "You are quite interesting, then the second one, who are you going to ask?"

"Qin Batian."

Qin Feiyang said.


"You have to inquire about Qin Batian!"

The son was surprised.


Qin Feiyang nodded.

"What is your relationship with Qin Batian?"

The son looked at Qin Feiyang suspiciously.

"It doesn't matter, it's pure curiosity."

Qin Feiyang smiled.

The son chuckled and said with a smile: "Do you think I will believe you?"

"Believe it or don't believe it. In short, it's no harm to you, right!"

Qin Feiyang said.

"This is also true."

The son nodded, pondered a little, and shook his head: "This Qin Batian, I have heard his rumors, but I don't know much, maybe my grandpa will be more clear."

Qin Feiyang said: "Then trouble you, please ask me a little."

"You got the wrong guy."

"If you look for my elder brother and sister, there may be hope, but I ..."

Speaking of which, the son shook his head and laughed at himself.

Qin Feiyang flashed his eyes and smiled: "So, how is your relationship with your grandfather?"


"Although it seems on the surface, I have a large background and awe-inspiring, but in fact, the days I live are not as good as dogs."

"Otherwise, I will not be the executioner for the three thousand soul stones in this area."

The son sighed.

"Appreciate further details."

Qin Feiyang arched his hand.

Gongzi Feng went silent for a long time, and sneered: "We are not familiar with this level yet, I can not kill Gao Xiaolong, but you must keep him tight-lipped. If the matter leaks, not only will he die, you will have to dead!"

Seeing that Gongzi Feng didn't answer positively, Qin Feiyang couldn't help being disappointed and nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, in addition, don't send messages to the patriarch because he is in my hands now."

"let's go."

Young Master Feng looked at Qin Feiyang deeply, then waved his hand, took the two strong men, and turned away.

Qin Feiyang also entered the Xuanwu world.

"Wang Dachuan ..."

Gongzi Feng frowned all the way.

"Son, why not kill him?"

Seeing that Jiutiangong was coming, the two strong men finally couldn't help it. They looked at Gongzi Feng suspiciously and asked.

"He can save Gao Xiaolong in front of us without knowing it, do you think he is a simple character?"

The son said in anger.

One of the strong men said: "After all, he is just an ordinary disciple of Jiutian Temple!"

"It shouldn't be that simple."

"After my son returns, he will investigate this person's details."

"You will immediately go back to the Dragon City to lurk and wait for my order."

"If this person can really help me, it might be a good thing."

Gongzi Feng said, his eyes flashing.


The two strong men responded respectfully, and opened an altar, leaving without looking back.

Gongzi Feng also turned into a streamer and flew towards the ladder that day.

Xuanwu world.

Qin Feiyang has been following behind the three sons of Gongzi Feng, so he can hear clearly the conversation between the three.

Gao Xiaohui was on the side, tears and whirling care of Gao Xiaolong.

Huo Lian glanced back and smiled: "Brother Qin, this son's blessing, it seems really greasy."

"I don't care about his business. I just want to use everything to find out why the ancestors are missing."

Qin Feiyang said.

Entering the ancient world this time, on the one hand, is to strengthen the strength, get a fair return for the demon, on the other hand, is to find an ancestor.

So he will do whatever he can.

After glancing at Gongzi Feng, he drove the Xuanwu Realm and followed the two strong men to the Dragon City.

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