Invincible God of War

Chapter 1966: Alluring rewards!

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About half an hour passed.

"Brother Jiang, where are you?"

A voice like being a thief spread into the old castle.

Qin Feiyang immediately left the castle and appeared on the top of the mountain.

The moon is empty.

There was a quiet piece around.

And just in front of Qin Feiyang, Gao Xiaolong concealed his breath and looked around.

"I'm here."

Qin Feiyang said.

Gao Xiaolong's eyes lit up, and quickly ran to Qin Fei Yang to take out a roll of animal skin from his arms.

Qin Feiyang took the hide roll and suspiciously said, "What are you doing?"

"Your son told me to be careful. Be careful if you are being followed."

Gao Xiaolong whispered.

Qin Feiyang froze for a moment, shaking his head and laughing: "It's very thoughtful, but it is really necessary."

"Tell Gongzi Feng that we will try not to meet in the future, even when we are summoning, it is better to hide in space gods."

After Qin Feiyang finished speaking, he opened the hide roll and looked down.

"Space fetish?"

Gao Xiaolong was stunned for a while, and smiled bitterly: "There is no space fetish even in the prince, let alone me."

"is it?"

Qin Feiyang was surprised.


Gao Xiaolong nodded.

Qin Feiyang pondered a little and smiled: "It seems that I have to find a space **** for you."

Gao Xiaolong heard that he looked immediately, then quickly said: "Thank you Brother Jiang."

Qin Feiyang waved his hand and looked down at the hide roll.

On this, hundreds of names are actually recorded.

And, behind each name, there is a detailed introduction, such as family background, cultivation, character and so on.

"The son said, in fact, most people can't pose a threat to you, only these few."

Gao Xiaolong pointed to the last five names.

"Nie Yun, Qi Hong, Hong Ping, Zhu Ge, Zhang Yunfei, Cao Zhiyun ..."

Qin Feiyang looked at them one by one, his expression could not help moving.

These six people turned out to be the Dzogchen God of War and all had strong family backgrounds.

Like the first Nie Yun, he is the son of a city owner.

This city owner, in control of a city called Xinghe City, not only has a group of terrible strongmen, but also cultivates his own merits.

Gao Xiaolong said in a deep voice: "In addition to these people, they also bought some god-level beasts, Brother Jiang, this is not a child's play, you must be careful."


"And fierce beasts?"

Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

"Yes, but we didn't find out, what are the beasts?"

Gao Xiaolong Road.

"It seems that this time, they really want to kill me!"

Qin Feiyang took a deep breath, then put away the hideskin and asked, "How did your sister arrange it?"

"The son entrusted a few friends to take care of her during the assessment, so don't worry about it."

"But I still hope that Brother Jiang will help me by the time."

Gao Xiaolong Road.


"You go back first!"

"and many more."

"There is something, I think I should tell you that Guo Xueqi has also come to the Dragon City."

"I estimate that she will also participate in the assessment."

Qin Feiyang said.

"Guo Xueqi!"

Gao Xiaolong's eyes suddenly burst into cold light, saying: "Kill my grandpa's enemy, I will not let her go!"

Qin Feiyang said: "Revenge, I don't stop, but I can't be impulsive."

"I know this."

"In addition, the location of this assessment is in the Tianlong Mountains."

Gao Xiaolong Road.

"Tianlong Mountains?"

Qin Feiyang was shocked.


"And during the assessment period, it is forbidden to move the space artifacts, even to enter the space artifacts, there is no use of the transmission altar, and naturally it is also forbidden to have outsiders help.

"The so-called outsiders are people other than the assessment."

"The first fifty people who rushed to the ladder were directly accepted as inner disciples."

"The rest are outside disciples."

"As for the evaluation time, there are only two days. Those who have not reached the ladder after two days are eliminated."

Gao Xiaolong explained.

"Two days?"

Qin Feiyang frowned.

He knows how big the Tianlong Mountains are.

From the Dragon City to the Jiutian Palace, if you control the space fetish, there is no problem.

However, the rules of assessment are not allowed to use space artifacts, so two days is simply not enough.

Because there are too many fierce beasts in the Tianlong Mountains, and each one is extremely strong.

Even in the depths, there are god-level beasts everywhere.

God-level beasts, killing God of War, it is as simple as crushing an ant.

Therefore, it is basically impossible to cross the Tianlong Mountains and reach the ladder.

The most important thing is that the people who participate in the assessment will definitely fight each other.

This is undoubtedly more difficult.

It seems that the assessment of Jiutian Palace is not so easy to pass.

"To be honest, this assessment is more difficult than the previous assessments. I can already predict the picture of the corpse."

"Brother Jiang, you must not be careless."

Gao Xiaolong urged.

"Relax, I will go all out."

Qin Feiyang said.

Gao Xiaolong nodded, and did not stay any longer, opened a teleport altar, and turned away.


"Feng Yuan, you are really chasing after all!"

"However, some great consummate gods of war want to kill me, but I also look down upon me Qin Feiyang too!"

"Look and see, you will regret it."

Qin Feiyang looked at the night sky and murmured, then entered the castle and began to adjust his state.

He did not pay attention to the appraisers.

Only the fierce beasts of the Tianlong Mountains were his biggest concerns.

Although the six-character magic formula can ignore the realm, but the world is unpredictable, what if a particularly powerful beast pops out?

Besides, the six-character magic formula is his killer skill, and he doesn't want to show it easily.

After all, Gao Xiaolong also said that during the assessment, the big figures in Jiutian Palace would basically watch everywhere.

To reveal the six-character magic formula, it will definitely cause a sensation.

This is not what he wanted.


Time flies!

early morning.

The night dispersed, and everything recovered.

Outside the West Gate.

At this moment it is already crowded.

At a glance, there are at least a hundred thousand people.

"Does any of you have any internal information, and where is this assessment?"

"Such things are confidential, how could anyone know?"

While discussing, everyone waited for the people of Jiutian Temple to come.

The sun gradually rose from the horizon.



A figure descended over the plain.

It was a middle-aged man, wearing a black long coat, seven feet tall, with a cold face, his hands behind his back, and an unbelievable breath.

"Is the law enforcement elder of Jiutian Palace, Fengwenhai!"

"Everyone is quiet!"

The noisy plains fell into a dead silence in an instant, and they all looked at Feng Wenhai with awe in their eyes.

Feng Wenhai glanced at the crowd, and did not ask anyone if he was present. He directly said: "The location of this assessment is in the Tianlong Mountains!"


"Tianlong Mountains?"

As soon as this remark came out, all the people present were suddenly discolored, full of fear.

It was at this time.

Two men and two women walked out of the gate side by side, stood behind the crowd, and looked up at Fengwenhai above.

It was Qin Feiyang who was coming late.

But at this time, everyone was in panic and did not notice them.

Even if I have noticed, I am certainly not in a mood to ignore the four.

Huo Yi said: "Brother Jiang, he is the father of Feng Zijun."

"Very strong!"

Qin Feiyang grunted.

"of course."

"It is said that his cultivation practice has surpassed the Divine Monarch."

Fire is easy.

"Super far away prince?"

Qin Feiyang was startled.

"Wait, elder."

"Who doesn't know how dangerous the Tianlong Mountains are? Didn't you let us die to death?"

"It's not fair."

"Although the previous assessment was also cruel, compared with this time, it was so different."

"I can guarantee that none of the people assessed this time can come back alive."

After a moment of silence, many people began to protest.

Fengwen sea was expressionless, without opening, scanning the crowd.


He saw Qin Feiyang four people, a flash of murder in his eyes flashed.


He didn't read much, and immediately swept to others.

"Elder, you are too much, and you don't think of us as humans."

"The location of the assessment must be changed."


"Even if you are in Jiutian Temple, you can't deliberately mutilate us!"

People are more and more angry, shouting at Fengwenhai.

"It's really too much."

Huo Yi shook his head.

"Brother Huo Yi, are you afraid?"

Fire Lotus covered his mouth and smiled.

"Tianlong Mountain Range is the base camp of our fierce beasts in the Northern Territory. Can you say that I am not afraid?"

"Especially in the depths, a divine beast-level beast is enough to wipe out the people here."

Huo Yi sighed and looked up at Feng Wenhai, frowning: "What the **** are these people in Jiutian Temple thinking about?"

The time passed.

After a moment.

Feng Wenhai finally spoke and said indifferently: "Is that enough? Is it enough to shut up for this seat!"

People's pupils contract.

The plain fell into silence again.

But although everyone stopped speaking, their eyes expressed dissatisfaction.

"The location of the assessment and how to assess it is up to me in Jiutian Temple."

"If you want to enter the Jiutian Temple, you have to accept it."

"If you are afraid, don't go in, this seat will never stop you."

"Next, let me talk about the rules of assessment ..."

Feng Wenhai ignored all the protests and said to himself.

What is said is exactly the same as that of the son-in-law.

"Too much, too much!"

"I can't use space artifacts yet."

"I will give up this assessment!"

"I also give up, life is important!"

After listening to the rules, an angry roar sounded.


"Finally add one more thing."

"The first person to reach the ladder will reward one kind of peak-level magic trick, one peak-level artifact and one hundred thousand soul stones.

"This is a temporary decision made by the above giants, and it is also the biggest encouragement to you."

"Now, the assessment begins!"

After Feng Wenhai finished speaking, he turned around and went away.



"Peak level magic formula, peak level artifact!"

"There are one hundred thousand soul stones?"

"Since history, there has never been such a reward!"

"Really give up?"

"Somewhat unwilling!"

"The rewards are very generous and good, so you have to live to enjoy them."

"Go ahead if you are not afraid of death. I will not participate anyway."

Someone hesitated.

Others turned around and left without hesitation.

But some people, under the rich rewards, resolutely plundered towards the Dragon Mountain Range.

For a time.

There was a mess on the plain.

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