Invincible God of War

Chapter 1973: The crisis is emerging!

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"When am I an idiot?"

"You Mu Tianyang, will you be a grateful person?"

Qin Feiyang sneered.

"Haha ..."

"Or you Qin Feiyang knows me."


"I didn't disclose your identity. It really has nothing to do with Qin Yuan saving me."

"Because I want you to expose yourself."

"It's more interesting to do this than I did to publicize it."

Mutianyang secretly said.

"Let me reveal my identity?"

"Don't say I look down on you, can you do it?"

Qin Feiyang sneered.

"Can we do it, we will wait and see."

Mutian Yang smiled and turned away.

"and many more!"

Qin Feiyang raised his eyebrows.

"Want to kill someone?"

"Then you have to weigh it carefully."

"Because if you don't take all the means, it's impossible to kill me."

Mu Tianyang stopped, but didn't look back, joking secretly.

"You haven't killed me."

"I want to know, Mozu, Molong, Dong Zhengyang, where are they now?"

Qin Feiyang preached.


"I do not know either."

Mutian Yang shook his head.

Qin Feiyang was stunned and suspiciously said: "You entered the ancient world together, how could you not know?"

"I'm also puzzled about this."

Mu Tianyang lowered his head, his eyes full of suspicion.

"How to say?"

Qin Feiyang asked secretly.

"At that time, shortly after we entered the ancient world, a mysterious force suddenly came."

"A few of us passed out on the spot."

"When Mu Qing and I woke up, we found that we were near Tianlong City, but we didn't see any traces of Mozu, Dong Zhengyang, and Molong."

"I have been looking for them for the past six months, but there is no news at all."

"They are like the world evaporating."

Mu Tianyang turned to look at Qin Feiyang and said secretly.

"Mysterious power ..."

Qin Feiyang frowned.

Mu Tianyang thought: "I guess, someone may want to separate us intentionally."

"Are you talking about ice dragons, or little beasts?"

Qin Feiyang said.

"Except for their ability, I don't think I can find anyone else."

Mutianyang Road.

"What do these two beasts want to do?"

Qin Feiyang raised his eyebrows tightly.

"What do you want to do?"

"In my opinion, in their eyes, we are just a few toys for them to play with."

Mutian Yang sneered.

"This will not be said in advance."

"Do you know how the demons died?"

Qin Feiyang secretly said.


"Demon is dead?"

Mu Tianyang was shocked.


"Not only did the demon die, my big cousin also died on the third floor."

Qin Feiyang nodded.

"I don't know."

"Because at the beginning, as soon as we entered the miracle, the fire python was sent to the ancient world."


After Mu Tianyang finished speaking, he frowned again.

"But what?"

Qin Feiyang asked secretly.

"This is wrong!"

"Dong Zhengyang Mingming personally said that they will not die."

"Does the Eye of Destiny also go wrong?"

Mutianyang secretly said.

"Eye of Destiny ..."

Qin Feiyang grunted.

Mu Tianyang preached: "Wait, can't you and the demon be telepathic?"


"However, I can't sense his existence."

Qin Feiyang said.

"It seems that Dong Zhengyang's eye of fate is not very accurate."

"Although the death of the demon makes me very happy, I still want to comfort you and mourn."

"Let's play in Jiutian Temple in the future, have fun!"

Mu Tianyang said nothing, and with a look of misfortune, turned around and went away.

"Let's go too!"

Mu Qing watched Guo Xueqi say something and left without looking back.

Guo Xueqi looked at Qin Feiyang and said: "I ask you, did you save Gao Xiaohui and help Gao Xiaolong and destroy my Guo family?"

Qin Feiyang said: "Mu Tianyang they have not told you."

Guo Xueqi said angrily: "I want you to answer me personally."

"it's me."

Qin Feiyang nodded.

"I don't want to get married with me, you can say it directly, I will never stop you."

"Even I destroy the marriage contract in front of you."

"But why are you so cruel?"

Guo Xueqi's eyes flickered, and tears flowed down.


Qin Feiyang is preparing to speak.

"No need to say, this blood debt, I will let you and Gao Xiaolong repay sooner or later."

Guo Xueqi smiled coldly, turned around and pierced the sky, chasing them towards Mu Tianyang.


"Just tell her that you helped Gao Xiaolong destroy Guo's family, but don't say that the marriage contract was forged by Guo Zixiong."

"This Mutianyang is really mean."

Fire Lotus secretly disgusted.

"This is his usual style."

"Using Guo Xueqi's hatred towards me, let Guo Xueqi become a sharp edge in his hand."


"I want to see, what tricks can he play?"

Qin Feiyang snorted.


At this time.

Nie Yun and Huo Yi finally came over.

Looking at the dragon blood below, the two looked at each other, looked up at Qin Feiyang, and said, "Brother Jiang, what about the black dragon?"

"It has been hunted."

"Hurry up, otherwise the first place will be taken away."

Qin Feiyang said in a deep voice.

Half-step Divine King's Black Dragon, was actually hunted?

Nie Yun was shocked and asked, "Who is it? So terrible?"

"do not know."

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

Huo Yi looked at Qin Feiyang with a deep heart, and then smiled with his hands: "Brother Nie, I still need to trouble you and continue to open the way."

"my pleasure."

Nie Yun smiled.

Qin Feiyang added: "Don't go around again."

"No detour?"

Nie Yun was shocked.

"Go straight."

Qin Feiyang looked at the direction of the disappearance of Mu Tianyang, and his eyes shone brightly.



Three men and one woman are all striking.

It was Zhang Yunfei who had been trailing behind.


They were all sweaty and panting.

"What is Brother Nie doing, why did he run so fast suddenly?"

"In this way, even after catching up with them, we will be alive and exhausted."

Zhang Yunfei complained.

"Will it happen?"

Li Gui frowned.

Hearing, Zhang Yunfei, one-eyed dragon, girl, sinking in heart.

"How can it be?"

"Brother Nie is stronger than us."

"And there are peak-level artifacts."

"Even if there is any danger, he will definitely be fine."

The girl suddenly laughed.


Zhang Yunfei three nodded.

The girl said again: "It's just that the other people bought by Feng Yuan are no longer useful."

"Those people are waste."

Li Gui grinned.


"At their speed, I'm afraid they are still swaying around the outside now."

"And even if you can catch up with us, it won't help you much."

"However, although these people are useless, the fierce beasts bought by Feng Yuan can play a big role."

The one-eyed dragon sneered secretly.


"With these fierce beasts, Jiang Haotian and a group of people, no matter how powerful they are, can't escape death."

"And I think they are about to do it!"

Li Guiga laughed endlessly.


"Haha ..."

"This year's assessment, a few good young people came down."

Jiutian Palace.

Inside the hall.

The old man with dark hair looked at two of the pictures and laughed with relief.

These two pictures are Qin Feiyang, Mu Tianyang and others.


"A person who has the power to spike the Great Consummation God of War."

"Another is to kill the half-step god."

"The two people already have the ability to shake the ground list, and even estimate that as soon as they enter the Jiutian Temple, the ground list will change."

The rest were all smiles.

"Don't be too happy, everyone."

Feng Yuan spoke suddenly.

Someone asked: "Are you so happy with these two demon-level talents, Lord Feng Yuan?"


"Of course happy."

"But everyone, isn't it strange, that the artifact of Ziyi Youth is a little too powerful?"

Feng Yuan frowned.

"That's right!"

"The blood blade didn't recover just now, and it killed the black dragon in seconds."

"Wouldn't it be more terrible if it recovered?"

"An obscure person who possesses such a horrible artifact is really a bit incredible."

Some people whispered.

"Master Fengyuan Hall, you are in charge of the Resource Hall, and you are more familiar with all kinds of artifacts than we are."

"Do you know the origin of the blood blade?"

Someone asked.

"Frankly, unheard of."

"And because there was no resuscitation, it was impossible to judge the level of the blood blade."

"But judging from the previous killing of the Black Dragon, I guess this blood blade must have exceeded the level of the peak-level artifact."

Feng Yuan analyzed.

"Beyond the pinnacle artifact ..."

"So, is it a legendary artifact?"

The dark-haired old man said.

Fengyuan nodded and said: "Nine out of ten, it should be a legendary artifact."

"The identity of this person needs to be investigated."

"After all, legendary artifacts, even my Jiutian Temple, are not many."

The dark-haired old man said.



A man in black descended in the hall, kneeling on one knee in front of the dark-haired old man, respectfully saying, "Well see the elder."

Watching this man in black appear, Feng Yuan glanced at a flash of light in his eyes.

"how is it?"

The dark-haired old man looked at the man in black and asked.

"Secret investigation by his subordinates, there are indeed a few Jiang Haotian's associates, in some restaurants, denigrating our Jiutian Palace."

Humane in black.

"Why not?"

"This kind of person, even if it is a personal talent, can't appease!"


"Great Elder, I suggest that he be killed immediately!"

In the hall, an angry cry suddenly sounded.

"Jiang Haotian, Jiang Haotian, did you see it? This is the end against me."

"Who am I Fengyuan? Dare to offend me, I have 10,000 ways to kill you."

Feng Yuan laughed secretly.

The dark-haired old man looked up at Qin Feiyang in the picture and frowned.

"Great Elder, there is nothing to hesitate."

"We are in the North, and there is no shortage of talents."

"Please order!"

A group of people urged.

The old man with black hair said nothing, looked down at the man in black, and asked, "Are you sure?"

"Subordinate determined."

The man in black nodded.

The dark-haired old man pondered a little, and said hoarsely, "It's not a hurry, we will look at it first."


Feng Yuan was shocked.

What do you mean?

Look again?

What to see?

What catches your eyes?

Others looked at the dark-haired old man with a puzzled look.

The dark-haired old man smiled and said lightly: "A little adult is the God of War, you don't need to care so much, this matter will wait until the assessment is over."


The elders have spoken, and others can only helplessly accept it.

"Little animals, let you live another day."

Feng Yuan looked at Qin Feiyang, and there was a shocking anger in his eyes.

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