Invincible God of War

Chapter 1993: You may lose!

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Dragon City, outside the city.

In a dense forest, Qin Feiyang appeared out of thin air.

Follow closely.

When he waved his hands, two middle-aged men appeared.

It was Zhao Tailai and Tang Hai.

"Have seen the young master."

The two bowed to salute.

Qin Feiyang asked: "Did you hear the conversation between me and Huolian before?"


The two nodded.

"Well, God Crystal is inside. You must go to Baoge to complete the mission."

Qin Feiyang threw the Qiankun bag to two people.


The two responded respectfully, and turned to walk towards the Dragon City.

After watching the two leave, Qin Feiyang opened an altar again and left quickly.

Tang Hai and Zhao Tai came to work, but he was assured.

Dragon Sea!

On the coast, a young man in black with his hands on his back stood proudly on a boulder.

He is about one and eight meters tall, and the gods are like jade, his eyes are dangling, and his two thick eyebrows are like a knife cut, making his eyes extremely sharp.


Sea breezes blew.

A long, dark hair flew wildly behind him.

Like a Son of God, he was transcendent in temperament, and his breath was extremely terrible.

On his chest, there was also a flame pattern.


A young man in white suddenly appeared in the sky.

There is also a flame pattern on the clothes.

The young man in white glanced around, looked down at the young man in black standing on the boulder, and smiled: "You really are here."

The young man in black looked up and smiled, revealing white teeth, and said, "Isn't it about night?"

"Don't you all come?"

"Then I naturally can't let you wait here."

The youth in white laughed.

"Haha ..."

The young man in black laughed and said, "After the appointment, I really can't stay in Dongfu, so I just take a step first."

That's right!

One of these two is Qin Feiyang, and the other is the lunatic in No. 1 Cave House.

At that time, the note that the madman gave Qin Feiyang was actually about the battle and the coordinates of this place.


They are about in the evening.

But before listening to Fire Lotus said, the madman left the cave, Qin Feiyang guessed at the time, this guy must have come here.

as expected.

Can't wait for a long time, how aggressive is this guy?

"Actually, I was quite surprised."

The lunatic said again.

"What an accident?"

Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

"Originally I thought that you would refuse my appointment, but I didn't expect to agree without saying a word."

Said the lunatic.

"Change to other people, I will definitely refuse."

"Because of this boring and meaningless game, I dare not be interested."

"But a battleaholic like you, I can't refuse, because if I don't agree, you will definitely be endless."

"So, it's better to play with you altogether, or to be quiet in the future."

Qin Feiyang said helplessly.

"Haha ..."

The madman laughed loudly and said, "Does you hate people like me?"

"A bit!"

Qin Feiyang did not deny it.

"I like your outspoken character."

"Come with me!"

The madman stepped out in one step and plunged into the endless sea without looking back.


Qin Fei raised his brow and chased, asking, "Isn't it here?"

"It's too close to the Jiutian Temple. I don't want someone to mess up when fighting."

Said the lunatic.

Qin Feiyang was helpless.

The two cut through the sky and went deep into the sea of ​​the dragon.


"Isn't that crazy?"

"How did he come to the Dragon Sea?"

"And the man next to him, seems familiar?"

"and many more."

"He seems to be the murderer who pitted Feng Zijun!"

"Yes, it's him, Jiang Haotian!"

"How can these two people enter the Dragon Sea together?"

"Go, let's go and see."

Along the way.

Qin Feiyang and the two met many people.

These people, who are basically disciples of Jiutian Palace, practiced on the edge of the Dragon Sea.

About half an hour passed.

Behind them, at least two or three hundred people followed.

This made Qin Feiyang frown.

The lunatic looked at Qin Feiyang's expression, turned to stare at the disciples, and shouted, "Go away now, or I will destroy you."

Upon hearing this, the two or three hundred people suddenly dispersed, the expression was full of horror.


Qin Feiyang admired the maniac and smiled.

The lunatic smiled triumphantly and continued to skim forward.

The sea is calm.

The warm sunshine and refreshing sea breeze make people feel very comfortable.

And along the way, no sea beast was seen.

It is difficult to imagine that such a peaceful sea of ​​dragons would be the largest restricted area in the northern region.

"Don't underestimate here."

"Although we did not see the sea beasts, they were looking at us."

"It's just that I'm there, they dare not show their heads."

Said the lunatic.


Qin Feiyang was stunned and immediately released his thoughts, rushing towards the sea below.


Under the sea, there are countless sea beasts, staring at them.

He was more shocked.

How terrible is this crazy man's strength? Even these fierce sea beasts are so afraid.

"The sea beasts in this area basically let me beat them."

The lunatic said coldly, and almost shocked Qin Feiyang's jaw.

If this is the case, then this guy deserves to be a lunatic.

"How far?"

Qin Feiyang asked to calm down his inner shock.


The lunatic said without looking back.

About 100% interest.

An island gradually entered Qin Feiyang's sight.

The island is huge, and with Qin Feiyang's current cultivation practices, he can't see the end, just like a continent, standing above the sea.

"That island looks like a turtle, so I named it Turtle Island."

"Turtle Island, is our battlefield."

"And ordinary opponents are not eligible to step into Turtle Island."

Said the lunatic.

"So, do I have to be honored?"

Qin Feiyang was stunned.

"You really should be honored."

"Because you are the third person to set foot on this island."

Said the lunatic.

During the conversation, the two had entered the sky above Turtle Island, but the lunatic did not stop and continued to fly deep into the island.

"The third?"

"Who are the first two?"

Qin Feiyang asked suspiciously.

"The first person is naturally me."

"Because Turtle Island is my exclusive battlefield, without my permission, not to mention the disciples of Jiutian Temple, even the elder-level figures dare not step into this place."

"The second person is a woman named Feng Zihan, the strongest person in the sky list."

Said the lunatic.

"Feng Zihan ..."

Qin Feiyang murmured.

Isn't this woman the eldest sister Bong?

And it seems to be the owner of Yuqin Building.

Qin Feiyang asked quietly: "You and Feng Zihan also fought?"


The lunatic nodded.

"How about her strength?"

"You won in the end, or did she win?"

Qin Feiyang was curious.

"The first person in the sky list, the strength will be weak?"

"As for the end, I lost."

Said the lunatic.

"The first person in the sky list?"

Qin Feiyang frowned.

He really doesn't know what the situation is in this so-called sky chart?

"Everyone on the list of heavens is the existence of all the disciples in Jiutian Palace looking up."

"Tianbang, there are only ten places in total."

"Climbing to the sky list is not only a proof of strength, but also more resources."

"Frankly speaking."

"People who are on the sky list are the candidates for the next nine palace masters, vice palace masters, and ten elders."

Said the lunatic.

Qin Feiyang was dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, this day, the gold content is so heavy.

"What about the list?"

Qin Feiyang asked again.

"The ground list will be inferior."

"However, it is also a candidate for the main hall of the future."

Said the lunatic.

Qin Feiyang secretly stunned.

Suddenly, the madman grinned and grumbled: "It's not really a big deal."


Qin Feiyang was stunned.

Madman said: "What candidate? What resources? I'm not rare."

"You are not rare, there are a lot of people rare."

Qin Feiyang was speechless.

The madman despised: "Those people are idiots, life is alive, how free is it?"

Qin Feiyang shook his head and smiled. He didn't expect this person to have such an indifferent mind.

It's really rare.

"and many more."

"You just said that people who are on the sky list can get more resources. How much is this 'more'?"

Qin Feiyang asked.

"How do you say this!"

The maniac pondered a little and said, "Let's put it this way, the top of the sky list, you can get one million soul stones every month."


"one million!"

Qin Fei raised his eyes dumbfounded.

As an outside disciple, he can only receive ten soul stones for a month now.

How many times is this difference between ten soul stones and one million soul stones?

It is a hundred thousand times!

Many people often say a word, and there is a difference of 180,000 miles.

this moment.

Qin Feiyang truly realized this gap.


Between Qin Feiyang and God, the voice of the lunatic sounded.

Qin Feiyang froze for a moment, quickly recovered, looked around, this should be the center of Turtle Island.

The whole Turtle Island, the mountains and rivers are rolling, but there is no grass, filled with a desolate atmosphere.

There is no trace of a sea beast.

All around, there was silence.

The madman stepped out, fell half a mile away, turned to face Qin Feiyang, and said, "Are you ready?"

Qin Feiyang took a deep breath and nodded to the madman.


The madman was the first to explode.

But this momentum is only to the point of becoming a **** of war.

"What are you?"

Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

"Since it is a discussion, it is natural to be fair."

"Now, whether it is my divine power or the strength of the flesh, it is suppressed in the same state as you."

"In addition to this discussion, we do not use the magic soldiers, all by our own means."

Said the lunatic.

"What about the magic formula and the soul of war?"

Qin Feiyang asked.

"Of course."

The lunatic nodded.

Qin Feiyang lifted his lips slightly and smiled: "Then you might lose."

"Haha ..."

The madman suddenly laughed, his eyes sharpened sharply, like blades of blades, saying one by one: "As long as you have this ability!"


Qin Feiyang didn't speak anymore, Shenwei rolled out.

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