Invincible God of War

Chapter 2024: Public confession

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"Jiang Haotian!"

With an angry voice, Cheng Li rushed down from the top of the ladder fiercely.

"Brother Qin be careful."

Huolian hurried in front of Qin Feiyang.

Judging from Cheng Li's stance, I'm sure I'll do it in a moment.

Although Cheng Li is only an outside elder, his strength is not bad. Once he does it, Qin Feiyang's Zijin Dragon Blood is bound to be exposed.


But this move of Huo Lin made Qin Feiyang a little stunned.

Did he not hesitate to stand in front of him and protect him?

Nice girl with a conscience.

"Girl, let it go, you are not his opponent."

Qin Feiyang reached out his hand, gently pushed the fire lotus aside, and then took a step forward, protecting the fire lotus behind him.


Huo Lian froze for a moment, then looked at Qin Feiyang's back with a happy smile in his eyes.

It's nice to have such a big brother.

at this time.

Cheng Li had rushed down, raised his arm, and slaped towards Qin Fei.

There is no mercy.

The palm wind was as loud as thunder.

"Disciples have seen elders."

Qin Feiyang bowed, the surface was a salute, in fact, to avoid this slap in the face.

Cheng Li slammed his palm and suddenly became a little angry.

Qin Feiyang secretly said: "Elders, don't go too far. You and Feng Wenhai's tricks can hide others, but they can't hide me."


Cheng Li was shocked.

Qin Feiyang raised his head and looked at Cheng Li with a smile: "Elder, if you have to do something, I will tell the maniac truthfully."

"Can't understand what you are talking about?"

Cheng Li hummed.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand."

"As long as you know, if you let the madman know, you use his hand to get rid of me."

"I think with the temper of a lunatic, I shouldn't be willing to let go!"

Qin Feiyang secretly said.

Cheng Li's pupils contracted.

Qin Feiyang smiled secretly: "So, before we were with each other, we were still a little calm, after all, it was just a little thing, there was no need to be so stiff, right!"

"Little things?"

Cheng Li sneered secretly and said, "Just let you be proud first, anyway, there will be times when you cry."

"Not always."

"Maybe today, you will enjoy a good show."

Qin Feiyang said.

"What do you mean?"

Cheng Li frowned.

Qin Feiyang shrugged and said: "I don't know what it means, I'm talking nonsense."


Cheng Li was so angry that he felt like he was being played by a monkey.

Woo! !

At this time.

Those law enforcers and disciples finally arrived.

There are more than a dozen law enforcers.

Everyone's breath has exceeded the God of War and surrounded Qin Feiyang and Fire Lotus.

As for those disciples, they were all crowded above the ladder, looking down at Qin Feiyang and gesticulating.

"Go away!"


A cold drink sounded like thunder, and the disciples were pale and their bodies were bloody.

They quickly turned their heads to see, and they saw a woman in purple clothes, walking step by step, exuding a bit of chill.

It is Shangguan Fenglan!

See you.

The pupils of the disciples shrank and hurriedly stepped aside.

Shangguan Fenglan passed through the crowd and stepped down the ladder step by step, glancing at Qin Feiyang's two people. Their eyes were like blades, and even Qin Feiyang was afraid to look directly at them.

Huo Lian stood behind Qin Feiyang, and the atmosphere didn't dare to come out.

"Why are you two?"

"How about Huo Yi and Jiang Ruoshuang?"

Shangguan Fenglan stopped at the center of the ladder and watched Qin Feiyang say in a deep voice.

"Sorry, I'm late."

Say Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived.

Fire is easily manifested on the top of the mountain, but there is a wine jar in his hand, and his body is full of wine.

"By this time, still drinking?"

"What does this guy mean?"

"Do you despise us?"

The dozen law enforcers stared at Huo Yi in anger.

Qin Feiyang and Huolian also looked at each other, drinking early in the morning, what the **** are they doing?

Shangguan Fenglan's mouth twitched nonstop.

In order to search for a few people, she ran about in the past few days, and she was almost exhausted.

But what about these people?

Even if there were red lights all over, there was even a drunken man running.

Dare to love these past few days, are all looking for fun and joy?

This little day is nourishing!


She is very unbalanced now.

Huo Yi twisted the wine jar, walked to Qin Feiyang's side, and shuffled the wine jar directly into Qin Feiyang's hand. He shook his head and said, "Jiang Jiang Jiang ... Brother Jiang, come here, this is for you Here ... "

Even speaking was a bit unfavorable.

Qin Feiyang glanced at the wine jar and puzzled: "What do you mean?"

"Look today, we are not afraid of life and death, and we are not afraid of power to return to Jiutian Palace, what an amazing feat?"

"So this wine must be drunk!"

Huo Yi waved his hand and roared with great grief.

"Don't be afraid of life and death?"

"Don't fear power?"

The disciples above, fry the pan at once.

Obviously he made a mistake, and now he is righteous, what does Da Yi say awe-inspiringly without fear of power?

How shameful it is!

Qin Feiyang glanced at Huo Yi meaningfully, and then glanced at the sullen-faced Shangguan Fenglan and others and laughed, "This wine must be drunk."

Having said that, he held the wine jar, raised his head, and poured it into his mouth frantically.

Less than a moment.

A large bottle of wine was drunk by him without leaving a drop.


Follow closely.

He broke the wine jar hard and shouted, "Go, let's die!"

"It's an honor to have Brother Jiang die together!"

Huo Yi roared, followed Qin Feiyang with passion, and set foot on the ladder.

Fire Lotus looked at the two, couldn't help shaking his head and smiled, and then followed them, walking towards the top of the ladder.

"These two are really crazy."

"Understand, understand, after all, they are about to die."

"It's a pity the soul stones on them."

"The last time they played against Shitai, they won a lot!"


Everyone's face was full of gloating.

When Qin Feiyang and three people approached Shangguan Fenglan, Shangguan Fenglan immediately raised an eyebrow and secretly said, "What are you doing?"

"Go to death!"

Huo Yiba smiled, shook his head and sighed, and said lost: "It's a pity that I didn't get the heart of the beautiful lady, otherwise I would die without regret.

Shangguan Fenglan's face was black.

Others may not understand this sentence, but she knows exactly what it means.


"Return to the meeting hall!"

Shangguan Fenglan looked at the law enforcers and shouted.

"Obviously right in front of me, but so far away, why is God so cruel to me?"

"I just want to get a pure love, is it so difficult?"

As Shangguan Fenglan turned around, Huo Yi held out his hand again, looking at the sky and screaming.

Shangguan Fenglan was expressionless, but the slender ten fingers could not help but clenched.

Huolian looked at Shangguan Fenglan and said with a smile: "Brother Huo Yi, are you officially confessing?"


"I just confessed."

"But the distance between me and her is like this ladder, I am below, she is at the top, out of reach!"

Fire is easy to sigh.

There was no voice, and it fell into Shangguan Fenglan's ear clearly.

Shangguan Fenglan's green muscles violently jumped and he couldn't help it. He turned and kicked on Huo Yi.

Huo Yi immediately rolled like a ball, and his nose and eyes were swollen and howling.

"This, this and this situation?"

This sudden scene left everyone in a daze.

However, after Huo Yi got up, she looked at Shangguan Fenglan with an angry face, but he was smirking.

"Something wrong, something wrong!"

"Before this guy, it seems that he was confessing to us, the law enforcement hall master?"

"I depend."

"A disciple outside, confessed to the master of the Law Enforcement Hall? This is simply an anecdote!"


"If you don't say anything else, just say this. It deserves to be our man's idol."

The above disciples secretly gave Huoyi a thumbs up.

This courage is worthy of praise.

Shangguan Fenglan was about to run away and looked up at those disciples.

When a group of disciples saw this, they immediately dispersed.

"Big news big news!"

"The disciple of the outer door was easily changed, and actually confessed to the master of the law enforcement hall."

"No way!"

"How is this possible?"


"You didn't see how crazy he was just now."

"Great, admire."

"Our lord of the palace, but the recognized goddess!"


As the saying goes, good things don't go out, bad things spread thousands of miles.


This is in the Jiutian Palace, and it's so flamboyant that everyone knows it, which explodes Shangguan Fenglan.

Although she has a high status, she can't block the mouth of the disciples below!

Along the way.

Shangguan Fenglan has a gloomy face.

On the other hand, Huo Yi, although his nose was blue and purple, but his face was smiling.

Qin Feiyang shook his head helplessly: "Brother Huo, I finally understand why you have to drink early in the morning. You are using wine to break the cauldron!"

"Men, then you have to dare to fight and dare to fight, otherwise you will only be a bachelor for a lifetime."

Huo Yi raised his chest and smiled proudly.

"You don't dare to dare to dare to fight, it's called death."

Qin Feiyang rolled his eyes.

"how about you?"

"How confident is this time?"

Fire is easy to transmit.

"Full grasp."

Qin Feiyang self-channel.

"Haha ..."

"Then I'll wait to watch the drama."

Huo Yi laughed secretly.

Qin Feiyang raised his lips, looked at Shangguan Fenglan in front, and said, "Master, we are not going to discuss the hall."

"Where are you going, do you have the right to choose?"

Shangguan Fenglan shouted without looking back.

"We made such a big mistake, that is naturally to openly question and publicly adjudicate."

"Here we go to the meeting hall, in case someone says you are favoritism, will it not damage your reputation?"

Qin Feiyang said.


Shangguan Fenglan frowned and said, "What the **** are you doing?"

"Unspeakable, unspeakable."

Qin Feiyang said mysteriously.

Shangguan Fenglan took a deep look at Qin Feiyang and said in a deep voice: "So where do you think you should be judged?"

"I see ... just on the battlefield!"

"The square there is quite large, and between the outer and inner doors, the disciples on both sides can be present."

Qin Feiyang laughed.

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