Invincible God of War

Chapter 2028: An embarrassing group of giants!

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"Thinking about it?"

Fire Lotus was puzzled, but did not ask much.

Seeing that Qin Feiyang was silent, the others were suspicious.

Four billion **** crystals ...

This soul stone is completely enough for everyone around him to step into the half-step god.

It can even create a few early gods.

The pinnacle-level magic tricks and artifacts can also make their strength several times instantaneous.

It took so much effort to get these evidences. If Feng Wenhai was just let go, he would not be reconciled.


Keeping Feng Wenhai is also a disaster.

One side is a disaster, the other side is wealth, which makes Qin Feiyang difficult to choose.

Because now, what he lacks is the soul stone.

And Feng Zihan is also smart, just caught his demand.

"You have to think clearly."

"Even if you kill my father today, it will be difficult to survive in Jiutian Temple."

"After all, my grandfather is the master of the resource hall, and I am also the first person in the list, and my mother is also the elder of law enforcement.

"You are a smart man."

"If you really want to die with us, the person who lost the last thing is definitely you."

"So it is undoubtedly the best ending to end this incident with Ge Yong's death."

"And I promise that we will never trouble you again, and we can even be your backer."

Feng Zihan transmitted sound.




Qin Feiyang was stunned and secretly asked: "Are you threatening me?"

"Do not."

"This is not a threat, it is to help you choose."

Feng Zihan replied.

"Haha ..."

"Say that, isn't it a threat?"

"Actually, if you don't say this, I might consider letting your father go."

"But you are very ignorant. The person I hate most is being threatened."

"Never die, right?"

"Okay, let's have fun in the future."

Qin Feiyang stopped, looked at Shangguan Fenglan, and said: "Master Lord, this person Ge Yong, you certainly can't find it, but the disciples still have a piece of evidence that can be controlled by Feng Wenhai."

Shangguan Fenglan's eyes flashed without a trace of smile, and asked, "Really?"

Qin Feiyang nodded.

Shangguan Fenglan said: "Then let us take a look!"

Qin Feiyang recovered the spar again.

Feng Zihan shook his eyes and secretly shouted: "Jiang Haotian, don't know what's wrong!"

"Don't scare me."

"I am timid."

Qin Feiyang sneered secretly, and with the wave of his hand, a picture suddenly unfolded over the square.

This video is the scene when Ge Yong and Feng Wenhai talked.

"How could this be?"

Feng Wenhai's eyes shivered.

Feng Zihan's face was also pale.

Ge Yong mutiny?

"Actually Fengwenhai!"

"Oh my God!"

"The elders of the law-enforcement hall have been framing a disciple under the door in such a way. What is the reason for this day!"

"Too much, too much!"

"How can he do such a lack of virtue?"

The square was silent for a while, and then the pot was blasted violently.

Everyone glared at Feng Wenhai, his face full of disgust.

The elders of law enforcement in the Tangjiu Jiutong Palace not only did such a mean thing, but also pretended to be a way for the sky and punished the evil and the good. It was really disgusting!

"very pitiful."

"Before entering the Jiutian Palace, he was framed by people and bears the infamy of denigrating the Jiutian Palace."


"The most annoying thing is that the person who framed him is still the law enforcement elder of our Jiutian Temple."

"This is obviously knowing the law and breaking the law!"

"Master Lord, fair and free, please make sure that Jiang Haotian is in charge."


"Knowingly being framed by someone, I have to admit that I can imagine how he was feeling at that time."

"A person with status can do something wrong?"

"People who have no status and no family background can only be bullied?"

"It's not fair!"

The disciples all around roared.

If there is only one person, I dare not say anything, because I am afraid that Fengjia will take revenge.

But now, hundreds of thousands of people gather here, what are you afraid of?

Bongjia could not kill them all?


Listening to everyone's roar, Feng Wenhai gradually collapsed, his face full of despair.

Feng Zihan looked at this scene, but also anxious.

The hatred of Qin Feiyang in his heart is also soaring wildly.

"Put Feng Wenhai to death in one move, Brother Jiang's method is really terrible."

"It's not enough and I'm very relieved. Brother Gong Feng, are you right?"

Gao Xiaolong secretly smiled.

However, the young son Feng did not respond to him.

Gao Xiaolong turned to look at Gongzi Feng suspiciously, and found that Gongzi Feng seemed like a different person at the moment.

There was a gloomy breath all over his body.

His face was also gloomy.

The hands are clasped together.


Gao Xiaolong was surprised.

Does this person hate Feng Wenhai very much?

But now, there is no trace of happiness at all?


The meeting hall!

Feng Yuan was also paralyzed on the chair, his head blank.

Other giants are also silent.

No one expected that Qin Feiyang would come up with such strong evidence.

This time, Feng Wenhai has a hundred mouths!

The elder looked at Feng Yuan and looked at the crowd and asked, "You guys, talk about it, how to deal with this matter?"


The major giants hesitated and glanced at Fengyuan from time to time.


"Don't know how to speak?"

"It's not good, you are all in power in Jiutiangong. If you don't even know this point of view, what's the use of raising me in Jiutiangong?"

The elder looked at them with a smile.

Hearing this, and then looking at the smile on the face of the elders, the hearts of the giants suddenly couldn't help but emerge a chill.

"Elder Elder, it stands to reason that this matter must be done fairly, but Feng Wenhai, the son of Feng Wenhai, would he be too cruel if he were killed?"

"Yes, great elder, Feng Yuan has been conscientious and dedicated in these years in the resource hall. There is no credit or hard work. Do you have the heart to watch him give white hair to black hair?"

"Great Elder, I think this matter should be considered carefully."

Several giants spoke one after another.

Apparently intercede for Feng Wenhai.

The elder elder froze for a moment, and said, "Listen to what you say, is this the matter?"

"of course not."

"After all, this matter has caused public outrage. If you don't give an explanation, the following disciples will definitely not be convinced."

Those people shook their heads in a hurry.

The elder elder said with a smile: "So you also know that this matter has caused public outrage. The old man thought that you don't know?"

"Great Elder breathes anger!"

The men stood up in panic.

"Is the old man angry?"


"What a glorious thing is that a law enforcement elder who put down his identity and self-esteem and framed an outside disciple?"

"There is light on the old man's face!"

"This is also a great event for our Jiutian Temple!"

"Are you right?"

The elder elder looked around the room and asked with a smile.

Everyone lowered their heads, and no one dared to speak.

"Public indignation!"

"The exposure of this incident is not only caused by the public indignation of the disciples under the door, I am afraid that even the entire northern region will be angry for this!

"It's good to have good results."

"At this time, our Jiutian Palace is finally famous!"

"The old man suggested that in the next three days, we will have a feast and celebrate with the sky. Do you guys say that?"

Asked the elder.

"Elder Elder, please be angry."

"Should Feng Wenhai be dismissed from his position in Jiutian Palace?"

A group of giants have panicked to the extreme.

Because they knew the old man in front of him so much, he was the most dangerous at this time.

"Expulsion from Jiutian Temple ..."

The elder smiled, turned to look at Feng Yuan, and asked, "Feng Yuan, what do you say?"

Feng Yuan, an excited spirit, quickly got up and knelt on the ground, begging: "Great Elder, please read my love for Jiutian Palace in these years, and be kind to Fengwen Haifa,"

The elder said: "So, do you disagree with his dismissal and expulsion from Jiutian Palace?"

"Agree, agree."

"This is what he deserves."

"Just ask the elders not to kill him, give him a way to live."

Feng Yuan nodded again and again.

He knew that although the big elders asked this question on the surface, they were already very savage.

"The old man gave him a way to live, then who gave us a way to live in Jiutian Palace?"

"How will the world talk about our Jiutian Temple in the future?"

"Come here, you tell the old man."

"As the master of the resource hall, you should not think of it!"

The elder chuckled.


"I have no way to teach my son, and I have a bad reputation for Jiutian Temple. I am guilty ..."

Feng Yuan roared with pain and grief.

The elder asked: "If you can't teach well, what are you doing with him?"

"sorry Sorry……"

Feng Yuan kowtowed, and his face was full of pain, his forehead hit the ground, his skin fluttered and banged.

The elder smiled and said, "By Fengyuan, this matter should have nothing to do with you!"


"Absolutely not!"

Fengyuan almost jumped up and quickly waved at the elder.

"It's really hard for you."

"Although it was Feng Wenhai who made a mistake this time, you, the father, will certainly be scolded."

"This world-famous name is so destroyed."

The elder shook his head, his face full of regret.

"I will punish him severely afterwards!"

Fengyuan Road.


"I'm afraid it's gone."

The elder sighed.

Feng Yuan stiffened his head and slammed his head even harder, shouting, "Elder Brother, you should spare him. I promise to discipline him well in the future."

"Elder Great, you see Fengyuan is like this, so please be kind!"

"I think that at the beginning, Nie Mingshan was favoritism, and you didn't kill him, just expelled him."

Several people said with a smile.

The elder looked at a few people and said lightly: "Put yourself."


Those people were shocked.

"Don't you understand?"

"Or do you need your own hands?"

Great Elder Road.

"No need, let's do it ourselves."

The men shook their heads quickly, raised their arms, and slapped them slap-by-slap in the face.

"Not strong enough."

Said the elder.

Snapped! ! !

Several people's eyes flickered, and they quickly used their breastfeeding power to pump themselves.

Loud applause, echoed continuously in the hall.

I regret it too!

Why bother with this file!

Isn't this asking for trouble?

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