Invincible God of War

Chapter 2058: Too smart is not necessarily a good thing!

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The three sat at the table and did not move, waiting quietly.

Seeing the wrong atmosphere, Shangguan Qiu said, "Will the two drink first?"

"good idea."

"It's not a matter of waiting, Qin Feiyang, come and have a drink."

Mu Tianyang picked up the glass and looked at Qin Feiyang with a smile.

"You love drinking too?"

Qin Feiyang frowned.

"As the saying goes, drunk and song, life is geometric, who doesn't love to drink a few glasses?"

Mu Tianyang laughed.

Qin Feiyang shook his head and said lightly: "Forget it, I'm not interested in this."

"I knew it."

Mu Tianyang smiled, carrying a wine glass on his own, and sniffing at the tip of his nose, his eyes lit up.

Immediately put it on his mouth and tasted it gently, his face suddenly revealing intoxication.

"Is it so exaggerated?"

Qin Feiyang was speechless.

In his eyes, wine is a taste no matter how good it is.

It's better to have a few drinks.

Shangguanqiu glanced at Mu Tianyang and looked at Qin Feiyang with a smile: "Jiang Gongzi, this is the top wine-making in our Magnolia House, but most people can't drink it, don't you really taste it?"

"Then give you a face to taste."

Qin Feiyang smiled faintly, picked up the wine glass, and immediately poured it into his mouth.

"Brother Jiang, you are such a shameless man."

"If this wine is tasted slowly."

"Especially like this kind of good wine, you must taste it carefully to taste the taste inside."

Mu Tianyang said contemptuously.

Qin Fei raised his eyes, looked at Shangguanqiu, and said, "There is nothing special about it, it is similar to the ordinary wine I used to drink."

Shangguanqiu's mouth twitched.

She didn't exaggerate before.

This wine is indeed the best wine in Yulanlou.

Many people spend a lot of money, it is difficult to taste a bite.

Even in the entire northern region, it is rare to see.

But now, the guy in front of him actually said that it is similar to other cheap wines?

It seems that this time I met a person who didn't understand wine.

"Girl, he doesn't understand, I understand, but ..."

Mu Tianyang smiled at Shangguan Qiu, then shook the wine glass, saying meaningfully: "The girl entertains us with such a good wine, the purpose should not be simple!"

"No no no."

Shangguan Qiu quickly waved his hand.

"Although the wine is good, you can't be greedy for it."

Mu Tianyang smiled, put down the glass, never looked again, looked up at Shangguanqiu, and said: "We open the skylight to speak brightly, why should the girl entertain us?"

"This was not some time ago, something unpleasant happened between us, so I wanted to entertain two people, pay a gift, and apologize."

Shangguanqiu laughed.

"unpleasant thing?"

"what's up?"

"I do not know how?"

Mutianyang was suspicious.

"Brother Mu is really confused."

"Did I suddenly stop working with you, and you are not angry at all?"

"And Brother Jiang."

"I'm so sorry to block you."

"Master Master and Deputy Master Lord often taught me that there is no righteousness in trading, and I really shouldn't make this kind of mistake."

Shangguan Qiu sighed.

Qin Feiyang looked at each other.

"It turned out to be this matter."

"You don't say, I have forgotten."

"me too."

The two sang one harmony.


Shangguan Qiu sneered secretly.

How can such things be said to be forgotten?

However, the situation now has to be undertaken.

"The two are really a lot of people, the little girl admires."

Shangguanqiu got up again and twisted the jug to fill Qin Feiyang's wine glasses, and then filled her own wine glasses.

Then she put down the hip flask, picked up the glass, and looked at the two of them with a smile: "Then we are here to smile and grudge?"

"it is good."

"Smile grudges."

Mu Tianyang grabbed the glass and got up smiling.

"Let's stop talking politely."

"In the future, I hope we can cooperate happily."

Qin Feiyang glanced at the two of them, and also picked up the wine glass, laughing lightly.

"for sure."

Shangguanqiu nodded.

The three of them touched lightly, and they drank up and drank.

"It seems that you have reconciled."

Just as the three put down their glasses and sat down, a light laughter suddenly sounded.

"This voice ..."

Qin Feiyang and Mu Tianyang were startled.

This sound is too familiar!

It is Shangguan Fenglan!

Just as the words landed, a woman wearing a light purple dress appeared out of thin air.

Who is not Shangguan Fenglan?


Shangguanqiu greeted him immediately.

Shangguan Fenglan rubbed the head of Shangguanqiu indulgently and smiled: "You have worked hard."

"It's okay."

Shangguan Qiu shook his head.

Mu Tianyang looked at the sisters and preached: "Brother Qin, it seems that people who really want to feast on us are not Shangguanqiu!"


Qin Feiyang responded secretly.

As long as it is not a fool, it can be seen that Shangguan Fenglan wants to see them.


He was a little depressed.

Shangguan Fenglan wants to see them, so they can be summoned directly in Jiutian Temple. Why did he ask to come to Yulan Tower?

While Qin Feiyang was contemplating, Shangguan Fenglan took Shangguanqiu to the table and sat across from them.

"Have seen the master."

Qin Feiyang turned back to God and quickly got up to salute.

"Outside, I am not the master of the Law Enforcement Hall, and you are not disciples of the Jiutian Palace. We are just like ordinary people, so we don't need to pay much courtesy."

Shangguan Fenglan waved his hand.

The two looked at each other and returned to the seat.

Shangguan Fenglan smiled and said: "You must be thinking now, why should I make an appointment with you?"

Qin Feiyang nodded.

"Two reasons."

"First of all, you and my sister did make some unpleasant things before, so I want to be an old peacemaker, and let these things become smaller and smaller."

"Secondly, I have some questions, I want to ask you in private, I hope the two can answer me truthfully."

Shangguan Fenglan said.

Although the tone is very plain, but there is a strong sense of oppression, which makes Qin Feiyang both breathless.

Qin Feiyang took a deep breath and said, "Excuse me, we will answer if we can answer."

The implication is beyond answer, even if you force us to use it.

Shangguan Fenglan looked at Qin Feiyang and said, "Have you dealt with Feng Zihan in private?"

Qin Feiyang went silent.

Shangguan Fenglan said: "Silence means default."

"I know, no matter how I quibble, I can't lie to you."


"I did have a private transaction with her."

"But this does not affect the cooperation between us, nor will it affect my determination to eradicate Fengjia."

Qin Feiyang said.

"It's frank."

"Then what is your deal?"

Shangguan Fenglan asked.

"Forty billion soul stones, four peak-level artifacts, and four peak-level magic tricks."

Qin Feiyang said.


Shangguanqiu could not help but take a breath.

Even Shangguan Fenglan was a little dazed.

There are so many soul stones? There are artifacts and magic tricks, no wonder this guy will let Feng Wenhai go.

Who can stop this temptation?

"Actually, before taking out the third video, Feng Zihan made such a condition."

"But at the time, I did not agree, and I was determined to get rid of Feng Wenhai."

"After all, I have planned for so long, worked so hard for so long."

Qin Feiyang said.

Shangguan Fenglan curiously said: "Why do you have to agree to it later?"

"Because of you and the elder."

Qin Feiyang said.

"Me and the elder?"

Shangguan Fenglan was shocked.

"I said, don't be angry."

Qin Feiyang said.

"You said."

Shangguan Fenglan said.

"Because of your attitude, it makes me a little uncomfortable."

"If there is no evidence, you can stand behind and just sit back and watch, I can understand."

"But at that time, I produced strong evidence, and you have every reason to order him to be killed on the spot."

"However did you do it?"

"Look on the sidelines, it's none of your business, and give me the right to execute Feng Wenhai's life and death. Isn't it clear that I'm a gun?"

Qin Feiyang said.

"So it was because of fighting with us that you agreed to Feng Zihan's conditions and let Feng Wenhai go?"

Shangguan Fenglan said.


Qin Feiyang nodded.


"On the one hand, Feng Wenhai was defeated, on the one hand, he got such a large treasure, and on the other hand, he and I joined the elders."

"Good means!"

Shangguan Fenglan smiled.

Between the look, there was a bit of a chance.

Qin Feiyang grimaced.

"and many more!"


Shangguan Fenglan raised his eyebrows and said in a deep voice: "How do you know that the elders are also related to this matter?"

You have to know that she and Qin Feiyang have met alone all the time, and the elders have never met.

"It's not difficult to guess!"

"You and Feng Yuan are the lords of Jiutian Palace. If no one is behind you, would you dare to attack him?"

"And as far as I know, the ten elders in Jiutian Palace, except for the elders, are silent and retreat."

"So, of course, this man is the elder."

"Of course, at first I was just guessing, and now seeing your reaction, it is finally confirmed."

Qin Feiyang said.

He didn't dare to talk about monitoring Shangguan Fenglan.

Because once let Shangguan Fenglan know that she was spying on her secretly, she will definitely be on the spot.

Shangguan Fenglan stared at Qin Feiyang in a daze, then shook his head and smiled a moment later, saying: "It really is the person I chose and has a mind."

But then he turned around and said: "But if it is too smart, it may not be a good thing."

The threat in this sentence is obvious.

Qin Feiyang is being warned not to use such small means in the future.

Qin Feiyang naturally also heard, saying: "The disciples will remember."

Shangguan Fenglan smiled lightly and looked at the two of them, saying: "Another thing, where did your Jiuqu Huanglong Dan and Jiu Zhuan Dragon Blood Dan come from?"


Qin Feiyang and Mu Tianyang frowned, turning their heads to look at Shangguanqiu.

Shangguanqiu looked at Qin Feiyang's eyes and began to panic inexplicably.

Shangguan Fenglan said lightly: "You don't have to look at her, just answer my question."

Qin Feiyang endured the anger in his heart and looked at Shangguan Fenglan: "These two immortals were jointly researched by Mu Tianyang and me."

"Have you researched it?"

Shangguan Fenglan was stunned.

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