Invincible God of War

Chapter 2074: Can I sign up now?

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After the old man in black dissipated, the elder elder withdrew his gaze and sat on the seat, saying: "Feng Lan, you seem to have said to the old man The Elixir? "


Shangguan Fenglan nodded and said, "I have seen with my own eyes that after taking this elixir, Mu Tianyang broke through to the Great God of War."

"Then why don't you bring this Danfang over?"

The elder is suspicious.

Shangguan Fenglan froze for a moment, and quickly said: "Great elder, this is not right, after all, the four elephants Wuji Prosperity Pill, they have worked hard to study it, are we doing this, is it not a strong man?

"As disciples of Jiutiangong, they have responsibilities and obligations to contribute to our Jiutiangong."

The elder laughed.


Shangguan Fenglan frowned.


The elder elder has already determined his heart, and wants to get the prescription of the four elephants Promise Pill.

"of course."

"My Jiutian Temple will not ask them for the prescription."

The elder said again.

"what do you mean?"

Shangguan Fenglan asked carefully.

The Great Elder said: "An exception made them enter the Zijin Pagoda for cultivation, and gave them 100,000 soul stones every month."

"Enter the Zijin Tower?"

"Great elder, this is the treatment that only Tianbang disciples have!"

"Furthermore, there are people on every floor of Zijin God Pagoda. You can't drive out other Tianbang disciples because of them!"

Shangguan Fenglan said.

The Zijin God Pagoda has only ten floors in total, which are occupied by ten Tianbang disciples.

In other words.

Now the Zijin God Pagoda, there is no extra cave house.

If Qin Feiyang and Mu Tianyang enter the Zijin Pagoda, then they must inevitably drive out two Tianbang disciples.

If Qin Feiyang's strength has reached the level of Tianbang disciples, that's nothing.


The two are only now fully conquering the **** of war, and even the half-step **** hasn't arrived. Will others be convinced?

"It's not necessary to rush out."

"Well, let two people live on the same floor, wouldn't this free up one floor?"

The elder laughed.

"Two people live on the same floor?"

Shangguan Fenglan frowned and said, "Great elder, I have no such precedent in Jiutian Temple!"

The elder said: "The rules are dead, people are alive, you have to be flexible!"


"Okay, let me ask them first."

"After all, this kind of thing can't be forced, they must first obtain their consent."

Shangguan Fenglan said.

"They will agree."

"After all, Zijin Pagoda with the time circle is the place that all disciples dream of."

The elder elder said confidently.

"This is also true."

Shangguan Fenglan nodded.

The elder said: "In fact, the old man is also training them."

"Train them?"

Shangguan Fenglan was shocked.

"Otherwise do you think?"

"Let the two Xiuwei disciples who have not yet reached the Divine Monarch enter the Zijin Pagoda, and you know how will everyone talk about the old man behind them?"

"The old man is also under great pressure!"

"But there is no way. Who is this Jiang Haotian, who has been recognized by the first generation of masters?"

The elder sighed.

Shangguan Fenglan said in surprise: "Listening to what you mean, do you want to train him as the next palace master?"

The elder elder was stunned and smiled bitterly: "You are too exaggerated. Ten disciples, who is not a shocking and glamorous person. The heir to the next palace owner, has not his share."

Shangguan Fenglan was stunned, and couldn't help laughing at himself.


This Jiang Haotian, although highly accomplished in alchemy, is still far from the real disciples.

As the master of Jiutian Palace, strength is actually the main thing, and alchemy is only the second.

Because there is not enough strength, then there is no ability to let Jiutian Palace stand forever on this territory of the Northern Territory.


Resource Hall!

Outside square.


Tens of thousands of people gathered, all of them were all disciples of Neimen, among them there were even disciples of the Ten Great Holy Peaks.

They naturally come to sign up.

In the middle of the square, a fat man in a gold suit sat on a chair in all directions, and two little classmates stood beside him respectfully.

This person is the golden fat man.

In front of Jin Fatty, there is a table.

On the table is a book.

Anyone who goes to register will have their name recorded on the book.

"Jinzhou, the Great Consummation of God of War."

A young man dressed in black, with a somewhat stern look, strode forward and said.


Fatty Jin nodded, and after recording his name, he looked up at Jin Zhou with a smile flashing in his eyes.

Jin Zhou smiled heartily, and then retreated aside.


"It's Mutianyang!"

"He actually came!"

"This guy is also a ruthless man!"


"Half a month ago, he went to challenge the first person in the list. At first, no one was optimistic about him."

"But as a result, the first person in the land list was in front of him, and he didn't even have the strength to fight back."

"He was just like Jiang Haotian, and just after entering the Jiutian Palace, he unexpectedly reached the top of the list. It's terrible!

The crowd suddenly rioted.

Everyone turned around to see, and they saw a young man in purple clothes, with his hands on his back, step by step from the sky.

Who is Mu Tianyang?

Although the natural emperor's breath was converged, he was still like a bright star, which made people look up.


Mutianyang landed on the square in one step.

"Meet Brother Mu."

Many people bowed immediately.

Although the disciples are not as good as the disciples, they are still very prestigious in Jiutian Temple.

Especially the first person on the list.

Mu Tianyang smiled faintly, and walked to the golden fat man, saying, "Mu Tianyang, the great perfection of God of War."


Jin fat man was stunned.


Mu Tianyang asked with a smile.

Jin Fatzi said: "You are already the first person on the earth list, the treatment is much better than the resource hall, how can you still sign up?"

"Rightly list the first person, can't you enter the resource hall to work?"

Mu Tianyang asked back.

"No no."

Jin Fatzi shook his head subconsciously.

"That won't work."

Mu Tianyang laughed lightly, then turned around and walked aside, his hands clasped his chest, silent, the outstanding temperament was like standing tall.

Jin Fatzi recovered, and quickly wrote down Mutianyang's name.

But in my heart, I was a little puzzled.

When he looked at Mu Tianyang's eyes before, he couldn't help feeling a panic in his heart.

To know.

His cultivation practice is higher than Mutianyang!

How can this feeling happen?



"It's Jiang Haotian!"

"And Huo Yi!"

"How did they both come?"


The crowd rioted again.

Mu Tianyang finally responded, his eyes greeted Qin Feiyang, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Senior Brother Jiang!"

"You are here too."

When Qin Feiyang landed on the square, the disciples came forward to compliment.

Once this person became famous, the status would naturally be different.

What's more, everyone now thinks that the lunatic is Qin Feiyang's backer, so he is even more polite.

Qin Feiyang didn't have any racks at all. He smiled all the way along the way.

But in Jin Fat's eyes, there was no trace of cold light, but on the surface it was a kind and kind look, and he stood up and smiled, "Brother Jiang, you are here too!"

"Brother Jin is not welcome?"

Qin Feiyang laughed.

"Where and where."

The golden fat man waved his hands again and again.

Qin Feiyang flashed a joke in his eyes and sighed, "Brother Jin, you are not keeping your promises!"

"Don't keep your word?"

Suddenly, Fatty Jin said suspiciously, "Brother Jiang, where do you start?"

"Did you not say that last time, to be a peacemaker, and ask me and Brother Feng Zijun to go to Yuqin Tower for a few drinks, a smile and enmity?"

"I've been waiting, but I haven't waited for Brother Jin's invitation."

"Okay now, Brother Feng Zijun has been insulted, and I have no chance to apologize."

Qin Feiyang sighed.

"It turned out to be this matter."

The golden fat man grunted and chuckled in his heart.

This was just the scene at the time. Didn't expect this person to be serious?

"Yes Yes Yes."

"My fault, my fault, this time is too busy, I have forgotten, I hope Brother Jiang forgive me."

"But what did Brother Jiang come today?"

"Willn't you sign up too?"

Golden Fat said.

"Yes, I am here to sign up."

Qin Feiyang nodded.


"Brother Jiang, you shouldn't figure out the rules?"

"This registration requires the cultivation of the Great Constellation of God of War. You, Consummate of God of War, are a little bit behind.

Fatty Jin said a little embarrassed.

"Yes, Brother Jiang."

"This rule was announced a long time ago, did you not see it?"

The people around me followed.

Qin Feiyang looked around and smiled: "Who said that I am the perfect God of War?"

Say it.

Breath burst out.


"The Great Consummation of God of War!"

Fatty Jin looked dumbfounded.

How can this be?

Did n’t he break through to the perfect God of War half a month ago?

The crowd around them also rubbed their eyes in disbelief.

When he first arrived at Jiutian Temple, this person was still a small warlord. How long did it take to break through to the Great Constellation God of War?

Was he taking a panacea?

How could it be so fast?

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: "I don't hide from everyone that in fact I have been concealing cultivation behavior. My true cultivation behavior has always been the Great Constellation God of War."

"That's it!"

"I said it couldn't be so fast."

"I didn't expect you, Brother Jiang, I still hide it!"

People suddenly realized, complimented smile.

"I have won the prize, and compared with my brothers and sisters, I am far from doing this!"

Qin Feiyang waved his hands, looked at Jin Fatty, and smiled, "Brother Jin, can I sign up now?"

"Ok, Ok."

Jin Fatzi recovered, nodded again and again, and wrote down Qin Feiyang's name.

"Huo Yi, Great Consummation of God of War."

Huo Yi followed the opening.


"Are you also the Dzogchen God of War?"

The golden fat man was stunned.


"I used to hide cultivation practice before!"

Huo Yi grinned, and then let go of his momentum, and it turned out to be the Great Constellation.

In fact, this is the case.

On the way to come, he entered the Xuanwu Realm, took the four-elephant Promise God Pill that Qin Feiyang sent him, and then successfully broke through to the Great God of War.

This is why he asked Qin Feiyang for the Four Elephants Wuji Prosperity Pill.

After all, the condition for registration is the Great Consummation of God of War.

If there is no Sixiang Wuji Prosperity Pill, then it is impossible for him to break through to the Great Perfection God of War before registering.

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