Invincible God of War

Chapter 2094: Strong!

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Roar! !

At the same time.

The glacier behind the lunatic sounded a roar of painful beasts.


The lunatic froze a little, turning his head to look back, when he saw a fierce beast one by one, roaring out from under the glacier.

Not the companion of the nine-headed ice ape.

There are all kinds of beasts.

As soon as these fierce beasts appeared, they panicked without looking back.

Qin Feiyang also noticed this scene in the ancient castle.

He didn't realize it until now. It was not that there were no beasts on the way, but these beasts were lurking beneath the glacier and felt the madman's breath, and they dared not come out.

And now.

When the lunatic and the nine-headed ice ape met, these fierce beasts felt the crisis and naturally dared not continue lurking.

This also shows.

The extreme west is more terrible than they thought.

"It's really different from the previous dozens of people."

Nine-headed ice ape looked at the lunatic and muttered, but then a disdain appeared in his eyes.


While the lunatic's attention was on the other fierce beasts, it stepped out violently, just like a giant, stepping on the madman with one foot.

"Vicious beasts will also sneak attack?"

The madman was stunned, and then raised his arm like lightning, hitting with a punch.


His punch just hit the heart of the nine-headed ice ape.

Compared with the giant feet of the nine-headed ice ape comparable to Dayue, his fist is like an insignificant gray grain.


The power of his punch is actually flying the nine-headed ice ape on the spot, and the heart of the foot is even more open.

The nine-headed ice ape roared painfully and smashed hard against an ice peak.

Bingfeng was full of feet, but under the impact of the nine-headed ice ape, it was instantly razed to the ground like a dead tree.

"How can it be?"

Nine-headed ice ape climbed up from the ice and looked at the madman in disbelief.

As a fierce beast, its flesh is inherently stronger than humans.

And living in this extremely cold place all year round, the toughness and strength of the flesh can also be gradually improved.

and so.

Whether it is physical or power, it has absolute confidence.

However, I didn't expect that at this moment I would lose to a human.

"Lao Tzu said, you found the wrong person this time."

"Lao Tzu is not comparable to those wastes."

The madman's black hair was arrogant, and the fighting spirit revealed throughout his body shook the sky.


He stepped across the void in one step, his fist was brilliant, like a shooting star, and he shot away with a punch.

Nine-headed ice ape refused to accept, but also lifted his strong arm and punched away.


The two fists met suddenly.

A wave of annihilation, centered on them, pounced in all directions.


Follow closely.

A harsh sound rang out across the world.

The nine-headed ice ape immediately flinched back.

And while retreating, the painful howling.

Its arm seems to have broken!

Two white bone spurs penetrated flesh and fur, exposed, and blood spewed like pillars!

"What exactly is going on……"

"Why is a human power so powerful ..."

The nine heads and eighteen eyes are all full of horror at the moment.

"Can't this work?"

"Lao Tzu hasn't even given up 1% of his strength!"

The madman walked towards the nine-headed ice ape one step at a time.

The whole body shakes the sky.

Nine-headed ice ape showed fear in his eyes.

Can it be so powerful without even taking out one percent of its strength?

How terrifying is this person's peak strength?



It glanced around its eyes and fled deeper when it turned around.


The lunatic was stunned.

Haven't even started yet, just fled?

Really boring.

He deflated his mouth, put away his momentum, scanned the void, and said lightly: "Come out!"

Qin Feiyang appeared beside the madman not long after the words fell to the ground.

The madman condensed a divine enchantment to isolate the cold outside.

Qin Feiyang smiled and said: "You have no fun!"

"Is not this nonsensical?"

The lunatic glanced at him.

This level of fighting was not enough for him to warm up.

"Don't worry."

"There must be stronger beasts behind."


Qin Feiyang was a bit hesitant to speak here.

The lunatic looked at him impatiently and said: "Say something, let go of fart."

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: "Look, in the face of this level of beast, I can't help at all, but it will drag you down ..."

"Less nonsense."

"Get on Lao Tzu's thief ship, don't want to go down."

Before Qin Feiyang had finished speaking, the madman laughed at Qin Feiyang, then forcibly took Qin Feiyang and continued to fly deep.

Qin Feiyang was quite angry.

To be honest, in the face of fierce beasts of this level, he can't help much in this way.

He couldn't figure it out, why did the madman drag him?


About not to pass with interest.


Qin Feiyang's face changed abruptly, staring at the glacier ahead, as if he saw the devil, his eyes were full of terror.

The lunatic was also slightly stunned.

But immediately followed, excited in his eyes.

"It turned out to be a fighting maniac!"

Qin Feiyang grunted.

The glacier ahead is not a rare treasure, it is an ice ape!

And, it was the nine-headed ice ape that had dealt with the madman before.

The broken arm is still bleeding!

Those nine pairs, with their eyes full of grinding discs, all glowed with the fierce glare of the dead!

But this is not what caused Qin Feiyang to panic.

The real reason is that there are fifteen more ice apes behind the nine-headed ice ape.

They also have nine heads.

The size is the same as that of the nine ice apes.

And the breath is exactly the same.

In other words, they are all super-beyonds that transcend the Great Perfection!

"Brother, you play slowly, I will slip first!"

Qin Feiyang swallowed his mouth, threw a sentence, and went straight into the castle.


In addition to the nine ice-headed apes, there are sixteen heads.

With such a horrible lineup, he stayed outside, only to die.

"It was so scared that the fart was peeing, and it was really no good."

The lunatic sneered.

Qin Feiyang, who entered the old castle, heard his madman's words, and his nose quickly turned away.

I would like to ask which Great Perfection God of War did not escape after seeing the fierce beast that took sixteen and a half steps to God?

Not to mention the Great Consummation of God of War, even the Great Consummation Divine Sovereign, it is only a part of looking away.

"it's him!"

"Brothers, kill him together!"

The injured nine-headed ice ape, with a resentful roar, carried terror into the madman.

In addition, the fifteen ice apes roared in unison, killing the madman.

"You can force Lao Tzu to take one step, even if I lose."

The maniac embraced his chest with both hands and stood in the void, looking at the sixteen ice apes with a look of contempt.


The sixteen ice apes roared like thunder, waved their fists like a hill, and hit the lunatics with great force.

The lunatic sneered, his hands shook violently, and drove away in one step.

Bang Bang Bang!


With a loud noise, less than five breaths, sixteen ice apes were blasted out one after another, and their arms were broken.

Each one was so painful that he grinned.

But more is fear.

Especially the fifteen ice apes that came out behind were terrified.

This power, this flesh ...

Why is it so ridiculously strong?

Originally listening to the ice ape who first appeared about the lunatics, they still did not believe it.

How can a human being's flesh and strength compare with these fierce beasts?

But it turned out to be more terrible than the ice ape said.

Inside the castle!

Qin Feiyang was also shocked.

The last time he studied on Turtle Island, he already knew that the madman's flesh has also been tempered, and it is not a problem to crush the middle-class artifacts by hand.

But he found that the performance of the lunatic seems stronger than last time.

It is estimated that it can already be comparable to the top grade artifact.

That is to say.

Now the lunatics are estimated to be able to crush the top-grade artifacts by hand.

Even the perfect artifact may dare to fight.


It seems that it hasn't been a long time since the last fight, how can we improve so much?

Does the madman hide his strength from the beginning?

Or is there any special way he has been refining the body?



The lunatic really didn't take a step back, like a mountain in Taishan, black hair flaunting, and the **** power in his body, like the tide rolling around in the void.

Seen from a distance, it is like a demon god.

"On this means?"

Looking at the sixteen ice apes, his expression was full of contempt.


This sentence completely angered the sixteen ice apes, and they roared and shook all directions.

Follow closely.

Pieces of divine power surged out into a cold stream, submerging the sky.


The snowstorm between this world and the earth is more violent than before.

The cold current bites, and even the madman's body instantly appears a layer of ice!

If Qin Feiyang is outside at this moment, there is no doubt that it will definitely become an ice sculpture in a flash, and die alive.

"Magic trick?"

The lunatic whispered.

The body of ice is getting more and more thicker.

Even the limbs have become numb.

If he stands still like this, even with his cultivation, it will never exceed three breaths, and he will be completely frozen.

Click ...

The madman is trapped in the cold, and naturally knows this best.

One after another, he broke out.

The ice on his body cracked slowly, even with a harsh, crisp sound.


"I can't freeze him!"

"How strong is the evil spirit in his body?"

Seeing this scene, the sixteen ice apes were shocked.

I have never seen a human being who has such a terrible shame.

"Not enough, not enough."

"You don't even have the qualification to warm up Lao Tzu!"


The madman screamed, the ice on his body shattered immediately, and then he jumped up, and immediately fell on the top of one of the ice apes.


He went down.

A head of the ice ape, with a click, exploded like a watermelon on the spot.

The flesh and blood flew across, and the ice and snow around them instantly turned into blood red.

The remaining eight heads of the ice ape are howling.

In my heart, there is also an inseparable fear.

This human being is like a god, and it is so desperate.

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