Invincible God of War

Chapter 2132: Catastrophe (middle)

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Mu Tianyang looked at the prince who was paralyzed in the void and admired: "Even such a plan can be figured out, you are really hidden!"

"Lao Tzu really thought that all this was planned by Yin Hui. It turns out that the person who really controls behind the scenes is you."


The lunatic also gave his son a thumbs up.

Faced with such a compliment, Gongzi Feng was not happy at all, and he was all afraid in his heart.

Huo Yi shook his head and regretted: "It's just a pity that you met an opponent who is more powerful than you, otherwise your plan will really succeed."

The son shook his body, looked up at Qin Feiyang, and shouted, "Brother Jiang, I also have a lot of helplessness!"

"This is your excuse to betray us?"


"No one in the world?"

Qin Feiyang said angrily.


Gongzi Feng bowed his head again and was ashamed.

"From the beginning, you came to me on your own initiative and asked for my help."

"and I?"

"Did you have any conditions for you during this time?"


"I really take you as a friend, because we all have the same miserable experience."

"But how did you repay me?"

Qin Feiyang shouted.

This was the first time he was so angry after entering the ancient world.

Even before, in the face of Feng Wenhai's framing and the deception of Guo Zixiong's family, he had never been so angry.

"I am sorry……"

The son murmured.

"Sorry, can you make up for your betrayal?"

"You really let me down."

"In the beginning, I was blind and I chose to help you."

"But now, it doesn't matter."

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

The prince hurriedly cried out with a spirit, "Don't kill me, don't kill me, please ..."

"He doesn't kill you, Lao Tzu will kill you today. Even Lao Tzu dare to calculate, you really ate the ambitious leopard!"

The lunatic grinned.

The son said: "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I just want to give my mother a name."

"Still sympathizing here?"

"If you just want to give your mother a place, Yin Hui has already promised you, why do you want to set up a bureau to harm us?"

"Your purpose is not only to give your mother a place, but also yourself."

"You don't want to lose everything Yin Hui gave you."

"In other words."

"You are an ungrateful and insidious mean villain!"

Mutian Yang sneered.

The son shook his body.

"What nonsense?"

The madman sneered, rolled up his sleeves, and said, "Today I will definitely let you taste what it means to be alive rather than die."

"Don't ..."

"I beg you ..."

The son shook his head hurriedly, terrified.

Qin Feiyang sighed and stopped the lunatic, saying, "Don't kill him first."


"Can you bear it?"

The lunatic raised his eyebrows.

"I can't bear it because of this break, we have to count on him."

Qin Feiyang said.

"Count on him?"

The lunatic frowned.


Qin Feiyang nodded, his eyes gleaming coldly, and said, "This time I will not be merciful under my hands. Yin Hui and Jin Yun often die, and Yu Zijie, I will not let him feel better!

The young man heard this, and a chill suddenly appeared in his heart.

"As for you ..."

Qin Feiyang looked down at Gongzi Feng and said, "As long as you cooperate well, I will choose to give you a way to live, but let me remember that there is only one chance!"

"it is good."

The son nodded quickly.


Half past.

Qin Feiyang and his son Gong Feng finally came out of the Xuanwu world.

Yun Lao has been standing outside the door.

Watching a few people appear, looked at Gongzi Feng, then looked at Qin Feiyang and frowned, "What did you do to him?"


"That's when old friends meet and don't want to be disturbed."

"Young Master Bong, you are right!"

The madman laughed at the shoulder of his son.


The son nodded again and again.

Yun Lao looked at the lunatic, then looked at Qin Feiyang, and then looked at Gongzi Feng and said, "Let's go if you're fine!"

"it is good."

The son responded with an echo and said to Qin Feiyang four people: "Then I will go back first."

The four nodded, all smiles on their faces.

What happened before, as if nothing had happened.

Young Master Feng turned and left.

Yun Lao is also ready to leave.

Qin Feiyang suddenly said, looking at Yun Lao said: "Old Senior, please wait a moment."

Yun Lao froze, looking back at Qin Feiyang suspiciously.

Qin Feiyang was silent for a while, and said with a smile: "Last matter, I would also like to thank my predecessor, otherwise I must have suffered unexpectedly now."

Yun Lao said indifferently: "The old man just dealt with it impartially, no thanks."

"Seniors are high-spirited, Grand Duke is selfless, and younger admires."

"The younger generation also hopes that the older generation will continue to carry forward and set a good example for our younger disciples."

Qin Feiyang laughed.

Yun Lao's eyes narrowed slightly, these words are not simple!

Qin Feiyang again said: "We younger disciples also need a role model."

"rest assured."

"The old man has always stood on the side of justice and justice, and he will not favor anyone. Even if the old man's disciples make mistakes, the old man will not appease.

Yunlao said nothing, and turned away without leaving his head.


Mu Tianyang looked at Yun Yun ’s back and looked at the maniac: "Is this old man really trustworthy?"


"In this nine-day palace, I admire two people."

"The first is this old man."

The lunatic smiled confidently.

"What about the other person?"

Qin Feiyang and three were very curious.

People who admire lunatics are definitely not simple characters.

The lunatic said: "You have all seen that old man who guards the ladder."

"It turned out to be him."

The three suddenly realized.

Qin Feiyang said: "After all, what is the identity of the old man? How strong is it?"

"His identity, strength ..."

The maniac pondered a little and said, "As long as you know, he is the master of Shangguan Fenglan."


"Master Guanfeng Fenglan!"

Qin Feiyang was dumbfounded. This is too amazing!

"Forget it."

"Come on, continue to drink and eat meat. Drinking and eating meat in this big jail also has a different flavor."

The maniac laughed.

Qin Feiyang smiled at each other.


Drinking meat and eating meat here, and following in the restaurant, there are totally two feelings.



Lotus Lake.

A young man in purple enters the attic.


When Shangguan Fenglan saw the young man in Ziyi, he looked slightly stunned and said, "What are you doing here?"

"Have seen Lord Lord."

Ziyi Youth bowed and saluted, then said: "Jiang Haotian and Brother Madman let me tell you, you don't need to intervene, they have already figured out a countermeasure.

"is it?"

Shangguan Fenglan was surprised.


"They said, you just have to wait for a good show."

Ziyi Youth Road.

"it is good."

Shangguan Fenglan nodded.

Ziyi Youth said: "The disciple will retire first."


Shangguan Fenglan waved his hand.

The young man in purple turned around and walked out of the attic, looking at the clear sky and sighing, "Ah, I'm still not as good as him after all!"

After that, he rose into the sky and disappeared like lightning.

This person is the son of a son!

After leaving from Lianhua Lake, he did not go directly back to the inner door, but flew in the other direction.


He landed in front of a courtyard, looked up at the courtyard, took a deep breath, then pushed the door and went in.

In the hall, a woman sat by the coffee table.

It is Yin Hui!

Seeing the son come in, she quickly got up and condensed a divine enchantment, and asked, "How?"

The son said: "Ge Yong is dead."


Yin Hui frowned.


Gongzi Feng nodded and said, "At first Jiang Haotian was still very vigilant, but when I told them your plan, I finally gained his trust. He told me that he actually killed his father as long as he was expelled from Jiutian Palace Ge Yong. "

"Why did he want Ge Yong?"

"Know that Ge Yong has followed your grandfather all these years and he holds a lot of your grandfather's handle. This is a good piece."

Yin Hui was suspicious.

"According to Jiang Haotian, he originally wanted to keep Ge Yong, but instead of cooperating, Ge Yong escaped."

"Jiang Haotian was in a sigh of relief, and then used a secret technique called enslavement to erase Ge Yong's soul."

The prince is blessing.

Yin Hui said: "Then Ge Yong can stop thinking about it?"


"Although I failed to kill him personally and avenge my father, but at least for now, I have no worries."

The prince is blessing.


Yin Hui nodded and pondered a little, then said, "Then we are ready to take the next step!"

"it is good."

"Just tomorrow morning!"

"You go to the hall of deliberations first, convene the giants, and then I will appear again to announce the evil things Jiang Haotian did."

"By then, the fairy will not save him!"

The son sneered.

Yin Hui smiled and said, "After I get rid of this child, I will immediately give your mother a place."

"Thank you."

The son was surprised by surprise.

Yin Hui said: "It's all a family, why do you say this?"


The son murmured, his face full of self-blame, said: "The first time the second brother was killed, I should stand up and tell everyone Jiang Haotian's crime, I am cowardly and timid, aunt, I'm really sorry."

"Don't blame yourself."

"After all, Jiang Haotian really poses a great threat to you."

"Actually blame us."

"If it's not that we have prejudices against you, if we can care more about you and take care of you more, you won't be so afraid of Jiang Haotian."

Yin Hui sighed.

"Thank you for your consideration."

Prince Gong bowed his head and said.

Yin Hui waved her hand and smiled, "Go for a rest and prepare for tomorrow."

While speaking, the divine enchantment was dispersed.


"The baby quits."

The son nodded, saluted respectfully, and turned away from the courtyard.

"Jiang Haotian ..."

"Tomorrow you are going to be buried with my children, and cherish this little time left!"

Yin Hui murmured, picked up the teacup, sipped, and a strong cold light flashed in her eyes.

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