Invincible God of War

Chapter 2138: The honest Yun Lao, the second elder comes!

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Qin Feiyang stared at the lunatic and took a deep breath.

When did he become such a mother-in-law?

He used to be like this before!

Was the sharpness of those years already polished?

In fact, such things as sharpness exist when everyone is young.

However, as we continue to grow and settle with time, we will slowly change, no longer as impulsive as before, so regardless of the consequences.

in short.

After a person matures, before doing anything, he will have various considerations.

"Jiang Haotian, how about we talk again?"


An old voice sounded in Qin Feiyang's mind.

Qin Feiyang froze, looking at Feng Yuan.

Because the master of the voice is Feng Yuan.

Fengyuan Chuanyin said: "Like last time, four billion soul stones, four peak-level magic formulas."


Qin Feiyang was stunned, and came back to this set?

"Jiang Haotian, how about we talk?"


Another voice sounded in Qin Feiyang's mind.

Qin Feiyang looked at Yu Zijie in surprise again.

Yu Zijie secretly said: "I will give you a billion soul stones, let me go, and I promise that I will be treated like a brother to you.


Qin Feiyang was stunned.

"Although you are sheltered by lunatics, you must know that lunatics can go to the shrine at any time."

"When the madman goes to the shrine, then your dependence on Jiutian Temple will be gone."

"And now, as long as we become friends, then I can be your backer."

"You can still be in Jiutian Temple by then, rampant."

Yu Zijie passed on the voice.



Qin Feiyang laughed quietly and said, "But before, you still wanted to kill me!"

"This is a misunderstanding."

"You should also know that my real goal is not you."

Yu Zijie secretly said.

"I know your goal is a lunatic, but I almost died under your tricks, which is an indisputable fact."

"Do you think we can be friends like this?"

Qin Feiyang preached.

"Of course."

"if you are willing to."

Yu Zijie said.

"do you know?"

"If you want to change it to when I first entered Jiutian Temple, I will definitely agree."

"Because at that time, I lacked the soul stone."

"But now, I'm not missing anymore."

Qin Feiyang said indifferently to Yu Zijie, and again conveyed to Feng Yuan: "Last time I have shown mercy to my men, but what I got in exchange is your intensification, so this kind of thing will not happen for the second time."

Follow closely.

Qin Feiyang looked up at the elder elder and bowed: "Elder elder, the disciple has already made a decision."

"You said."

Great Elder Road.

"Jiang Haotian, you better think clearly ..."

Almost at the same time, Yu Zijie and Feng Yuan sneered at Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang turned a deaf ear and looked at the elders said: "As everyone said before, this matter has been known to everyone in the Northern Territory. If it is not severely punished, it will inevitably damage the reputation of our Jiutian Temple, so the disciples believe that these There is no amnesty for human crimes! "

"Kill no amnesty!"

Yu Zijie, Yin Hui, Jin Yunchang, his eyes trembling suddenly.

Although they were already mentally prepared, they couldn't help but be afraid of hearing this at the moment.

"That makes sense!"

"The reputation of the Nine Heavens Palace requires us to guard everyone up and down."

"For this reputation, Shangguan Fenglan, execute it!"

The elder shouted.

Shangguan Fenglan got up.

Yu Zijie immediately panicked, shouting while shouting: "Great elder, I dare not, please, please spare me this time!"

"I dare not."

Jin Yun often begged again and again.

Only Yin Hui silently stared at Qin Feiyang, her eyes full of resentment.

"Jin Yunchang, you deserve the most!"

"The last time I used the cave house, I deliberately embarrassed Jiang Haotian and several people. The main hall didn't expel you from Jiutian Palace. It was already very kind, but you didn't know how to repent ..."

Speaking of this, Shangguan Fenglan saw a murderous surge in his eyes.

With a wave of his hand, a ray of divine power cut through the sky like lightning, just under Jin Yunchang's desperate gaze, not in his eyebrows.


Along with a terrible scream, Jin Yun often fell to the ground on the spot, and there was an extra blood hole in his eyebrows.

Looking at this scene, Yu Zijie panicked more and more.

"Yin Hui, as the elder of the Law Enforcement Hall, if you know the law and break the law, it will not only damage the reputation of our Jiutian Palace, but also deceive us and deceive the elders."

"Both crimes add to each other, you don't have to die!"

Shangguan Fenglan said indifferently, and a ray of divine power appeared again.


However, at this moment.

An old voice sounded.

Follow closely.

An old man in black strode into the meeting hall.

"Lao Yun!"


Feng Yuan and Yin Hui suddenly saw hope in the eyes of the old man.

The giants are also moved by it.


Qin Feiyang frowned.

Shangguan Fenglan frowned, looking at Yun Lao Road: "Lao Yun, this matter ..."

The old man in black waved his hand and stopped Shangguan Fenglan. Then he looked at the elder elder and bowed: "I have seen the elder elder."

The elder nodded.

"Actually, I came here long ago, but I didn't show up, so the old man knew what happened before."

"And I don't come forward now to plead for Yin Hui."

Yun Lao said.

"Then why are you here?"

The elder is suspicious.

Yun Lao said: "I killed her by hand."


Qin Feiyang looked at each other.

Kill Yin Hui yourself?

Yin Hui is also completely dumbfounded.

Originally thought that Yun always came to help her, but did not expect that she was actually killed.

"Lao Yun, she is your disciple!"

Feng Yuan is also unbelievable.

"Because she is my disciple, I want to personally end her life."

Yun Lao looked cold and looked at Yin Hui with a disappointed look: "Before, I accepted you as a disciple because I saw you being ambitious and kind-hearted, but I didn't expect that you will become like this today."

"I am sorry."

Yin Hui lowered her head.

Old Lao stepped forward and touched Yin Hui ’s head, sighing, “Actually I do n’t want to kill you, but if you made a mistake, you should bear the consequences.”

"Master, please do it!"

Yin Hui slowly closed her eyes.


Old Yun sighed a long time, the palm of his hand moved, and a ray of blood suddenly poured out from Yin Hui's heavenly cover.

Yun Lao said: "You can rest assured that the old man will take care of Zi Han for you."

"Thank you, Master."

Yin Hui was grateful.

Yun Lao's arm shook, and Yin Hui's head suddenly heard a crisp sound.

Follow closely.

Yin Hui slowly fell to the ground, and life fluctuations quickly dissipated.

"It really is a real old man."

Qin Feiyang sighed.

Mutian Yang and Huo Yi also nodded.


Yun Lao sighed, withdrew his arm, and looked at the Great Elder: "Great Elder, I have a ruthless invitation."

"You said."

Great Elder Road.

Yun Lao said: "I want to bury her myself."


"After all, she is your disciple."

The elder nodded.

"Thank you Elder."

Yun Lao bowed down and held Yin Hui's body, then turned and strode out.

The whole process ignored Qin Feiyang as if he hadn't seen it.

After Lao Yun left, Feng Yuan collapsed to the ground weakly, his eyes dimmed, and the whole person was like a few decades old.

First, Feng Wenhai was expelled from Jiutian Palace, then Feng Zijun was killed, and then Jin Fatzi also died because of him.

Now Yin Hui and Jin Yunchang have died one after another.

In just a few months, the son, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, grandson, grandson have suffered unexpectedly.

The present Fengjia has been regarded as a real decline.

This hit him too much.

Look at Yu Zijie again!

Jin Yunchang and Yin Hui lost their lives one after another, and he was completely desperate at the moment.

Repentance and hatred are intertwined.

Shangguan Fenglan looked down at Yu Zijie and sighed: "You had a good future, but it is a pity that you are buried in your own hands."

"I'm not convinced!"

"Why do lunatics make mistakes and you will be all right?"

"And I made a mistake, you will kill me?"

Yu Zijie suddenly shouted.

"The lunatic did make a lot of mistakes before, but he never killed elders."

Shangguan Fenglan said.

"Cheng Li is just an outside elder, and I am second in the sky list, the first person of alchemist, is it not worth it?"

"Let me be buried with him, why?"

Yu Zijie has gone crazy.

Because of this kind of words, he never dare to say it in exchange for usual.

Although the elders of the outer gate and the elder of the inner gate do not have a high status in Jiutian Temple, they are also elders.

Behind, you can not care, but in front of people, you must show respect.

"It's really not regretful at all."

Shangguan Fenglan shook his head in disappointment, a ray of divine power swept out, and went straight to Yu Zijie's brow.

"Jiang Haotian, you don't want me to live, I won't make you feel better, I killed you!"

But at the same time, Yu Zijie growled and rushed towards Qin Feiyang.

"just you?"

The lunatic seemed to have expected that Yu Zijie would jump into the wall in a hurry, step in front of Qin Feiyang, and kick away.


Yu Zijie snorted loudly and flew out on the spot, hitting a stone pillar.

"Crazy, you are a bastard!"

Yu Zijie rushed to the crown in anger and ran up in embarrassment, then rushed towards the madman.


However, at this time.

A crisp slap sounded.

But I saw a white figure, appeared in front of Yu Zijie out of thin air, raising his hand was a slap fan on Yu Zijie's face.


Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

It was the back of a young man with a very thin figure, a white dress with snow, and a long black shawl. The whole person exudes a misty and unfathomable atmosphere.

"Not good."

The lunatic murmured.


Qin Feiyang looked at him.

The lunatic secretly said: "He is our second elder in Jiutian Palace."

"The second elder is so young?"

Mutian Yang was surprised.

"This is normal."

"People at our level can always stay young as long as they want."

Said the lunatic.


Yu Zijie was stunned for a while, then immediately knelt on the ground and shouted: "Master, I don't want to die, save me!"

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