Invincible God of War

Chapter 2140: Disciple of the Vice-President!

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After returning to God, the second elder was furious on the spot.

This is beyond doubt.

In front of him, killing Yu Zijie, but still in full view, this is not only a provocation to him, but also humiliating him.

As the second elder of Jiutiangong, how can one tolerate someone so presumptuous in front of him?

What's more, the other party is just a little disciple.


A monstrous pressure, like a torrent of beasts, rushed out of him and rushed towards the fire.

This time, the second elder had no reservations.

The terrifying breath made Qin Feiyang and Mutianyang unable to help despair!

But Huo Yi, but his face does not change color.

It doesn't seem to be in my eyes at all.


The pressure was over, but Huo Yi stood under the pressure, and his body didn't even tremble.

It seems that this coercion has no effect on him.

"How could this be?"

The second elder couldn't help but climbed a trace of surprise.

Shangguan Fenglan's heart is also incredible, and his eyes felt as if he had known Huo Yi for the first time.

I never imagined that this young man who doesn't usually make a difference has such a terrible ability?

"Elder Ben doesn't believe it, why can't you be a little disciple!"

In the eyes of the two elders, the murderous surge sprang up, and a divine power emerged.

"The second son!"

The elders quickly scolded.

Actually still using divine power, this is not a child's play.

"He must kill my disciple, he must die today!"

The second elder, who had been drowned in anger, could still hear it. The gods roared in all directions, killing Huo Yi.

The elder elder's face sank, and he quickly condensed a divine enchantment, covering the two elders and Huo Yi.

In doing so, it is to protect the hall of deliberation.

He knows the strength of the second elder well.

Although the hall of deliberations was tempered by divine power, once the second elders are moved, they will definitely be destroyed.

Secondly, it is to isolate the movement here, so as not to disturb the disciples of Jiutian Temple.

As for the third point, it is natural to protect these people.

After all, the strength of Qin Feiyang and others is too weak. If it is not protected, it will be affected 100%.

"This guy, suddenly became unfathomable ..."

Outside the boundary.

The lunatic looked at Huo Yi standing inside the enchantment, his eyes full of surprise.

"I have known his strength for a long time. It's not that simple, but I didn't expect it to be so terrifying."

Qin Feiyang passed on.


"It's beyond imagination."

Mu Tianyang nodded.


It's too late to say, it's fast!

Divine power has killed Huo Yi.


Seeing that Huo Yi was about to be overwhelmed by divine power, suddenly, a fiery red light roared from Huo Yi's body, forming a half-foot-wide enchantment.


Divine power bombarded that enchantment.

A shocking and vulgar picture should be shown in everyone's eyes.

The strength of the second elder is obvious to all, and even Shangguan Fenglan is not an opponent.

At this moment.

When his divine power bombarded the enchantment that was easily condensed by fire, there was no trace of the enchantment breaking!

"How can it be?"

The second elder stared in anger.

In the half-footed fiery red enchantment, Huo Yi embraced his chest with both hands and looked at Elder Er, his face full of ridicule.

"and many more!"

"The breath of this enchantment ..."


The elder elder stood up and stared in surprise at the fiery red enchantment protecting Huo Yi.

The other giants, as if they were aware of it, got up one after another, their faces full of surprise.

Including Feng Yuan and Shangguan Fenglan.

"what happened?"

Looking at the reactions of these people, Qin Feiyang and Mutian Yang looked at each other with suspicious eyes.

Look at the lunatic again.

Like the elders and others, staring straight at the fiery enchantment.

"Brother Jiang, what happened?"

The son asked secretly.

"You don't even know, how can I know?"

Qin Feiyang spread his voice, then glanced at the madman, and secretly asked, "What are you doing?"

The meeting hall was silent.

Even the second elder stared at Huo Yi in surprise.

And a closer look will reveal that there is a trace of fear in his eyes.


"How could it be him……"

The madman finally spoke, but there was a lot of disbelief in the words.


Qin Feiyang asked.

"Vice Palace Master!"

"The breath emanating from the enchantment is exactly the same as the breath of our Vice-President of Jiutian Palace!"

Said the lunatic.


Qin Feiyang was shocked and the three of them looked at Huo Huo in unison.

Is he the deputy lord of Jiutian Palace?

"Do not."

"He is not the vice-lord."

"Because I have seen the vice-president, they look very different."

The lunatic shook his head.

"Not the Vice-President, how could the enchantment he condensed have the same breath as the Vice-President?"

Qin Feiyang secretly said.

"This is where I can't figure it out, and it's probably also where the elders can't figure it out."

Said the lunatic.

It was at this time.

The elder elder turned back and shouted, "Second, leave the old man!"

The second elder standing across from Huo Yi suddenly jumped to the side with a shock.

Follow closely.

The elder waved his hand and protected the dissipation of the meeting hall. Then he took three steps and made two steps. He walked in front of Huoyi and arched his hand: "Are you?"

The tone is also extremely respectful.

Huo Yi glanced at the two elders, and smiled coldly, without opening, and took out a jade pendant from the clothes under his neck.

Yu Pei, can have a baby with half a fist, shaped like a cluster of flames, cast like magma, and gleaming with dim light.

Seeing this jade pendant, the elders and others shook their eyes, and quickly knelt on one knee on the ground.

The second elder is no exception.

And at this moment, the expression is full of sincerity and fear.

"This and this ..."

Qin Feiyang, Mu Tianyang, and Gongzi Feng, looking at this scene, his eyes almost stared out.

Just a jade pendant, so that all the giants knelt down?

"This is not an ordinary jade."

The lunatic voices.

"How to say?"

Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

"This is the decree of the lord of the palace."

"That is to say the so-called identity token."

"In our Jiutian Palace, there is a clear stipulation that seeing the prince of the palace is like seeing the prince himself."

"So no matter who it is, you have to bow down."

The lunatic secretly said.

"Palace order!"

Qin Feiyang felt awkward, but at the same time he was confused.

Since Huo Yi is not the deputy lord of the palace, why is there a lord's order in his hand?

"Second Elder, now know, how much mistake did you make?"

Huo Yi sneered.

While speaking, he waved his hand, and the half-footed fiery red enclave collapsed immediately, then turned into a streamer and poured into the palace prince.

"It turns out that the enchantment was made by the order of the palace master."

Qin Feiyang grunted.

The second elder heard Huo Yi's words, his complexion could not help but whitish, and asked carefully: "Dare to ask you?"

Huoyi put away the palace master order and proudly said: "Your deputy palace master is my master, that is to say, I am his closed disciple."


"Disciple of the Vice-President?"

A group of giants looked at each other.

Why have n’t I heard what disciples the deputy palace master has received?


"Are you doubting what I said?"

The fire said irritably.

"No no."

The giants quickly shook their heads.

The elder elder got up and looked at Huo Yi with a smile and said, "Since you are a disciple of the vice-prince, then you should know where the vice-prince is now?"

"of course I know."

"But Master Master has an account and is not allowed to disclose his whereabouts to anyone."

"Especially your elder."

Huo laughed easily.

"especially me?"

The great elder was stunned.


"Master said, you old man is very annoying. If you let him know his whereabouts, you must be bothering him every day."

Fire is easy.

The elder's mouth twitched fiercely, and his expression was full of helplessness, and sighed: "When will his willful character change?"

Huo Yibiya smiled and hurried to Shangguan Fenglan before laughing, saying, "Lan'er, what are you doing on your knees, get up and get up quickly."

Shangguan Fenglan gave Huo Yi a complicated look, then stood up and stood aside, silent.

Huo Yi looked at Shangguan Fenglan in amazement.

How to show your identity, but it is even more rusty than before?

The giants also got up one after another.

"and many more."

Huo Yi raised his eyebrows and said, "Who made you get up?"

A group of giants knelt down on the ground again.

"You old things, even if you don't care about anything at all, the critical moment is still indispensable."

"I can't figure it out, why should Master raise your group of rice buckets?"

Fire is easy to scold.

The giants are ashamed.

But two of them were extremely panicked.

These two are the second elder and Feng Yuan.

The second elder will not say it, after all, the previous scene has just happened not long ago.

And Feng Yuan.

Since Qin Feiyang entered the Jiutian Palace several people, he has not secretly done bad things.

Before, he did not take Huoyi into his eyes.

I thought Huo Yi was just a little character who followed Qin Feiyang to eat and drink.

However, unexpectedly, Huo Yi is the real big boss.

So he was worried!

Huo Yi knew everything he had done before.

If Huo Yi told all of them to the Vice-President, the consequences would be hard to imagine.


Seeing the major giants panic, the elders coughed and whispered, "Huo Yi, after all, you are only a disciple of the vice-lord of the palace. Is it not good for them to kneel?

Huo Yidao: "You mean, I don't have this power?"


The elder nodded.


"Do you know why I sneaked into Jiutian Palace?"

Fire is easy.


The elder is suspicious.

"Because it is an account of Master Master."

"Master has long known that there are many restless people in our Jiutian Temple."

"So this time, he let me enter the Jiutian Palace quietly and check these people."

"And let me enforce the law on his behalf!"

"In other words, even if you are the elder, I have the right to deal with it."

Huo Yi proudly said.

"Enforcement on behalf of the Deputy Palace Master?"

The major giants are awe-inspiring, but they have the power to kill and kill them!

"Do you still have objections?"

Huo Yi looked at the elder and asked.

"Since it is the order of the deputy palace master, the old man will naturally obey, and the old man will cooperate with you."

The elder elder bowed.


"Except for Feng Yuan and the second elder, everyone else went to the corner to think about it."

Huo Yi pointed to the left corner of the hall and shouted.

It turned out that a group of tall giants, like little sheep at the moment, immediately ran to the corner honestly, kneeling neatly under the corner of the wall, feeling miserable.

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