Invincible God of War

Chapter 2152: Doomsday (Part 1)

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Jiutian Temple!

The ancient sky ladder leads directly to the sky, and the Jiutian Palace suspended between the clouds and fog is like a fairyland under the sunlight.

Generally, in the morning and morning, there will be a large number of disciples coming out of Jiutian Temple.

They basically go to experience.

Together in pairs, everyone looks radiant and full of expectations.

Looking forward to this day, there will be a good harvest.



Four figures descended on the mountain top under the ladder.


"It's so bad and bloody!"

"It's crazy!"

"And Jiang Haotian, Huo Yi, Mutianyang!"

"Where did they come back from?"

"Look, look at the head of the madman, actually carrying a headless body!"

"Who is that?"

Watching the appearance of Qin Feiyang, the disciples on the top of the mountain and on the ladder stopped one after another, their faces full of surprise.

The white-haired old man who guarded the ladder also opened his eyes to four people.

But in the end.

He said nothing and closed his eyes again.

Headed by the madman, Qin Feiyang followed them one after another and stepped up the ladder step by step.

Feng Wenhai's body was still bleeding and stained the red ladder.

The disciples ahead gave way.

Everyone's look is full of fear of madmen, and no one dares to ask, just like a demon king, it is terrifying!

"Do you think the body looks familiar?"

"look familiar?"

"Without a head, can't see who it is?"

"But what is certain is that this person absolutely provokes a lunatic and was killed by the lunatic."

"But why did he bring the body back to Jiutian Temple?"

"Could it be said that this body has something to do with Jiutian Temple?"

After the four left, the disciples immediately whispered.



Law Enforcement Hall.

A woman wearing a long black dress hurried into the hall.

Sitting on the throne above, Shangguan Fenglan, who is dealing with affairs, looked at the woman in black suspiciously and said, "Wang Yun, why is it so panic?"

"The lunatic and Jiang Haotian came back with a headless corpse."

Wang Yun said.


"Headless body?"

"What do they want to do?"

Shangguan Fenglan got up suddenly.

"do not know."

"But I heard that the lunatic is terrible now, and he has never seen it before."

Wang Yun said.

Shangguan Fenglan frowned and asked, "Where are they now?"

Wang Yun said: "It seems to go straight to the meeting hall."

"Go to the meeting hall?"

Shangguan Fenglan was stunned for a while, and mumbled: "It doesn't seem to be a trivial matter, you have to go and see it."

Having said that, she put down her affairs and flew towards the hall of deliberation.


"People above the main level of Jiutian Palace will go to the meeting hall immediately. Lao Tzu has important things to say."

At the same time.

The madman's drink sounded like thunder, spreading throughout the Jiutian Palace.



"What the **** does he want to do?"

"It's really a worry-free day."

After hearing the words, the giants gathered towards the hall of deliberation with a helpless mood.


The meeting hall!

Shangguan Fenglan rushed here first.

After seeing the empty hall, she did not go in and stood in the square outside.

Woo! !


One figure after another kept coming.

Among them is Feng Yuan.

Someone asked: "What did this madman suddenly call us to do?"

"do not know."

"But in front of us, he didn't dare to mess around, it's estimated that something really happened."

The giants talked about it.

But Feng Yuan kept his head down, silent, and there was a trace of suspiciousness in the eyebrows.

Didn't these people go to the Dragon Sea early in the morning? Why did you run back?



Another old figure appeared.

"Meet the elder."

The giants saluted in a hurry.

"go in!"

The elder smiled, walked into the hall of deliberation, and sat in the uppermost chair.

"Elder Elder, do you know the purpose of the lunatic calling us?"

Everyone was seated one after another and then looked at the elder and asked.

"The old man doesn't know."

The elder shook his head and looked up to the official Fenglan.

"Don't look at me all the time."

"I do not know either."

Shangguan Fenglan smiled bitterly.

The elder elder said with a smile: "No one knows, then this is fun."

"I think he is fooling around."

"Elder Elder, either I said, or you usually spoil him too much and get used to him."

Feng Yuan displeased.

"Ha ha."

"Don't worry, is he fooling around? I'll know later."

The elder laughed.

A moment passed.

Uh! !

Qin Feiyang four people came outside the hall.

"Really brought a body?"

Shangguan Fenglan was speechless.

and many more!

Suddenly, there was a trace of suspense in her eyes, and she looked at Feng Wenhai's body.

Why does this body look familiar?

at the same time.

Other giants looked at the corpse suspiciously, and they all felt familiar.

But at the same time!

Feng Yuan Huo Ran got up and stared deadly at Feng Wenhai's body.

Although he had no head, he recognized the clothes on Feng Wenhai at a glance.

Because just last night, he also sent a message to Feng Wenhai.

at this time.

The clothes on the body were exactly the same as the clothes that Feng Wenhai wore yesterday.

The elders noticed Feng Yuan ’s reaction and suspiciously said: “Master Feng Yuan, do you know who this body is?

"Not sure."

Feng Yuan shook his head and returned to the chair, muttering: "It must be a coincidence."

Outside the door.

The four looked at each other and twisted Feng Wenhai's body into the hall of deliberation.

"Mad, what are you doing?"

"This is the hall of deliberations. What kind of system do you bring a corpse in? Quickly throw it out."

Shangguan Fenglan shouted.

"This body is the protagonist of today, how can it be thrown out?"

The lunatic smiled sensibly.



The doubts on the faces of the giants are even stronger.

The elder looked at the lunatic and suspiciously said, "Who is this body?"

Madman said: "He is ..."

"and many more."

Qin Feiyang aside suddenly said.


Everyone looked at Qin Feiyang again.

The madman turned to look at Qin Feiyang suspiciously.

Qin Feiyang said: "Two people are still missing."


The lunatic asked.

Qin Feiyang looked at the elder elder and bowed: "The identity of these two people is rather special. I also ask the elder elder to grant them permission to enter the Jiutian Palace."


Great Elder Road.

"Please let disciples sell a pass first."

Qin Feiyang said.

"You kid ..."

The elder shook his head and scolded, and nodded, "Yes, as you wish."

"Thank you Elder."

Qin Feiyang bowed and thanked, and then took out the image spar.



An old ghost appeared.


"It's him!"

The major giants suddenly commotion.

The elder Huo Ran also got up, his face full of anger.

Because the phantom is the deputy pavilion of Baoge!

The deputy patriarch also noticed that the elders and others were a little hazy.

"Old Senior."

Qin Feiyang bowed to salute.

The deputy patriarch withdrew his eyes and looked at Qin Feiyang wondering: "Xiaoyou, what are you?"

Qin Feiyang, without any nonsense, went directly to the whole and said, "Please also invite seniors to come to Jiutian Palace immediately."


The deputy patriarch froze.

Qin Feiyang laughed: "You must understand."

Hearing Qin Feiyang's words, a flash of cold light flashed in the eyes of the Deputy Pavilion Master, but he was still hesitant.

Qin Feiyang said: "You can rest assured that the elders have agreed to enter the Jiutian Palace."

The deputy patriarch looked at the elder with surprise, and nodded, "Okay, the old man will pass by now!"

"We are in the meeting hall."

Qin Feiyang said again.


The deputy patriarch answered, and the phantom disappeared.

"Jiang Haotian, you are too presumptuous!"

"Do you know that the Deputy Pavilion Master of the Pavilion is the executioner who killed the elder son?"

"He is the enemy of our Jiutian Temple!"

"Great elder, this son is too wanton."

"Even, he may be the eye line of Baoge in our Jiutian Temple."

"Please also elder elder, kill him immediately!"

Feng Yuan shouted.

The other giants also had angry faces on their faces.

Actually let the Deputy Pavilion Master of the Pavilion enter the Jiutian Palace. Isn't this intentionally embarrassing the elders?

Look at the elders.

Looking at Qin Feiyang at the moment, he was also sinking into the water.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Shangguan Fenglan said, "The elders are angry, Jiang Haotian is not a man of mischief. He asked the Deputy Pavilion Master of the Pavilion to come to Jiutian Palace. There must be a reason. Let's talk about it first."

The elder took a deep breath and returned to the seat, saying: "Jiang Haotian, you'd better give the old man a satisfactory account. Otherwise, even if a madman protects you, you can't get out of this hall today."

Qin Feiyang respectfully said: "You always rest assured that you will be satisfied."

"It's best."

After the elder had finished speaking, he closed his eyes, as if calming his anger.

Shangguan Fenglan also breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Jiang Haotian, don't you say there are two people? Is there another one?"

"The disciple will notify him."

Qin Feiyang put away the spar and closed his eyes.


Everyone looked at Qin Feiyang in amazement.

Don't you want to notify? Why did you put away the image spar or even close your eyes?

What the **** is this kid doing?

About ten minutes later, Qin Feiyang opened his eyes and smiled, "The disciple has informed him that he is approaching the Jiutian Palace."


A group of giants looked at each other.


Close your eyes, how can you inform the other party?

Qin Feiyang said: "This person's identity is more special than that of the Deputy Pavilion Master of the Pavilion, so please ask the adults for a while."


"More special than the deputy patriarch?"

"Could it be that the pavilion owner of the pavilion?"

Everyone was surprised.

"He is not the lord of Baoge."

"His identity is actually very ordinary."

"But his appearance will bring everyone a surprise."

Qin Feiyang laughed.


"So, I really look forward to it."

Shangguan Fenglan said.

Qin Feiyang smiled and went silent, but his eyes kept paying attention to Feng Yuan.

Feng Yuan also always pays attention to the body of Feng Wenhai.

Why do clothes look exactly the same?

Is he Wenhai ...

Do not!

Absolutely impossible!

Wenhai is hidden in Longquan Mountain, except for him and Feng Zihan, no third person knows about it.


Even if these people find Longquan Mountain and rely on their cultivation behavior, it is impossible to kill Wenhai.

This must be a coincidence.

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