Invincible God of War

Chapter 2162: The truth that makes Qin Feiyang feel guilty

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Mu Tianyang looked suspiciously at the historical books. When he saw the three words Qin Batian on the cover, his eyes suddenly burst into light and asked, "Is this a historical book?"


Qin Feiyang nodded and said with a smile: "It was only after I finally got it."


Mu Tianyang extended his thumbs and said, "So what did it say?"

"I haven't had time to see it."

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

"Look at that soon."

Mutian Yang urged.

Qin Feiyang was stunned: "How do you think you are more anxious than me?"


"Qin Batian, this bastard, hurts me like this, of course I am anxious?"

"Because I still want him to settle accounts!"

Mutian Yang sneered.


"You really don't repent."

Qin Feiyang shook his head and sighed.

"Less nonsense."

Mu Tianyang raised his eyebrows.

Qin Feiyang shook his head, placed the historical books on the stone table in front of him, and then opened the cover.

Line after line of small prints suddenly appeared.

And the first part basically introduces Qin Batian.

The content is roughly that Qin Ba's talents are very talented and outstanding, and he is the first demon in the world today ...

However, even if it was just an introduction, Qin Feiyang read it without fail.

After reading, he admired.

Unexpectedly, the deputy lord of Jiutian Palace had such a high evaluation of the ancestors.

Qin Feiyang turned to the second page.

"Five thousand years ago, Jiutian Palace recruited disciples, and Qin Batian took part in the assessment based on the cultivation of Dacheng God of War."

"At first, many people did not like him, including this seat, did not pay attention to him."

"Because there were too many geniuses at that time, he was too obscure among the geniuses here."

"However, the result is far beyond our expectations ..."

"He tried to beat countless geniuses, and it took only two hours to pass the assessment in the first place."

"He broke the fastest record in the history of our Jiutian Temple."

"At the time, this seat realized that his future achievements were unmatched."


"In the second year of entering Jiutian Temple, he stepped into the fulfillment of God of War."

"In the fourth year, he broke through to the Great God of War, and immediately after that, he broke through to the half-step **** ..."

Qin Feiyang was surprised when he saw this.

So fast to break through to half step god?

Mu Tianyang said: "He must have taken Sixiang Wuji Prosperity Pill."


Qin Feiyang nodded, otherwise it would not be so fast.

The two continued to watch.

"Qin Batian's talent is beyond my imagination ..."

"In less than five hundred years of entering the Jiutian Palace, he defeated the madman and won the first place in the sky list."

Qin Feiyang and Mutianyang looked at each other.

It turned out that when Qin Batian entered the Jiutian Palace, the lunatic was already the first person in the list.

"Qin Batian's talent is amazing, but also attracts our attention."

"Four thousand years ago, his cultivation practice even reached the great consummation to God."

"In the Northern Territory, it caused a huge sensation and made them more puzzled."

"Why is he so fast?"

"One day, the seat, the palace owner, and the ten elders summoned him to the deliberative hall and asked in person."

"At this time we only knew that he possessed the blood power of Zijin Dragon Blood and also opened the door to potential."

"His confession makes this seat very happy, and this seat also intends to make him the successor of this seat."

"But soon after, a drastic change occurred."

"Dragons come to the door and take away Qin Batian."

"Dragons are so powerful that we dare not go against their wishes."

"In order to protect the Jiutian Palace, Qin Batian is willing to follow the dragon clan."

"But I never imagined that the Dragon Clan wanted to deprive him of his blood."

"But in the end, with the aid of a broken sword, he was killed from the Dragon Clan, but he was seriously injured as a result."

"When he returned to Jiutian Palace, the seat and the palace owner immediately protected him."

"The next day, the Dragon Clan killed Jiutian Palace and forced us to hand over Qin Batian."

"Looking at the aggressive dragon clan, for dignity and for the reputation of the Nine Heavens Palace, the palace master was furious and started a **** battle with the dragon clan in the land of the dead."

"This battle lasts three days and three nights."

"In the end, the palace master died in battle, the seat was seriously injured, and the ten elders were also scrapped, and the losses were heavy!"

"We can no longer keep Qin Batian."

"We are desperate."

"Qin Batian also blames himself."

"But at this moment, a man named Lu Zhengyang appeared, showing great strength, and rescued Qin Batian from the Dragon tribe."

"Since then, the two have disappeared."

"The dragon clan also left, and never appeared again."

"But because of the death of the palace master, the ten elders had prejudices against Qin Batian, so they ordered that the matter be blocked."

"Later, Qin Batian was slowly forgotten ..."

See this.

Qin Feiyang set off a turbulent wave in his heart.

It turned out that the palace owner had fallen!

And to protect the ancestors.

No wonder, when referring to the name of the ancestors, the giants of Jiutian Palace will be so angry.

Because in their view, it was the ancestor who died their palace lord.

The fact is true.

If not to protect the ancestors, the palace owner of Jiutian Palace would die?

will not.

"I used to think that your ancestor might have hatred with Jiutian Temple, but I didn't expect the truth to be like this."

"Nine Heaven Palace is truly admirable."

Mutian Yang sighed.


"Especially the palace owner."

"As descendants of ancestors, I really don't know how to make up for them."

Qin Feiyang said.

"make up……"

Mutian Yang shook his head.

Jiu Tiangong Palace Master's fall, this can make up for it?

Even if it is made up, I am afraid no one will accept Jiutian Temple!

Dragon Clan ...

What kind of behemoth is this, even the owner of Jiutian Palace is not their opponent?

Qin Feiyang said: "Actually, I have heard of the Dragon Clan."

"you have heard?"

Mutian Yang was surprised.


"The last time I went to Baoge to buy Dragon Soul, the deputy pavilion master and Shangguanqiu said."

"However, for the Dragon Clan, they are also secretive."

Qin Feiyang said.

Mu Tianyang sank in his heart and said, "The two forces of Jiutian Palace and Bao Pavilion are so dreadful. It seems that this dragon family is really an irresistible existence."

"It's not that they can't afford them, it's that they have angered me now!"

Qin Fei Yang said, the murderous flash in his eyes.

Although the ancestor killed the palace master, but after all, this is brought by the dragon.

Mu Tianyang glanced deeply at Qin Feiyang, and again looked at the historical books, and suddenly raised his eyebrows, saying: "Wait, your ancestors did not enter the Jiutian Palace seven thousand or eight thousand years ago, and have become famous, But why is it written five thousand years ago? "

"It's not easy."

"This historical record must have been written by the deputy cabinet chief four or five thousand years ago."

Qin Feiyang said.

Mutian Yang froze, slapped his forehead, and said, "Look at my head, I didn't even think about it."

The two continued to read, knowing to read the complete history.

In fact, this historical book is not too thick, and the content has recorded more than a dozen pages.

The whole story is probably like this.

Qin Feiyang closed the history books and became silent.

Mu Tianyang looked at Qin Feiyang, and said after a long time: "What are your plans now?"

Qin Feiyang didn't answer, very confused.

Mu Tianyang said: "Perhaps, I can give you a suggestion."

"You said."

Qin Feiyang said.

Mu Tianyang said one word at a time: "Leave Jiutian Palace."

"Leave Jiutian Temple!"

Qin Fei was shocked.

"I know that the death of the palace master makes you feel guilty, I feel sorry for Jiutian Palace, I want to stay here and make a contribution to Jiutian Palace.

"But have you thought about it?"

"Dragons will shoot Qin Batian, and they will naturally shoot you."

"Because you all have the power of Zijin Shenlong blood."

"At that time, once your blood power is exposed, Jiu Tiangong will undoubtedly repeat the same mistakes."

"In other words."

"You stay in Jiutian Temple, it will only hurt them."

Mutianyang Road.

Qin Feiyang's eyes shivered.

Indeed, as Mu Tianyang said, he wanted to stay here to make up for the loss of the next Jiutian Temple for his ancestors.

But Mu Tianyang also made sense.

Staying in Jiutian Temple will only drag them down.

Leaving is the best choice.

And not only to leave, but also completely cut off relations with Jiutian Temple.

Only in this way, Jiu Tiangong will not be implicated in the future.

Qin Feiyang took a deep breath and said, "Do the last thing again, and then I will leave."

"I will accompany you."

Mutianyang Road.

"Accompany me?"

Qin Feiyang looked at him in amazement.

"Do not misunderstand."

"I am not leaving Jiu Tiangong with you."

"Jiutian Palace has so many resources, I can't bear to go!"

"I'll accompany you to kill Feng Zihan."

Mutianyang Road.

Qin Feiyang stunned: "How do you know what I'm going to do is to kill Feng Zihan?"

Mu Tianyang rolled his eyes and said, "I haven't known you for so many years?"

"Haha ..."

Qin Feiyang laughed and said, "If you can let go of hatred, we can really become good friends."

"Stop it."

"Even if I let go of hatred, then I am your elder."

"What friend?"

"Don't mess up my life."

Mutianyang Road.

Qin Feiyang smiled.

This is a fact.

According to his seniority, he really had to call Mu Tianyang an ancestor.

Mu Tianyang said: "Since you have made up your mind, then act!"

"it is good."

Qin Feiyang nodded and put away the historical records.

But suddenly.

Mu Tianyang seemed to think of something and hurriedly said: "You will show me the history books again."

"what happened?"

Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

"you give me."

Mu Tianyang did not explain.

Qin Feiyang took out the historical books and gave them to Mu Tianyang.

Mutian Yang opened the cover and looked at it carefully, gradually frowning.

"Is there a problem?"

Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

Mu Tianyang said: "The content is no problem, but the handwriting is very problematic."


Qin Feiyang froze, looked down at the words above.

Mutian Yang opened the next few pages, his eyebrows tightened.

"What's the problem?"

Qin Feiyang didn't understand.

Mu Tianyang pondered a little and said, "I have seen this font."

"Have you seen?"

Qin Feiyang was surprised.


"I have seen it in the Resource Hall."

"This font is very similar to Huoyi's font."

Mutianyang Road.

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