Invincible God of War

Chapter 2173: not dead?

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In the cemetery, there are a total of seven graves.

Around the green pine trees swaying in the wind.

The ground is covered with green grass.

In the small grass, you can also watch the blossoming wild flowers.

Compared to the desolation and clutter outside, this place is particularly quiet.

"Go down."

Mu Tianyang said, directly fell in the cemetery.

Qin Feiyang also fell beside Mu Tianyang, looking up at a tomb headed by him.



He looked stunned.

On the tombstone, the words Fengyuan were engraved.

He looked back at the other tombstones.

They are: Feng Wenhai, Feng Wenjuan, Jin Yunchang, Feng Zihan, Feng Zijun, Jin Xiaofa.

Qin Feiyang asked: "Is this the Fengjia cemetery?"


Mu Tianyang nodded.

Qin Feiyang suspiciously said: "Who are Feng Wenjuan and Jin Xiaofa?"

"Feng Wenjuan is the wife of Jin Yunchang."

"Jin Xiaofa is also Jinfazi."

Mutianyang Road.

"It's them!"

Qin Feiyang suddenly realized that he looked at the tombstone again.

On the tombstones of several people, there was no other writing besides their own names.

In front of the tablet, there is already a burnt incense.

There are also several jade plates with some already rotten fruits.


No one has been here for a long time.

Qin Feiyang watched the meeting carefully and asked, "This is the ancestral land of Fengyuan?"


"The ancestral land of Fengyuan is not here, it is a small village to the south."

"He used to be a child of poor people."

Mutianyang Road.


"We are north now."

"This is the opposite direction, why are they buried here?"

Qin Feiyang puzzled.

"It's not easy?"

"The people who buried them must be worried that we will continue to retaliate and want them to have a quiet retreat.

Mutianyang Road.

"Continue to retaliate?"

"Can we still dig graves and destroy corpses?"

"Who do you think we are? Boring."

Qin Feiyang was quite speechless.

"If others want to think so, what can you do?"

"In other words, after watching for so long, have you found something strange?"

Mutianyang Road.


Qin Feiyang shook his head.

Mu Tianyang's mouth twitched and said without a word: "It's so obvious that it hasn't been found yet."


Qin Feiyang swept again to several graves and asked, "Do you want to say, who buried them here?"


Mutian Yang was stunned.

"Isn't it?"

Qin Feiyang asked.

"of course not."

"Although Feng Yuan's family is dead, Yin Hui and Jin Yunchang both have family members."

"Like the last person named Jin Zhou, he was Jin Yunchang's nephew."

"These people will definitely not let Feng Yuan's family, corpse wilderness."

"If it is correct, the graves of several people were built by them."

Mutianyang Road.

Qin Feiyang frowned and said unpleasantly: "Don't sell Guanzi, just say it."

"Yin Hui!"

Mutianyang said word by word.

"Yin Hui?"

Qin Feiyang froze, looked at several tombs, frowned suddenly, and really didn't see Yin Hui's tomb.

Mu Tianyang said: "The family's tombs are all here, but why are there no Yin Hui's tombs alone?"


"and many more!"

"I remember that Yin Hui was taken away by Yun Lao."

"Maybe Yun Lao didn't give Yin Hui's body to Yin Hui's family?"

Qin Feiyang said.

"I thought about it that way at first."

"But according to my investigation, Yun Lao did not bury Yin Hui at all."

"And on the day of the incident, Yunlao left Jiutian Palace alone."

"As for where I went, I didn't investigate clearly."

"But I think it should be to send Yin Hui's body out."

Mutianyang Road.

Qin Feiyang asked, "What about Yin Hui's family?"

"This is the stranger place."

"Yin Hui's family, Jin Yunchang's family, are all missing."

Mutianyang Road.


"All missing?"

Qin Feiyang was suspicious.


"When I found the grave here, I immediately went to investigate the Yin and Jin families."

"But when I found the family land of these two people, I found that people were already empty."

"At that time I felt very strange, why did all disappear?"

"So, I went to secretly visit several large villages nearby."

"Guess what they say?"

"They said that on the night of the incident, both families were still there."

"But the next morning, the two people disappeared."

Mutianyang Road.

"Overnight, all disappeared?"

Qin Feiyang frowned.

"I guess it should be related to Yunlao."

"As soon as he left Jiutian Temple, the two people disappeared. How could such a coincidence have happened?"

Mutianyang Road.

"Then have you monitored Yun Lao?"

Qin Feiyang asked.


"However, in the past five years, apart from coming here to burn incense, the rest of the time has been guarding the jail. I really can't find anything."

"As for the whereabouts of the Yin family and the Jin family, I have also carefully investigated and there is no clue."

Mutian Yang shook his head regretfully.

Qin Feiyang raised his eyebrows and asked, "So what do you think?"

"I do not know."

"Dare not arbitrarily make assertions."

"But I always think that this is unusual."

Mutianyang Road.


Qin Feiyang murmured, and suddenly seemed to think of something, said: "You just said, Yun Lao will come here to incense?"


"I come every year."

"I followed him and found this cemetery."

Mutianyang Road.

Qin Feiyang wondered: "Does he have anything to do with Fengjia?"

Mu Tianyang frowned: "It seems that there is no other relationship besides the relationship between Yin Hui and the teacher and apprentice."

"The relationship between mentor and apprentice, come to incense?"

Qin Feiyang pondered for a while, and said, "This seems a little unreasonable!"

"Really unreasonable."

"But on Yun Lao, I really can't find anything."

Mutianyang Road.

"Yin Hui's tomb is not here ..."

"Wait, is her grave in Yin's family land?"

Qin Feiyang asked.

Mutianyang said: "I've seen it, and I haven't."

"This is really strange ..."

Qin Feiyang grunted.

Mu Tianyang said: "Actually, I have a bold guess. I wonder if you want to listen?"

"You said."

Qin Feiyang said.

Mu Tianyang said in a deep voice: "Yin Hui, maybe not dead!"


Qin Feiyang stared at Mutianyang in surprise.

Mu Tianyang said: "Remember how Yin Hui died in the meeting hall?"

"of course I remember."

Qin Feiyang nodded and said, "Lao Yun's personal kill ..."

"and many more!"

"Lao Yun personally killed ..."

"Could it be that Yun Lao secretly did things at that time?"

Qin Feiyang's eyes flickered.

If this is the case, then all this can be explained.

However, in his impression, Yun Lao could not be such a person.

"Remember that the elders let Shangguan Fenglan kill Yin Hui, but just as Shangguan Fenglan started, Yun Lao suddenly appeared and said that he would execute Yin Hui personally.

"When he executed Yin Hui, we were all present. What we saw with our own eyes was not unusual."

"But after Yin Hui fell to the ground, no one came forward to confirm that she was dead?"

Mu Tianyang said.

Qin Feiyang squinted his eyes, and a gleam of fine light shone in his eyes.

Mu Tianyang said: "You said, if Yin Hui is really not dead, then where might she be now?"

Qin Feiyang said silently: "How can I know that the Northern Territory is so big? But this matter must be confirmed clearly, otherwise it is a hidden danger."


"Feng Yuan, Feng Wenhai, Feng Zijun, Feng Zihan, all died in our hands."

"If Yin Hui is alive, he will certainly not be willing to give up."

Mu Tianyang worried.

Qin Feiyang asked: "Did you tell Shangguan Fenglan this matter?"


Mutian Yang shook his head.

"Actually, you can tell her to use the power of the law enforcement hall to investigate the matter."

"After all, there are many people in the law enforcement hall, which is definitely easier than our investigation."

Qin Feiyang said.

"It makes sense."

"Wait back, I will go find her."

Mu Tianyang thought about it and nodded and smiled.

Qin Feiyang said: "There is also the power of Baoge, you can also use it."


"People in Baoge are all over the whole Northern Territory. If they go out, Yin Hui can pull her out even if she hides in the ground."

Mu Tianyang's eyes lit up.

But followed closely.

He frowned again and said, "However, I don't have such a big face. Let the people in Baoge help. This matter is up to you."


"You go to Shangguan Fenglan."

"I go to Baoge."

"Within three days, this matter must be clarified."

Qin Feiyang said.

"in three days?"

"Are you in such a hurry?"

Mutianyang was suspicious.

Qin Feiyang said: "Because of my plan, I set off for the Dragon Sea three days later."


Mutian Yang frowned.

Qin Feiyang said: "If you are inconvenient to go now, you may not go, but I heard that Shenzhou is in the deepest part of the Dragon Sea."

"Shenzhou is in the deepest part of the Dragon Sea?"

Mutian Yang was shocked.


"I'm basically inquiring about the situation of the Dragon race."

"And according to my guess, the ancestors and Lu Zhengyang should be in China."

Qin Feiyang said.

He is clearly tempting Mu Tianyang.


Mu Tianyang heard his words, his eyes flashing.

"Forget it."

"First investigate Yin Hui."

Qin Feiyang laughed.

"it is good."

Mu Tianyang nodded.

The two opened the legendary altar and left.



The third floor, the study.

A figure appeared out of thin air, it was Qin Feiyang.

Over the past five years, the changes here have not changed much.

It's just that Shangguanqiu is not in the study at this time.

Qin Feiyang didn't inform her. He transferred in front of the bookshelf and sat down at the coffee table to make tea.


In the study, there was a strong tea fragrance.

Qin Feiyang tasted tea while sending messages to the fire lotus, but he has been sinking into the sea like a rock, without any reaction.

"The Dragon Sea is so dangerous, what are you going to do?"

Qin Feiyang was very angry.

Although Mu Qing's Tongtian eyes observed that Fire Lotus was still alive, she could not guarantee that she would not be threatened.

Because the eyes of the sky can only peep into the position of the other party, and cannot predict the safety.

Perhaps Fire Lotus is now trapped somewhere, in despair.

Perhaps, was seriously injured by the sea beast.

Or perhaps, being captured.

This is all possible.

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