Invincible God of War

Chapter 2233: Cooperate with you

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The next morning, the clouds covered the sky and it began to rain heavily.

"Why is it still raining?"

"Is it because today, a **** is going to do something unethical, and even God can't see it, so he is going to thunder and kill this bastard?"

Huo Yi looked at the sky suspiciously.

Qin Feiyang twitched his face and said angrily: "Do you know? I really want to strangle you!"


Huo Yibaya smiled and said, "Do you want me to help you?"

"You'd better go for me."

Qin Feiyang said.

Huo Yi laughed and said, "Let's forget it, so as not to misunderstand Lan'er."

Qin Feiyang stared at him fiercely and opened an altar of teleportation.

Huo Yi grinned: "Be careful, maybe God will hit you with thunder."

"Your uncle ..."

Qin Feiyang immediately roared and kicked towards the fire.


Huo Yi flickered and appeared moments away, his eyes full of jokes.

"Come back to your account and come back slowly."

Qin Feiyang snorted and swept the altar in one step.

The purpose of this trip is to go to Baoge and find Shangguanqiu.

As for the white-eyed wolf.

Before dawn, I went back to the old castle to retreat.

After all, now, the time rule of the old castle is one day equals ten years.

Can not be wasted.

And cultivation, as he wished, stepped into the beginning to become a god.



It was already lively early in the morning.

There are countless people going in and out.


When Qin Feiyang descended on the gate of Baoge, the two guards guarding the gate suddenly became alert.

The people walking in and out also hurried back to the side, full of surprise in their eyes.

What did this man come to Baoge early in the morning?

and many more!

Don't you want to destroy Baoge again?

The Bao Pavilion was destroyed, and it was rebuilt the next day.

After all, the daily trading volume of Baoge is extremely huge, and a large amount of money will be lost in the day of closure.

and so.

Now this building is brand new.

"Qin Feiyang, tell you, don't mess up again, or don't blame us for being rude."

The two guards stared at Qin Feiyang vigilantly.

"Am I that kind of nonsense?"

Qin Feiyang laughed.


The two nodded seriously.

Qin Feiyang had no choice but to lift his steps and walked towards the gate.

"You can't go in!"

The two guards hurriedly stopped Qin Feiyang.


Qin Feiyang frowned.

"You are still wanted by us, so you can't enter the Baoge."

"If it weren't for order, we would take you down the first time you appeared."


"The law enforcers of Jiutian Temple are looking for you everywhere, and when they receive the news, you will not be able to run away."

Two guards.

Qin Feiyang sneered: "What do I have to go in?"

"Then we can only offend."

The two guards said in a deep voice, a breath filled out.


But at this time.

There was a sound of drinking.

A woman wearing a long white dress walked out of the pavilion quickly.

"Have seen the manager."

The two guards hurriedly bowed to salute.

Shangguanqiu nodded and looked at Qin Feiyang with a smile: "You are here!"


Qin Feiyang nodded.

Shangguan Qiudao: "Then let me go in!"

"Manage, no!"

The two guards changed their faces and stopped Shangguanqiu quickly.


Shangguanqiu raised his eyebrows.

"Manage, the two cabinet masters have not revoked the wanted of him. How can he be let in?"

"We can understand your mood, but you also have to consider the big picture."

"You let him in now, how will everyone talk about our treasure in the future?"

The two guards said anxiously.

"It makes sense."

"Shangguan is in charge, you can't destroy Baoge's reputation because of your children's personal affection."

The crowd around them also persuaded.

Shangguanqiu looks a little ugly.

Qin Feiyang has been looking at Shangguanqiu without talking, his eyes extremely complicated.

It can be seen that Shangguan Qiu really touched him sincerely.

This made him hesitate now, really want to hurt this woman?

Although it was just a play, Shangguan Qiu didn't know.

She will definitely take it seriously.

How sad must she be by then?

To hurt a woman who likes him like this, he really can't bear it.

"Qin Feiyang, don't want to implicate her, just give me a try!"


Shangguan Fenglan's voice rang in Qin Feiyang's mind.


Qin Feiyang glanced around the crowd.

But did not see Shangguan Fenglan, should be hidden in space gods, supervise him.


Qin Feiyang sighed secretly and mumbled, "Don't blame me, I'm also good for you."

Follow closely.

He looked cold and looked at Shangguanqiu and said, "Did I let you do more business?"


Shangguan Qiu was stunned and turned to look at Qin Feiyang.

The crowd around was also shocked.

Shangguanqiu helped him so much, he actually used such an indifferent tone to Shangguanqiu?

"Don't be passionate, I don't need you to intervene in my affairs."

"Also, your shameless woman, I will never look down on it, so please don't bother me again."

Qin Feiyang said blankly.

When Shangguanqiu heard these words, his body shook slightly, and tears suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"Qin Feiyang, don't go too far!"

"Shangguanqiu is both capable and beautiful. Why can't it deserve you?"

"Who do you think you are?"

"She can see you, it's your ancestor Jade, don't be blessed in the blessing, understand?"

People immediately shouted in indignation.

Qin Feiyang raised his lips, disdainful: "You too look at her too much. If she had a strong master and elder sister, she could sit in the position of general manager of Baoge. "

"Qin Feiyang, don't go too far!"

"I can have today's achievements, relying on my own ability!"

Shangguanqiu shouted.

"just you?"

"Don't say I look down on you, leave your master and your sister, who will buy your account?"

"Obviously it's a relationship, I don't recognize it yet."

"It seems that you are not only humiliated, but also a hypocritical woman."

Qin Feiyang sneered.


Shangguanqiu stared at Qin Feiyang angrily, and tears burst into his eyes.

"Son of a bitch!"

"The stewards take care of you so much, you actually humiliate her in public, I can't spare you!"

The two guards roared, bursting into momentum, and flew towards Qin Feiyang.

"It's you alone?"

Qin Feiyang smiled contemptuously, a ray of **** terror emerged, and they penetrated the sea of ​​qi with lightning.


The two screamed in pain, clutching their lower abdomen, staring at Qin Feiyang with anger.

Qin Feiyang sneered at the two, looking at Shangguanqiu with a sneer: "See? No, this is my Qin Feiyang's strength. What are you? Can I look at you?"

Shangguanqiu closed his eyes in pain.

"Being a person must be self-aware, not that I am not worthy of you, but you are not worthy of me."

"Still say that, don't bother me again, otherwise I will not only kill you, but also destroy all the treasures in the Northern Territory!"

Qin Feiyang smiled coldly, then turned and took off.

"Qin Feiyang ..."

"You dare to humiliate my sister in public, to death!"

"Where is the law enforcer, take him to this temple!"

at this time.

The hidden Shangguan Fenglan finally appeared, staring at Qin Feiyang and yelling.

The words landed.

A large group of law enforcers came from afar, and the leader was Wang Yun, and each one was fierce.

"I'm going, do you really play?"

Qin Feiyang's face changed, and he secretly angered.

"If you don't play with you, how can you be trusted?"

"Hurry up and escape!"

Shangguan Fenglan chuckled, then ran next to Shangguanqiu and cared: "Sister, are you okay? You can rest assured that your sister will help you out."

"It's a headache!"

Qin Feiyang rubbed his forehead and immediately started his tactics, and fled outside the city.

Wang Yun, with a group of law enforcers, pursued aggressively.


"Why didn't I see it before, he was such an asshole?"

"Must catch him and be angry for Shangguan Qiu!"

The crowd around them also rose angrily and chased towards Qin Feiyang.

This is really causing public anger!


With the advent of a terrifying breath, an old man with white hair and temples appeared over the Baoge.

It is the deputy cabinet master!

"Master Deputy Lord, quickly win Qin Feiyang. He humiliated the public in public and wanted to murder us."

The two guards who had been destroyed by Qihai suddenly roared.


"Why not?"

The deputy patriarch heard the words, and made a monstrous anger, looked up at Qin Feiyang's back, and disappeared instantly.

"Boy, just ask for more blessings!"

Shangguan Fenglan mumbled, and then he helped Shangguanqiu and walked towards the Baoge Pavilion.


Outside the city!

Qin Fei fled into the mountain without looking back.

Wang Yun and a group of law enforcers are not afraid.

Under Shangguan Fenglan's deliberate arrangement, the strongest among these law enforcement officers is the Great Consummation.

The great consummation of the Divine Monarch, now naturally cannot stop him.

But the advent of the deputy patriarch made him a little caught off guard.

This old man is one of the strongest in the North.

Although he is usually very kind to others, once angry, no one can stop him.

As in the beginning, the Jiutian Palace was blocked.

In short.

The deputy patriarch is an existence that must not be irritated.


A group of Wang Yun was thrown away by Qin Feiyang.

But the breath of the deputy patriarch was getting closer.

What does Shangguan Fenglan do?

Such an important thing, do not know to inform the deputy cabinet master in advance?

"Scary boy, don't run away."

Another moment passed.

The voice of the Deputy Pavilion Master suddenly sounded in Qin Feiyang's mind.


Qin Feiyang froze for a moment, then turned to look at the deputy cabinet master.

What does this mean?

Did he blame Shangguan Fenglan, but actually Shangguan Fenglan told the deputy attorney?

He stopped the letter suspiciously.


The deputy pavilion master teleported, and fell in front of Qin Feiyang, looking at the gasping Qin Feiyang, speechless: "If the old man wants to kill you, do you think you can escape the Dragon City with your speed?"

Qin Feiyang spoke up and smiled.

"Last night, Shangguan Fenglan summoned the old man and said your plan."

"The old man appeared, purely to cooperate with you."

The deputy attorney laughed.

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