Invincible God of War

Chapter 2262: Old man in black robe!

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Qin Feiyang glanced at Huo Yi meaningfully and secretly said: "Then do you think I should go, or should I not?"

"I don't think I can go."

Huo Yi thought for a while and preached.

"go on."

Qin Feiyang said.


"If it is really like my analysis, Tianyun Mountain also has a peak owner, then if they want to be against us, I am afraid that even me, it will be difficult to get out."

Fire is secret.

"It makes sense."

"Unless you understand Vice President Feng's motives, it is better not to set foot in Tianyun Mountain."

"But to be honest, I really want to go."

Qin Feiyang sighed.

"Go to the Devil Ancestor?"

"It's not necessary, Mozu will receive the news and will definitely come to you on his own initiative."

Fire is easy.

"Then look at the situation before you talk!"

Qin Feiyang said.

"it is good."

Huo Yi nodded, looked up at Su Mo, and said, "Go back and tell you Deputy Chief Feng, I will visit Tianyun Mountain in person if I have a chance."

Su Mo raised his eyebrows and said: "Don't even the Vice-Feng Lord's face be given by the Patriarch?"

"Did you watch me busy?"


Huo Yi shouted.

Su Mo's eyes flashed a bit of anger, and said: "Okay, leave next."

Having said that, he really turned around and left.

Huo Yi looked at Su Mo's back in astonishment and muttered: "I thought he would threaten us with a few harsh words, but I didn't expect it to go so simple."

"Every elder Tian Yunshan, will do such a childish thing?"

"But it can be seen that he hates you very much."

Qin Feiyang said.

"Don't just say me, and you, do you think he will let you go?"

Huo Yi sneered.

"Then he'd better not come to provoke me, otherwise I would directly open the kill domain, kill Tianyun Mountain, and take him to the top."

Qin Feiyang said lightly.

"Brilliant, I support you."

Huo Yi smiled.

Qin Fei raised his eyes, lowered his head and pondered a little, took out two Yi Rongdan, and looked at Huo Yidao: "Now at this time, we are still low-key."


Huo Yi nodded.


"Dare to kill the master of our law enforcement hall, we must catch them!"


"Thousands of thousands of swords, frustrated, let them know the cost of offending Tianyun Mountain!"

The death of the city's couple not only caused a sensation in the whole city of Tianluo, but even the Tianyun Mountain was rumored.

Among the disciples, the matter was discussed angrily.

His mouth was fierce, but no one dared to take action.

Half a step without extinguishing these four words is like a mountain on them.

This matter, if you want a shame, you can only rely on the giants above.

Certainly sitting on a huge peak!

On the top of the mountain, there is an ancient hall, dark all over, like a fierce beast lying on the ground, exuding a cold breath.

In the hall, there is a person sitting.

But I can't see the true face.

Covered with a colorful light.

But from her figure, it can be judged that she is a woman.

And is a woman with an excellent figure.



A burly man appeared out of thin air in the hall.

It is Su Mo!

"What about people?"

The woman squatting on it asked, her voice sounded like a yellow warbler coming out of the valley.

Su Mo respectfully said: "They rejected my invitation."


The woman raised her eyebrows and asked, "I didn't say I invited them?"


"But Huo Yi said that he would come to visit in person when there is a chance."

Su Modao.

"It's really an arrogant!"

The woman annoyed.


Su Mo knelt on the ground and pleaded: "Master Vice President, my sister's death ..."

But before Su Mo finished speaking, the woman raised her hand and said, "Get up, your sister is the master of the Law Enforcement Hall of Tianyun Mountain. She represents Tianyun Mountain. Huo Yi and Qin Feiyang killed her. The entire Tianyun Mountain is against it, and I will not let them go like this! "

"Thank you, sir."

Su Mo is grateful.

Women's Road: "But first of all, we have to figure out their origin."

"Please show it clearly."

Su Mo bowed.

"This person named Huo Yi, I have no impression, I can't find it, but Qin Feiyang, who claims to be a descendant of Qin Batian ..."

The woman pondered a little, looked at Su Mo and said, "You should be familiar with Qin Batian!"


"I still remember that when the Dragon tribe descended on the Northern Territory, they forced Jiutian Palace to hand over Qin Batian."

"After hearing the news, I also personally visited Jiutian Temple and saw Qin Batian himself."

Su Mo nodded.

"This Qin Batian disappeared after fighting with the Dragon Clan. No one knows where he is?"

"Unexpectedly, after a few thousand years, there will be a young man who claims to be his descendant."

"If Qin Feiyang is really his descendant, then Qin Feiyang should have been in the Northern Territory before."

"You immediately open the altar and go to the Northern Territory to find the people of Jiutian Temple and inquire about his situation."

"And Huo Yi."

"This person's identity must be checked."

"If Qin Feiyang really came from the Northern Territory, then Huo Yi must be the one from the Northern Territory!"

Women's Road.

"Northern Territories ..."

"Adult, the situation in the Northern Territory is similar to our Tanglin, only Jiutian Palace and Bao Pavilion, with a half-step strong.

"If Huo Yi is really a person from the Northern Territory, will he be a person from Jiutian Palace and Baoge?"

Su Mo was surprised.

"It should not be."

"Because the half-steps of Jiutian Temple and Bao Pavilion are immortal, I am not familiar."

The woman shook her head.

Su Modao: "Is it possible to make a facelift and be incognito?"

"Make a difference, incognito ..."

The woman mumbled.

"I also don't want to doubt the Jiutian Palace and Baoge."

"But the entire Northern Territory, except for Jiutian Temple and Baoge, I really can't think of any other forces that have a half-step indestructible strongman."

Su Modao.

"I don't think so!"

"We Tianyun Mountain and Jiutian Palace, although there is no good relationship, but never complained and hatred."

"And we have always been well water without breaking river water."

"As for the Pavilion, let alone that."

"Whether it is our Baoling Pavilion in Dongling or the Northern Pavilion, our Tianyun Mountain is in awe."

"So, if this Huo Yi is really a person in Jiutian Temple and Baoge, then your sister is wrong and provokes him. Seeing me in the face of Tianyun Mountain, it will not kill her."

Said the woman.

Su Mo frowned.

"You first inquire clearly before you speak."

"If Huo Yi is really from Jiutian Temple and Baoge, I will go to Beiyu to find them in person and ask your sister to get a fair deal."

"If not, it would be better."

"Because of this, I can shoot them without any worries."

"Half a step ..."

"Although you can dominate the Tombs and the Northern Territory, but it has caused me Tianyun Mountain, and there is still only one way to die!"

The woman sneered, and the words were filled with a bit of murderous opportunity.


"I'll go."

Su Mo nodded, then turned and strode away.


at the same time!

A big event is happening in the Northern Territory.

Dragon Sea, coast!

An old man in a black robe is standing high in the sky.

The whole person was tightly wrapped in a robe, only showing a gloomy face and a pair of fierce eyes.

The whole body, the void is distorted!

A terrifying breath, shocked all directions!

Woo! !

Along with the sound of breaking the sky, two figures slashed through the sky like lightning and fell in front of the old man in black robe.

The two are quite old and have a strong breath.

It is the great elders and deputy cabinet masters!

But when they saw the face of the old man in black robe, the two were suddenly shocked.

And deep in the eyes of the elders, there was a strong murderous opportunity, like seeing the father and the enemy.

The old man in black robe looked at them, and his eyes suddenly locked on the elder elder, and he smiled and said: "I haven't seen you in a long time, do you remember the deity?"


The elder clenched his hands violently.

"Old man, don't be impulsive!"

The deputy patriarch was shocked and secretly said.

But the anomaly of the Great Elder was already noticed by the old man in black robe, and a terrifying momentum rushed towards the Great Elder.


The elder elder flew out on the spot, blood in his mouth.

Seeing this, the deputy patriarch quickly bowed: "Sir, anger!"


The old man in black robe shouted.

The deputy pavilion's eyes shuddered, and he no longer dared to say anything.

The elder held his body steady, staring at the old man in black robe, his eyes full of hate.

"The deity has guessed before you came, that all of you in Jiutian Temple want to kill the deity and avenge your palace owner."

"Unfortunately, even if the deity stands before you, you don't have this ability."

The old man in black robe was full of sarcasm.

The elder elder closed his eyes in pain, and after a long time, he opened his eyes, and the anger in his eyes has calmed down, bowing: "See you, lord."


"Not only did not dare to do it, but also had to bow down to the deity."

"This is your humble."

The old man in black robe laughed contemptuously.

The elders hate to go crazy, but they are helpless.

Because of the strength of this man in front of him, he knew too much that even if Jiutiangong came out of the nest, he had no power to fight back.

The old man in black robe looked at the two of them and said, "This time when the deity came to the Northern Territory, he wanted to investigate one thing."

"Please show it clearly."

Deputy Court main road.

"Just this morning, the ten young talents sent by my dragon clan died in your northern territory."

"For this matter, do you know why?"

Said the old man in black robe.


"Actually came for those ten people?"

"and many more."

"Don't the ten people die in the morning? How did the dragon clan know their death so soon?"

"And rushed to the North Region so soon?"

The deputy cabinet chiefs were surprised.

"In the beginning, when they came to the Northern Territory, we ordered them to disguise themselves into the Nine Heavens Palace and inquire about Qin Feiyang's whereabouts.

"In other words, they are now disciples of Jiutian Temple."

"Don't tell the deity, you don't know."

The old man in black robe looked at the elder and said, the fierce light flashed in his eyes.

The elder in the heart shook his head and said, "I really don't know, but this morning, something strange happened."

"What's the matter?"

The old man in black robe frowned.

"In the morning, Qin Feiyang suddenly brought the bodies of ten Shenlong to Tianlong City."

"After dropping the bodies of the ten dragons, he left without saying a word."

"When we received the news and hurried to check, it was long gone."

The elder said quietly.

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