Invincible God of War

Chapter 2428: Humble poor worm!

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Qin Feiyang walked down the stone ladder.

On the way, he met several disciples of the Dragon Temple from the outside, and he avoided them one by one.

Because this is not the past, we must be step by step and must not leave any flaws.

The gloomy middle age is silent all the way.

Qin Feiyang ignored him and flew to an unmanned mountain, calling Li Changhe and Wang Daoyuan.

Li Changhe said: "Young Master, I think we should act at night."

Qin Feiyang smiled lightly: "We are not thieves, is there any difference between night and day?"

"Isn't this a thief?"

Li Changhe looked at each other.

"What action?"

The gloomy middle-aged man froze, looking at the three men suspiciously.

"Don't ask, don't ask!"

Wang Daoyuan immediately frowned, his eyes full of murderous opportunities.

The gloomy middle-aged neck shrank and dared not speak again.

Qin Feiyang looked at Wang Daoyuan and smiled: "Go directly to the medicine field."

Wang Daoyuan looked at Li Changhe, who smiled helplessly.

See what use he has?

What decision can the young master make?

Wang Daoyuan also followed a bitter laugh and opened an altar of teleportation.

The gloomy middle-aged stared carefully at Qin Feiyang and asked, "Can I not go?"

Although I don't know what these people are doing? But I can hear it, it is definitely not a good thing.

"What do you say?"

Qin Feiyang looked at him playfully.

When the gloomy middle-aged smiled bitterly, he knew what had changed when asked.

Li Changhe said: "Young Master, you can go, but we'd better change our face."


"After all, we will still be mixed in China. If we expose our identities, I am afraid it will be a world-wide enemy."

Wang Dao Yuan Dao.

"All enemies in the world?"

The gloomy middle-aged was surprised.

What are these people going to do? It was so serious.

He vaguely felt that he seemed to be dragged onto a thief ship.

"it is good."

Qin Feiyang thought about it and nodded and smiled.

Li Changhe immediately took out a Phantom Pill and threw it into his mouth to become two middle-aged men.

Qin Feiyang also served an illusion pill, Yi Rong became a white-haired old man.


Li Changhe looked at the gloomy middle-aged and shouted.


The gloomy middle-aged man opened his mouth to speak, but in the end there was no way out, but he had to make a magical appearance and change his face.


Qin Feiyang waved his hand and the four set foot on the altar one after another.


Holy Dragon City!

Located in the northwest direction of the Dragon God Mountain Range.

There are five teleporting altars away from the Dragon Temple.

As one of the largest cities in northern China, the prosperous nature of Shenglong City needless to say.

Right in the middle of the city, there is a mansion.

This mansion occupies one tenth of the Holy Dragon City!

The main hall is full of buildings and towers.

Even in the mansion, there is a vast mountain range.

This is the main palace!

The main mansion of the Holy Dragon City is naturally far from comparable to that of the black stone city.

The guards here are at the very least!

There are countless servants and maids.

Just inside that vast mountain range, there is a medicine field covering an area of ​​dozens of miles.

A strain of medicinal herbs sprayed the glow of the light, swaying in the wind!

Such as the chemical tree, the infant tree, the Nirvana tree ...

In short.



The medicinal materials here are more than ten thousand years old.

Such as Nirvana God Tree, the thinnest are thick buckets with dense fruit on them.

Uh! !


The figures of the four descended on the medicine field, all like ghosts, with no breath at all.

It is Qin Feiyang four people!

"so much?"

Seeing the medicine field below, Rao is Qin Feiyang's character and couldn't help but get excited.

The herbs here are enough for him to use for a lifetime.

"This won't be ..."

The gloomy middle-aged is surprised.

"Not bad!"

"This is the main palace of the Holy Dragon City."

"Our goal is this medicine field."

Li Changhe looked at the gloomy middle-aged and said.


The gloomy middle-aged eyes tremble.

Actually came to ransack the medicine field of the main palace of the Holy Dragon City?


What a madman!

Qin Feiyang turned back and said: "Fire Lotus, are you busy? Get ready, come out and help."


Fire Lotus' voice immediately sounded in Qin Feiyang's mind.

Qin Feiyang glanced over the medicine field.

The void has no fragrance of medicinal herbs, and there seems to be an enchantment hidden here.

Think of this.

He raised his arm and volleyed a little.

A divine power suddenly rolled out and slammed into the medicine field below.

"Isn't this a frightening snake?"

The gloomy middle-aged man exclaimed.

"To shut up!"

"Without the command of the young master, dare to say a word, I tear your mouth!"

Li Changhe drank coldly.

The gloomy middle-aged body shivered and immediately stood sideways, but he was extremely panicked.

Although the city owner of Shenzhou is on the surface that humans are in the city's main palace, in fact, it is the dragons who are in control.

Holy Dragon City is no exception.

That is to say.

Now the behavior of these three people is undoubtedly provoking the dragon race!

These three men are courageous, supportive, and not afraid of death.

But he is different.

He is just a trivial little person.

Targeting with the dragon, isn't it a self-defeating way?

The gloomy middle-aged is now eager to run away.

But there is no such courage.


With a bang, Qin Feiyang's divine power blasted into the void, and an enchantment suddenly appeared, covering the entire medicine field.


Qin Feiyang whispered.

Wang Daoyuan said: "Young Master, this enchantment has the breath of the city master, presumably the enchantment under the city master."

Li Changhe frowned: "This city owner is the Great Constellation of Nine Heavens, we all have no ability to break apart, only ..."


Qin Feiyang coughed and interrupted Li Changhe.

Li Changhe was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized, glanced at the gloomy middle-aged, and said: "Young Master, you must let Miss Huo Lin shoot."

"I have notified her."

Qin Feiyang chuckled.

"Who dares to break into the medicine field?"

But at this moment.

With a scream of anger, a white figure burst into the air like lightning.

"Dragon messenger!"

Wang Daoyuan and Li Changhe looked, and their pupils shrank suddenly.

"It's over."

"Dragon emissaries are here."

"Now I jump into the Yellow River and can't wash it."

The gloomy middle-aged cry out in his heart.

Once seen by the Dragon Clan Envoy, he must be considered as an associate of these people.

Even if there were a hundred mouths at that time, the relationship could not be cleared.

Qin Feiyang also turned his head to look at the white figure, and a sneer suddenly appeared in his eyes.

That's right!

The coming person is the old lady in the white robe!

Actually, he didn't think about it, he wanted to loot the main palace of the Holy Dragon City.

Because only the treasure of the Dragon Temple is enough for him to use for several lifetimes.

But the old woman in the white robe was very uninteresting, relying on the identity of the dragon clan, making him difficult in the plains.

He even had to kneel?


In his life, apart from his parents, elders, ancestors, and respected people, who has he kneeled?

A dragon messenger in every area is eligible?

He has always been, people respect me a foot, I will respect you back.

But if you do n’t make sense, he ’s okay to find fault.

"who are you?"

"What are you doing coming to the medicine field?"

Bai Pao's old lady landed opposite Qin Feiyang and shouted with a sour face.

"Are you a pig brain?"

"Some strangers sneaked into the medicine field, it must be bad intentions!"

Qin Feiyang sneered.

"You're still so crazy as a thief?"

The old woman in white robe was stunned.

"Be a thief?"

"You think we are here to be thieves?"

"A thief, dare to stand face-to-face with you, the dragon messenger?"

"We are here to grab."

"Get it, understand?"

Qin Feiyang sneered.

The old woman in the white robe was stunned for a while, and she didn't look back in half a noise.

What kind of world is this now?

Even the thieves are so arrogant?



A torrent of turbulent weather came out.

Baipao old woman said sharply: "Are you borrowing courage from the sky? Even the things of my dragon family dare to move?"

"This guts, I don't need to borrow from Tian."

"As for the dragon race?"

"To be honest, I really don't see it in my eyes, especially for small characters like you."

Qin Feiyang laughed.


The old lady in white robe rushed to the crown in anger, and the torrential weather suddenly turned into a giant wave, and the four of them rolled towards Qin Feiyang.

Seeing the gloomy middle age, immediately hiding behind Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang photographed Li Changhe and said lightly: "Stay alive."


The two responded respectfully.

boom! !

Almost at the same time.

The two released their momentum, like a beast of torrents, crushing the momentum of the old woman in white robe.


The old woman in white robe looked surprised.

As soon as Li Changhe and Wang Daoyuan showed their momentum, she knew what they were doing.

Chucheng nine heavens!

There are actually two major early-earning heavens.

"Dirty beast, advise you, just bow your head obediently!"

Wang Daoyuan shouted.

The old woman in the white robe is only half a step in nine heavens, because she is obedient to her, because of her identity.

but now.

Following Qin Feiyang, he was no longer afraid.

"Don't think that if you cultivate better than you, you dare to act arbitrarily."

"Tell you."

"It's too late to look back now, otherwise even if you fled to the end of the world, my dragons will not let you go!"

The old woman in white robe shouted, her expression extremely proud.

The entire Divine Land, and even the entire ancient world, who dares to pretend to be in front of their dragon clan?

Even if it is a tiger, you have to lie down.

"Dragon Race?"

"Before, I was really scared."

"but now……"

"In my eyes, you are just a humble poor worm!"

Wang Daoyuan smiled contemptuously.

Say it.

He stepped out and slapped the old woman in the white robe.

The old woman in white robe was shocked and angry. How dare she say that she was humble? Said she was a poor bug?

But the cultivation of Wang Daoyuan and Li Changhe made her feel scared again.

Drag first!


Just dragging the city owner to bring people to kill these people is as simple as slaughtering a dog.


Without hesitation.

She stepped back abruptly.


Wang Daoyuan also saw through her intentions, snorted from her nose, stepped on a mysterious pace, and the speed soared.

For an instant.

He caught up with the old woman in the white robe and slapped it on the shoulder of the old woman in the white robe.


The old woman in white robe spurted blood on the spot.

At the same time.

Li Changhe also killed, stepping on the head of the old woman in white robe.


The skull shattered on the spot, and the blood was flowing.

Follow closely.

Along with a painful scream, the old woman in white robe, like a meteorite, smashed into the ground below.

But one round, the old woman in the white robe was seriously injured.

[PS; Chapter 3, due to computer failure, will be released around 9:30 pm. 】

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