Invincible God of War

Chapter 2443: Character?

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"Back, back."

Qin Feiyang waved and shouted.

"You are a scumbag."

"If you wait, it hasn't broken through two small realms, and you can see how it will settle accounts with you."

Huo Yixing's voice of misfortune.

Without breaking through the two small realms, the cultivation behavior of the white-eyed wolf will naturally stop in the Great Perfection.

In other words.

In itself, it is about to break through the Great Consummation Divine Monarch.

Just waiting for a breakthrough, taking Chaos Divine Pill, then stepped into a half step to God in one fell swoop.

And now.

If you take Chaos Divine Pill in advance, if you can't break through the two small realms, then you can't take Chaos Divine Pill again.

That is to say.

It takes a step by step cultivation to a half step god, how much time will be wasted?

With the character of the white-eyed wolf, once he knew that he was being pitted, it would never be a day to be sure.

"Don't be gloating."

"I'll say you encouraged it then."

Qin Feiyang secretly said.

"Did I encourage?"

Huo Yi froze for a moment, suddenly blowing his beard and glaring, although he didn't have a beard.



The white-eyed wolf rushed out uncontrollably, and immediately rose.

Less than five interest.

With its cultivation, it successfully stepped into the Great Perfection.

But the momentum did not stop.

Still soaring!

"Is it really possible to break through two small realms?"

Qin Feiyang and others were suspicious.

Finally, it turns out that this is true.

The momentum of the white-eyed wolf did not stop at all, soaring wildly along the way.



It blasted a dull loud noise inside.

This loud noise is the sound of the shackles between the Divine Monarch and God.

That is to say.

White-eyed wolf succeeded!

It was at this time.

The white-eyed wolf's soaring momentum finally stopped.

Such a cross-domain situation can't be broken through directly.

After the shackles are broken, you need to practice again.

But it won't take long.

Like a half-step to God, it takes only a year and a half.

That is to say.

The white-eyed wolf only needs to practice for another year and a half, and then can step into the half step to the god.

For a year and a half, it ’s nothing for the cultivator.

Because even if there is a Soul Stone, it will take more than ten thousand years from the Great Dzogchen Divine Emperor's breakthrough to half a step to God.

In a year and a half, compared to more than 10,000 years, nine cattle and one cent are not counted.

Especially in the old castle.

It's just an hour.

"Yes you can!"

The white-eyed wolf was very excited, watching Qin Feiyang said: "Go and refine Nirvana Divine Pill, and after opening the door of potential, brother will practice."

"It really is."

Qin Feiyang murmured, and he felt excited.

The white-eyed wolf is already the best proof.

Now, he can also take it with confidence, and then, like the white-eyed wolf, he will be shocked in half a stroke.

"Go around, continue alchemy."

Qin Feiyang chuckled and turned to enter the training room.


Two Nirvana Divine Pills and a Chaos Divine Pill are released, both of which have dragon-shaped pill.

"You help the white-eyed wolf open the door to potential."

Qin Feiyang handed a Nirvana Divine Pill to Fire Lotus.

Fire Lotus walked out with the white-eyed wolf.

Qin Feiyang couldn't wait to sit on the ground now and serve the Chaos Divine Pill.

Huo Yi, the three black panther brothers, and Cao Dayuan are all watching.



His momentum also broke out uncontrollably, soaring all the way.


Cao Dayuan mumbled.

At the beginning, I didn't know how much time was spent in order to break through to a half-step god.

And now.

This man, a wolf, used only one Elixir to break through two small realms.

People are more dead than popular, this sentence is true.

The three Black Panther brothers are also impressed.

If I hadn't followed this person, I am afraid that for thousands of years, I might not be able to step in half a step to God.

Destiny is so wonderful.

The difference in one thought can change the destiny of a lifetime.

Compared to Cao Dayuan, they are too lucky.

Because it is the same difference, but the treatment is very different.


at last.

Qin Feiyang's cultivation practice impacted the Great Sovereign Divine Monarch.

The momentum is still soaring!

"This feeling of continuous breakthroughs is great!"

Qin Feiyang at this moment was particularly excited.

He hasn't experienced it for a long time because of the heartbeat brought by this continuous breakthrough.

The last consecutive breakthrough, it seems that I was still taking Jiuqu Huanglong Dan.

The nine-turn dragon blood pill, the five-element Qiankun pill, and the four-elephant Promise pill, can only promote a small realm.


The three immortals, replaced by the magic elixir, is estimated to also improve two small realms.

But then.

He can't refining the magic pill.


The past is over, there is no need to regret.

Cherish the moment.


The momentum is getting stronger.


It seems that the shackles will be broken, but the soaring momentum suddenly stops suddenly.

Then his momentum receded like a tide.


Qin Feiyang was shocked.

Huo Yi, the three Panther brothers, Cao Dayuan, also looked at Qin Feiyang in amazement.

what happened?

Did the shock fail?

But impossible!

The white-eyed wolf has all succeeded before.

Huo Yi asked: "Qin Feiyang, is there something wrong?"

"How would I know?"

Qin Feiyang frowned, sensing the energy in his body, but found that the energy of Chaos Divine Pill had dissipated.

Really failed?

But not right!

Didn't the white-eyed wolf hit two small realms in a row?

"Is it because of the white-eyed wolf, it has already quickly broken through to the Great Perfection Divine King, so the energy of the Chaos Divine Pill is just enough for it to impact half a step to God?

Fire frowned easily.

"It doesn't make sense to do this."

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

Because the energy of Chaos Divine Pill has not been used up before.

That is to say.

Success or failure has nothing to do with energy and cultivation.

Is it luck?

Not so bad!


At this time.

There was a trembling wolf howling outside.

Qin Feiyang got up and walked out of the practice room, and he saw that the white-eyed wolf had broken the extreme state of the **** and successfully opened the door to potential.


When Qin Feiyang was seen, Fire Lotus and White-eyed Wolf suddenly looked startled.

Why does this repair happen?

How to stay in the Great Perfection?

"He failed."

Huo Yi smiled helplessly.


"how is this possible?"

"He just said that he can definitely break through two small realms?"

The white-eyed wolf looked at Huo Yi and said.

"He lied to you."

"Before that, he didn't know what would happen to the Divine Chaos Divine Pill?"

Fire is easy.

"do not know?"

"Wouldn't it be to treat Brother as a mouse?"

The white-eyed wolf froze.


Huo Yigan coughed and nodded, "It's a bit of a meaning."

"Little Qinzi, you bastard!"

The white-eyed wolf suddenly burned with anger, and the open-mouthed claws flew towards Qin Feiyang.

Huo Yi is a gloating face.

But suddenly!

The white-eyed wolf stopped with a sudden brake and looked at Qin Feiyang.

"what's going on?"

"Actually refrained from shooting?"

"This is not the character of the white-eyed wolf!"

The fire is easy to mumble.

The white-eyed wolf suddenly grinned, but also gloated with joy: "Just pit it, anyway, brother has succeeded, it doesn't matter, and from this matter proves that his character is better than him."

Qin Feiyang twitched his lips.


"Are you jealous?"


"Haha ..."

"If you want to hang, you end up pitting yourself!"

"You slowly get annoyed, brother went to practice, bye."

The white-eyed wolf smiled at Qin Feiyang, then took a small step while humming a small song, proudly entered the training room.

Qin Feiyang smiled bitterly.

There's no way, this guy should be in trouble, who told him to fail!

But what is going on here?

The reason for this failure is that Qin Feiyang is puzzled, and it can't really be a character problem!

It seems that his character is not so bad!


"The reason must be understood."

Qin Feiyang grumbled and looked at Fire Lotus: "Girl, give me ten medicinal herbs, and then go to Xuanwu Realm to find ten gods.


Huolian shook his head and smiled, then took out ten medicinal materials and gave them to Qin Feiyang, then turned around and ran out of the castle, disappeared.

Qin Feiyang also followed into the practice room and fired the alchemy.


Less than a moment.

Fire Lotus returned with ten people.

There are men and women, old and young.

Cultivation is all half-step gods.

Half-step Divine King is already a top strong in Xuanwu Realm, so their status in Xuanwu Realm is not low.

But at the moment, standing in the hall of the old castle, they were full of fear.

Isn't this the Devil's Land?

Why is there not only a stunning medicine field, but also an ancient castle?

Da da!

Along with the sound of footsteps, Qin Feiyang walked out of the practice room.


Ten people were startled.

None of these people's cultivation practices can be seen through!

No wonder Li Er and Wang San will order that no one should enter the Devil's Land, which originally hides such a group of horrible characters.

"and many more!"

"He seems familiar?"


Ten people stared at Qin Feiyang, and there was a trace of suspiciousness in his eyes.

"It's him!"

"At that time Qin Feiyang, who destroyed Vanguard and Fengtian Palace!"

One of the old men exclaimed.

In fact, for the Xuanwu world, the name Qin Feiyang is no stranger.

Because not only was Qin Feiyang wandering in Xuanwu Realm, he opened the door to rebirth last time and saw him when he resurrected the creatures in Xuanwu Realm.

In the Xuanwu world.

Qin Feiyang is a legend.


Qin Feiyang is the master of Xuanwu Realm, and no one in Xuanwu Realm knows so far.

I do n’t even know that Qin Feiyang gave them all the hidden treasures that appeared suddenly in recent years.


Qin Feiyang smiled lightly.

Ten people's faces were full of panic.

"Don't be afraid."

"I came to you not to hurt you."

"On the contrary, it's for you to make it."

Qin Feiyang smiled and waved his hand, and ten Chaos Divine Pills appeared.

"Dragon-shaped pride!"

"It's all magic pills!"

Ten people were shocked.

In the ancient world, it is very difficult to see the Divine Pill, let alone Xuanwu Realm.

In the eyes of creatures in the Xuanwu world, the Divine Pill is a legendary thing.

And now.

Ten magic pill appeared at once, one can imagine how much impact on them.

"Each one of you, take it now."

Qin Feiyang laughed.

"There are such good things?"

Ten people froze, their eyes alert.

Who knows what panacea this is, in case it is highly toxic?


"Otherwise kill you!"

The three Black Panther brothers released their momentum and were fierce.

They are all half-step to god, and the momentum is undoubtedly comparable to Tianwei for the ten half-step gods.

Ten people's eyes shuddered, they could only harden their scalp, stepped forward to grab the medicine, and stuffed it into their mouths.

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