Invincible God of War

Chapter 2476: Old Castle Spirit?

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"Master Ye?"

"How soon did your old man miss me?"

Qin Feiyang looked at Ye Zhong with surprise.

"Don't pretend to be stupid!"

"Did he kill you!"

Ye Zhong said in a deep voice.


Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

Ye Zhongdao: "Island Master of the First Island."


"Is the island owner dead?"

Qin Feiyang looked blank.

Ye Zhong looked at Qin Feiyang, his eyes sparkling.

"and many more."


"Isn't Lord Lord not returning to Dragon Island, how could he die?"

"Master Ye, don't joke."

Qin Feiyang said.

But he was laughing inwardly. The efficiency of this god's work is really good.

Ye Zhongdao: "Just before, he was assassinated under the stone ladder."

"No way!"

"Whoever dares to dare to kill the dragon clan, don't die?"

"and many more."

"Master Ye, aren't you doubting me?"

"I just returned from the treasure house of God's Secret."

"It's impossible to suspect me!"

Qin Feiyang said.

"The perpetrator is definitely not you, but it must be related to you!"

Ye Zhong frowned and said.

"I can't afford this crime."

"You still let me go!"

"As for the death of the island master ..."

"What did you say?"

"Right, right, good and bad, good and bad, God is fair, **** people, can't run away."

Qin Feiyang laughed.

Ye Zhong frowned, saying: "For the time being, let's not talk about this matter. When you killed Wang Daren, did you use Fire Thunder Divine Skill and Ming Wang Jinshen?"

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: "Your old supernatural powers will definitely be able to find out."

Ye Zhong was quite powerless and said: "It's been a mess outside recently, don't run around."

Then he turned and left.

This child is young, but how can it be like an old fox, dripping water?

"Thank you for always caring."

"Come on, walk slowly."

Qin Feiyang looked at Ye Zhong's back and smiled.


After Ye Zhong left, Qin Feiyang suddenly sneered.

I really thought I could go back to Shenlong Island alive?

Naive, ridiculous.


It's not over yet, the good show is still behind.

Wait and see!

Saying that you regret it will definitely make you regret it.


Qin Feiyang entered the castle again and continued to practice Qilin Jue.



Ye Zhong sat on the ground, frowning tightly.

He dared to conclude that the death of the black man must be related to this son.

But he could not produce any evidence.


Ye Zhong took out the image spar.



Another old man in white appeared as the deputy lord of the law enforcement hall.

"Brother, is there something?"

The deputy hall master looked at Ye Zhong suspiciously.

Ye Zhongdao: "You come first."

"it is good."

The deputy hall nodded.


He descended on the square and walked to Ye Zhong, suspiciously, "Brother, what's the matter?"

Ye Zhong asked, "Do you know what happened before in the treasure house of God's Secret?"

"Just heard."

"This is Lee, it's really a bit capable."

The deputy hall nodded.

"But did you know? Just before, the owner of the first island was assassinated under the stone ladder."

Ye Zhong sighed.


The deputy hall master was surprised and asked, "Who is it?"

"do not know."

"This man's speed is very fast. When I run down, it has disappeared, and the remaining breath has been erased."

"But I doubt that it must be related to Li Fu, but there is no evidence."

Ye Zhong looked helpless.

The deputy hall master asked: "Li Bu Er has been out?"

Ye Zhongdao said: "It's because he hasn't been out that I can't take him."

The deputy hall master frowned: "That's not necessarily related to Li Fuer!"

"Isn't this obvious?"

"I was assassinated as soon as there was a contradiction, not who else would he be?"

"And in the treasure house of God's Secret, he said a word to me."

Ye Zhong frowned.

"What's the matter?"

The deputy hall master was suspicious.

Ye Zhongdao said: "He said, I will regret it."


The deputy hall master was stunned and shook his head and smiled: "Even if you dare threaten, this kid is very interesting."

"dare you laugh?"

"Do you know, now I feel particularly embarrassing, and I'm actually being turned around by a kid?"

Ye Zhong snorted angrily, saying: "You are now going to the place of assessment of the Nine Heavens."

"Why do you go there?"

The deputy hall master was suspicious.

"Don't ask, look at the assessment site, are there any artifacts and magic tactics?"


Ye Zhongdao.


The deputy hall master nodded, then turned around and swept out of the Dragon Temple.

"The two young people recruited this time are not easy!"

Ye Zhong muttered.

The thought of the young man who was listless all day long but ridiculously strong could not help but have a headache.

And now, there is one more difficult person.

It seems that after this, some are busy.


Two days later.

The deputy hall master finally came out of the appraisal place, and his old face was full of wonder.

Nonstop, he returned to the Dragon Temple.

Ye Zhong opened his eyes and asked, "How are you doing?"

"It's really strange."

"I turned the assessment ground upside down, but I didn't find a magic formula or an artifact."

The main hall of the vice hall.

Ye Zhong looked stiff, and then smiled bitterly: "Don't think about it, it must be the masterpiece of Li Bu Er and the young man."


The deputy hall master looked at Ye Zhong suspiciously.

"When Li Bu killed the three of Wang Daren, he used Fire Thunder and Ming Wang Jinshen."

"It was only at that time that I didn't see it with my own eyes and was not sure, so I asked you to go to the assessment site."

Ye Zhong sighed.

The deputy hall master nodded suddenly, and said silently: "No artifact is left, these two boys are a little sad and mad!"

"I think they are intentional."

Ye Zhong shook his head and said, "From now on, you will be stationed on the first island, silently, and monitor his movements anytime and anywhere."

"What about the youth?"

The deputy hall master asked.

"Regardless of him, I have a hunch. What he said makes me regret it. It must be more than that."

Ye Zhongdao.

"it is good."

The deputy hall master nodded and flew towards the first island.


Inside the castle.

Two days outside, two hundred years have passed.

Whether it is Qin Feiyang or the **** wolf, they have already controlled the Qilin Juice and the Sirius.


Over the past year in the castle, the spirits of the four anti-celestial artifacts still have no signs of awakening.

This made Qin Feiyang suspicious.

Is Qiling pretending to be asleep and looking for a chance to escape from the castle?

Can observe for a while, but did not find anything.

Qin Feiyang was really impatient, turned his head to look at Fire Lotus and reached out: "Give me the axe."

Fire Lotus took out the axe and handed it to Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang grabbed the axe and looked at the four anti-celestial artifacts, whether he was installing it or not.



Qin Feiyang raised his axe and cleaved towards the four great anti-celestial artifacts.

Clang! !

The next moment.

The four great anti-celestial artifacts erupted into a terror.

"Sure enough!"

Qin Feiyang grimaced.

Huolian quickly rushed to Qin Feiyang and watched the four great artifacts.

If these four artifacts against the sky are restored in the ancient castle, they will not only bring them the disaster of extinction, but even the creatures of the Xuanwu world will be affected.

Qin Feiyang suddenly waved his hand, and the gate of the ancient castle suddenly closed.


Qin Feiyang returned the axe to Fire Lotus, looked at the four artifacts against the sky, and said lightly: "You are quite cunning!"

The four anti-celestial artifacts are silent.

"You all played against the castle, knowing the strength of the castle."

"Even if you confront each other head-on, you are not its opponent, let alone you are in its internal space."

"So I advise you not to do stupid things."

Qin Feiyang said.

Fire Lotus suddenly realized.

The four great anti-celestial artifacts, do not know that the castle has been sealed by small animals, so for the castle, there will be some fear.

Is Brother Qin not nervous?


He is also nervous.

But it cannot be shown.

Because once manifested, the four great anti-celestial artifacts will be suspicious.

And the opposite.

Maintaining a state of calmness and self-sufficiency can deter the four great anti-celestial artifacts.

"Don't do stupid things?"

"Qin Feiyang, you scare us less!"

"Think we don't know, your castle has been sealed by a small beast?"

A voice suddenly sounded, from the setting sun bow.

Obviously the magic of the sunset bow.


Qin Feiyang was shocked.

Fire Lotus was also surprised.

How could they know?

During this time, no one seems to have mentioned this?



Fire Lotus slapped his head.


Qin Feiyang looked at Fire Lotus suspiciously.

"It seems that one day, when the three Black Panther brothers chatted with me, I told them that the castle was sealed."

"Did you hear it at that time?"

Fire Lotus looked at the four artifacts and asked.

"Not bad."

"We were already awake by then."

Said the bow of the setting sun bow.

Fire Lotus immediately looked at Qin Feiyang and blamed himself: "Brother Qin, I'm sorry ..."

"It's okay."

Qin Feiyang waved his hands, looking at the four great anti-celestial artifacts, and asked, "Why don't you take advantage of that?"

The spirit of the setting sun bow went silent.

"Then let me guess."

"On the one hand, I should be afraid of my killing domain!"

"Because you have suffered more than once in my killing territory."

"But I think that just killing the domain should not be enough to make you so scared."

"Because if you completely unravel the seal, then you are fully capable of smashing the Xuanwu Realm and escaping before I open the killing domain."

"It even killed us."

"But you haven't done this and have been lurking in the old castle."

"Then I boldly guess the second reason."

"After these fights, you may be thinking, is it right or wrong to follow the Dragon Clan?"

"So as soon as I sum up, I plan to stay in the old castle and observe us secretly."

"Of course, this is just my personal guess. Is this the case? I still need you to help me."

Qin Feiyang looked at the four artifacts against the sky and said.

Be silent.

The instrumental spirit of the setting sun bow suddenly said: "This can all be speculated. Sure enough, as the instrumental spirit of the ancient castle said, you are an amazing person."


"The spirit of the old castle?"

"You guys communicated with it?"

Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

[PS; Something happened today and tomorrow, guaranteed two chapters every day]

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