Invincible God of War

Chapter 2553: go alone

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One day.

Qin Feiyang's Xiuwei finally broke through and stepped into Dacheng to God, one step closer to the Nine Heavens.

But he didn't go out, looking for Fire Lotus to bring all kinds of medicines to make alchemy.

Special Linghai Pill, Divine Power Pill, Divine Soul Pill, Sky Dust Pill, Life Pill and so on.

Linghaidan, repair the sea of ​​qi.

Divine power, restore the power.

Soul Pill, repair the soul.

Life magic, healing.

Sky dust magic, increase cultivation.

In Pluto Hell, these immortals are definitely needed.

In case of unexpected needs, Qin Feiyang refined many, many.

Just like the **** of life, he refined more than 100,000 pieces, all of which are four dragon-shaped danqi.


After refining the Elixir, Qin Feiyang walked out of the castle and looked at the medicine field outside, exhaling for a long time.

Alchemy is really a deadly word.

He now especially misses Dan Wangcai.

If Dan Wangcai is around, he doesn't need to personally practice alchemy.

It's just that over the years, where has Dan Wangcai's spiritual strength grown? What level of immortality can be refined?


"Why haven't you come to me yet?"

Qin Feiyang gradually frowned.

What are these guys doing?

"Brother Qin."

At this time.

Fire Lotus came from a distance, with a faint smile on his face.

"Where did you come back from?"

Qin Feiyang looked up and asked with a smile.

"Shen Zang."

Fire Lotus laughed.

"Shen Zang ..."

Qin Feiyang pondered a little, and said, "Just change the opening time of the God Hidden, and open it once every thousand years, so as not to cause you to run around.

"What's wrong with this."

Fire Lotus shook his head and said, "Brother Qin, I have been thinking about a question during this time."

"what is the problem?"

Qin Feiyang looked at her suspiciously.

"In Pluto Hell, once the anti-celestial artifact is used, it will be bombarded by the power of the rules."

"That old castle, although sealed, is also an anti-celestial artifact."

"If you enter the castle at that time, and the castle is exposed, will you be bombarded by the force of the rules?"

Fire Lotus frowned.


Qin Feiyang lowered his head.

He had never thought about this problem.

Fire Lotus asked: "Would you like to consult Ye Zhong again?"

"Ye Zhong objected to me entering Pluto Hell. If I ask now, he will doubt that I have other ideas. Do you think he will tell me?"

Qin Feiyang was helpless.

"Then let Ye Cheng summon him."

"Ye Cheng is his younger brother, it's impossible to hide it!"

Fire Lotus Road.


Qin Feiyang slapped his head and turned into the old castle hall, shouting: "Ye Cheng, come out."



The stone door of a practice room opened.

Ye Cheng strode out.

Qin Feiyang briefly explained the situation.

Ye Cheng heard, nodded suddenly, and then took out the image spar.

Qin Feiyang and Fire Lotus retreated aside.



The phantom of a white-haired old man emerged.

Ye Zhong!


Ye Cheng smiled.

Ye Zhong looked at the wall behind Ye Cheng and suspiciously said, "Where are you?"

Ye Chengdao said: "Retreat outside and practice."

Ye Zhong froze for a moment, wondering: "Retreat and retreat, why do you go outside?"

"Aren't you afraid of disturbing you!"

Ye Cheng laughed.

"You are the deputy lord of the law enforcement hall, who dares to disturb you to clean up?"

Ye Zhong shook his head speechlessly and asked, "Why do you want to send me a message?"

Ye Cheng said: "I want to inquire about the underworld hell."

"What are you doing for Pluto Hell?"

"Do you want to go in too?"

Ye Zhong frowned.

"How dare I go in!"

"I'm just a little curious."

Ye Cheng was helpless.


"Isn't that Li Bu'er, let you ask?"

Ye Zhongdao.

Hearing this, Qin Feiyang couldn't help but smile bitterly.

It really can't hide this old man.

"Li Buer?"

Ye Cheng stunned for a moment, suspiciously said: "Will he also go to Pluto Hell?"

"He must think."

"But the old man will not allow him to go, because no one knows the danger of Pluto Hell better than me."

"On his point of cultivation, if you go in, you will definitely die."

Ye Zhongdao.

Ye Cheng smiled: "It seems that you still care about him!"


"After all, it is the life-saver of the old man."

"Still my disciple."

"Of course I have to do my duty as a master."

Ye Zhong shook his head and said, "Speak, what do you want to know?"

"I heard that Qin Feiyang seems to have a space fetish?"

Ye Cheng asked.


"He is a space artifact, an ancient castle, and an anti-celestial artifact."

Ye Zhong nodded.

"Then, if he enters Pluto Hell, he will meet you at that time and hide in the old castle, wouldn't you be right?"

Ye Cheng was suspicious.

"If he is hiding in the old castle outside, the old man is still the same, but if he dares to go in Pluto Hell, it will be his own destruction!"

Ye Zhong sneered.

Ye Cheng was stunned and curious: "Brother, what do you say?"

"You don't know."

"In Pluto Hell, even the space artifacts are not turned on, let alone the anti-celestial artifacts like the castle."

Ye Zhongdao.


"Can't open space fetish?"

Ye Cheng was shocked.

Qin Feiyang and Fire Lotus couldn't help moving.


"Space artifacts are unavailable in Pluto Hell."

"In other words, people outside cannot go in, nor can people inside come out."

"It includes his independent small world."

Ye Zhong said.

"There is still this thing!"

Qin Feiyang grimaced.

Ye Cheng was also shocked, looking at Ye Zhongdao: "I didn't expect the Pluto Hell to be so terrible."

"Of course scary."

"How could it be called Pluto Hell."

"This is a hell-like existence."

Ye Zhongdao.

Ye Chenghu suspiciously said: "Why didn't you announce this news to the outside world?"

"Naturally, to deal with Qin Feiyang."

Ye Zhong smiled.

"To deal with him?"

Ye Cheng was shocked.


"You think about it. When he was unprepared, he entered Pluto Hell and suddenly found that he could not enter the space gods. What would happen to him?"

"Surely panic."

"Once a person is in a panic, there will be many flaws."

"The key is."

"Unconsciously, he will definitely put a lot of important things in the castle for the time being."

"Such as elixir, soul stone, **** crystal, etc."

"And in Pluto Hell, these things are crucial."

"It can even be said that without these things, it would be difficult for him to survive Hades."

"Wait for him to come in and find these things, they can't be taken out of the castle, then he's not desperate yet?"

Ye Zhong smiled.

"It turns out this way."

Ye Cheng suddenly realized, smiling: "Brother, IMHO, you seem a bit ... mean!"

"no way."

"To deal with this kid, if he is not mean, he can't take him at all."

Ye Zhong shook his head, his face full of helplessness.

If there is a way, he will not choose to use this kind of rogue.

"That's fine!"

"I wish you a successful task."

"I continue to practice."

Ye Cheng smiled.


Ye Zhong nodded.

Ye Cheng turned off the crystal spar and looked helplessly at Qin Feiyang, saying: "It seems that this time Brother, he is so determined to get rid of you!"

"Then look, is he a foot tall, or is I a devil."

Qin Feiyang smiled lightly.

Ye Cheng sighed: "No matter what, I still hope you can show mercy."

"I know."

Qin Feiyang nodded.

Frankly speaking, he really can't kill Ye Zhong.

Because this old man, no matter what aspect, is amazing.

Take this one.

If Fire Lotus hadn't thought about this, he really went into Hades Hell without any preparation.

As Ye Zhong said, he will also put the prepared medicine in advance in the old castle.

Then, when you enter the Hades, you really should not be called every day.


This was identified in advance.

Let him have enough preparation.

"Brother Qin, unable to enter the castle and Xuanwu world, is not a trivial matter, you must make arrangements in advance!"

Fire Lotus asked.

"There is nothing to arrange."

"You all practice well in the ancient castle and the Xuanwu world, and I go to Hades and Hell alone."

Qin Feiyang said.


"You go alone?"

Fire Lotus was shocked.


Qin Feiyang nodded.

"I disagree."

Fire Lotus shook his head.

"I also disagree."

Ye Cheng followed.

When one goes to Pluto Hell, then Qin Feiyang will go alone to meet the Dragon Clan.

Isn't this death?

Qin Feiyang looked at the attitude of the two and smiled: "It's not a hurry, I'll wait until Pluto Hell opens."

This is just a relief strategy to appease the two.

At that time, when Pluto Hell opens, he goes in alone, and Fire Lotus and others are no different.

Without his permission, no one can leave the Xuanwu world and the ancient castle.

in fact.

His decision was also considered.

Although everyone followed him, they could have a mutual care, but because of the power of the rules of Pluto Hell, such as Fire Lotus, Feng Dazhi, Huo Yi, and Five-claw Golden Dragon, they had to suppress cultivation to the Nine Heavens.


Fire Lotus, if they suppress the cultivation base to Jiutian Realm, they won't do much.

Then let alone the people like Li Changhe and Wang Daoyuan.

and so.

Everyone went to risk together, it was better for him to go in alone, he had no worries, let go and fight with the dragon clan.


Fire Lotus and Ye Cheng are not stupid.

Did not believe Qin Feiyang's gossip.

When Qin Feiyang returned to the training room, the two summoned everyone.

There are lunatics, Wang Daoyuan, Li Changhe, Feng Dazhi, Jiang Dafei, Lei Bing, Wang Qi.

There are three brothers, the white-eyed wolf, the **** wolf, and the black panther.


The lunatic looked at Fire Lotus and Ye Cheng puzzled.


Fire Lotus sighed and gave a detailed and detailed explanation of the situation.

After hearing this, all but the lunatic and the white-eyed wolf were unanimously opposed.

Go alone to Pluto Hell? What a joke.

"Brother Wolf, you have the best relationship with Brother Qin. Do you want to talk to him?"

Fire Lotus turned to look at the white-eyed wolf, who said nothing.

"You still don't know Xiao Qinzi's stubborn temper? The decision he made cannot be brought back by ten cows."

The white-eyed wolf clasped his nostrils and said lightly.

The **** wolf frowned: "Boss Wolf, why don't you look worried at all?"

"Worry? He is not a child."

"Blind toss."

"Don't disturb Brother's cultivation, so be it!"

The white-eyed wolf waved his paw and returned to the training room.

"I thought it was a big deal, it turned out to be a waste of time."

The madman said lightly and returned to the training room without looking back.

"What do these two guys mean?"

Everyone could not help frowning.

Seeing the inattentive attitudes of the lunatics and the white-eyed wolf, they couldn't help raising a anger.

Only Fire Lotus looked thoughtfully at the backs of the madman and the white-eyed wolf.

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